View Full Version : Jesae VS. Jihna (warning, members with weak hearts should not enter)

06-02-2005, 03:47 PM
Who would win in an all out battle to the death?

Jesae or Jihna?

personally, I think Jesae might have a few tricks up her sleeves... but you never know..

and personally, i really just like the idea of two hot women fighting to the death, so I really don't care where the rest of this thread leads.

well now, the ante is up, proverbially speaking:

edited to give Jshowal his fantasy

[Edited on 6-2-2005 by Yswithe]

[Edited on 6-2-2005 by Yswithe]

06-02-2005, 03:48 PM
One of the contestants owes me $1.06.

06-02-2005, 04:01 PM
You should throw in Jenisi and Jolena and make it a 4-way Battle Of the J-babes.

06-02-2005, 04:02 PM
Yeah, call me Jshowal and let me in on it too.

06-02-2005, 04:06 PM
Chica wasn't added because she'd take all of them out without breaking a sweat.

06-02-2005, 04:07 PM
Oh don’t forget Jorddyn. lol

And make Jshowal take off that dress and get outta the ring, imposter!

[Edited on 6-2-2005 by Backlash]

06-02-2005, 04:08 PM
Don't mind me, I'll just be holding the camera in the background.

06-02-2005, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by Backlash
Oh don’t forget Jorddyn. lol

I think adding any more females to the mix would be too much for some of the older members hearts.

06-02-2005, 04:09 PM
Hey now, we all know that Jihna and I would both enjoy it way too much. It wouldn't really be fair would it? Besides, I think I can take Jesae. :whistle:

06-02-2005, 04:11 PM
I naturally voted for myself. Someone has to be confident in me.

06-02-2005, 04:12 PM
I think I might have to do it just to see Jshowal in a dress :lol:

06-02-2005, 04:13 PM
At some point I'm actually going to get dice and roll up some character sheets (plz god don't tell me I just typed that in)

06-02-2005, 04:15 PM
Jihna -- she's got the whip.


06-02-2005, 04:19 PM
<<At some point I'm actually going to get dice and roll up some character sheets (plz god don't tell me I just typed that in) >>

nerd alert.

06-02-2005, 04:20 PM
Can Ben Bolger be in on this too, Yswithe?

06-02-2005, 04:20 PM
Melissa ... you didn't vote for me?! WTF!?!

06-02-2005, 04:22 PM
My vote is of course for Jesae - but the Jihna "Crazy strength" (sometimes seen in mental patients) frightens me

06-02-2005, 04:23 PM
is that sort of like "retard power"?

06-02-2005, 04:24 PM
Originally posted by Showal
is that sort of like "retard power"?

I was trying to keep it PC, but yes. :saint:

06-02-2005, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by Showal
Can Ben Bolger be in on this too, Yswithe?


06-02-2005, 04:37 PM
Jihna all the way, she scares me.

06-02-2005, 04:37 PM
ben bolger's the man

06-02-2005, 04:41 PM
Jesae, totally. She's got, and knows how to use, a blowtorch.

06-02-2005, 04:43 PM
I personally think this should be handled by either a wet t-shirt contest or some kind of mud (chocolate) wrestling match.

Sean of the Thread
06-02-2005, 04:46 PM
Originally posted by Wezas
I personally think this should be handled by either a wet t-shirt contest or some kind of mud (chocolate) wrestling match.


Baby oil visqueen tittie twister cage match.

06-02-2005, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by Wezas
I personally think this should be handled by either a wet t-shirt contest or some kind of mud (chocolate) wrestling match.

remember, some of the older members may have weak hearts. so shhh..

06-02-2005, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by Yswithe

Originally posted by Backlash
Oh don’t forget Jorddyn. lol

I think adding any more females to the mix would be too much for some of the older members hearts.


You're no fun.

Jorddyn, wants to battle to the death

06-02-2005, 05:25 PM

I have no comment for this thread.

Except that I think we solve this like *real* women and have a chocolate pudding wrestle. Shirtless.

Yes, indeed.

06-02-2005, 05:26 PM
no no, see James won't like it if he can't see the shirts get ripped off. After that, sure choco puddin wrestling is fine!

06-02-2005, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by Wezas

Originally posted by Showal
is that sort of like "retard power"?

I was trying to keep it PC, but yes. :saint:


F. U.

My retard power pwns u both.

