View Full Version : Justice System Rubbish.

Liberi Fatali
06-12-2008, 10:00 AM
Imagine my frustration after this happened. It only got worse until GM-Xayle came by and saved the day. This is not the first time this has happened to me.

You remove a spiraling black wire rose pin from in the Jenovadeath box.
[Script]>You remove a black mask streaked with tears of pale grey from in the Jenovadeath box.
[Script]>wear mask
wear pin
You carefully put on a black mask streaked with tears of pale grey, concealing your face.
[Script]>You put on a spiraling black wire rose pin.
[Script]>get ank from jen box
wear ank
You remove a twisted silver-link anklet from in the Jenovadeath box.
[Script]>You carefully put on your silver-link anklet. As you close the clasp you hear an audible click.
[Script]>get trous from jen box
get bad from jen box
You remove a pair of grey wolfskin trousers with piping of deep green snakeskin running down the seams from in the Jenovadeath box.
[Script]>You remove a coral-bound maoral Adventurer's Guild badge from in the Jenovadeath box.

Suddenly, a large group of cudgel-waving townsmen come barreling in. They wrestle you to the ground and drag you off, chanting something about tar and feathers!

[Dragonspine and Imflass]
Dragonspine broadens into a wide plaza, a bazaar paved with grey and white granite flagstones. The foot traffic, mostly preoccupied dwarves, mingles with ox carts, pack horses, and burros laden with goods. Vendors have set up wooden booths to peddle their assorted wares. You also see a floating bile green eye that is flying around.
Also here: Eldaria who is lying down
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west

A city official drags in a makeshift gallows that looks rather rickety. Behind the official come two burly townsfolk, hauling a large vat of steaming tar. They drag the vat over next to the gallows.

Suddenly, the townsmen holding you throw you roughly to the ground. They quickly tie your arms and legs together with stout rope, and string you up on the gallows by your feet.

The city official leaps up on the gallows and checks your bonds. Satisfied that they are tight, he leaps down and signals the gathering crowd that they may begin. The townsmen begin to laugh and heckle you as they approach the vat of hot tar!
Eldaria murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Eldaria gestures.
Eldaria springs upright with amazing agility!
[Script]>wear tro
wear bad
Now how are you supposed to do that while trussed up and unable to move?
[Script]>Now how are you supposed to do that while trussed up and unable to move?
The iris in the floating eye contracts and rotates, slowly taking in everything around it.
Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.
Eldaria just went north.
[Script]>l in jen box
get am from jen box
I could not find what you were referring to.
[Script]>Now how are you supposed to do that while trussed up and unable to move?
[Script]>wear am
get breast
Now how are you supposed to do that while trussed up and unable to move?
[Script]>Now how are you supposed to do that while trussed up and unable to move?

[Script aborted.]
[Dragonspine and Imflass]
Dragonspine broadens into a wide plaza, a bazaar paved with grey and white granite flagstones. The foot traffic, mostly preoccupied dwarves, mingles with ox carts, pack horses, and burros laden with goods. Vendors have set up wooden booths to peddle their assorted wares. You also see the Jenovadeath disk and a floating bile green eye that is flying around.
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
>tell eye to return
Now how are you supposed to do that while trussed up and unable to move?

Someone mutters, "Disturbing the peace by Jenovadeath! Call the Dwarven deputy!"

You feel at full magical power again.

The Dwarven deputy ambles in, with a number of axe-wielding dwarves behind him.

With great ease, the Dwarven deputy grabs you and shackles your wrists.

"Ah-ha! The boys at the Whining Elf said I might find something interesting here," says the Dwarven deputy.
The Dwarven deputy then drags you off.

Arriving at the Deputy Commander's Office, the Dwarven deputy gestures to a nearby dwarven aide who strips you of your possessions. The Dwarven deputy then drags you downstairs where he quickly unlocks a steel door and throws you through it. "Enjoy your stay until the Commander is ready to talk to you!" he laughs gleefully.

With a dull thud and rattle of keys in a lock, the door closes and locks, leaving you trapped in the cell.

In the distance you hear the Dwarven deputy say, "There are clothes on the floor if you want them, but I expect them to be returned. You have two weeks time to clear out of here and collect your belongings. After two weeks I like to clean out the clutter in my office."

