View Full Version : Swordfyre, Warclaidhm, and PvP conflicts.
12-28-2003, 02:11 PM
So, I'm carrying out a promise that I made to this little twit when he harassed grays' wife in game a couple of days ago.
It goes well, for the most part. I owned Wardork, and Swordfyre blasts me, I'm fine with that, I guess. Should have been left at that.
I don't have the log, but afterwards, while I'm afk, Wardumbass drags me away, bellows at me, and kills me. So that's 2 deeds gone. I figure I am within my rights to extract another deed from the little fucker. So, I head back to where he was, and kicked his face in again, but before I could kill him, Swordfyre blasts me AGAIN. So that's grays 1 and warfuckhm 3.
Do you think that it would be within reason for Grays to go after him again?
Or should I just let it end. Keep in mind that Grays follows the huntress, spirit of vengeance, and isn't swordfyre's intervention unprovoked PvP?
Log for your reading pleasure.
[Hearthstone, Courtyard]
Before you stands a grand old manor, framed by huge willows to the east and west. The elegant trees sway gently, dappling the cobblestone courtyard with ever-shifting patterns of light and dark. Snippets of conversation drift away from the long porch stretching along the full width of the great old house, as several guests enjoy the hospitality and ambience of this fine hideaway. You also see a white cat, the Colosie disk, a heavy crossbow bolt, the Celian disk, the orange Kazzara disk, the Azzreala disk, the Slectix disk, the porch steps and a hollow tree stump.
Also here: Snowstar, Necron, Squirrel, Colosie, Voidshark, Kazzara, Carren, Great Lord Warclaidhm, Kench, Lord Swordfyre, Radamanthys, Yetere, Archales, Mielikki, Great Lord Celian, Ridamir, Lord Queshu, Lord Kiandi, Pulpit, Triena, Azzreala, Lady Lillypath, Mythala, Slectix, Lady Silverona, Lady Caiylania, Augie, Lunatick, Ardwen, Ryuusei
Obvious paths: south
Roundtime: 3 sec.
Radamanthys sighs.
The white cat yawns.
Ardwen asks, "He left and I think that means he is done yes?"
Kiandi says, "Lets start the game... so I can get some time in."
Snowstar's spirit appears to be lifted by the singing.
The mirror images surrounding Snowstar undulate and grow stronger.
Snowstar renews his songs.
H>sym cour
You feel more courageous.
H>stance off
Ridamir rubs a crystal amulet.
Ridamir gets an odd look on his face.
You are now in an offensive stance.
Warclaidhm looks over at Voidshark and shakes his head.
H>kick warclaidhm
You come out of hiding.
You attempt to kick Warclaidhm!
MB: 240 vs MB: 27 = 213 -- Gain advantage!
Blinding speed! Moved behind opponent.
THT 70, d100 roll: 27, modified: 240
and hits for 70 points of damage!
... +8 extra hits. Wheel kick tears into tendons and muscle.
Forced to parry down...stunned
Roundtime: 4 sec.
Voidshark waves to Warclaidhm.
As Ridamir pulls on his crystal amulet, his expression grows darker.
Necron blinks.
R>kick warclaidhm
You attempt to kick Warclaidhm!
MB: 240 vs MB: -2 = 242 -- Gain advantage!
Blink! Disappeared and then reappeared behind opponent.
THT 70, d100 roll: 50, modified: 292
and hits for 92 points of damage!
... +1 extra hits. Kick to side.
Roundtime: 4 sec.
Archales calmly says, "Ouch."
Voidshark nods to you.
R>kick warclaidhm
Swordfyre traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Voidshark recites:
You attempt to kick Warclaidhm!
MB: 240 vs MB: -2 = 242 -- Gain advantage!
Blink! Disappeared and then reappeared behind opponent.
THT 70, d100 roll: 100, modified: 342
and hits for 113 points of damage!
* Warclaidhm drops dead at your feet!
Roundtime: 4 sec.
Lillypath murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Lillypath gestures.
Lillypath's chest looks better.
Ryuusei flails her arms about.
Swordfyre gestures at you.
A void rips open in the area, directly above you!
Rather abrupt decompression causes you to explode!
Billions and billions of tiny bits of flesh shower everything.
Quite severely dead.
You become solid again.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around you.
The bright luminescence fades from around you.
The silvery luminescence fades from around you.
You are no longer moving silently.
You feel the inner strength leave you.
You no longer feel so dextrous.
You feel the aura of confidence leave you.
The air about you stops shimmering.
You return to normal color.
You feel your extra strength departing.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding you suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
You feel the extra courage wane.
It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you...
- D
edited: changed the title because Edine pointed something out to me. =)
[Edited on 12-29-2003 by Halfsilver]
12-28-2003, 02:13 PM
That's pretty fucking sad a warrior got owned with Voln Fu. I vote for either reporting Sword.. or if you want to persue it, kill Sword yourself. He has no right butting in.
