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View Full Version : Bhambi pulls a POW!

12-27-2003, 05:10 AM
The ghostly voice of Omens says, "I'll Duel you ."
Marelayna murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Marelayna concentrates.
Marelayna looks a little better.
Bhambi patiently says, "Okay."
Rorge starts chortling.
Rorge taps an ora-winged eonake plated helmet.
Rorge taps an elaborate Eonak symbol.
Rorge recites:

"'From the fires of Eonak's forge...
Be recast and rise! "

Rorge raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
The ghostly voice of Omens says, "Beat ya like thumper kicked flowers ass."
Rorge gestures at Omens.
Rorge suddenly looks very drained.

A bolt of soft white light streaks down from the sky bathing Omens in it.
A brilliant glow forms around Omens, lingers for a moment, and finally fades. Omens awakens looking somewhat confused and seriously drained.
Omens seems slightly different.
Bhambi gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Bhambi gestures at Omens.
The glazed look leaves Omens.
Omens sits up.
Bhambi gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Bhambi gestures at Rorge.
The glazed look leaves Rorge.
Omens says, "Thanks."
Asben says, "Alright bed time."
Rorge says, "Thanks, Bhambi."
Bhambi patiently says, "I'll start pummeling you when you are ready."
Omens turns towards Asben and renders a sharp hand salute.
Asben says, "Night folks."
Bhambi nods to Omens.
Rorge says, "He silly."
Omens nods to Bhambi.
Marelayna waves to Asben.
Asben just left.
Rorge says, "Welcome back. May Eonak forge your soul to be mightier than your weapon ."
Omens says, "Gimmie a minute."
The feeling of weakness leaves you. Your spirits are somewhat rejuvenated.
Rorge says, "And all that good stuff."
Omens bows to Rorge.
Omens says, "I need mana."
Omens stares off into space.
Bhambi patiently says, "I see.."
Bhambi patiently says, "ONe spell, one kill."
Omens smirks.
Rorge gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Rorge gestures into the air.
Rorge momentarily gets a faroff look in his eyes, and then returns to normal.
Omens traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Omens gestures at Bhambi.
A void rips open in the area, close enough for Bhambi to touch it!
Refreshing breeze ruffles Bhambi's hair, boy does she look cool.

Everything in the room seemed to stay in place. The void disappears without further incident.
Omens says, "Heh."
Bhambi chants a reverent litany and clasps her hands while tightly focusing her thoughts...
You notice Omens botch an attempt to conceal himself.
Bhambi gestures at Omens.
CS: +441 - TD: +170 + CvA: +14 + d100: +73 - -5 == +363
Warding failed!
As Bhambi stares intensely at Omens, a golden film covers Omens's eyes.
Omens appears dazed.
Rorge says, "Rut roh."
Rorge winces.
Marelayna grins.
Bhambi leans on her runestaff.
Omens fumbles about aimlessly!
Bhambi patiently says, "It just wouldn't be fair."
Omens makes a faint wheezing sound.
Bhambi patiently asks, "Unlinked?"
Omens makes a faint wheezing sound.
Omens makes a faint wheezing sound.
Omens makes a faint wheezing sound.
Omens makes a faint wheezing sound.
Omens fumbles about aimlessly!
Omens makes a faint wheezing sound.
Omens makes a faint wheezing sound.
Rorge says, "Nor would it help my raising status."
Rorge says, "Unlinked."
Omens makes a faint wheezing sound.
Omens makes a faint wheezing sound.
Bhambi gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Bhambi gestures.
An invisible force guides Bhambi.
Omens fumbles about aimlessly!
Rorge says, "Doh."
Omens makes a faint wheezing sound.
Bhambi traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...
Bhambi gestures at Omens.
CS: +393 - TD: +140 + CvA: +14 + d100: +69 - -5 == +341
Warding failed!
Omens screams in rage.
Bhambi swings a gold-capped orase runestaff at Omens!
AS: +180 vs DS: +47 with AvD: +14 + d100 roll: +13 = +160
... and hits for 14 points of damage!
The guiding force leaves Bhambi.
Bhambi patiently exclaims, "Die!"
Rorge says, "Here it comes."
Bhambi gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Bhambi gestures.
An invisible force guides Bhambi.
Omens fumbles about aimlessly!
Rorge blinks.
Zelnius begins chuckling at Bhambi!

[Leaving rest mode.]

Stance Defensive
You are now in a defensive stance.
>Bhambi swings a gold-capped orase runestaff at Omens!
AS: +180 vs DS: +47 with AvD: +14 + d100 roll: +22 = +169
... and hits for 17 points of damage!
Blow raises a welt on Omens's right arm.
The guiding force leaves Bhambi.
Rorge says, "She beat ya with a runestaff."
Bhambi gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Bhambi gestures.
An invisible force guides Bhambi.
Bhambi swings a gold-capped orase runestaff at Omens!
AS: +180 vs DS: +45 with AvD: +14 + d100 roll: +87 = +236
... and hits for 47 points of damage!
Flesh ripped from back, muscles exposed.
The guiding force leaves Bhambi.
Omens regains his clarity and focus.
Omens stands up.
You chuckle.
Rorge says, "That's not going to be something you want to tell your buddies."

