View Full Version : Emeradan the allmighty post puller

06-08-2008, 09:08 AM
Got to love this. Warden might get his little feelers hurt because I and many others think the treasure change to force grouping (MA'ing) and stop underhunting sucks, so my post gets pulled. At least he pulled the "ceiling cat" comment out of his sig line so as to stop infering he was God.

Dear BUBBA-1,

Your post was hidden from the GemStone IV Forum.

I understand that you're frustrated about the treasure system. However, posting things such as:

>>Pull your head out of the sand and get a clue

.. isn't going to do much of anything to approach a potential solution to your frustration.

Please remember to count to ten (at least) and consider others before posting. Sometimes it's not a good idea to post during a time in which you're feeling lots of frustration and angst. Cooling off, collecting yourself, and posting a clear and concise message can go far.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact me at GS4-EMERADAN@play.net.

A copy of your post is included for your reference, below.

GM Emeradan
GemStone IV Forums
GemStone IV: One MMORPG to Rule Them All.
Forum: GemStone IV
Category: Game Design Discussions
Topic: Treasure System
Msg#: 1916
Subject: Re: Umm yeah am I the only one?

>>i think the BASIC treasure system should be reset back to what it was and these new improved items be simply added to whatever treasure the critter would normally have. if that's too unbalancing, scrap the new system you wanted to add under those grounds.

>>i honestly think the gamemasters have been disconnected from the players too long and have no idea what players ENJOY. this is a GAME we log in to RELAX with. the new treasure system and imbeding system is for the birds. i just refused to go along on a group hunt simply because my presence there would detract from the group haul making the haul next to zero. i have friends and not all friends are within the 10 trains above through 10 trains below me. i'm level 70 and have friends that are capped and level 3. that's the range currently.

Lord Dimwitt Flathead (the excessive)



As seems to be born out, solo loot down, group loot up, anything under or over too far, nerfed, more of ht esame trying to force people to group up and play nice with each other. Yep, Pull your head out of the sand and get a clue, after a trial time, people are not happy with this and are packing their bags. As soon as I can afford it, I will be moving a character or two and closing an account. Yeah, good plan. Get rid of the level restriction thing and consider that cutting the throat of solo hunters purse is not a good idea. As I said before, unnecessary, unwelcome, unhelpful change.

Rocktar the Scumbag (and others, soon to be less) ==== END COPY OF POST ====

06-08-2008, 09:16 AM
Oh and I have had posts pulled cause I called Virilneus as whiner about demons. That was flaming. And yeah, I used the term BS, which is vulger apparently, however, when questioned on if there was a list, I was told the following:

"There is not an "absolute list" of masked vulgarities that the Forum staff uses to determine acceptability. The general deciding factor is, "Does this mask vulgar language?""

~shakes my head wondering how long until I get a ban or something~

Rocktar the Scumbag

06-08-2008, 10:25 AM
Your post was insulting to a staff member, and was in no way constructive in terms of offering solutions to what you deem as being a bad change. Where exactly do you need your hand held in explaining why this is not a bad thing?

More enhancive items, more magical shields/weapons means an easier time for the younger players. At the same time, scads of gems are being produced for those who're overhunting, and I for one have never had a difficult time purchasing the number of gems I need of ANY type over the amunet or Psinet. The increased silvers I receive from the risk I willingly choose to take more than compensates the margin I have to give to the other player.

Bear in mind that gem tasks are only ONE of several options in the adventurers guild, and if you cannot complete it you can trade the task for one more suited to your INability.

Regardless, if you're hunting like-level, or not underhunting by more than ten levels then you're not seeing a change in your treasure. The resulting drop in a previous area is very likely the result of other hunters who are profiting from the changes turning your area into a less lucrative one.

If you chose to help a youngin, then fine, do that. The changes only state that the younger character would lose the chance to find the special items from the new treasure-system but would otherwise not see a drop in the treasure find. Ie; the status quo is maintained as if the system never went into affect.

It is pretty obvious that your only problem is not being able to cake-walk your younger characters AND get the additional new items. If and when you wake up and realize that the majority of solo adventurers who're uphunting are seeing a vast profit in the new system, go out and try it with your young character without the "I-win" button of webbing, sweeping, e-waving or binding from an older companion. You'll realize just WHY it's a great feature.

Other than that, learn to post constructively and you won't get a knee jerk reaction from a Moderator who'se sick and tired of seeing folks trying to scare everyone else away with uninformed rants.

Some Rogue
06-08-2008, 10:40 AM
Oh and I have had posts pulled cause I called Virilneus as whiner about demons. That was flaming.
Rocktar the Scumbag

It's a waste of time even posting there anymore. I've had posts pulled for something just like that, then another poster come along right behind me and call the same guy a jerk and not get pulled. You can't win. It's no wonder the game is going to hell with GM's like him...