06-02-2005, 05:31 PM
Anyone mind if I chill with DeV taking pictures? :spaz:

06-02-2005, 05:33 PM
RedElement12 (4:32:06 PM): i was totally thinking about nipple tweaking when i suggested the chocolate pudding

My new sig! :grin:

Sean of the Thread
06-02-2005, 05:34 PM
Originally posted by Jolena
RedElement12 (4:32:06 PM): i was totally thinking about nipple tweaking when i suggested the chocolate pudding

My new sig! :grin:
HA but I had the balls to post it first!

06-02-2005, 05:36 PM
Well yeah, if I had balls I couldn't be in the shirtless choco puddin match :(

06-02-2005, 05:36 PM

All Jesae would need to do is squat down and go *ribbit* and she would win (because I would be like OMG WTF PSYCHO). I bet she does that when no ones looking.

06-02-2005, 06:33 PM
Originally posted by JihnasSpirit
Except that I think we solve this like *real* women and have a chocolate pudding wrestle. Shirtless.


Sean of the Thread
06-02-2005, 06:46 PM
Jihna 8-5
Jesae 2-1
Jenisi OUT/Scratch
Jolena 25-1
Jshowal DQ per penis.
Jordynn 50-1

Gentlemen place your bets.

06-02-2005, 06:48 PM
Okay, now that I can breathe again...


Aaaanyway, I would vote Jihna too much for the reason Wezas stated...that that crazy strength would beat out all. <nods sagely>

And we all know chocolate pudding fights are OUT because according to Xyelin, the cause massive yeast infections. <smirk>

Oh and I don't have just a blow torch, I have a whole oxygen/acetelyne outfit now. I could burn your house down. Hehe.

06-02-2005, 06:49 PM
Oh yeah, and it's a $1.08, not .06, btw.

06-02-2005, 06:50 PM
Originally posted by Jesae
blah blah blah RIBBIT blah blah blah

06-02-2005, 06:59 PM
I would scare the shit out of you, I can make croak that sounds exactly like a treefrog I used to have. I suprised the hell out of my manager at Petsmart when I "croaked" for him. He laughed so hard he had to walk away and catch his breath.

Yay for me having many stupid useless talents!

06-02-2005, 07:02 PM
Damn, and here I was all excited about wrestling and winning against frog woman. Le sigh.

06-02-2005, 07:06 PM
*EVERYONE* wants a woman who can croak while she orgasms.

(haha sounds bad)

06-02-2005, 07:07 PM
Jihna = necro :lol: wooo

06-02-2005, 07:08 PM
*rasp rasp*

I see dead people genitalia.

06-02-2005, 07:09 PM

06-02-2005, 07:14 PM
Don't forget, since I stated this thread, I get to be the official referee....

and. jesae, this thread was made due to your "i'd meet jihna, behind bullet proof glass comment.."

[Edited on 6-2-2005 by Yswithe]

06-02-2005, 07:16 PM
^is contagious when he types one handed. I have diseases now. (The kind that make you stupid.)

[Edited on 6-2-2005 by JihnasSpirit]

06-02-2005, 07:19 PM
Originally posted by JihnasSpirit
^is contagious when he types one handed. I have diseases now. (The kind that make you stupid.)

that's why u should always use a firewall, babe.

06-02-2005, 07:30 PM
Aw, I wasn't going to shoot her! I just wanted to make sure she couldn't break through and go for my throat!

06-02-2005, 07:32 PM
Originally posted by Jesae
Aw, I wasn't going to shoot her! I just wanted to make sure she couldn't break through and go for my throat!

oh, i knew that :yes:

06-02-2005, 07:35 PM
Tsk. Obviously you underestimate the amount of EVIL that Jihna is capable of, Jesae.

06-02-2005, 07:39 PM
ok, time for all of you to post up pictures of you all in skimpy clothing, so I can begin the umm, planning for the events..

i have decided that it shouldn't be a deathmatch, cause no one wants any of the beautiful women to die, so you'll just have to toss each other around a bit...

list of events (need more ideas, folks)

1> chocolate pudding wrestling
2> wet tshirt contest
3> hair pulling contest (but you can't rip hair out)
4> followed by a pillowfight (but, in the fairness for the rougher women, the pillows need to be the really heavy kind)
5> another wet tshirt contest, just to make sure everyone has a chance at winning again.
6> Leather whip mastery contest (this one is for Jolena and Jihna only, unless anyone else wants to sign up, self-explanatory)
7> Nipple tweaking contest
8> another wet tshirt to make sure everyone's happy

9> this COULD be the deathmatch, if all the women are still in.