12-28-2003, 02:14 PM
You're supposed to kill Swordfyre.
12-28-2003, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by Snapp
That's pretty fucking sad a warrior got owned with Voln Fu. I vote for either reporting Sword.. or if you want to persue it, kill Sword yourself. He has no right butting in.
what is sad is your lame ass saying to report someone
12-28-2003, 02:17 PM
TOJ 1, Snapp -1.
12-28-2003, 02:19 PM
Originally posted by theotherjohn
what is sad is your lame ass saying to report someone
Report if you can't handle it yourself. Sword has no place in that conflict.. there was no consent.. and from what Grays said, they have no conflict between each other, he's just being Wardoofus' bitch.
12-28-2003, 02:20 PM
Warclaidhm attacked Falgrin at the steps of Hearthstone for no reason.. this after he has warned Falgrin at least 3 times with Warn Harassment or Warn Interaction.. so I've done what I was supposed to do and not just gone out and killed him repeatedly. I used to give him at least the credit of being smart enough not to fuck with Falgrin.. but even that glimmer of intelligence is now gone.
So.. it's Warclaidhm season out there for Falgrin.. trust me, it will be enjoyable.
And if his new mate Swordfyre "Butts" in, then there's going to be even more fun for me.
12-28-2003, 02:22 PM
Rachel Pwnz: WTF
Swordfyre: l
Swordfyre: oops
Swordfyre: hmmm?
Rachel Pwnz: Kill Graysalin again, you fucking die.
Swordfyre: he attacked warc
Rachel Pwnz: Yes.
Swordfyre: so i vaped him
Swordfyre: then he did it again
Rachel Pwnz: Read what you just typed.
Swordfyre: so i vaped him again
Rachel Pwnz: He attacked WARCLAIDHM.
Rachel Pwnz: And YOU killed him.
Swordfyre: yep
Swordfyre: warclaidhm's not a bad guy.
Rachel Pwnz: He did it because Warclaidhm deserves it
Swordfyre: he takes shit from everyone, doesn't deserve it, and i'm fucking sick of it
Rachel Pwnz: Incorrect.
Rachel Pwnz: He does deserve it.
Swordfyre: why?
Rachel Pwnz: Graysalin isn't killing him for no reason.
Rachel Pwnz: He's trying to fucking kill Warclaidhm and you keep getting in the way.
Swordfyre: lol
Swordfyre: why's he killing him?
Rachel Pwnz: Multiple people have already suggested he just kill you now.
Swordfyre: tell him to try it
Rachel Pwnz: So, I'm carrying out a promise that I made to this little twit when he harassed grays' wife in game a couple of days ago.
It goes well, for the most part. I owned Wardork, and Swordfyre blasts me, I'm fine with that, I guess. Should have been left at that.
I don't have the log, but afterwards, while I'm afk, Wardumbass drags me away, bellows at me, and kills me. So that's 2 deeds gone. I figure I am within my rights to extract another deed from the little fucker. So, I head back to where he was, and kicked his face in again, but before I could kill him, Swordfyre blasts me AGAIN. So that's grays 1 and warfuckhm 3.
Swordfyre: he'll get vaped again
Swordfyre: he didn't harass gray's wife
Rachel Pwnz: Yeah, you'd know, because you're him.
Swordfyre: gray initiated it both times from what i saw, so i vaped him twice. perfectly fair
Swordfyre: how did war harass his wife?
Rachel Pwnz: How the fuck do I know?
Swordfyre: war told me he talked with gray's wife about something private, and she was supposed to keep it to herself but didn't
Swordfyre: so apparently, i know more about this than you do
Rachel Pwnz: Yes, Graysalin did initiate it.
Rachel Pwnz: Because HE WAS GOING TO KILL HIM.
Swordfyre: war wasn't going to kill him
Rachel Pwnz: Correct
Rachel Pwnz: Graysalin was going to kill Warclaidhm.
Rachel Pwnz: So he did.
Swordfyre: okay look
Swordfyre: here's my policy on warclaidhm
Rachel Pwnz: And in turn initiated the killing.
Swordfyre: he takes shit from everyone and is young and learning, so he doesn't deserve all of it, even if he can be immature
Swordfyre: if you start insulting him like a fucking child, i'll defend him
Swordfyre: if you attack him, i'll fucking vape you
Swordfyre: if you have something serious, i'll listen
Swordfyre: Period.
Rachel Pwnz: I'm probably younger than Warclaidhm.
Rachel Pwnz: But whatever.
Swordfyre: people grow at different rates. you're very advanced for your age and you damn well know it ;-)
12-28-2003, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by Snapp
Originally posted by theotherjohn
what is sad is your lame ass saying to report someone
Report if you can't handle it yourself.
That sounds like a little baby running to mommy.
Mommie I got hit on the playground. Will you fix it?
12-28-2003, 02:24 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
So.. it's Warclaidhm season out there for Falgrin.. trust me, it will be enjoyable.