06-08-2008, 11:16 AM
Your post was insulting to a staff member, and was in no way constructive in terms of offering solutions to what you deem as being a bad change. Where exactly do you need your hand held in explaining why this is not a bad thing?

More enhancive items, more magical shields/weapons means an easier time for the younger players. At the same time, scads of gems are being produced for those who're overhunting, and I for one have never had a difficult time purchasing the number of gems I need of ANY type over the amunet or Psinet. The increased silvers I receive from the risk I willingly choose to take more than compensates the margin I have to give to the other player.

Bear in mind that gem tasks are only ONE of several options in the adventurers guild, and if you cannot complete it you can trade the task for one more suited to your INability.

Regardless, if you're hunting like-level, or not underhunting by more than ten levels then you're not seeing a change in your treasure. The resulting drop in a previous area is very likely the result of other hunters who are profiting from the changes turning your area into a less lucrative one.

If you chose to help a youngin, then fine, do that. The changes only state that the younger character would lose the chance to find the special items from the new treasure-system but would otherwise not see a drop in the treasure find. Ie; the status quo is maintained as if the system never went into affect.

It is pretty obvious that your only problem is not being able to cake-walk your younger characters AND get the additional new items. If and when you wake up and realize that the majority of solo adventurers who're uphunting are seeing a vast profit in the new system, go out and try it with your young character without the "I-win" button of webbing, sweeping, e-waving or binding from an older companion. You'll realize just WHY it's a great feature.

Other than that, learn to post constructively and you won't get a knee jerk reaction from a Moderator who'se sick and tired of seeing folks trying to scare everyone else away with uninformed rants.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
06-08-2008, 11:29 AM
When everyone was crying for Khaladon to be re-hired recently, and I said there's a reason he left, I got my post pulled.

The reasoning was that discussion of Khaladon wasn't allowed. And yet I had made the only post saying "Don't rehire him" (everyone else was discussing rehiring him) and I was the only one who had a post pulled.


So I re-posted a general "don't rehire anyone" and "give new GMs a chance". Post wasn't pulled.

It's a pain and Emeradan's generally a jack ass, but oh well.

06-08-2008, 11:33 AM
When everyone was crying for Khaladon to be re-hired recently, and I said there's a reason he left, I got my post pulled.

The reasoning was that discussion of Khaladon wasn't allowed. And yet I had made the only post saying "Don't rehire him" (everyone else was discussing rehiring him) and I was the only one who had a post pulled.


So I re-posted a general "don't rehire anyone" and "give new GMs a chance". Post wasn't pulled.

It's a pain and Emeradan's generally a jack ass, but oh well.

He pulled a post of mine too, but his reason was that talking about Khaladon getting fired wasn't allowed. Makes sense enough to me, I just didn't feel like reposting... wasn't a big enough deal to me. So no, you're not the only one, but obviously talking about Khaladon was/is/whatever allowed.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
06-08-2008, 11:39 AM
I didn't even say Khaladon got fired, where as other posts did but their message was that he should be rehired.

It's not the first time there's been a double standard. Last year I got an official apology once when he yanked a bunch of my posts by applying a rule that he wasn't applying to other posts. I sent a pissed off email to Antavian, who sorted it out, and I was allowed to repost everything I had written. But that was after I had an emailed back and forth argument with Emeradan that resulted in him telling me if I didn't basically get over it, he'd give me a warning and ban me from posting on the Officials. I wasn't calling him names or being unreasonable, I just requested that if I wasn't going to be allowed to post for X reason, then some other people's posts deserved to be yanked too.

I don't like when people are asshats on the board or are unconstructive/overly ridiculous. I also don't mind when the rules are strict and tight-- i.e. masked vulgarity, etc. I do take issue though when someone only uses the rules to target posts they personally disagree with, rather than at least pretending to (or, *gasp* actually) apply them across the board.

I tread lightly with Emeradan. He's one of the very few GMs I have a problem with.

Sean of the Thread
06-08-2008, 11:42 AM


People are dying in Darfur and trees are being burned in Brazil and you guys got the balls to complain about posts being pulled?

06-08-2008, 11:42 AM
Narcissiia, I don't think you did anything wrong in that post. All you did was basically express your opinion that he should NOT be re-hired when a bunch of people were saying he should. I didn't get what was wrong with that. It was a very convenient time for E to decide we should not be talking about Paul any more. Perhaps he had just got in for the night, and it was just a coincidence. Who knows.

Sean of the Thread
06-08-2008, 11:46 AM
I was about to post a Paul picture that he released into public domain but for the sake of Kranar's sanity I will not.

06-08-2008, 12:21 PM
I didn't even say Khaladon got fired, where as other posts did but their message was that he should be rehired.

