View Full Version : A bunch of crap

06-03-2008, 12:06 PM
some blackened pyrothag hide boots tooled with silvery vines

You pull at the top of each of your pyrothag hide boots in turn, ensuring that the boots are firmly on your feet.
You wriggle your toes inside your pyrothag hide boots, checking the fit. Not too bad, though the boots are rather heavy.
You spit into the palm of your hand before giving your pyrothag hide boots a good shining. That's better!
You knock your pyrothag hide boots against each other in turn and manage to dislodge some of the mud and dust clinging to your heels. That's good.


a golden reed scriber

an obsidian and twisted onyx bracelet

Each link of the bracelet is crafted of a distinctive piece of obsidian. Due to the nature of the material, every shard bears curved striations and a glossy, semi-translucence, adding a dark luster to the handsome piece. Between each bit of obsidian is a twisted segment of onyx, matte in finish, purposefully carved into malformed fragments. The intentional distortion of the onyx provides a vivid contrast to the obsidian, an effect mimicked in the twined leaf clasp of obsidian and onyx.

altered amulet holder, wrist worn

a rich plum silk cloak

Fashioned of silk, the lightweight garment holds the rich purple hue of eggplant. Tailored pleats are bound in place with threads of a matching hue along the shoulders, stiffened neckline, and lapels. Interlocking whorls of silver and indigo create an embroidered pattern that dances down the left and right openings towards the thick hem. A dragonfly clasp, fashioned of sea glass and silver, holds the garment closed at the neck.



a patterned dusky brown cloak

Layers of dusky brown linen are bound at the high collar of the cloak with viridian threads to create careful pleats. These pleats allow the fabric to fall in unfettered lines from the wide lapels to the sweeping ankle-length hem. Wrapped in copper, a golden amber nodule acts as a slender clasp at the neck opposite a matching cord of silk.



First come, first serve.. contact me at AIM or PM will check periodically..
PS: If you don't like my price, feel free to offer me something and we can work it from there!

Thanks for looking

06-03-2008, 12:19 PM
The thread title is misleading. I was hoping to see:

a dab of semi-solid waste

an odious mound of scat

a steaming pile of feces

et cetera.

06-03-2008, 12:22 PM
Nah.. those would actually be priceless

06-03-2008, 01:16 PM
i"ll take the four winds shop for 4m