The inside of the cell is rank...so rank it seems even the rats have found better accomodations. Water drips from the ceiling, nurturing a foul-smelling mold on the walls and making the packed earth floor a sloppy mud. On closer inspection, a pile of red dust becomes the remnants of shackles long ago rusted, and you hesitate to inspect the puddle in the corner. You will certainly keep from breaking the law in this place, if only to never have to see this cell again. You also see a pair of bright orange trousers, a bright orange shirt and a steel door.
Obvious exits: none
The inside of the cell is rank...so rank it seems even the rats have found better accomodations. Water drips from the ceiling, nurturing a foul-smelling mold on the walls and making the packed earth floor a sloppy mud. On closer inspection, a pile of red dust becomes the remnants of shackles long ago rusted, and you hesitate to inspect the puddle in the corner. You will certainly keep from breaking the law in this place, if only to never have to see this cell again. You also see a pair of bright orange trousers, a bright orange shirt and a steel door.
Obvious exits: none
* Uraltain just bit the dust!
You are wearing nothing special at this time.
Type INVENTORY HELP for more options.
A trio of rough-looking young men approach you with a large bucket of steaming hot tar. The crowd goes wild as they pour the tar over your right hand, causing you to writhe and scream.
The inside of the cell is rank...so rank it seems even the rats have found better accomodations. Water drips from the ceiling, nurturing a foul-smelling mold on the walls and making the packed earth floor a sloppy mud. On closer inspection, a pile of red dust becomes the remnants of shackles long ago rusted, and you hesitate to inspect the puddle in the corner. You will certainly keep from breaking the law in this place, if only to never have to see this cell again. You also see a pair of bright orange trousers, a bright orange shirt and a steel door.
Obvious exits: none
You exclaim, "Hey!"
>chat I'm being burned alive in the cell!
You focus on transmitting your thought.
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
The townsfolk give a roar of approval as one of them pours a bit of tar from a small bucket onto you. You scream in pain as your right arm burns!
>chat But I'm in jail!
You focus on transmitting your thought.
The inside of the cell is rank...so rank it seems even the rats have found better accomodations. Water drips from the ceiling, nurturing a foul-smelling mold on the walls and making the packed earth floor a sloppy mud. On closer inspection, a pile of red dust becomes the remnants of shackles long ago rusted, and you hesitate to inspect the puddle in the corner. You will certainly keep from breaking the law in this place, if only to never have to see this cell again. You also see a pair of bright orange trousers, a bright orange shirt and a steel door.
Obvious exits: none
>The townsfolk give a roar of approval as one of them pours a bit of tar from a small bucket onto you. You scream in pain as your back burns!
The inside of the cell is rank...so rank it seems even the rats have found better accomodations. Water drips from the ceiling, nurturing a foul-smelling mold on the walls and making the packed earth floor a sloppy mud. On closer inspection, a pile of red dust becomes the remnants of shackles long ago rusted, and you hesitate to inspect the puddle in the corner. You will certainly keep from breaking the law in this place, if only to never have to see this cell again. You also see a pair of bright orange trousers, a bright orange shirt and a steel door.
Obvious exits: none
Name: Jenovadeath Nattak Race: Dark Elf Profession: Sorcerer (not shown)
Gender: Male Age: 202 Expr: 10182887 Level: 100
Normal (Bonus) ... Enhanced (Bonus)
Strength (STR): 100 (25) ... 100 (25)
Constitution (CON): 68 (4) ... 57 (-2)
Dexterity (DEX): 100 (35) ... 100 (35)
Agility (AGI): 100 (30) ... 100 (30)
Discipline (DIS): 100 (15) ... 100 (15)
Aura (AUR): 100 (35) ... 100 (35)
Logic (LOG): 100 (25) ... 100 (25)
Intuition (INT): 100 (30) ... 100 (30)
Wisdom (WIS): 100 (30) ... 100 (30)
Influence (INF): 100 (20) ... 100 (20)
Mana: 366 Silver: 0
You are wearing nothing special at this time.
Type INVENTORY HELP for more options.
Level: 100 Deeds: 18 Mana: 366/366 max
Next: 2113 Sting: None
PTP/MTP: 97/0 Deaths: 5

Session: 3 hours, 36 minutes, 33 seconds
Exp: 1465 [6.77/min, 405.91/hr, 5 hours, 12 minutes, 20 seconds to next]
Fame: 18772 [86.69/min, 5201.20/hr]

XXX: Inactive, 18h 31:36 until next
Recent: +100 exp

Your mind is as clear as a bell.

