View Full Version : Official: Announcing the Shining City's Annual Lumnea Festival

06-08-2008, 10:57 AM
The Festival of Lumnea will be held in the month of
Lumnea (June) from the 27th day until the 29th day in
the shining city of Ta'Illistim. Visit us and enjoy
the annual celebration of Lumnis and our grand city!

The Queen invites one and all to attend the Baerl
Mystiaem on the evening of Feastday (Saturday) the
28th at 8:00 pm Elven, on the meadow beneath the
moons. This masked ball is a long held tradition in
Ta'Illistim, and as such, personages of high stature
are expected to attend. Enjoy festive dining and

Lumnea Meadow, outside the city, will be hosting a few
fine Illistim merchants during the weekend. In need
of a gala ensemble for the ball? Visit our elegant
shops! Come peruse our wares, and enjoy the company
of the city's residents.

We hope that you can grace us with your presence.

Sir Aeriadrn Ghaeriden,
Seneschal to Her Majesty Queen Myasara Illistim

This message was originally posted in Towns, Ta'Illistim. To discuss the above follow the link below.

http://www.play.net/forums/messages.asp?forum=102&category=19&topic=14&message=2395 (http://www.play.net/forums/redirect.asp?URL=http://www.play.net/forums/messages.asp?forum=102&category=19&topic=14&message=2395)

06-08-2008, 12:09 PM
It feels like not so long ago last years lumnea festival ended. Cool cool.

06-08-2008, 03:19 PM
I have a little surprise for the queen this year...
