View Full Version : Killed a Poacher/SCRIPTER

05-18-2008, 12:30 AM
So hunting cyclops all day, been poached 5-6 times, no repsonse just continues doing his thing.. then i kill him and report i killed him.. i get an OFFICAL WARNING FOR IT.. fucking Emeradan

Rathmond just appeared.
You feel yourself being pulled away...
[Consultation Lounge]
The cozy surroundings of this simple conference room provide a much-welcomed respite from the chaos just outside its walls. You notice several plush chairs arranged casually around the room in a comfortable grouping.
Obvious exits: none

[Leaving rest mode.]

[Consultation Lounge]
The cozy surroundings of this simple conference room provide a much-welcomed respite from the chaos just outside its walls. You notice several plush chairs arranged casually around the room in a comfortable grouping.
Obvious exits: none
You flail your arms about.
Emeradan says, "Evening."
>nod emer
You nod to Emeradan.
[Consultation Lounge]
The cozy surroundings of this simple conference room provide a much-welcomed respite from the chaos just outside its walls. You notice several plush chairs arranged casually around the room in a comfortable grouping.
Also here: GameMaster Emeradan
Obvious exits: none
Emeradan asks, "Can you clarify that report?"
>'Barkam is script hunting threw cyclops
You say, "Barkam is script hunting threw cyclops."
>'so i killed him
You say, "So i killed him."
Emeradan nods.


************************************************** ******

Rathmond, this is an official warning that engaging in unwanted Player vs Player conflict is against policy in GemStone IV.

If you feel this warning was received in error, please speak to a GameHost by typing ASSIST REQUEST.

You can also learn more about GemStone IV policies online, by typing POLICY while in the game or by visiting http://www.play.net/gs4/gamepolicy.asp.

************************************************** ***********

[Consultation Lounge]
The cozy surroundings of this simple conference room provide a much-welcomed respite from the chaos just outside its walls. You notice several plush chairs arranged casually around the room in a comfortable grouping.
Also here: GameMaster Emeradan
Obvious exits: none
Emeradan says, "I appreciate the confession."
>blink emer
You blink at Emeradan.

SEND[Scribes] In the future, please ASSIST and report Barkam for AFK scripting, and do not take measures into your own hands. Thanks. :)