You scream!
A kind-looking grey-haired old woman approaches you slowly. As she reaches your side, she pulls her hand from behind her back, revealing a broomstick that has been dipped into tar. She smears tar onto your head and says in a kindly voice, "Maybe this will teach you some manners."
The inside of the cell is rank...so rank it seems even the rats have found better accomodations. Water drips from the ceiling, nurturing a foul-smelling mold on the walls and making the packed earth floor a sloppy mud. On closer inspection, a pile of red dust becomes the remnants of shackles long ago rusted, and you hesitate to inspect the puddle in the corner. You will certainly keep from breaking the law in this place, if only to never have to see this cell again. You also see a pair of bright orange trousers, a bright orange shirt and a steel door.
Obvious exits: none
A filthy child picks up a sharp stick from the ground, dips it into the tar and prods your head with it. You wince and gasp in pain as he stabs you a few times before throwing the stick down and running back to his mother.
* Karlite returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
A well-dressed cleric leaps onto the platform and exhorts the crowd to cease their torture of you. They pause for a moment as if considering the cleric's advice, and then enthusiastically resume their flinging of hot tar. A large glob hits your right leg and splatters onto the well-meaning cleric, who squeaks in terror and leaps down, disappearing quickly into the crowd.


You hear the metallic rattle of keys and a door suddenly swings open. A portly deputy then trundles into the room, deftly, catching you by the arm and throwing you into the midst of a formidable group of burly dwarves.

You are dragged up two flights of stairs, one bump at a time, and hauled before the island's supreme authority, the Militia Commander himself!

[Commander's Office]
Kiramon mandibles, troll hides and the pelt of a great, grey ape are mounted on the stone walls of this circular chamber. A battered mistwood desk sits below a small, square window. The fat dwarf perched behind the desk glares at you with his one good eye. You also see the Dwarven deputy.
Obvious exits: down

The commander studies you for a moment, then motions toward a deputy who fiercely proclaims, "Jenovadeath stands accused of the following crimes..."

The deputy says, "Jenovadeath is charged with 1 count of disturbing the peace. This 1 crime carries a total fine of 4800 silvers."

The commander glances at you and bellows, "You know...I just got a message from my wife. My mother-in-law is coming to visit."He scowls heavily at you, as if you were to blame for his predicament. "For TWO weeks. That's how my day's been, let's discuss yours...You think you're innocent, eh? Well...let me ponder the eviden...NO! Guilty as charged!"

He continues, "In order to make reparations, you may settle your debt one of three ways. You may either pay the fine of 4800 silvers plus any other outstanding debts you may have, serve a total of 20 minutes of incarceration, or do 20 minutes of community service around town. You may ANSWER me either FINE, INCARCERATION, or SERVICE as your choice. But I digress. Choose quickly, now, lest I hold you in contempt of court for wasting my time."
* Toranna just bit the dust!
>answer fine
Now how are you supposed to do that while trussed up and unable to move?
A trio of rough-looking young men approach you with a large bucket of steaming hot tar. The crowd goes wild as they pour the tar over your left leg, causing you to writhe and scream.
The Dwarven deputy glances at you and smirks.
The Dwarven deputy just went down.
>report Hey! I can't answer the question while I'm trussed up and unable to move!
REPORT should only be used to notify the GemStone IV staff of emergency situations or gamewide technical errors. Please use ASSIST for general support.

Message sent to all online game staff. While no staff members are currently on duty, there are likely to be several lurking behind the scenes to investigate your report. If you feel the need to speak with the staff, please type ASSIST for a list of options.

>answer fine
Now how are you supposed to do that while trussed up and unable to move?
An armored guard climbs onto the gallows to check your bonds. He tightens the ropes on your ankles and leans down to smile crookedly at you before leaping back to the ground. The townsfolk take that as a signal to continue, and pelt your left hand with tar.
You have severe head trauma and bleeding from the ears, a fractured and bleeding right arm, a fractured and bleeding right leg, a fractured and bleeding left leg, a fractured and bleeding right hand, a completely severed left hand, and deep lacerations across your back.

Maximum Health Points: 118
Remaining Health Points: 75
You are feeling light headed.