And if his new mate Swordfyre "Butts" in, then there's going to be even more fun for me.
Kill waridoithm. I hate him
12-28-2003, 02:25 PM
I'd have reported Swordfyre as well if I were in your situation. Swinging at someone else is not open season to cast implode at them with no warning or previous altercation.
12-28-2003, 02:26 PM
I know that is the cop-out let the GM's handle it way, I personally can smash anyone in game so I don't have to worry about being babied. Though I don't throw my weight around in the slightest. BUT, unwarranted idiots casting implode at me I'd rather get them in real trouble (with GM's and policy) than taking a worthless deed away.
12-28-2003, 02:27 PM
I hope you realize that if you keep killing him, he'll keep trying to kill you. So its basically up to you whether or not you want to end it.
Swordfyre's attack is unprovoked PvP.
Technically, you owe Warclaidhm 0.5 and Swordfyre 1.
If you had snagged a haste imbed, you could've probably killed him and run off. Took like 10 seconds for Swordfyre to respond to your first attack heh.
12-28-2003, 02:28 PM
Originally posted by theotherjohn
That sounds like a little baby running to mommy.
Mommie I got hit on the playground. Will you fix it?
Okay, you have someone a lot older than you killing you repeatedly every time you try to kill an obvious moron who deserves to die. What do you do? Keep getting killed? There are times when it's appropriate to report dumbass. Just because some people abuse the hell out of it doesn't mean its worthless.
12-28-2003, 02:29 PM
Nobody cares about my AIM log. Bastards.
12-28-2003, 02:30 PM
<<Okay, you have someone a lot older than you killing you repeatedly every time you try to kill an obvious moron who deserves to die.>>
Swordfyre is like 33. Graysalin is like 30.
12-28-2003, 02:34 PM
Tayre could pwn them all.
12-28-2003, 02:38 PM
I should just kill everyone involved and be done with it.
12-28-2003, 02:44 PM
pre 1030
*Everyone in the room just bit the dust!
12-28-2003, 02:49 PM
Then get to pwning
12-28-2003, 02:56 PM
Own anyone you want. Warshithm is mine, however, and will die a horrible death, again.
Swordfyre is just an example of why the PvP policy is implemented. He had no clue about what went on to lead up to this incident.
I refuse to report, as I can handle this situation on my own(as you can see in the log) and will do so. Just need to be a little bit quicker.
- THE Ranger
12-28-2003, 02:56 PM
I want to see the pwnage moneyshot.
12-28-2003, 02:58 PM
If you insist, I still think reporting Swordfyre is the best alternative.
On a side note, I can't believe Warclaidhm is stupid enough to get into so many conflicts. Just the mention of his name obviously brings forth the masses to chime in yes he's an
12-28-2003, 02:59 PM
Warclaidhm says, "Show me your ripe fruit."
12-28-2003, 03:01 PM
It's sad, because I used think a little bit of charity and kindness might turn him around. So I was nice and charitable towards him, and this is how he repays me?
Talking like that to my wife?
no....doesn't work that way.
He's made a permanant enemy out of Graysalin the Searcher.
- D
12-28-2003, 03:10 PM
I personally enjoyed watching Warclaidhm bite the dust, but I want to ask something.
Why is it wrong for a friend to defend someone? In real life, if your friend was getting beat up and you knew you could help him/kick the other person's ass wouldn't you?
So why is it wrong if you are there at the time and witness it happening to help your friend?
If I saw someone say, come and start killing my friend Shawnia I would jump in and help her if I could. I wouldn't find out over AIM and come running in, but if I was there, that is what friends do.
12-28-2003, 03:10 PM
Do what you will, but if it were me I would Report him. In the very least, I would Report to send a message to the GMs before I did anything.
If you figure it is worth getting in trouble for PVP yourself, go for it.
12-28-2003, 03:29 PM
Meh. I've killed Warclodh for killing Sile and Falgrin, so it'd be hypocritical for me to judge what Swordfyre did.
12-28-2003, 04:01 PM
hehe Falgrin got killed by war..
12-28-2003, 04:03 PM
Hah hah hah!
12-28-2003, 05:01 PM
Warclodhm mastered shield charge so he just knocks you down then uses his big stick to pummel you. He hates being bound btw. And bone shatter ignores redux. :D
12-28-2003, 05:02 PM
Hes in EN right now.. probably running from people
Im really getting sick of the lot of you and your whimpering about warcladhm. Get the fuck over yourselves and give it up. how many threds are you going to make to complain about him and what he does. You got taken for the count grays suck it up or get him back and quit bitching about it. your all obsessed with him and its disturbing.
12-28-2003, 07:46 PM
It's not obsession, THE edine...he's really just that bad.
I'm sure you'd be saying differently if you had heard the way he had talked to my wife. It was perverted and disgusting. It actually made me sick. God, especially coming from HIM of all people. BLECH.
