View Full Version : Obama starts off with a good lead

06-10-2008, 01:25 PM

Oddly enough, if you break it down in the favorable ratings, which can be seen by registering with Rasmussen show an interesting trend.

Obama's favorability ratings amongst Republicans is much higher than McCain's among democrats, and is also higher amongst independants. McCain does better among Republicans than Obama does with democrats, which may be at least partially attributed to women scorned, or people like Ilvane who got their panties in a bunch because a woman didn't win the nomination.

McCain does slightly better with white males and significantly better with white women, whereas Obama has a deadlock on African Americans and Latinos of both genders.

36% said that McCain would be a very effective leader as compared to 25% for Obama and 22% for Clinton. However, only 9% thought McCain would be somewhat effective as compared to 33% for Obama and 19% for Clinton. Shares my values were almost equal with Obama holding 63% to 62% for McCain.

38% felt that Obama cared about their concerns. 23% felt that McCain cared about their concerns.

In terms of the discrimination factor:
61% thought McCain's age would not be a factor, 31% said it would hurt him, and 7% thought it would be an asset.
56% thought Obama's race would not be a factor, 28% said it would hurt him, and 13% thought it would be an asset.

In terms of the economy, currently 44% believe McCain would be more effective, as compared to 34% for Obama with 21% having no opinion.

In terms of foreign policy, 58% believe Obama would be more effective as compared to 21% for McCain, with 20% having no opinion.

In terms of which issues are important, more than 76% of those polled felt the economy was among the most important issues, with foreign policy second at 68%.

06-10-2008, 01:27 PM
Is there anyone who doesnt think Tamral is a joke?

06-10-2008, 01:32 PM
Obama's favorability ratings amongst Republicans is much higher than McCain's among democrats, and is also higher amongst independants.

Oh THAT can't be true! Even though Obama claimed, easily, three times the number of independent votes in all of the head to head open primaries and caucuses prior to TX and OH, an ABC poll clearly demonstrated that McCain does better with independents .... well the under 400 independents that participated in their national survey anyway.