06-02-2005, 07:45 PM
My real name is Jessa, so I nominate myself. Har.

No really, Jesae would win. Sorry Jolena. :D

06-02-2005, 07:47 PM
Bite me, Jessa. Have a lil' faith in your girl why don't ya!


06-02-2005, 07:50 PM
I've cracked a few whips in my day. It was scary cause I kept thinkg I was going to take out an eye.

06-02-2005, 07:51 PM
Who wanted to tango???

06-02-2005, 07:52 PM
Please, bitch, I got that AND a good 20lbs on you!

06-02-2005, 07:53 PM
Hahaha. I've actually been thinking about taking martial arts classes during my free summer... then you can bring it!!!

06-02-2005, 07:57 PM
OOOooOOOooo, I think perhaps I'll offer up to Jihna the chance to sit it out and watch Jesae and Jenisi box as foreplay to our whip beating contests :tumble:

06-02-2005, 07:59 PM
Yeah, but you're only thinking about it at the moment. I mean hell, I could think about taking kickboxing this summer, doesn't mean I'm gonna do it! ;)

06-02-2005, 07:59 PM
men (and a few select women) across the PC love me now.



men (and a few select women) across the PC love me now.

that wasn't my original intention.

[Edited on 6-3-2005 by Yswithe]

Killer Kitten
06-02-2005, 08:03 PM
Before I changed it, my middle name was Joann. Of course I would win, for the following reasons.

1. Age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill.

2. I would wear my 'combat outfit', in this case a pickup truck. <g>

3. If the other contestants managed to remove my 'combat outfit' somehow, they would be reluctant to hit an aged cripple, taking us back to reason #1.

06-02-2005, 08:04 PM
Pfft. Not all of us are youthful ya know.

~Jolena, happy to be old for some reason now.

06-02-2005, 08:20 PM
Hey, just because I wasn't born back when rocks were soft...doesn't mean I'm not capable of treachery.

06-02-2005, 08:49 PM
Originally posted by Xyelin
Jihna 8-5
Jesae 2-1
Jenisi OUT/Scratch
Jolena 25-1
Jshowal DQ per penis.
Jordynn 50-1

Gentlemen place your bets.

No fair, I got a late start!

Jorddyn, could totally kick everyone's asses :)

Edited to add: Thanks to the two people with faith in me!

[Edited on 6-3-2005 by Jorddyn]

Killer Kitten
06-02-2005, 08:53 PM
Originally posted by Jesae
Hey, just because I wasn't born back when rocks were soft...doesn't mean I'm not capable of treachery.

Wait a minute...
Rocks aren't soft anymore?
Why wasn't I informed?

Damn, this changes everything...
I'll need a day or two to formulate a new game plan here...

06-02-2005, 08:57 PM

06-02-2005, 09:10 PM
I voted Jesae as I've seen her temper.

Seen in a text sort of way.

06-02-2005, 09:12 PM
Originally posted by Jesae
Oh and I don't have just a blow torch, I have a whole oxygen/acetelyne outfit now. I could burn your house down. Hehe.

See, now, that's hot. And yet... I'm torn 'cause it kind of reminds me of my mother. o-o; She used to make candy with a little acetelyne torch. Don't ask me why, we were just a fire-lovin' household.

06-02-2005, 09:42 PM
So umm, wheres the giant pool of pudding?

Originally posted by Jolena
Pfft. Not all of us are youthful ya know.

~Jolena, happy to be old for some reason now.


(i win.)

Originally posted by Jesae
I've cracked a few whips in my day. It was scary cause I kept thinkg I was going to take out an eye.

Haha! First time I ever flicked a signal whip I hurt my shoulder. It was like 2 seconds before I realized 1.) I was a fucking idiot and 2.) They probably had classes for using anything longer than 3 feet.

06-02-2005, 10:30 PM
Haha, I handle whips better than Jihna does! <struts>

Oh, and the welding outfit I have is HUGE...the tanks are almost as tall as I am. :( Well, for gas tanks, that's pretty big.