Emeradan says, "Now..."
Spell Sign of Warding (Warding) ended. [-5DS]
Your SIGN OF WARDING is no longer effective.
You feel less drained.
>'he was poaching
You say, "He was poaching."
>'which gives consent to CvC
You say, "Which gives consent to CvC."
[Consultation Lounge]
The cozy surroundings of this simple conference room provide a much-welcomed respite from the chaos just outside its walls. You notice several plush chairs arranged casually around the room in a comfortable grouping.
Also here: GameMaster Emeradan
Obvious exits: none
Emeradan says, "Rathmond says, "Barkam is script hunting threw cyclops."."
>'which is why i killed him
You say, "Which is why i killed him."
Spell Sign of Swords (Swords) ended. [-20AS]
Your SIGN OF SWORDS is no longer effective.
You feel drained!
Spell Sign of Defending (Defending) ended. [-10DS]
Your SIGN OF DEFENDING is no longer effective.
* Weiser just bit the dust!
>'he wouldnt respond
You say, "He wouldnt respond."
>peer emer
Spell Sign of Smiting (Smiting) ended. [-10AS]
Your SIGN OF SMITING is no longer effective.
You peer quizzically at Emeradan.
Emeradan says, "You have no authority to enforce game policy."
>'i didnt.. i killed him because he was poaching
You say, "I didnt.. i killed him because he was poaching."
>'and reported that he was scripting
You say, "And reported that he was scripting."
>peer emer
You peer quizzically at Emeradan.
Emeradan says, "And this is where we come to an issue."
* Greymalkyn just bit the dust!
Spell Sign of Striking (Striking) ended. [-5AS]
Your SIGN OF STRIKING is no longer effective.
>assist request a warning for killing a poacher?
You have been entered into the referral queue at position #4.
You have been placed in the Referral Queue to speak with a GameMaster. To check your place in the Referral Queue, please type REFERRAL.
Emeradan says, "When I asked you for clarification on your report, you specifically stated that he was "script hunting... so I killed him."
Emeradan says, "There's no need to assist."
You feel less drained.
>'clarification on my report ..
You say, "Clarification on my report .."
>'i want to take this up wit somone else
You say, "I want to take this up wit somone else."
>'i killed him because he was poaching
You say, "I killed him because he was poaching."
Emeradan says, "You're taking it up with me at present."
>'and your not understanding
You say, "And your not understanding."
>'i reported to you that he was scripting, and i killed him
You say, "I reported to you that he was scripting, and i killed him."
Emeradan says, "I'm going to state clearly and concisely our stance on this issue."
Emeradan says, "If you suspect a player of unattended scripting, you should report that player."
>'which i did
You say, "Which i did."
Emeradan says, "You should not be killing them."
>'but he was poaching
You say, "But he was poaching."
>'i kill any poacher
You say, "I kill any poacher."
You automatically cast your mind out again, in search of the PsiNet.
You were unable to reach the PsiNet. A buzz of half-completed thoughts fills your mind:
You will attempt to connect again in 5 minutes.
Emeradan says, "It does not matter."
>'and not responding after ward
You say, "And not responding after ward."
>'made me believe he was poaching
You say, "Made me believe he was poaching."
>'er, scripting
You say, "Er, scripting."
* Nimrook just bit the dust!
* Niale just bit the dust!
Emeradan says, "His unresponsiveness is not consent."
>'his poaching is
You say, "His poaching is."
Emeradan says, "No, it's not."
>'how is it not?
You feel less drained.
You ask, "How is it not?"
Emeradan says, "You may BELIEVE it is."
Emeradan says, "But, it is not."
Emeradan says, "Clear consent is required for conflict."
>'poaching critters and not responding to anything
You say, "Poaching critters and not responding to anything."
Emeradan says, "You did not have clear consent, therefore you are in violation of policy 4."
>'i didnt violate because poaching is consent
You say, "I didnt violate because poaching is consent."
You flail your arms about.
Emeradan says, "No, it is not."
>'why is it not?
You ask, "Why is it not?"
>'how is it not?
You ask, "How is it not?"
Emeradan says, "Clear consent is required for conflict."
Emeradan says, "You did not have clear consent, therefore you are in violation of policy 4."
You feel at full magical power again.
>'clear consent is poaching and moving on without even speaking to me
You say, "Clear consent is poaching and moving on without even speaking to me."
>peer emer
You peer quizzically at Emeradan.
Emeradan says, "No, it is not."
>'he has to attack me then? in your words?
You ask, "He has to attack me then? in your words?"
[Consultation Lounge]
The cozy surroundings of this simple conference room provide a much-welcomed respite from the chaos just outside its walls. You notice several plush chairs arranged casually around the room in a comfortable grouping.
Also here: GameMaster Emeradan
Obvious exits: none
>peer emer
You peer quizzically at Emeradan.
[Consultation Lounge]
The cozy surroundings of this simple conference room provide a much-welcomed respite from the chaos just outside its walls. You notice several plush chairs arranged casually around the room in a comfortable grouping.
Also here: GameMaster Emeradan
Obvious exits: none
>'can i speak to somone else?
You ask, "Can i speak to somone else?"
Emeradan says, "In my words, you must have clear consent to engage in conflict."
You feel less drained.
>'will you refer me to a GM please.
You say, "Will you refer me to a GM please."
Emeradan says, "You're speaking to a GM."
[Consultation Lounge]
The cozy surroundings of this simple conference room provide a much-welcomed respite from the chaos just outside its walls. You notice several plush chairs arranged casually around the room in a comfortable grouping.
Also here: GameMaster Emeradan
Obvious exits: none
>'i would like to speak to another
You say, "I would like to speak to another."
Emeradan says, "You're currently speaking with me."
>'okay, well when we are done
You say, "Okay, well when we are done."
[Consultation Lounge]
The cozy surroundings of this simple conference room provide a much-welcomed respite from the chaos just outside its walls. You notice several plush chairs arranged casually around the room in a comfortable grouping.
Also here: GameMaster Emeradan
Obvious exits: none

Active Players: 512

Staff on duty:
GameHost Osudor
GameHost Khaaled

Use WHO HELP for more options.
Emeradan says, "When we are done, you'll hopefully be returning to the game environment."
>peer emer
You peer quizzically at Emeradan.
[Consultation Lounge]
The cozy surroundings of this simple conference room provide a much-welcomed respite from the chaos just outside its walls. You notice several plush chairs arranged casually around the room in a comfortable grouping.
Also here: GameMaster Emeradan
Obvious exits: none
>'i would just like to speak to another GM after we are done.. please dont take offense.
You say, "I would just like to speak to another GM after we are done.. please dont take offense."
Emeradan says, "I have, at this point, clearly stated to you that poaching is NOT consent to kill another player."
You feel less drained.
>'its not CLEAR consent. it is consent
Emeradan says, "I have also, at this point, clearly stated to you that suspected violations of game policy should be reported to game staff."
You say, "Its not CLEAR consent. it is consent."
Emeradan says, "No, it is not consent."
>policy 4

GemStone IV Player Policy: Player vs Player Conflict

There are elements in GemStone IV that promote a competitive environment. GemStone IV has been designed to promote competition as player vs. creature, or player vs. puzzle, and not generally player vs. player.