Maximum Spirit Points: 10
Remaining Spirit Points: 10

Maximum Stamina Points: 74
Remaining Stamina Points: 74

>answer fine
Now how are you supposed to do that while trussed up and unable to move?
[Commander's Office]
Kiramon mandibles, troll hides and the pelt of a great, grey ape are mounted on the stone walls of this circular chamber. A battered mistwood desk sits below a small, square window. The fat dwarf perched behind the desk glares at you with his one good eye.
Obvious exits: down
A kind-looking grey-haired old woman approaches you slowly. As she reaches your side, she pulls her hand from behind her back, revealing a broomstick that has been dipped into tar. She smears tar onto your right hand and says in a kindly voice, "Maybe this will teach you some manners."
* Bhodili just bit the dust!
>answer fine
Now how are you supposed to do that while trussed up and unable to move?
You wildly flail your arms about shooting ash and soot in every direction.
An elderly gentleman in a plain but well-tailored suit makes his way to the front of the platform. Despite his simple clothes and false mustache, you recognize him as the judge who sentenced you. He looks solemnly into your eyes as he pours a small bucket of tar onto your back. You scream in pain and the gentleman gives a satisfied nod before taking his leave from the spectacle.
>throw jenova
Now how are you supposed to do that while trussed up and unable to move?
* Odysia returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
You say, "Grr."
[Commander's Office]
Kiramon mandibles, troll hides and the pelt of a great, grey ape are mounted on the stone walls of this circular chamber. A battered mistwood desk sits below a small, square window. The fat dwarf perched behind the desk glares at you with his one good eye.
Obvious exits: down
>answer FINE
Now how are you supposed to do that while trussed up and unable to move?

The commander stares at you and bellows, "I am not here to sit around all day. I hold you in contempt of court! Maybe some time back in jail will set your tongue flapping! Take him away!"

Suddenly, the Dwarven deputy barges in and grabs you tightly. He drags you back to the Militia Headquarters. He drags you downstairs where he quickly unlocks a steel door and throws you through it. "When you're ready to deal with the commander in a civil manner, I'll let you out again." he grumbles.

With a dull thud and rattle of keys in a lock, the door closes and locks, leaving you trapped in the cell.
The inside of the cell is rank...so rank it seems even the rats have found better accomodations. Water drips from the ceiling, nurturing a foul-smelling mold on the walls and making the packed earth floor a sloppy mud. On closer inspection, a pile of red dust becomes the remnants of shackles long ago rusted, and you hesitate to inspect the puddle in the corner. You will certainly keep from breaking the law in this place, if only to never have to see this cell again. You also see a steel door.
Obvious exits: none
* Sovine just bit the dust!
>'Oh, come on!
You exclaim, "Oh, come on!"
Now how are you supposed to do that while trussed up and unable to move?
An armored guard climbs onto the gallows to check your bonds. He tightens the ropes on your ankles and leans down to smile crookedly at you before leaping back to the ground. The townsfolk take that as a signal to continue, and pelt your back with tar.

Active Players: 555

Staff on duty:

Use WHO HELP for more options.
A trio of rough-looking young men approach you with a large bucket of steaming hot tar. The crowd goes wild as they pour the tar over your chest, causing you to writhe and scream.
You have severe head trauma and bleeding from the ears, a fractured and bleeding right arm, a fractured and bleeding right leg, a fractured and bleeding left leg, a completely severed right hand, a completely severed left hand, deep lacerations across your chest, and deep gashes and serious bleeding from your back.

Maximum Health Points: 118
Remaining Health Points: 47
You are feeling weakened.

Maximum Spirit Points: 10
Remaining Spirit Points: 10

Maximum Stamina Points: 74
Remaining Stamina Points: 74

* Rimalon just bit the dust!
A soft looking town official wanders in to observe the goings-on. He nods approvingly as a housewife flings a large glob of tar at your right hand before moving on.

A town official suddenly jumps in front of the crowd. "That's enough now," he says. "If Jenovadeath hasn't learned his lesson now, he never will. Bring out the feathers!". A number of townsfolk bring in some large sacks of goose feathers, and dump them all over you!

The town official looks at you and says, "You aren't welcome in this town any more, troublemaker. We'll make sure you get out of town, and don't come back anytime soon, unless you want more trouble!"