It's not the first time there's been a double standard. Last year I got an official apology once when he yanked a bunch of my posts by applying a rule that he wasn't applying to other posts. I sent a pissed off email to Antavian, who sorted it out, and I was allowed to repost everything I had written. But that was after I had an emailed back and forth argument with Emeradan that resulted in him telling me if I didn't basically get over it, he'd give me a warning and ban me from posting on the Officials. I wasn't calling him names or being unreasonable, I just requested that if I wasn't going to be allowed to post for X reason, then some other people's posts deserved to be yanked too.

I don't like when people are asshats on the board or are unconstructive/overly ridiculous. I also don't mind when the rules are strict and tight-- i.e. masked vulgarity, etc. I do take issue though when someone only uses the rules to target posts they personally disagree with, rather than at least pretending to (or, *gasp* actually) apply them across the board.

I tread lightly with Emeradan. He's one of the very few GMs I have a problem with.

You got an apology from Emeradan? Details? This I gotta see.

06-08-2008, 12:24 PM
Comments that question the integrity, common sense, or sanity of the SIMU staff or other groupies WILL NOT BE PERMITTED on the officials - fighting this is futile as YOU WILL LOSE.

Its too bad they dont take that stance on the shameless sucking up that other post whores on those boards partake in. Those are as distracting and as demeaning as the ones where stupidity is actually called out, only less entertaining. :(

06-08-2008, 12:43 PM
Actually tho I'm not a fan of Rocktar's player,(Matterfact I think he's an ass) I have to say that his post wasn't flame like or pull worthy on Emeradans part. Telling staff that they've had their heads in the sand and have lost their perspective basically isn't a flame.

Telling staff to pull their heads out of their ass, now that is a flame. Emeradan tends to be a bit overly zealous in his board monitoring and I personally think he's burnt out but doesn't know how to release some control. Once upon a time the bbs were controled by hosts/bb monitors and over seen by a GM, now he basically does all of that work and there isn't anyone else handling the load. I blame that on him, he is responsible for the tone and quality of the bbs.

06-08-2008, 12:55 PM
fighting this is futile as YOU WILL LOSE.

Of course you will. You're crossing a GM.

But isn't this 1984 shit the reason PC exists? Because the officials won't let the players express what they REALLY think? Because the officials are moderated in such a way that makes one think that everyone is very happy with the game and all of it's changes are generally great and only a very small number of people have a slight difficulty with them?

That Jay
06-08-2008, 01:11 PM
When everyone was crying for Khaladon to be re-hired recently, and I said there's a reason he left, I got my post pulled.

Certainly there was a reason.

It doesn't mean it was a GOOD reason.

Case in point, Hunterleigh's first (and hopefully only) firing.

That Jay
06-08-2008, 01:13 PM
You got an apology from Emeradan? Details? This I gotta see.

Bah, thats nothing.

I once got Emeradan to pull one of his OWN posts after he sort of flamed a player.

Stanley Burrell
06-08-2008, 01:20 PM
People are dying in Darfur and trees are being burned in Brazil

Also the GMs' fault.

I'm looking at you.





06-08-2008, 01:32 PM
Your post was insulting to a staff member, and was in no way constructive in terms of offering solutions to what you deem as being a bad change. Where exactly do you need your hand held in explaining why this is not a bad thing?

No, me calling him a bonehead, fucknut, asshat, idiot, thrall, penis dribble or not worth the sweat off my balls, THAT would be a flame. I did offer a plain and simple solution, un-nerf the underhunting/solo hunting penalties so that they are back to the before muck up change. Guess you missed that part, huh?

More enhancive items, more magical shields/weapons means an easier time for the younger players. At the same time, scads of gems are being produced for those who're overhunting, and I for one have never had a difficult time purchasing the number of gems I need of ANY type over the amunet or Psinet. The increased silvers I receive from the risk I willingly choose to take more than compensates the margin I have to give to the other player.

I didn't ever mention the changes for uphunting. I also didn't say take out the enhansive drops and nifty things either, ONLY reset the solo/underhunting to back where it was BEFORE the change. Again, I guess you made an assumption because I sure didn't write anything about that.

Bear in mind that gem tasks are only ONE of several options in the adventurers guild, and if you cannot complete it you can trade the task for one more suited to your INability.

Since I am not in the Adventurers Guild, the tasks don't affect me. They DO affect people I know. And if you design a guild that says you should be seeing an increase in the number of gems you find for your task and then the proof says you you find far far less than you did before the muck up, then something is wrong. Nice slight on my ability, but unlike self centered pricks like you, I am mostly fighting for my friends who are less likely to speak up and all the people wailing on the amunet for gems that they and no one else can seem to find. I mean really, I saw a guy spend like all day wanting to get a few smoky topaz, sheesh, a gem that is worth like what, 50 silver, and he couldn't get a hand full of them in a day? That is bullshit.

