View Full Version : Elemental bow

05-24-2008, 05:15 AM
I'm thinking about picking up an elemental bow, either new or old style. Long bow base only (unless there's a composite one I'm not aware of, which is also fine).

If you own one and you're interested in possibly parting with it, drop me a PM. I've got various trades or I can rummage up some coins.

Various things for trade:

5x/day Raise Dead staff

Ranger Pavis (self-mana e-wave, works with the other pavises)

7x Tier 3 Iasha maul (only 7x Iasha that exists - teleports, plasma flares, sanctified, WIS bonus, a dozen zests, etc.)

8x spiked 14lb hauberk

Various other things.

05-24-2008, 05:16 AM
There def. was a composite ebow made at one point or another, I don't remember which type it was though.

05-24-2008, 05:27 AM
There def. was a composite ebow made at one point or another, I don't remember which type it was though.

Good to know. I'll bet it was one of Lirion's. I'm not sure on all the different types he made.

05-24-2008, 11:46 AM
Lirion released three types of elemental bows on the WD:
1) Long bow with all the flares randomly
2) Composite bow with no flares
3) Heavy crossbow with damage flares

The vast majority of elemental bows are longbows.

05-24-2008, 11:53 AM
There should also be the Composite Poison bow and such out there if I recall, but then again it's been a while since I've bothered with E-Bows since I don't really personally like them much.

I'll keep my eyes peeled Nuadjha for ya.

Edited to add: Keep in mind, from what I've been told e-bows no longer function as they used to in terms of RT and negating STR Bonuses. Apparently now, they act just like normal bows now in terms of RT. So that may be a factor for you in search of an e-bow, because if you want smaller RT, you may have to seek out a Short Bow.

Me personally, since you are a Ranger, I'd look for one of the Ranger e-bows out there like the Vacuum one Tsin has. They are far better for a Ranger than a normal e-bow in terms of AS etc

05-24-2008, 12:01 PM
The three poison bows only came in longbow form.

05-24-2008, 01:49 PM
Good points, all, and thanks for the info. I would absolutely prefer a ranger e-bow. I'm not a huge fan of the randomized AS ones, and sighting is pretty useless to a decent archer.

The STR bit, if I recall, was that the bows were changed to a base RT that wasn't modified by anything. If you're a weak race, that's great. If you're not, it blows. It's definitely a pain.

I actually thought about buying Tsin's, but it's unfortunately a short bow.

05-24-2008, 02:54 PM
The STR change was just like Krol said. They used to ignore strength, and have a flat 3 second RT. Now they function like any other bow. Which means you can have a 3 second RT if your strong enough, but you can also get pretty damn high RT as well.

05-24-2008, 04:25 PM
The STR change was just like Krol said. They used to ignore strength, and have a flat 3 second RT. Now they function like any other bow. Which means you can have a 3 second RT if your strong enough, but you can also get pretty damn high RT as well.

Hrm. Are you sure about this? I'll have to look up the post, but I thought the change was to give them a flat duration, like 5 seconds for the longbows, plus 1 sec for aiming, etc. If it could be affected by STR, it wouldn't be a big deal, but the reason why it was such an annoying change was that it made strong archers get high RTs anyway.

05-24-2008, 04:35 PM
All bow RTs now have strength factored in.. Which is why short bows improved somewhat since it's basically always 3 seconds even aiming for younger or mid level characters no matter what strength you have. Yes the DF is lower but if you are shooting twice as fast it's still better. Not to mention all the owners of composites and long bow versions will never sell them even for the 300m+ that i've offered them.

05-24-2008, 04:47 PM
Hrm. Are you sure about this? I'll have to look up the post, but I thought the change was to give them a flat duration, like 5 seconds for the longbows, plus 1 sec for aiming, etc. If it could be affected by STR, it wouldn't be a big deal, but the reason why it was such an annoying change was that it made strong archers get high RTs anyway.

I am sure, I owned one when the change went in. It raised my RT since I had a weak character, hence why I sold it.

05-24-2008, 05:02 PM
7x Tier 3 Iasha maul (only 7x Iasha that exists - teleports, plasma flares, sanctified, WIS bonus, a dozen zests, etc.)

How does the teleport work on this thing, and how far can it go?

05-24-2008, 05:30 PM
iirc its 1x a day/week to the home of your chosen diety in the nearest town.

05-24-2008, 07:24 PM
iirc its 1x a day/week to the home of your chosen diety in the nearest town.

1x/day, yep. If you have no diety set or if there's no temple nearby, it takes you to the center of town. It's realm-wide, but not cross-realms.

05-24-2008, 07:26 PM
I am sure, I owned one when the change went in. It raised my RT since I had a weak character, hence why I sold it.

Sounds good, then. That's better than I thought.