I will get him back, btw. That's why his cowardly ass ran to Illistim.
Don't criticize what you don't understand. thanks.
- D
edited to add: nobody is immune to warclod's stupidity. It will affect you one day, and you will be here to make a thread about it. I'd wager money on it.
[Edited on 12-29-2003 by Halfsilver]
who the fuck cares its a game and you ALL take it out of the game and take pleasure out of giving him a hard time. Your IG wife could have just told him to fuck off and leave or she herself could have left if she was offended. It is all a bunch of crap so you can voice your personal dislike for the player of.
Im not defending him in any way and I really dont give a fuck what he did or what you do back, but quit making threds about the guy its starting to annoy me.
12-28-2003, 08:17 PM
I kind of agree with The. Let's just make 1 warclaidhm thread and post all his idiocy there.
12-28-2003, 08:48 PM
Actually, the thread was not so much about warclaidhm's idiocy as the fact that his friend was out of line.
It was a question. Was he PvP'ing or not?
The fact that dumbass warclaid harassed grays' wife was just a side note and to let you know how the incident started.
Let's drop everything. THE edine is annoyed. :rolleyes:
Don't read it then.
- D
you were PvsPing as you put it you hate the guy out of game so avoid him in game, or your dislike for him will show though as it did here... and if it was about the other character I think you should change the title of the thred no?
12-28-2003, 09:08 PM
What is the difference between you killing Warclaidhm for something done to your wife, and Swordfyre killing you for something done to Warclaidhm?
12-28-2003, 09:21 PM
Originally posted by The Edine
you were PvsPing as you put it you hate the guy out of game so avoid him in game, or your dislike for him will show though as it did here... and if it was about the other character I think you should change the title of the thred no?
I never disliked him before this, Edine. I had no reason to avoid him or acknowledge him. I was politely neutral to him. He digs these holes himself. He lost a potential friend when he did what he did.
As for the title of the thread, you're right. I was angry at the time, but the purpose of the thread wasn't really to bash warclaidhm, more to ask the question and discuss PvP'ing.
<<What is the difference between you killing Warclaidhm for something done to your wife, and Swordfyre killing you for something done to Warclaidhm?>>
TOK, Grays was upset that he had the nerve to talk like this to his wife, and was completely justified in his own eyes. Personally, I agree that we should be allowed to defend our friends if we see them being attacked by another PC. Discretion should be used, though, because sometimes our friends thoroughly deserve the beating that they are getting.
- D
12-28-2003, 09:46 PM
If someone attacked Tayre and I was there, I don't give a fuck why, I'm stopping it with either words, or a lovely lady named Betsy. Friends first, questions later.
Is Swordfyre a numbnuts? Yes. Decent quality in a friend, that much I'll give to him.
Love you Jolena!
12-29-2003, 12:16 AM
Originally posted by Caiylania
I personally enjoyed watching Warclaidhm bite the dust, but I want to ask something.
Why is it wrong for a friend to defend someone? In real life, if your friend was getting beat up and you knew you could help him/kick the other person's ass wouldn't you?
Because in real life, which GS is not, your friend might be able to get away with saying his response to an attack was self defense. You on the other hand, would be jailed for assault.
So why is it wrong if you are there at the time and witness it happening to help your friend?
Because unlike real life, GS has a policy to abide by, regarding attacks on other characters. It requires invitation and consent. Grays did not invite or consent to have Swordfyre get in the middle of his beef with Warclaidhm. That should be simple enough that even a child could grasp the concept, it IS simple enough. Unfortunately, too many people ignore that particular guideline and that is why I would report Swordfyre, too. If Warclaidhm can't fight his own battles, then he'll probably find he gets owned more times than not.
If I saw someone say, come and start killing my friend Shawnia I would jump in and help her if I could. I wouldn't find out over AIM and come running in, but if I was there, that is what friends do.
And it's also against policy, which you might try reading.
12-29-2003, 12:20 AM
Oh, I forgot to add...
If your wife can't handle her own battles, then maybe she should avoid them. My character has both been married and has had very chivalrous lovers, but they let me take care of my own matters, because they know policy.
12-29-2003, 12:37 AM
Originally posted by Caramia
Oh, I forgot to add...
If your wife can't handle her own battles, then maybe she should avoid them. My character has both been married and has had very chivalrous lovers, but they let me take care of my own matters, because they know policy. wasn't a 'battle'. It was wardork talking nasty to my wife where I could see and hear him. Not only did it slight her, but it dishonored grays, as well.
Again, Warclaidhm totally deserved his beating this time, no matter how you look at it.
12-29-2003, 12:44 AM
I never had trouble speaking up when I was slighted, and my husband/lover/boyfriends never seemed to think they were dishonored just because some child made an ugly remark. It's only true if you give it credence.
If Warclaidhm is a dork, and he needs to die, and if his freinds want to stick up for him, they should be ready to die to. now you get to kill two for 1.