Regardless, if you're hunting like-level, or not underhunting by more than ten levels then you're not seeing a change in your treasure. The resulting drop in a previous area is very likely the result of other hunters who are profiting from the changes turning your area into a less lucrative one.

Au contraire mon prick, I did some testing and you are sorely wrong. I took my mage, hunted in the same place at the same time of day, AFTER Warden himself mentioned that treasure was back down to pre-muck up levels and you know what I found after 7 hunts? I went from about 5K a hunt solo to about 5K for all 7. Now, at the hours I hunt, there is no way that it is overhunted as I only saw 2 other people in the area and they were passing through, one with an escort task and one with a travel guide. So, while you may think you know what you are talking about, you are, instead, blowing shit out your ass.

If you chose to help a youngin, then fine, do that. The changes only state that the younger character would lose the chance to find the special items from the new treasure-system but would otherwise not see a drop in the treasure find. Ie; the status quo is maintained as if the system never went into affect.

NO, since you didn't read diddly over shit, you missed this part too, the lower level character misses their chance at ANY treasure. Not just special goodies, they miss out on gems, silver, boxes, all of it. And you do too. You can't underhunt and make any money, like barely a handful of silver at most. So, you are again wrong.

It is pretty obvious that your only problem is not being able to cake-walk your younger characters AND get the additional new items. If and when you wake up and realize that the majority of solo adventurers who're uphunting are seeing a vast profit in the new system, go out and try it with your young character without the "I-win" button of webbing, sweeping, e-waving or binding from an older companion. You'll realize just WHY it's a great feature.

Actualy, my problem is I can't help other people. Not once have I taken ANY of my other characters hunting. Not once. I am not out there looking for goodies, would be nice, I just want the same old shit. I am seeing a large decrease in boxes to pick, my other characters are seeing a decrease in loot period. And I have still, yet to find anything in a box past a mithril falchion. So, pull your selfish, assuming head out of your ass and shut up.

Other than that, learn to post constructively and you won't get a knee jerk reaction from a Moderator who'se sick and tired of seeing folks trying to scare everyone else away with uninformed rants.

Hummmm, did you ever want someone despratly in need of your advice? Good, look in the mirror. Nothing you have said here has any basis in fact other than your rabid speculations beased on the fact you assume I want to nerf the whole change. So, perhaps it would be better if you actually READ something before you went off on your own rant. This is not a "knee-jerk" reaction to anything, it is an emotional response to the logical evidence that pretty much anyone that doesn't want to play in Warden's little fantasy land of love, light and lollipops where everyone should get along, group hunt and so on, is screwed over hard. I don't know about you, but I am tired of the rape of our gaming environment in the name of making this "a family game" and to enforce ignorrant and destructive politically correct pablam behavior.

So, in short, bite off, shut the fuck up and actually READ what I wrote first.

Rocktar the Scumbag

Oh, and to the other poster that called me an ass, you are right, I am and so much more. Good on you.

06-08-2008, 05:02 PM


People are dying in Darfur and trees are being burned in Brazil and you guys got the balls to complain about posts being pulled?

False dichotomy; just because people are concerned about GemStone stuff doesn't mean that they can't also be concerned about other things. Though with the way the Darfur situation has been dealt with thus far, I'm not sure anyone in power is concerned very much at all.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
06-08-2008, 05:09 PM
You got an apology from Emeradan? Details? This I gotta see.


Antavian apologized "on behalf of Emeradan". And I got the go ahead to repost what had been pulled.

This last time I edited out that Khaladon wasn't there for a reason and it was fine. I just wasn't to mention Khaladon or the fact that a lot of people were glad that he's no longer working for Simu. It's okay though because my main message wasn't OMG KHALADON SUCKS!! but rather, give the new GMs a chance.

It's still annoying.

06-08-2008, 05:20 PM

Antavian apologized "on behalf of Emeradan". And I got the go ahead to repost what had been pulled.
It's still annoying.

Close enough. I've never seen that kinda thing before. :)

06-09-2008, 04:47 AM
>>>People are dying in Darfur and trees are being burned in Brazil and you guys got the balls to complain about posts being pulled?

What? the People in Brazil and the trees in Darfur mean NOTHING?...


06-09-2008, 06:52 AM
When everyone was crying for Khaladon to be re-hired recently, and I said there's a reason he left, I got my post pulled.

The reasoning was that discussion of Khaladon wasn't allowed. And yet I had made the only post saying "Don't rehire him" (everyone else was discussing rehiring him) and I was the only one who had a post pulled.

I had a couple of posts pulled, and got a private message from Solomon asking me not to post any more on the matter.

Don't worry, you weren't alone in that.