Some events (such as the Gladiatorial Games), encourage player vs. player combat in a structured setting. Also, some players will choose to role-play a competitive situation between themselves, and will combat each other, which is acceptable. What is not acceptable is to initiate combat against unsuspecting victims, especially to prey upon weaker players for the singular enjoyment of the attacker. As a rule of thumb, Character vs. Character (role-playing -CvC) combat is acceptable, while Player vs. Player (OOC or disruptive - PvP) is not.

There are many gray areas in terms of defining what is acceptable competition, and what is abusive behavior. For example, a pickpocket stealing items or silvers. This *can* be considered an open invitation for CvC, but losing 25 silvers isn't exactly cause for death. Losing large amounts might be though. Another example, the classic duel (Character 1: You have insulted my honor and I must defend that to the death! Character 2: Have at thee Knave!) is on the surface acceptable, but on the other hand saying dueling (Player 1: Wanna duel? Player 2: Yeah) isn't as it can be considered OOC.

In general, Simutronics will not get involved in a conflict confined to a small group of players unless it threatens to overlap to others or cause a generally disruptive influence on the game.

Your next unread page is page #1.
Emeradan says, "And as long as we disagree on this point, you will not be returned to the game."
You automatically cast your mind out again, in search of the PsiNet.
You were unable to reach the PsiNet. A buzz of half-completed thoughts fills your mind:
You will attempt to connect again in 5 minutes.
Emeradan says, "Once again..."
Emeradan says, "Poaching is NOT consent to kill another player."
>'There are many gray areas in terms of defining what is acceptable competition, and what is abusive behavior. For example, a pickpocket stealing items or silvers. This *can* be considered an open invitation for CvC, but losing 25 silvers isn't exactly cause for death.
You say, "There are many gray areas in terms of defining what is acceptable competition, and what is abusive behavior. For example, a pickpocket stealing items or silvers. This *can* be considered an open invitation for CvC, but losing 25 silvers isn't exactly cause for death."
A tiny pterodactyl lifts its head and nuzzles Emeradan's ear before warbling a heart-rending melody.
>'abusive behavior
You say, "Abusive behavior."
Emeradan says, "We're not going to debate each line of policy. You've been clearly informed that your behavior is in violation of policy."
>'i understand that i would just want to speak to another GM about the same issue
You say, "I understand that i would just want to speak to another GM about the same issue."
You do not feel drained anymore.
Emeradan says, "You can speak with Feedback about the issue."
>blink emer
You blink at Emeradan.
[Consultation Lounge]
The cozy surroundings of this simple conference room provide a much-welcomed respite from the chaos just outside its walls. You notice several plush chairs arranged casually around the room in a comfortable grouping.
Also here: GameMaster Emeradan
Obvious exits: none
Emeradan says, "You clearly disagree with the stance of policy. Therefore, you should inform the office, via Feedback, of that disagreement."
Emeradan says, "However, until you state that you will abide by that stance, you will not be returned to the game."
You say, "Wait.."
>'i understand we have conflicting ideas on what i did
You say, "I understand we have conflicting ideas on what i did."
>'but i dont think i should be removed from the game for what i did
You say, "But i dont think i should be removed from the game for what i did."
Emeradan says, "Again, until you state that you will abide by that stance, you will not be returned to the game."
Emeradan says, "You can feel free to disagree all you'd like."
>'abide by your stance?
You ask, "Abide by your stance?"
>'that i was in clear violation of policy?
You ask, "That i was in clear violation of policy?"
Emeradan says, "However, you must agree to adhere to policy before being allowed to return."
>'i agree to abide by policy.
You say, "I agree to abide by policy."
>'there is just alott of grey area that i was concerned about
You say, "There is just alott of grey area that i was concerned about."
>'but my main concern is to be able to play at the least
You say, "But my main concern is to be able to play at the least."
Emeradan says, "The stance, in this case, is that poaching is NOT considered consent to engage in conflict."
Emeradan says, "You've expressed disagreement with that stance."
Emeradan says, "And that's fine."
Emeradan says, "But, you still must adhere to that stance in order to play."
>'you dont think its in the grey area?
You ask, "You dont think its in the grey area?"
You automatically cast your mind out again, in search of the PsiNet.
You were unable to reach the PsiNet. A buzz of half-completed thoughts fills your mind:
You will attempt to connect again in 5 minutes.
[Consultation Lounge]
The cozy surroundings of this simple conference room provide a much-welcomed respite from the chaos just outside its walls. You notice several plush chairs arranged casually around the room in a comfortable grouping.
Also here: GameMaster Emeradan
Obvious exits: none
>'i understand its not CLEAR consent. i just thought it was considered the grey area..