[Edited on 12-29-2003 by Meos]
12-29-2003, 02:32 AM
Who knows. It's totally in character for my rogue to defend his friends, maybe it is for Swordfyre too.
12-29-2003, 02:37 AM
Defending your friends still requires an invitation and consent, according to policy. We've already been through this before, with a log obtained by Jolena during her referral.
If the other person in the conflict, who is not your friend, doesn't invite you in or consent to you joining the conflict, you've just commited a violation of policy.
12-29-2003, 02:45 AM
So, person walks in. Person e-strikes, DC's, quickstrikes from hiding buddy, and runs out. We're not allowed to do anything about it? The way Simu enforces policy is a joke sometimes. HMC for example.
12-29-2003, 07:10 AM
Pretty bad defending Warclaidhm, Edine. Someone who's that bad of a liar...and attention seeker to make up injuries to try to get attention after someone's announced RL death. That's worse than most of us here by a long shot.
12-29-2003, 07:51 AM
Originally posted by Caramia
Originally posted by Caiylania
I personally enjoyed watching Warclaidhm bite the dust, but I want to ask something.
Why is it wrong for a friend to defend someone? In real life, if your friend was getting beat up and you knew you could help him/kick the other person's ass wouldn't you?
Because in real life, which GS is not, your friend might be able to get away with saying his response to an attack was self defense. You on the other hand, would be jailed for assault.
Hmmm.... Let my friend get the shit beat out of her or go to jail.... I really have to think on this one.
So why is it wrong if you are there at the time and witness it happening to help your friend?
Because unlike real life, GS has a policy to abide by, regarding attacks on other characters. It requires invitation and consent. Grays did not invite or consent to have Swordfyre get in the middle of his beef with Warclaidhm. That should be simple enough that even a child could grasp the concept, it IS simple enough. Unfortunately, too many people ignore that particular guideline and that is why I would report Swordfyre, too. If Warclaidhm can't fight his own battles, then he'll probably find he gets owned more times than not.
I was being polite and asking questions, and you imply that I can't understand something a child could. What day did I step on your toes? Shesh.
PvsP is against policy, not CvsC. and IN MY opinion, it is VERY in character to help an IN GAME friend against attack if you are present at said assault.
If you attack my friend in FRONT of me, then you are consenting for me to defend them, just as if I attacked someone in front of their friends I am consenting to them being involved.
If I saw someone say, come and start killing my friend Shawnia I would jump in and help her if I could. I wouldn't find out over AIM and come running in, but if I was there, that is what friends do.
And it's also against policy, which you might try reading.
I have read it. Why do you have to sound so condesending?
Originally posted by Soulpieced
I know that is the cop-out let the GM's handle it way, I personally can smash anyone in game so I don't have to worry about being babied. Though I don't throw my weight around in the slightest. BUT, unwarranted idiots casting implode at me I'd rather get them in real trouble (with GM's and policy) than taking a worthless deed away.
There is no way someone at your level should be so immature as to REPORT just because you are attacked unexpectedly. It is a game, roleplay it out. Having some vengeance to plot out has to be more fun than standing on Hearthstone's steps.
I'm convinced that 99% of the time, the REPORT verb is for imbeciles.
Ive never used report, warn or anything of the like. (not to say I wont have to if I interact with some idiot in game) I dont get people who abuse it though.. especially if you are able to destroy the player in game you are using said report on.. whats the fun in report when you can behead them or something.
Also, that whole 'getting the person in trouble' attitude is what lends to people REPORTING to solve conflicts that they've in fact initiated. It's just a bad approach to the game. I guess there is nothing 'wrong' technically if you report when you are killed out of the blue, but it's the last thing that comes to my mind. Don't take your character's death personally.
If you are truly dealing with a complete imbecile that is report worthy, and you can truly smash anyone in the game, do us all a favor and beat the piss out of them. I've done it, and it is much more effective than a stern GM talking to them.
Originally posted by DarkelfVold
...especially if you are able to destroy the player in game you are using said report on.. whats the fun in report when you can behead them or something.
Just to be clear, I don't agree with this attitude either. I don't think REPORT is cool to use as long as your "enemy" has more levels than you.
I just think that it is a LAST DITCH tool for players to avoid COMPLETE HARASSMENT. It's not meant to be used as a tool for one player to "get another in trouble", or to cover your ass when you run your mouth to someone that is ready, willing, and able to remove your face.
Just because your character is getting the shit kicked out of him (most likely as a result of your own actions and/or writing checks you can't cash) is not a reason to REPORT. I see so many imbeciles running their mouths and expecting reports/warns, etc. to cover their ass. You should need a special pass or something to use the verb.
I see what your saying.. but have no doubt that If Im a higher level player and lower level player casts on me unprovoked, or attacks me. I dont look at your level at that point, Im not going to report you either. Im going to put you in your place. As a person who has never had to use any of those report verbs or had them used against me I just dont get that type of playing.