[Entering rest mode...press any key to resume.]

Omens babbles something unintelligible.
Bhambi snickers.
Omens gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Omens gestures.
The air thickens and begins to swirl around Omens.
Omens gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Bhambi utters a light chant and raises her hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to her aid...
Omens gestures.
An invisible force guides Omens.
Bhambi gestures at Omens.
Omens appears calmer.
A hazy film coats Omens.

[Leaving rest mode.]

[Upper Dragonsclaw, Boulder]
The crest of the towering boulder affords a good view of the surrounding countryside. To the north, you see the dense forests of the Lower Dragonsclaw. Looking northeast, the verdant grasslands sprawl down towards the coast. Gazing southward at the slopes, in the distance you see the snow-covered summits of the Dragonsclaw mountain range, shrouded in perpetual mist.
Also here: Zelnius, Lady Bhambi, Lord Rorge, Marelayna who is sitting, Great Lord Omens
Obvious paths: down
>Bhambi utters a light chant and raises her hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to her aid...
Bhambi gestures at Omens.
The guiding force leaves Omens.
Omens utters a light chant and raises his hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to his aid...
Marelayna starts chortling.
Omens gestures at Bhambi.
Omens hurls a roaring ball of fire at Bhambi!
AS: +137 vs DS: +411 with AvD: +44 + d100 roll: +33 = -197
A clean miss.
Bhambi utters a light chant and raises her hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to her aid...
You say, "Heheh."
Bhambi gestures at Omens.
The air calms down around Omens.
Omens says, "Uhh."
Omens asks, "137 ?"
Omens rubs his chin thoughtfully.
The hazy film fades from Omens.
Marelayna asks, "No spirit eh?"
Bhambi traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...

The Symbol of Need begins to burn in your mind and an image appears before you of Myentin...

[Stronghold, Entry]
Tall stone walls enclose a courtyard, its floor composed of the same huge rock slabs. The ramparts circle the area and connect to the mountain's side, out of which a monstrous stronghold has been hewn. Dust drifts across the open space in clouds driven by gusts of wind. Its soft susurrus underlies an eerie stillness, which reigns over the ancient fortification. You also see a stone arch leading into the fortification and some massive ora double doors.
Also here: the body of Myentin who is lying down
Obvious exits: none
Rorge says, "Ya airwalled."
Bhambi gestures at Omens.
CS: +393 - TD: +170 + CvA: +14 + d100: +89 - -5 == +331
Warding failed!
Omens suddenly stops all movement.
Omens says, "Oh yeah."
Rorge says, "Low on spirit."
Bhambi gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Bhambi gestures.
An invisible force guides Bhambi.
Bhambi swings a gold-capped orase runestaff at Rorge!
AS: +180 vs DS: +133 with AvD: +12 + d100 roll: +40 = +99
A clean miss.
The guiding force leaves Bhambi.
Rorge shakes his head.
Marelayna covers her eyes with her hands.
Bhambi patiently exclaims, "Whoops!"
Rorge says, "I can't believe she's canin' him."
Bhambi rubs Rorge.
Bhambi gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Bhambi gestures.
An invisible force guides Bhambi.
Bhambi patiently says, "Sorry."
Bhambi nods to Rorge.
Marelayna says, "Mebbe I hide."
Bhambi swings a gold-capped orase runestaff at Omens!
Omens blocks the attack with his shield!
You hear someone giggling.
Bhambi gasps.
Rorge says, "That's just wrong."
Bhambi traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...
Bhambi gestures at Omens.
CS: +393 - TD: +140 + CvA: +14 + d100: +68 - -5 == +340
Warding failed!
Omens screams in rage.
Bhambi gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Bhambi gestures.
An invisible force guides Bhambi.
Omens says, "Heh."
Bhambi swings a gold-capped orase runestaff at Omens!
AS: +180 vs DS: +48 with AvD: +14 + d100 roll: +58 = +204
... and hits for 36 points of damage!
Blow to chest causes Omens's heart to skip a beat.
He is stunned!
The guiding force leaves Bhambi.
Marelayna says, "Bop."
Bhambi gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Bhambi gestures.
An invisible force guides Bhambi.
Rorge winces.
Bhambi swings a gold-capped orase runestaff at Omens!
AS: +180 vs DS: +47 with AvD: +14 + d100 roll: +59 = +206
... and hits for 36 points of damage!
Respectable shot to the back.
He is stunned!
The guiding force leaves Bhambi.
Marelayna says, "Bop."
Bhambi gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Bhambi gestures.
Nothing happens.
Bhambi patiently says, "Hmm.."
Bhambi swings a gold-capped orase runestaff at Omens!
AS: +105 vs DS: +45 with AvD: +14 + d100 roll: +61 = +135
... and hits for 12 points of damage!
Blow leaves an imprint on Omens's chest!
Rorge says, "She gonna break that over his skull."
Bhambi patiently says, "Outta mana now."
Bhambi swings a gold-capped orase runestaff at Omens!
AS: +105 vs DS: +44 with AvD: +14 + d100 roll: +48 = +123
... and hits for 5 points of damage!
Hit glances off Omens's hip.
You feel at full magical power again.
Rorge says, "He got some blood in him."
Bhambi patiently says, "60 more."
Marelayna nods to Rorge.
Bhambi gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Bhambi gestures.
An invisible force guides Bhambi.
Rorge says, "Got to give him that."
Bhambi swings a gold-capped orase runestaff at Omens!
AS: +180 vs DS: +48 with AvD: +14 + d100 roll: +86 = +232
... and hits for 34 points of damage!
Large gash to the right arm, several muscles torn.