You say, "I understand its not CLEAR consent. i just thought it was considered the grey area.."
Emeradan says, "It's not considered grey."
Emeradan says, "If you cannot clearly establish consent from another player, then you do not have it."
Emeradan says, "Unresponsiveness is not consent."
>'his character ignoring my attempt to convey my disapproval of his poaching.
You say, "His character ignoring my attempt to convey my disapproval of his poaching."
You shrug.
>'i just want to play
You say, "I just want to play."
Emeradan says, "And again, if you suspect a player of violating policy, you should be reporting them... taking matters into your own hands is disruptive behavior and is a violation of policy."
>'i didnt know he was violating policy intill he didnt respond after i killed him
You say, "I didnt know he was violating policy intill he didnt respond after i killed him."
Emeradan says, "As previously stated, you do not have the authority to enforce policy."
Emeradan nods.
* Slivacki just bit the dust!
>'i thought he was just being ignorant.. some dont speak to 'half krolvin' and have no respect..
You say, "I thought he was just being ignorant.. some dont speak to 'half krolvin' and have no respect.."
* Scrumples just bit the dust!
Emeradan says, "If ignorance were cause for murder..."
>'thus another reason i thought he was picking on me, 'being abusive' which would be CvC consent
You say, "Thus another reason i thought he was picking on me, 'being abusive' which would be CvC consent ."
* Lidore just bit the dust!
Emeradan says, "Key words being, "I thought"... suspicion doesn't imply consent."
>'i only now have 'thought' that being that your telling me its wrong
You say, "I only now have 'thought' that being that your telling me its wrong."
>'and now i am aware..
You say, "And now i am aware.."
Emeradan says, "As I said, you're free to disagree with that stance on poaching, but you still must adhere to that stance."
Emeradan says, "I disagree with lots of things at work, but I still have to do them."
Emeradan mutters under his breath.
>'okay.. i adhere..
You say, "Okay.. i adhere.."
>nod emer
You nod to Emeradan.
Emeradan says, "It's pretty annoying sometimes, but yeah."
Emeradan shrugs.
You automatically cast your mind out again, in search of the PsiNet.
You were unable to reach the PsiNet. A buzz of half-completed thoughts fills your mind:
You will attempt to connect again in 5 minutes.
'i can not talk to anyone else though?
You say, "I can not talk to anyone else though? ."
>'i think perhaps a warning and not an offical warning would be more called for being that i was unaware of it.
You say, "I think perhaps a warning and not an offical warning would be more called for being that i was unaware of it."
Emeradan says, "If you have a concern about policy, you need to let Feedback know. Another GM isn't going to overrule this."
* Kenndel just bit the dust!
Emeradan says, "By logging into the game, though, you automatically agree to abide by both game policy and the terms and conditions. Making sure your behavior is in line with policy before taking action would be advised."
>'i understand.
You say, "I understand. ."
Emeradan says, "You can ask clarifying questions to hosts via an assist. They don't interpret policy, but they have a good grasp on how it works in grey areas."
>'just thought it was the grey area of RP'n a situation where abusive behavior was being inforced upon me.
You say, "Just thought it was the grey area of RP'n a situation where abusive behavior was being inforced upon me."
>'i will email feedback.
You say, "I will email feedback."
>'but i also see your point of view, and how you must do things a certain way
You say, "But i also see your point of view, and how you must do things a certain way."
>'although i think a verbal warning not an offical would be more agreeible
You say, "Although i think a verbal warning not an offical would be more agreeible."
Emeradan says, "An alternative sounding board would be the official forums. There's a policy discussions topic in Help for Players."
Emeradan says, "Without naming character names, you're free to discuss game policies there at your leisure."
Emeradan says, "Sometimes, more than one set of eyes in a discussion helps clarify things."
>'discussion will have no action
You say, "Discussion will have no action."
Emeradan says, "If that were true, then 90% of game improvements would never have happened."
Emeradan smiles.
>'nothing of the policy has changed.
You say, "Nothing of the policy has changed."
You smile.
Emeradan says, "It's been rather static, very true. Things that don't need to change seldom do."
* Alaleem just bit the dust!
>chuc emer
You chuckle at Emeradan.
Emeradan says, "But again, that's opinion."
You've gained 1 mental training point.
(To use these new points, type GOALS and adjust your skills.)
>'okay, i will write. and agree to your stance. hopefuly i can have this removed.
You say, "Okay, i will write. and agree to your stance. hopefuly i can have this removed."
You automatically cast your mind out again, in search of the PsiNet.
You were unable to reach the PsiNet. A buzz of half-completed thoughts fills your mind:
You will attempt to connect again in 5 minutes.
Level: 26 Deeds: 1
Experience: 784331 Death's Sting: None
Exp. until next: 55169 Recent Deaths: 3
Mental TPs: 6 Fame: 1316713
Physical TPs: 0 Mana: 12/12 max
(262 Mnt converted to Phy)