12-29-2003, 02:20 PM
I agree.. I think REPORT should be used as a last ditch effort to get the situation resolved... after every possibilty has been exhausted to solve it in character.
Unfortunately, REPORT and WARN are used in lieu of actually roleplaying a conflict out.
12-29-2003, 06:59 PM
Swordfyre appears to be selling a few items: ring=Swordfyre&proflag=open
And look, there's Warclaidhm's armor!
12-29-2003, 07:01 PM
Wait.. why is this surprising?
People sell stuff for other people all the time.
12-29-2003, 07:05 PM
Just pointing it out...people might want to bid... :)
12-29-2003, 08:51 PM
First topic with Warscooterhm in the title I came to, so this goes here:
You: "Evening everyone. Any news?"
Paragonimus: "yes; Meslillian had a new wart.... we're having a wart shower to bring it gifts and name it"
You: "I vote we name it Stewie. Stewie the wart."
Meslillian: "woohoo I have a new wart!"
Velvette: "Where is this one? YOur nose was running out of room"
Wythers: "how about wartclaidhm"
Fizzan: "Feh. I don't think she'd want anything on her person named that."
You: "Wartclaidhm! Classic!"
12-29-2003, 11:47 PM
Apparently this needs repeating again, but it's only CvCing if there is invitation and consent. To jump in on a conflict to aid a friend or to mete out justice still requires both, despite your view if it is RP or not to have a friend come to the rescue. I'm sure Jolena can provide you with a link to her referral post with Agro that already covered this particular point, and many others, ad nauseum.
12-30-2003, 07:13 AM
If your mouth writes checks your ass can't cash expect to get stomped. If you can't come to terms with this go play "Barney's great adventures in the adult book store."(now for PC and Mac!)
12-31-2003, 02:22 PM
Swordfyre appears to be selling a few items: ring=Swordfyre&proflag=open
And look, there's Warclaidhm's armor!
You're a dumbass. That's my armor, not Warclaidhm's. Let's go over this again. Me: Swordfyre. You: dumbass. Armor: mine.
12-31-2003, 02:31 PM
Okay... everyone listen up, because this is probably going to be my only post on this ridiculous thread.
I don't think Warclaidhm is a bad person. He's a very young guy who gets picked on a LOT - both by you and, I would guess, in school - and it's understandable that his reactions to everyone giving him a hard time are not always going to be well thought-over. I've been there too, and I know how it feels to have the world against you... even if you do deserve it at first, a lot of the time, that type of situation only serves to perpetuate itself.
With this in mind, I make a point of defending him against all the flak he takes. What Warclaidhm lacks isn't intelligence, friendliness or any of that; it's tact. After talking to both Warclaidhm and Graysalin after they had calmed down and collected themselves, I feel I can summarize the situation pretty well.
Warclaidhm had some questions involving sex that he wanted answered and for which he could not find the answers. Being very young and not having many places to turn to, he asked Graysalin's wife - in confidence - to answer some questions involving the Latin names of specific female anatomical parts. His questions were perfectly valid, because I asked him to talk to me about it, and even I didn't know the answer (and yes, I know some Latin, too). Apparently, she was insulted at these questions and took them to her husband, Graysalin. As a husband, Graysalin became angry at what he - as a third person party basically required to only hear one side of the story (his wife's) - understood as harassment.
Following this - and I don't blame him for it, because love is blind and all that - Graysalin proceeded to ambush my friend, Warclaidhm. As a rule, I (speaking as Swordfyre) will fucking vape you if you attack my friends in front of me. It's practically a reflex. If you're attacking them, I'm going to break you over my knee. After the knee-breaking, I'll gladly sit down with both parties and talk it over, but I don't tolerate violence against my friends unless there's a valid reason that I know ahead of time. And all of you who have assaulted me over this are hypocrites, because you know you would do the same.
12-31-2003, 02:36 PM
That's bullshit, Swordfyre.
he didn't ask for the 'latin' names of the female anatomy. If you wanna bring that shit up, he asked her what they looked like. To actually describe them to him. I'm assuming he did this in the retarded ass hope that she would reply and he could jerk off to what was said.
I SAW what he said, and it was not an 'innocent boy asking about latin names'
Just to let you know, It's fucking open season on your brainless little twit of a friend. If I catch him at an opportune moment, I will not hesitate to kill him again, as he has, by killing me, pretty much given me permission to do so. A lot of other people here feel the same way, so don't look for sympathy or support on this issue.
You seem like a reasonable guy, Swordfyre. Use common sense and get away from warclod before he causes you trouble.
- D
Moist Happenings
12-31-2003, 02:40 PM
Originally posted by Caramia
Defending your friends still requires an invitation and consent, according to policy. We've already been through this before, with a log obtained by Jolena during her referral.
If the other person in the conflict, who is not your friend, doesn't invite you in or consent to you joining the conflict, you've just commited a violation of policy.