With that, the official raises a nasty looking club and brings it down hard atop your head, knocking you unconscious!

You slowly start coming to, and in doing so realize you have a splitting headache. You struggle to look around to see where you are...

[Wehnimer's, South Wharf]
Dockworkers curse you and each other as they carry their loads from the great trade ships to the warehouses of Wehnimer's Landing. Intermixed with the dockworkers are the crews of ships from various exotic and faraway ports. You also see a gangplank, a burly dwarven dockhand, the Glaesen Star and the Glaesen Star ticket office.
Obvious paths: west

Roundtime: 60 sec.
* The death cry of Pacie echoes in your mind!

[Judge|s14772] (7113) Jenovadeath somehow broke out of pre-judge jail. Charging with jailbreak. This should never happen.
* Diamante joins the adventure.
* The death cry of Palooka echoes in your mind!
* The death cry of Stoniemeadow echoes in your mind!
* The death cry of Daefea echoes in your mind!
>'................................................. .........................
You say, ".................................................. ........................"
...wait 2 seconds.
You are wearing nothing special at this time.
Type INVENTORY HELP for more options.
>'Where are my items?!?!?!?
You ask, "Where are my items?!?!?!?"

[Wehnimer's, South Wharf]
Dockworkers curse you and each other as they carry their loads from the great trade ships to the warehouses of Wehnimer's Landing. Intermixed with the dockworkers are the crews of ships from various exotic and faraway ports. You also see a gangplank, a burly dwarven dockhand, the Glaesen Star and the Glaesen Star ticket office.
Obvious paths: west
>report How am I supposed to get my items?!
REPORT should only be used to notify the GemStone IV staff of emergency situations or gamewide technical errors. Please use ASSIST for general support.

Message sent to all online game staff. While no staff members are currently on duty, there are likely to be several lurking behind the scenes to investigate your report. If you feel the need to speak with the staff, please type ASSIST for a list of options.

>justice status
You sense that your surroundings are calm enough that the deputy would notice if you did anything illegal.
>justice warrant

You are wanted for 3 crimes in Kharam Dzu. They are:
1 count of disturbing the peace
1 count of jailbreak
1 count of contempt

You are wanted for 3 crimes in Solhaven. They are:
2 counts of murder
1 count of demonic summoning
>justice history

You have committed 2 crimes in Wehnimer's Landing in the last six months. They are:
1 count of hooliganism
1 count of endangering public safety

You have committed 18 crimes in Kharam Dzu in the last six months. They are:
2 counts of assault with a deadly weapon
2 counts of murder
3 counts of endangering public safety
8 counts of disturbing the peace
1 count of jailbreak
2 counts of contempt

You have committed 1 crimes in Ta'Illistim in the last six months. They are:
1 count of murder

06-12-2008, 10:08 AM
[Judge|s14772] (7113) Jenovadeath somehow broke out of pre-judge jail. Charging with jailbreak. This should never happen.

What the hell was that? Was that gemstone being like oh shit im broken?

06-12-2008, 10:18 AM
Thats AWESOME. Don't know how they screwed up the timing on the scripts, but I bet you're the only one ever charged with jailbreak.

Some Rogue
06-12-2008, 10:24 AM
You say, "................................................. ........................."


Didn't they just kick you out of town a couple weeks ago too?

Drunken Durfin
06-12-2008, 10:24 AM
I got nailed with jailbreak about a year ago during the whole Landing/Teras museum thing. Several of us were in a group and followed the curator of the Landing museum into the jail cell, where she was then shackled, and we left. Having entered and left the jail cell we were immediately charged with jailbreak.

Took a couple of hours to get it cleared up, would have been nice to keep it in my justice history though.

06-12-2008, 10:44 AM
Thats AWESOME. Don't know how they screwed up the timing on the scripts, but I bet you're the only one ever charged with jailbreak.

Incorrect. You used to be able to do a couple things to get out of jail. Doubt they still work.

06-12-2008, 10:50 AM
You used to get charged with jailbreak for things like not doing your community service.

06-12-2008, 10:54 AM
Wow, we have criminal experts. I am a failure at life.

And Jenova you are no longer special....

Some Rogue
06-12-2008, 11:09 AM
And Jenova you are no longer special....

Oh, he's special....but in a totally different way than you meant.