View Full Version : LICH: thoughtget?
05-29-2008, 02:25 PM
Is there a command like "get" that will get a line from the thought window instead of the game window?
06-01-2008, 02:46 PM
No one knows?
i r sad. :(
Peanut Butter Jelly Time
06-01-2008, 02:50 PM
Not using lich = makes 40 things much less complicated.
...and sure, it also makes about 400 things much more complicated, but shush.
06-04-2008, 08:30 PM
Not using lich = makes 40 things much less complicated.
...and sure, it also makes about 400 things much more complicated, but shush.
Hahah... true. I guess a 10:1 ratio in its favor isn't so bad, though, eh :)
Renian: no, there isn't, but there should be.
# Provides a "thought_get" method for StormFront.
# Setup. $thought_array doesn't have to be global for this to work, but it opens the possibility of other scripts tinkering with it if they have a reason to
$thought_array = []
# Define the ``thought_get'' method for other scripts to use
def thought_get
fail "Doesn't work without SF..." if not $stormfront
wait_while { $thought_array.empty? }
return $thought_array.shift
# Now sit around and watch for thoughts
loop {
line = get
if regexp = line.match(/<pushStream id=['"]thoughts['"][^>]+>/i)
msg = regexp.post_match.gsub(/<[^>]+>/, '')
until (line = get) =~ /<popStream(?: id=['"]thoughts['"])?\/>/i
$thought_array.push( line.gsub(/<[^>]+>/, '') )
That should do it... just stick it in a script, run the script, and hopefully it'll work.
06-04-2008, 11:36 PM
Problem: I use Wizard now, lol.
Lich was causing SF to A-SPLODE.
06-06-2008, 11:32 PM
Problem: I use Wizard now, lol.
Oh. Well in that case... it's a whole lot easier. Even if you have Wizard's "compress incoming thoughts," option enabled so that messages are only one line, the server still sends them in two lines. I can't find a log, so take this with a grain of salt (you can always use Lich's echo.lic script to check what a script actually ends up seeing), but it's basically always:
You hear the faint thoughts of Shaelun echo in your mind:
"Insert pithy quote here."
So, since I feel like it, here... modified to work with SF & Wizard both:
# Provides a "thought_get" method.
# Setup. $thought_array doesn't have to be global for this to work, but it opens the possibility of other scripts tinkering with it if they have a reason to
toggle_status if $stormfront
$thought_array = []
# Define the ``thought_get'' method for other scripts to use
def thought_get
wait_while { $thought_array.empty? }
monitor_proc = if $stormfront
# What to do if we're running with SF...
proc {
line = get
if regexp = line.match(/<pushStream id=['"]thoughts['"][^>]+>/i)
msg = regexp.post_match.gsub(/<[^>]+>/, '')
until (line = get) =~ /<popStream(?: id=['"]thoughts['"])?\/>/i
$thought_array.push( line.gsub(/<[^>]+>/, '') )
# What to do if we're running with Wizard...
proc {
matchobj = waitforre(/You hear the faint thoughts of ([^\s]+) echo in your mind/i)
line = sprintf("%s: %s", matchobj.captures.first, get)
# Now sit around and watch for thoughts
Usually I value an easy-to-understand script over a short one, but oh well.
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