So Graysalin had no place in the conflict in the first place, by your own logic, correct?
12-31-2003, 02:40 PM
It's very sad. Swordfyre is misplacing his empathy for social 'rejects'.
Warclaidhm has many of you fooled, but I don't care enough to correct.
You may want to try and look at him from another perspective though, Swordfyre. You'll be surprised at how many clues you're missing to the true nature of Warclaidhm.
12-31-2003, 02:43 PM
Warclaidhm claims to be 15. At that age you know what the female body parts look like, and what they are, and what they are called. He asked me what my my body looks like. He asked for a picture as well. He asked me to describe the *lower* areas of me, and the top as well. To me dear, seems like he's wanting something to get off to. I really tried to be his friend, he seems sweet, he really does. But then he pulls shit like that. I'm sorry, you just don't do this stuff, 15 or not. Anyways I'm done with this for now.
[Edited on 12-31-2003 by ElvenRangeress]
Moist Happenings
12-31-2003, 02:45 PM
So Atheana, did he do this in game? Asking for pictures? Or in IMs?
12-31-2003, 02:49 PM
See first post, Neff.
A lot of people have tried with Warclaidhm. Maybe he just needed a friend and he would be turned around.
Wrong. Swordfyre will see that sooner or later, as everyone does.
- D
Moist Happenings
12-31-2003, 03:11 PM
Ah, okay, didn't read that part. However. He harassed her in game, right? From what she just said he was harassing her in an OOC matter. Unless of course one talks about google and jpegs freely in Elanthia. So to sum it up: You attacked Warclaidhm because of an OOC matter involving your in game wife, not you. he died. Swordfyre killed you in an IC manner. You did not give swordfyre permission to PvP, just as Warclaidhm didn't give you permission. Am I wrong?
12-31-2003, 03:15 PM
He gave grays permission when he harrassed his wife. In game or Out of Character and in game. wtf ever. It's all still In game. I killed him and was killed in return. Should have been left at that.
As I've said already, I can understand Swordfyre's point of view. I just can't understand his choice of friends.
Warclod knew the consequences of speaking to my wife like that where I could see. That was all the PvP consent I needed. Now, though...if there was a blurry line between if I have the right or not, there definitely isn't any doubt anymore. He's brought what happens to him now on himself.
[Edited on 12-31-2003 by Halfsilver]
Moist Happenings
12-31-2003, 03:28 PM
Oh. Well I was under the impression from the last few pages of this thread that you were of the opinion that Swordfyre had no right to attack you. I'm probably just tired.
12-31-2003, 03:29 PM
Originally posted by Wintervale
I don't think Warclaidhm is a bad person. He's a very young guy who gets picked on a LOT - both by you and, I would guess, in school - and it's understandable that his reactions to everyone giving him a hard time are not always going to be well thought-over. I've been there too, and I know how it feels to have the world against you... even if you do deserve it at first, a lot of the time, that type of situation only serves to perpetuate itself.
Warclaidhm's player has preyed on the sympathies of many - well adjusted adults. I too, used to feel sorry for him, but I have seen him turn on more than one person who has tried to "be his friend". I have worried about him and what this game does to the self-esteem of a young person, like himself. But I have come to a conclusion:
This is a roleplaying game and it's not really supposed to be group therapy for socially inept teenagers (or adults for that matter.)
If Warclaidhm's player had demonstrated that he was able to learn from his mistakes and to show some growth and maturity, then I would be the first (of many) to try and look out for his best interests. The fact is that he doesn't want to learn, nor change. He prefers to dwell on certain situations and to perpetuate others in order to meet his needs.
If the player would adjust to the world, learn from his mistakes and just do what the other 990 folks do, then he wouldn't constantly be involved in these conflicts.
If his player is not capable of adjusting to the demands of the gaming world, then perhaps he shouldn't be playing. Now, there's a concept isn't it?
Sorry, but I feel that it needs to be said.
Moist Happenings
12-31-2003, 03:31 PM
TRL, while I agree with you wholeheartedly, there are two sides to it.
I've watched Warclaidhm walk into a room, talk to ME, and me alone, and be harassed by 3 other people in the room without any provocation whatsoever. Yes, he has done stupid things, i'm not denying that. But a lot of what happens THESE days is people prey on him because they know he's quick to do something stupid and would just love to have a new log of it.
12-31-2003, 03:56 PM
There comes a point where he crosses the line. It'll happen to you...for me, it was the blatant attention seeking after a sad RL occurence...and the outright scamming.
12-31-2003, 03:59 PM
Everyone who comes in contact with him will be affected by his stupidity eventually. Like Roselady said, I used to feel that all he needed was a friend and a little bit of charity. I tried and look how I was repaid.
This attack on him was completely deserved, I assure you, Neff.
12-31-2003, 04:00 PM
Originally posted by Wintervale
Warclaidhm had some questions involving sex that he wanted answered and for which he could not find the answers. Being very young and not having many places to turn to, he asked Graysalin's wife - in confidence - to answer some questions involving the Latin names of specific female anatomical parts.