* Omens drops dead at your feet!

Omens appears calmer.
The guiding force leaves Bhambi.
Marelayna seems to lose some dexterity.
Marelayna says, "Bonk."
Rorge recites:

"'Thy soul shall be bound to thine body. "

Rorge raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Omens gives a ghostly chuckle.
Rorge gestures at Omens.
A luminescent web briefly forms around Omens, then fades into the body.
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
Bhambi snickers.
[Upper Dragonsclaw, Boulder]
The crest of the towering boulder affords a good view of the surrounding countryside. To the north, you see the dense forests of the Lower Dragonsclaw. Looking northeast, the verdant grasslands sprawl down towards the coast. Gazing southward at the slopes, in the distance you see the snow-covered summits of the Dragonsclaw mountain range, shrouded in perpetual mist.
Also here: Zelnius, Lady Bhambi, Lord Rorge, Marelayna who is sitting, the body of Great Lord Omens who is lying down
Obvious paths: down
Marelayna returns to normal color.
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
>whis bham heheh
You quietly whisper to Bhambi, "Heheh."
Bhambi rubs Omens.
Rorge begins to do his best to mend Omens's wounded arm.
Marelayna meditates over Omens.
Marelayna takes Omens's neck damage.
Marelayna meditates over Omens.
Marelayna takes Omens's back damage.
Rorge nods.
Bhambi begins to do her best to mend Omens's wounded chest.
A cloud of dense silvery fog suddenly appears. The fog quickly dissipates to reveal Kazami.
Marelayna meditates over Omens.
Marelayna takes Omens's right arm damage.
The ghostly voice of Omens says, "Meanie."
>whis bham i want to be like you when I grow up... oh wait... heh
You quietly whisper to Bhambi, "I want to be like you when I grow up... oh wait... heh ."
Marelayna meditates over Omens.
Marelayna takes Omens's chest damage.
>grin bham
You grin at Bhambi.
Marelayna meditates over Omens.
Marelayna takes some of Omens's blood loss.
Kazami raises an eyebrow in Omens's direction.
Rorge starts chortling.
Bhambi patiently exclaims, "SCRAM!"
>chuckle bham
You chuckle at Bhambi.
Bhambi snickers.
Kazami asks, "Got drunk and fell on yer weapon again ?"
The ghostly voice of Omens says, "Kazami."
Marelayna murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Kazami peers quizzically at Omens.
Marelayna concentrates.
Marelayna looks a little better.
Bhambi patiently says, "I caned him."
Bhambi nods to Kazami.
Marelayna snickers.
Bhambi raises her orase runestaff in triumph!
Marelayna murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
The ghostly voice of Omens says, "And i thought it couldnt get any worse."
Marelayna concentrates.
Marelayna's right arm looks better.
Marelayna giggles at Omens!
Bhambi grins at you.
Kazami asks, "Wanna go back to voln ?"
Kazami peers quizzically at Omens.
Marelayna says, "Nice show."
Marelayna nods to Bhambi.
Marelayna murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Marelayna concentrates.
Marelayna's chest looks better.
Marelayna murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Marelayna concentrates.
Marelayna's back looks better.
The ghostly voice of Omens says, "Yeah , Git me way from these mean women."
Kazami asks, "Or you gonna be here all day for canning ?"

-Varsus (a runestaff in the right hands is a deadly weapon)

12-27-2003, 08:23 AM
She could had kill him with her fist, it's not hard when your oppponent is silenced/webbed/stoped/prone/stuned/whatever

12-27-2003, 08:43 AM
bhambi is a pussy I will point you to the Another one bites the dust thred.

Moist Happenings
12-27-2003, 08:57 AM
Or the "Bhambi is one of those things...you know..a moron" thread.

12-27-2003, 11:54 AM

I forget who it was, I have the log at home... but they kept stopping me from being raised, by binding my raiser -- because I told them not to heal me. I wasn't even rude, I just said I preferred to be tended.

Bhambi's that type.

12-27-2003, 12:25 PM
She's such a moron.

12-27-2003, 04:54 PM
Yeah i had a good go at her in the crypt one night... all she could say was...Keep pushing...and "Do you know who I am"
"Yeah Dimmu knows, Ugly she-giant with ugly magiks"
Quite surprised she didn't try to do anything...
She shall die! Again!!

12-27-2003, 10:15 PM
Great roleplaying there...

12-28-2003, 02:52 PM
Sold soul. What do you expect.

12-28-2003, 05:51 PM
I especially liked
[/quote]Bhambi patiently exclaims, "SCRAM!" [/quote]