And, I'm touched really that I'm feared almost as much as Jihna is. <hugs herself>

Now......OBEY ME! :blndwhip:

06-02-2005, 10:34 PM
Originally posted by Jesae
I...touched ... Jihna ... :blndwhip: NOW WE'RE TALKING.

06-02-2005, 10:38 PM
h8 u

06-02-2005, 10:55 PM

It was in my danger zone.

06-02-2005, 11:14 PM
2. I would wear my 'combat outfit', in this case a pickup truck.

Made me laugh

But, hey, I've stripped women out of tougher things than a pickup truck:heart:

06-03-2005, 12:16 AM
I'm sincerely hurt that Jshowal has more votes then I do. :fu:

06-03-2005, 12:55 AM
Jesae (wielding acetylene torch) VS.
Jorddyn (brawling style)

Jenisi (wielding sidekick of doom) VS.
Jolena (wielding leather whip)

Jshowal (wielding "vote ben bolger" sign) VS.
Jihna (wielding studded paddle)

Round one has these three groups paired up. survivors go to the next round, with a wet-tshirt contest in between.

06-03-2005, 01:38 AM
36D, and yes they're real.


06-03-2005, 02:02 AM
Originally posted by Jesae
36D, and yes they're real.


poof plz.

in U2U if you'd like.

06-03-2005, 02:08 AM
You already know the answer to that.

06-03-2005, 02:16 AM

If Jesae does the Caramia-boobies-avatar thing I concede defeat. Oh yes.

06-03-2005, 02:17 AM
Originally posted by Jesae
You already know the answer to that.

I'm in denial.

06-03-2005, 02:17 AM
Originally posted by JihnasSpirit

If Jesae does the Caramia-boobies-avatar thing I concede defeat. Oh yes.

Does she need to stare down at them as if to say "BTW, have you seen my tits?"

06-03-2005, 02:21 AM

06-03-2005, 03:01 AM

06-03-2005, 03:04 AM
38DD so...yeah, *I* win thx mmkay.

And no U2U's or any pictures will be posted. Stunseed can vouch though if he wishes.

06-03-2005, 03:07 AM
Ooooh I found one! I think I may have shown this before, it was from our trip to Hawaii last summer. My eyes are even downcast (I think they're closed, actually) like Caramia's!

06-03-2005, 03:14 AM

You win!

(Although I really dont feel like I lost at all) :D

Killer Kitten
06-03-2005, 03:17 AM
Originally posted by Parker

2. I would wear my 'combat outfit', in this case a pickup truck.

Made me laugh

But, hey, I've stripped women out of tougher things than a pickup truck:heart:

Best offer I've had in years!

06-03-2005, 03:18 AM
Um, can I get "Biggest Attention Whoreslut" as an award too? Because I really think I'm pulling the most votes in that tonight too. :(

I'm going to bed before I make it worse...which I'm sure I'm capable of.

06-03-2005, 08:43 AM
Originally posted by Jesae
Um, can I get "Biggest Attention Whoreslut" as an award too? Because I really think I'm pulling the most votes in that tonight too. :(

Don't think Tamral's going to give up his award easily.

(edited to add that the bikini pic is very nice - but I think this one replaced the black and white as my favorite):


it's very Martina McBrideish:


Which is a good thing.

[Edited on 6-3-2005 by Wezas]

06-03-2005, 10:18 AM
Originally posted by Showal
Melissa ... you didn't vote for me?! WTF!?!

If you promise to dress in drag to conceal the fact that you have a penis, I swear, I will vote for you.


06-03-2005, 10:31 AM
Jshowal is a shoe-in.

06-03-2005, 10:34 AM
Originally posted by Jesae
36D:drool: Damn girl.

06-03-2005, 10:46 AM
Jesae just got 1,000 points in the lead for posting bikini pictures, now you all have to outdo her. Wezas, I deman suggestions.

06-03-2005, 10:48 AM
Jshowal. Bikini pics plz.

06-03-2005, 10:51 AM
Originally posted by Yswithe
Jesae just got 1,000 points in the lead for posting bikini pictures, now you all have to outdo her. Wezas, I deman suggestions.

Honestly the only reason I would come up with suggestions is to make the competition closer so that Jesae would have to take more pictures to be in the lead again.


That being said, I think the Caramia shot suggestion is valid.