And you call me a dumbass...
Des ka
12-31-2003, 04:52 PM
Oh sure, Atheana, I'm sure, every 15 year old kid knows all the different female antomy of the female gentila. I really don't know what I want to do in life. Theres many things. I like space alot, perhaps I could get a job after colleage with JPL or NASA. My dad worked for both.
I also like the medical field. I study and read all about the human body. I was just confused on a few parts.
I'm sorry atheana, if you took it the wrong way. I asked you if you felt comfortable or not with it. You asked me to go to a porn site to look. I don't recall ever wanting to see your female parts.
I sincerly wasn't trying to harass you and I'm sorry you took it the wrong way.
12-31-2003, 05:04 PM
Warclaidhm, what is your first name? your real one.
12-31-2003, 05:31 PM
Originally posted by Des ka
I sincerly wasn't trying to harass you and I'm sorry you took it the wrong way.
She took it for what it was(innocuous garbage), and offered a facetious remark in response, you twit.
I'm the one who got pissed, not her. You're a liar in addition to being totally retarded.
12-31-2003, 05:34 PM
I don't like Warclaidhm.
But if she needs you to fight her battles for her, Graysalin, you guys are just like every other snerty couple in-game. I'm so sick of dealing with assholes that can't keep their stupid S/O's out of their private business with others.... so, so sick of it.
12-31-2003, 05:37 PM
As I said, she was not the one who was angry. It was me. She didn't think twice about it.
Me, I was amazed and disgusted that warclod had the nerve to talk like that to her. So I let him know in no uncertain terms.
It was my battle the whole time, I wasn't fighting on her behalf. I was fighting because I was offended.
12-31-2003, 05:40 PM
You were offended why, because someone talked about something you didn't like with your significant other?
Bad excuse, man. You weren't even involved in it at all. Were you? So what gives you the right to pick a fight?
12-31-2003, 05:44 PM
Maybe you're right, and, according to simu policy...I shouldn't have gotten involved.
That's where the topic of this thread comes in.
If I were my character, and I found out that some guy was speaking to my wife like that...disrespecting her and me, would I stand by? Especially being a follower of the Huntress? it was in character in my POV.
It's not the fact that it's Warclod, either. I would have done the same or attempted to do the same had anybody spoken to her that way. It's the way my character would react.
[Edited on 12-31-2003 by Halfsilver]
12-31-2003, 06:14 PM
But the point is this: As lifelike as GS may be, it isn't real. In real life, yeah, you'd have license to beat dude's ass. But you'd also go to jail for mostly unprovoked assault.
While GS may be a semi-realistic environment, it is also a game, and must be treated FIRST like a game, and secondly like an RPG... because if you try to go heavily RP -AT YOUR DISCRETION- you'll be a lot like all those other idiots out there -- that choose to RP only when it gives them license to do something they couldn't otherwise do.
Please, don't take offense to my posts, I'm not trying to rag on you or anything, and in rereading them they do seem rather overly critical. I guess I'm just trying to make a point.
12-31-2003, 06:21 PM
For the record, I'd jump in my wife's issues, gs or not.
And family.
I'd expect the same too
12-31-2003, 06:47 PM
If she didn't HAVE issues, there's nothing to jump in about. If she didn't think twice about it, then why did she mention it to you at all? Does she go over all her conversations with you?
12-31-2003, 06:50 PM
Originally posted by Snapp
If she didn't HAVE issues, there's nothing to jump in about. If she didn't think twice about it, then why did she mention it to you at all? Does she go over all her conversations with you?
This is kinda my point.
If it doesn't bother her, why should it bother you? Shit. If my ex husband had gotten upset about something said to me online, I would have slapped him and told him to grow up.
I'm a big girl, I don't need anyone to fight my battles for me; to allow, encourage, or expect someone to defend me where I do not defend myself or THINK I don't need to be defended... is a sign of inherent weakness. No... She holds her own defending herself; I think you should let her fight her own battles... especially if she chooses them.
12-31-2003, 08:14 PM
Originally posted by Des ka
I like space alot, perhaps I could get a job after colleage with JPL or NASA.
Hiring kids like this is just asking for more Columbias.
01-02-2004, 05:29 AM
Originally posted by Wintervale
Warclaidhm had some questions involving sex that he wanted answered and for which he could not find the answers. Being very young and not having many places to turn to, he asked Graysalin's wife - in confidence - to answer some questions involving the Latin names of specific female anatomical parts.
OMG... is THAT what this is all about?
She wasn't offended, but you were? Here's a clue... if she wasn't offended, maybe you shouldn't have been either. If she was offended, then she should have said something.
If that had been me, I would have stared at him and roleplayed it out... told him it wasn't polite to say those things in public, or told him to go ask him mother or the local tavern wench.
That is such a petty thing to get irked about.
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