View Full Version : Christmas Retrospect

12-26-2003, 09:31 AM
This Christmas was way different from our christmas pasts and thinking about it last night after everyone left, I thought I would share my thoughts.

We went from high profit business to starting over 2 years ago. So money wise we are in the toliet. In christmas past the kids would put their christmas wish list on the frig at thanksgiving and basicly I would buy the list. Christmas morning we would be buried in christmas wrap and would really not appreciate it. Because mostly though the year, when ever they wanted something the money was there to get it. Were they spoiled? Hell yes. So was I.
The past two years have been an eye-opening experience, they have gone from pampered kids to having to work for their gas money and clothes, anything they wanted they had to save and buy it themselves. I told them it would be a slim christmas and when they posted their wish lists I picked out the practical few things I could afford and got them those.
In Christmas past I would have the house decked out from Thanksgiving on, parties and baking days.. I mean I did it all. This year we didn't even get the tree up until a few days before, no parties except the family one on the day. The kids had to help and participate in the decorations, baking ect.
For all the work I did, if I got a Thank You it was a miracle. It wasn't appreciated because it was expected, I always felt let down on Christmas Day.
This year, ALL the family participated, and you know what, they all said it was the best Christmas ever. I learned an important lesson this year.

12-26-2003, 09:56 AM
Granted there was much $$$ involved, this year was definitely the best X-Mas my family has had in a long time. My brother just started working... over the summer, so he spent a lot on everyone and even got me 3 (yes three) different large gifts. I only spent ~75 bucks on all family members and actually feel bad that I didn't give more. But all-in-all it was very pleasant and good to have everyone in the family around.

PS. Last X-mas was probably the worst one I'd ever had.

12-26-2003, 04:28 PM
While i can't symphatize with your plight in the least Myshel, it sounds like it did suck. But when your analyzing everything that could have been, just remember its not the money or the exspensive gifts that make life worth living, its the joy, happiness and contentment that come from the things you have done and the time you have spent with other people.

12-26-2003, 05:36 PM
Actually D, unless I read it wrong that was the gist of it.

12-26-2003, 05:42 PM
alrighty then. I'm just feeling a little preachy today. Excuse me.

12-26-2003, 09:13 PM
Its ok hon, I wasn't bitching I enjoyed this Christmas more than all the one's before (okokok maybe not the one when I got the diamond studs & the tennis bracelet..j/k) And the point was it was without the money.