06-03-2005, 10:53 AM
In the spirit of suing McDonalds for making you fat, I sue Jesae for making me depressed and wanting a boob job. 36C :sniff:


06-03-2005, 10:58 AM
Originally posted by ElanthianSiren
In the spirit of suing McDonalds for making you fat, I sue Jesae for making me depressed and wanting a boob job. 36C :sniff:


Plenty of love for the C cups.

(plus, don't sue her. One day her money will be "our" money)

Sean of the Thread
06-03-2005, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by Jesae
Um, can I get "Biggest Attention Whoreslut" as an award too? Because I really think I'm pulling the most votes in that tonight too. :(

I'm going to bed before I make it worse...which I'm sure I'm capable of.

Even with Jenisi not particpating in this duel as of yet.. she still holds that moniker until you pry it from her dead hands.

[Edited on 6-3-2005 by Xyelin]

06-03-2005, 11:06 AM
If only Stanley's name started with a J.

Killer Kitten
06-03-2005, 11:11 AM
Ok! Here's a pic of me in my combat attire!
Bring it!!!!!

06-03-2005, 05:49 PM
The winner will be whoever hits enter first.


06-03-2005, 06:00 PM
Originally posted by ElanthianSiren


06-03-2005, 07:17 PM
Just so we can verify everyone's cup size, I get the sinking feeling that more bikini pic's will be needed.. for striclty professional reasons, only, though. It's all in the interest of good sportsmanship.

06-03-2005, 07:45 PM
Hey, I don't know what to tell you. I was a 36C last year. This frightens the shit out of me because I don't want them to get bigger. I had a hard enough time going to the store to purchase 36D bras recently and accept the fact they're getting bigger.

I mean geeezus, by the time I'm 50 I'm going to have rug burns on my nipples. :(

06-03-2005, 08:17 PM

AHHHHHHHH JESAE my overpowered imagination couldnt take that visual. I actually gagged.

*Jesae gets -1000 hottness points for droopy booby visual*

[Edited on 6-4-2005 by JihnasSpirit]

06-03-2005, 08:19 PM
Thats got to hurt.

06-04-2005, 09:44 AM
Jesae and Jihna are tied, with Jesae winning for being cool like that :D

I'm just waiting for Jenisi to come out and sucker punch one of the two.

[Edited on 6-4-2005 by Yswithe]

06-04-2005, 09:47 AM
this entire thread makes my pp go *boing*

06-04-2005, 09:47 AM
except for Jshowal

Jshowal definately does not make my pp go *boing* :(

06-04-2005, 11:41 AM
My money is on Jihna. Cutie + a kick ass personality. Oh yeah!

06-04-2005, 12:01 PM
char. sheet #1


Profession: Dominatrix of Evilness

Str: 50
DEX: 90
CON: 20
CHARISMA: 75 (+20 bonus from cursed amulet of sex0r) (100% chance of attracting freaks of nature)

Power Ranger Lawyer Team (+30 to all litigation rolls)
Whip Mastery
Flogger Mastery
Corporate Negotiation proficiency (paralyzes/confuses attackers for 25 seconds)

+10 whip of leather (weak against heavy armor)
+10 bodice of latex (strong vs. oils and other caustic fluids)
+10 stiletto heels of doom (causes victims to paralyze with fear)

06-04-2005, 12:07 PM
Char sheet #2

Profession: badass female in disguise

STR: 75
DEX: 70
CON: 40
CHARISMA: 50 (+30 breasts of hugeness) (causes all males and most females to stop thinking for 30 seconds) (special power vs. Wezas and PB)


Awesome Smile of Cuteness (catches people off guard )
Long Nails of Sharpness (they never see them coming)
heavy machinery proficiency
left hook proficiency
fiery rage (takes alot to piss her off, but beware when she does)

Acetylene torch of fire (fire damage)
Nail Polish of titanium (+5 damage, fast attack)
+5 Sport Bra of Mithril
amulet of the wiccan (30% reduced damage from evil)

[Edited on 6-4-2005 by Yswithe]

06-04-2005, 12:10 PM

total weirdness

06-04-2005, 12:14 PM
Char sheet #3


Profession: college student/future ninja goddess of the internet/phycisist

Str: 70
DEX: 50
CON: 50
CHARISMA: 90 (+30 modifier of causing frat boys to enter into more of a stupor, +30 modifier of pissing off men who would never get her, anyway)

