View Full Version : Hamstring

07-12-2003, 05:13 PM
You quickly dart behind the zombie and try to hamstring it!
MS: +116 - MD: +62 + MAvA: 0 + d100: +91 == +145
With a vicious strike you slash at the zombie's hamstring with your spiked vultite waraxe!
...and hits for 6 points of damage!
The zombie falls to the ground grasping her mangled right leg in agony!
The zombie is stunned!
Roundtime: 8 sec.

Looking pretty nice. That's a level 35 ranger fully 1xed in CM in neutral. The zombie stands back up a few seconds later, that may be addressed later on.

You quickly dart behind the rotting farmhand and try to hamstring it!
MS: +131 - MD: +81 + MAvA: 0 + d100: +76 == +126
With a vicious strike you slash at the rotting farmhand's hamstring with your spiked vultite waraxe!
...and hits for 3 points of damage!
Roundtime: 5 sec.

You quickly dart behind the rotting farmhand and try to hamstring it!
MS: +116 - MD: +81 + MAvA: 0 + d100: +58 == +93
You missed!
Roundtime: 6 sec.
(unenchanted knife, neutral stance)

You quickly dart behind the rotting farmhand and try to hamstring it!
MS: +153 - MD: +81 + MAvA: 0 + d100: +70 == +142
With a vicious strike you slash at the rotting farmhand's hamstring with your spiked vultite waraxe!
...and hits for 6 points of damage!
The rotting farmhand falls to the ground grasping his mangled right leg in agony!
The rotting farmhand is stunned!
Roundtime: 5 sec.

(4x axe, offensive)

[Edited on 7/12/03 by Taernath]

07-12-2003, 05:21 PM
I'm pretty sure enchant is ineffective while hamstring..ing. I accidentally killed someone in town with it, luckily there was no murder charge.