View Full Version : Lorekeepers Host Event for Clerics

05-23-2008, 08:40 PM
Do you know the difference between Lumnis and Eorgina? How many sets of twins are found within the Arkati? Who guards the Ebon Gate?

Just a reminder that the lorekeepers of Silverwood Manor will be hosting an event for the clerics of Elanthia tomorrow, the 24th of Ivastaen, at 7 o'clock in the evening. The evening begins with a quiz centered around Arkati lore, a perfect opportunity to earn prizes for your lore prowess and learn about the divine who answer our blessings in times of need.

Afterwards, we will have an open question and answer period and a social mingle! Come meet others of your profession and have those questions answered you have been needing to ask.

Hope to see you there!