Sexy tat's of power (+15 to all rolls)
Being sexy (see charisma modifier)
Ninja Physics (all martial arts mastered)
Rage of Primal Female (don't mess with that)

+10 Sidekick of Doom (its soo cool, you HAVE to have one, too)
Mithril Tanktopl
Boxing Gloves of Armani

[Edited on 6-4-2005 by Yswithe]

06-04-2005, 12:33 PM
Char Sheet #4


profession: supermom

STR: 90
DEX: 65
CON: 100 (+15 modifierd of having given birth multiple times)
CHARISMA: 60 (+30 "evil eyes" vs. children)


3x a day summon children to aid in battle (they will bite, pull, drag on and generally slow down opponent)

"Motherly Nature" - +10 to saving throws

"With Age Comes Wisdom" - +30 to all rolls, immune vs. charm

Dirty Diaper of Throwing
+10 Bag of toys (not THOSE kind, toys left on ground so attackers trip on them and maim themselves)
+10 Whip of White Leather
Thigh-high boots of leather
+5 Leather Bodice

[Edited on 6-4-2005 by Yswithe]

06-04-2005, 12:35 PM
ROFL @ 3 x a day summon children. OMG she would so use that against me

06-04-2005, 02:44 PM
character sheet #5

name: Jshowal
Profession: event-determined drag queen

STR: 75 (+10 testosterone modifier)
DEX: 60 (-5 beer consumption modifier)
CON: 80


1x a day summon Ben Bolger (50% chance of ben leaving after his picture is taken with the attacker)

Drag Queen scariness (40% chance of inducing terror when discovered as a male, 60% of inducing humor)

Bitch slap (may be a man, but look out for that bitch slap!)


+10 dress of gender change
+10 Ben Bolger fan club pin
+5 purse of lead

Killer Kitten
06-04-2005, 08:54 PM
Originally posted by Yswithe
character sheet #5

name: Jshowal


1x a day summon Ben Bolger (50% chance of ben leaving after his picture is taken with the attacker)


+10 Ben Bolger fan club pin

Yswithe owes me a keyboard for making me spit soda all over mine! And we won't go into potential damage to my chair, thank the gods I'm old and always wear my Depends.

06-05-2005, 03:33 AM


On a side note, yes I would so use that against Robin because A) she hates kiddos and B) She would succumb to them because my children are heathens and would kick some bootay with a quickness.

Also I would like to request that my thigh-hight boots of leather do something for me other then make me look seksay. Mmmkay thx.

06-05-2005, 09:47 AM
ROFL @ Jolena's sig. Umm, yeah, i'm basically losing ideas for this thread, and have no clue what Jordynn's char. sheet should look like.

Jolena, pretend the boots give you, extra kicking power or something :D.. :coffee:
it's early..

06-06-2005, 01:30 AM
Someone actually emailed me with my char sheet. I was like WTF....and then finally had to come see what I was missing, I especially like this one:

fiery rage (takes alot to piss her off, but beware when she does)

Its a gift, I tell ya.

06-06-2005, 01:56 AM
Originally posted by Jesae
Someone actually emailed me with my char sheet. I was like WTF....and then finally had to come see what I was missing, I especially like this one:

fiery rage (takes alot to piss her off, but beware when she does)

Its a gift, I tell ya.

ROFL, glad I got at least something right, even though I know nothing about you. Just have that vibe.........

06-06-2005, 01:59 AM
Well, *I'd* like to consider myself a pretty well laid-back goofball.

I'm pretty rutheless though once you fuck me over...and we do own a fantastic collection of guns at our house, aside from that, "Acetylene torch of fire (fire damage)" :D

06-06-2005, 01:59 AM
Originally posted by Jesae
Well, *I'd* like to consider myself a pretty well laid-back goofball.

I'm pretty rutheless though once you fuck me over...and we do own a fantastic collection of guns at our house, aside from that, "Acetylene torch of fire (fire damage)" :D

personally, i liked the nails of sharpness, but thats me :D

we all know which one PB and Wezas liked (predictable men)

[Edited on 6-6-2005 by Yswithe]

06-06-2005, 02:02 AM
My nails are sharp, just ask Scott. :D

06-06-2005, 04:20 AM
Man...my character sheet makes me look like a vagina. That's unfair.