View Full Version : Another day waiting.

05-21-2008, 08:19 AM
So I don't have a job at MOD anymore. I couldn't take going in on a Monday and first second of being there taking a call from crashing helicopters. I lost it during an exam and failed by 11 points. Not like me since I've passed them all at 100% since I started.
It's been 2 months.
I've done everything to get a new job. I took my friend to an induction for a warehouse job because I felt sorry for him.
He was literally chosen instead of me because of the place he sat.

I'm here.. with no job, drinking gin and tonic and I will get pissed.
I've no choice.
And before you think ''get a job!'' I promise you I've done it all. I've been to 3 interviews. One for warehouse work (I need brainless work) and 2 for clerical.

I'm so mad. I'm the kind of person who'd go nuts on his ass doing nothing.
I don't know what to do. There's no calls coming back from my applications.

I'm waiting an I'm going nuts.

Stanley Burrell
05-21-2008, 08:25 AM
I think if anyone on this planet ever deserved a job, it would be you.

Beyond words, shit/great stuff/medium things will happen. Always.

Calling it quits would be taking your own life or acting physically violent towards another human being. If not, you're doing the best damn job to stay not dead and not hurt other people. So good job :)

05-21-2008, 08:39 AM
Although I'm not going to kill myself or beat the beJesus out of a woman.

I know what you're saying though. Thanks B.

05-21-2008, 08:58 AM
Bah. I completely understand where you are at. I have been and am currently in a similar situation. Though I'm not really looking too hard until June 10th when I have more freedom from personal responsibilities that keep me busy all day anyway.

It's frustrating of course, but I suppose you can take the approach my mother always tries to throw at me in these situations and just believe that the ONE RIGHT thing for you will come along. Damn optimism.

But yes, you are doing the right thing. Just keep going and know it won't be forever. :)

Chin up, I hope it all works out well. Sorry you're so frustrated.:medieval:

05-21-2008, 09:10 AM
Cheers Misun. I am well keeping my chin up.
You can only look so hard.

I'll keep staring at the phone. I'll keep going to the jobcentre with the twats with Stella Artois in their prams.

I'm not used to this.
I'm glad of the break.
But I'm not kidding, I'm coming to the end of my tether.

Waiting! I don't know what to do.
Last week I had 2 interviews and they all said they'd call when the position becomes available.
I know for a fact I'm probably even over qualified. I knew the job / interviews didn't finish or start till the end of this month.

I just don't know what do with all this. I'm bitter but optimistic.
We'll see.

05-21-2008, 09:18 AM
Ugh...nothing like being 'over qualified'. I've always hated that...but I understand in some ways that someone wouldn't want to hire you just because of the chance of you moving on to something better. But still...in the meantime, it does nothing for you.

Perhaps you can take this time, instead of staring at the phone, and start writing a novel? Then you can have it published, it becomes a top seller for over ten years and all your problems are solved! :)

05-21-2008, 09:42 AM
Just because you don't get an interview at first doesn't mean you're not allowed to follow-up with a phone call to ask about the status of your application.

Just because you don't get a job offer after an interview doesn't mean you have to wait for over a week for them to get back to you.

05-21-2008, 09:44 AM
Hah funny you should mention.
I do have a few novels with a few pathetic publishers.
I can't embark on that now though. Heh you're wise beyond your years girl.

05-21-2008, 09:48 AM
Just because you don't get an interview at first doesn't mean you're not allowed to follow-up with a phone call to ask about the status of your application.

Just because you don't get a job offer after an interview doesn't mean you have to wait for over a week for them to get back to you.

I call them everyday.
I agree with the second paragraph of your post.
It's like 13 days.

I have to wait for the openings to close before I get a call.
It's tough.

05-21-2008, 10:06 AM
Have you registered with temp agencies? They will help you gauge your skillset and work to find you assignments quickly.

05-21-2008, 11:37 AM
Actually, I have a job for you. You can come care for my kids...it only involves driving them to and from school, each have a different schedual so that means four times a day go to and from the schools. Then of course you will have to feed them, this is an all day venture as the youngest can never decide on what he wants and once you make something he's chosen, he decides he doesn't like it and whines for you to make something else.

