View Full Version : Ranger Pavis

06-09-2008, 11:57 PM
Just picked this up half a year ago, but something I want more has come up, so:

Selling the Ranger Pavis. 1 of an original set of 8 (at least three are still around). Works for rangers only and grants new-style self-mana E-wave. Urglaes enchant. When one or more of the other pavises are in the room, the holders can cast spells from all of them.

a green-flecked urglaes pavis bound with copper edging.

Magically bound within the constraints of the copper edging, the dark metal is shaped into an oblong octagonal shape. Composed entirely of untempered crude ore, the surface of the green-flecked urglaes pavis appears jagged with hollowed crystal veins branching throughout. The interior surface bears the same rugged contour as the outer, offering no safeguard to the wearer. The cold iron handle has no wrappings for comfort and is set so low to the inner surface the owner must take care not to scrape the backside of their hand when donning the urglaes pavis. Etched onto the inner surface of the binding copper appear eight cryptic runes.

You also notice a small enchanter's mark.

>turn rune
You carefully turn the rune inside the pavis and as you do so, the surface liquifies. The pavis ripples through the entire spectrum of colors until finally returning to its original state.
Setting rune to Elemental Wave.

In use:
As you raise your pavis, a wisp of magical essence rises from the surface. Tendrils of energy reach out from the essence, encircling you completely.
A wave of dark ethereal ripples moves outward from you.
A rolton is buffeted by the dark ethereal waves and is knocked to the ground.
A rolton is buffeted by the dark ethereal waves and is knocked to the ground.
You feel the urglaes pavis drawing mana from you.
Roundtime 3 Seconds.

Only works when held, but it's simple enough to write a quick script to remove or grab it, use it, and stow it. I'll send you mine if you wish.


Has a long loresong. It tells of a battle and the capture of the pavises, and the first part goes like this:

As you sing, you sense resonant vibrations coming from the pavis, matching pitch with yours. Soon a harmony is achieved, and a brilliant display begins to materialize before you...

High a top the peak of a mountain, a swirling vortex glows with an amber hue, casting a warm light against the ebony backdrop of the sky. Luminous crimson fireballs rain down from the heavens, around the mountain and upon nearby settlements. Near the vortex lies the mouth of the cave, carved into the shape of a hollowed skull ...

"What do ye see Talment?" asks the tall warrior, breaking your concentration from your spyglass. You hear a reply in your own voice echo in your head, "The way in."

As you continue your melodic tune with the urglaes pavis, the scene shifts...

The normal hustle and bustle of the tavern seems a bit slow this morning as an uneasy feeling looms in the air. Out of the corner of your eye you notice a figure in a tattered brown cloak approaching you, their stench crinkling your nose before their hoarse voice rings in your ears.

"Yar thee sixth group ta try and enter tha mouth ... what kin possibly make yer group succeed?"

Without looking up from your flagon a voice you once again recognize as your own responds, "One tries not to think about success or failure before such an adventure and merely focuses on the task at hand. Whether or not we succeed has been preordained and only the fates knows what lies in wait for us."

The cloaked figure begins to chuckle, which turns quickly into a cackle, but before you can look upon them, the figure is gone. Such an abrupt end to the encounter has you wondering if it was not all made up in your head.

MB: 35m
BO: 55m

Contact me with a PM or at GS4Nuadjha on AIM with any questions.

06-10-2008, 09:54 PM
Pulled. I've got the coins I need.