Then there's the laundry...it's not too bad really, just about once every other day, unless the older one insists on wearing something that is in the laundry and you have to argue with him about how you are not going to wash just that one thing because there isn't enough to constitute a full load. Of course this comes with alot of 'emo' sighing and accusations that you are ruining his life.

Shopping, not the fun kind of shopping where you are able to pick things out you like, but the kind where you have to take into account who is going to like what and if they will actually eat it. This is food of course, but remember...don't take the younger one or the shopping trip will end up taking an hour where as it should have only taken fifteen minutes.

Oh...cleaning...this of course is a constant task. All you really need to do for this is walk behind them and pick up everything they drop. This includes various garbage because they have still not figured out where the garbage can is or are just too lazy to actually walk to it.

The final thing though is the toilet...they are boys, they have not yet learned to lift the seat up no matter how many times you tell them. So don your gloves and have your cleaning supplies in hand every time one of them uses the facilities.

Of course you would be paid well for your work. How does four dollars and hour sound? ;)

I'm kidding of course. Good luck on your with your search and Miscast was right...while you are waiting for 'that' job, a temp agency may be able to help reduce your boredom and frustration or may even lead you into a permanent position.

Sorry for the long post...I've had too much coffee this morning. :(

05-21-2008, 11:45 AM
Ever try bartending? Or bussing, running, serving? Restaurants/pubs/bars are always rotating staff.

05-21-2008, 12:10 PM
Heh you're wise beyond your years girl.

Ugh, I don't know about that. I tend to think of myself as immature and irresponsible for my age. I suffer greatly from 'Peter Pan Syndome'. If only there were a real diagnosis for it. Evidence of this can be seen as my mini-van (which pained me greatly to purchase but was necessary) donning a bumper sticker which plainly states, "Don't Grow Up". ;)

Sean of the Thread
05-21-2008, 12:20 PM
I'm right there with you. I juice my pants when I even get a call back for more information and double juice my pants when I get an interview.

I can't find shit around here. There's no jobs in the service industry which sucks right now anyways even if I wanted to.

Even temp agencies that I've worked with in the past don't have any openings.

Misun is spot on what a Mr. Mom daily routine goes like except add a "I WANT MOMMYYYY" whine/cry when they don't get their own way.

I give them a couple options on what to eat if they don't like it tough shit. I tell them this isn't a buffet. Come back when you're hungry again.

05-21-2008, 12:31 PM
Misun is spot on what a Mr. Mom daily routine goes like except add a "I WANT MOMMYYYY" whine/cry when they don't get their own way.

I give them a couple options on what to eat if they don't like it tough shit. I tell them this isn't a buffet. Come back when you're hungry again.

Just tell them Mommy ran away because they are bad kids....

As far as choice for food goes? Yes, two choices here as well, if they don't like either...there's always peanut butter sandwhiches, no jelly..just plain peanut butter. Usually shuts them up pretty quick.

05-21-2008, 12:39 PM
Can't even begin to think what it must be like for you Sean.
I don't have any dependants.

So while I wait I'm completely smashed.
It's bullshit. I'm not kidding.
All agencies and all jobs are like ''stay by the phone''

I don't know what I'm gonna do tomorrow. I can't be pissed again like today.


05-21-2008, 12:50 PM
So while I wait I'm completely smashed.


Smashed as in...the result of drinking the gin and tonics? Ugh..not good, what if they call and you're slurring your words and such?

Seriously...start writing that novel!!! ...or play GS? :(

I so feel for you right now. I wish I had better words of encouragement but all I have is, "You'll get through this, it will be alright." Lame, I know but I hope it helps some?

05-21-2008, 01:01 PM
Take up baseball, man. You can be a missionary for the UK! :)

05-21-2008, 01:06 PM
I so called this over a week ago


05-21-2008, 01:52 PM
So what exactly is your profession Drayal?

You took calls from crashing helicopters? :help:


05-21-2008, 01:53 PM
I'm tempted to say that they weren't crashing until he took the calls...

but I wont.