Your mind is fresh and clear.
>Emeradan says, "One moment. I'm finishing a quick review of your logs."
>nod emera
You nod to Emeradan.
Emeradan says, "Good, that's done."
>nod emer
You nod to Emeradan.
Emeradan says, "In any case, you're welcome to appeal to Feedback regarding your warning. They'll have access to logs, as well as your report stating that you "killed Barkam for scripting and poaching threwout Cyclops."."
Emeradan says, "It's possible they may overturn the official warning, but it's not something done often."
>nod emer
You nod to Emeradan.
* Hanshayr just bit the dust!
>'i take it you wont overturn the offical and make it verbal will ya? being that now i know poaching is not clear consent
You say, "I take it you wont overturn the offical and make it verbal will ya? being that now i know poaching is not clear consent."
>'and was unaware previous to this conversation
You say, "And was unaware previous to this conversation."
Emeradan says, "No, I won't. You confessed twice to policy-violating behavior, both in a report and in your initial answer to my request for clarification. Unfortunately, not knowing the ramifications of your actions isn't reason enough to reverse the warning."
You automatically cast your mind out again, in search of the PsiNet.
You were unable to reach the PsiNet. A buzz of half-completed thoughts fills your mind:
You will attempt to connect again in 5 minutes.
'i killed him for poaching, and found he was scripting, the scripting was fresh on my mind when i reported and spoke to you.
Emeradan says, "In any case, you've verbally agreed to abide by policy moving forward. Please note that future violations of policy can result in additional warnings, which can also result in the removal of your game access."
>You say, "I killed him for poaching, and found he was scripting, the scripting was fresh on my mind when i reported and spoke to you."
>'i bet if i never reported. i woulda never been warned.
You say, "I bet if i never reported. i woulda never been warned."
>nod emer
You nod to Emeradan.
Emeradan says, "I wouldn't bet all your seed money on that."
Emeradan says, "I'll send you back at this time unless you have further concerns."
You say, "Okay."
>nod emer
You nod to Emeradan.
Emeradan says, "Good evening, Rathmond."
Emeradan nods to you.
>nod emer
You nod to Emeradan.
* Libras just bit the dust!
The world grows blurry and indistinct. After a moment everything becomes clear again. Looking about, you see...
[Noman's Land, Cave]
Bugs swarm about piles of urgh hides scattered here as beds. The fire pit in the center is cold. The walls are covered with huge, crudely done paintings in a rust-colored dye. They appear to depict a group of cyclopes dancing around a bonfire.
Obvious exits: northeast, west, northwest

Drunken Durfin
05-18-2008, 12:52 AM
In the future just kill them and don't report it. It is kind of like stealing from a drug dealer, they are not gonna call the cops on you. Yeah, they might come after you and your family...

05-18-2008, 12:55 AM
You fucking CONFESSED?!?!?!?!?

05-18-2008, 01:05 AM
:face palm:

05-18-2008, 01:30 AM
Yep. Here is clearly a case where you just kill him, and say that you warned him several times not to steal your kills. God, sometimes I really wonder why they keep that guy on staff. GMs are WELL within their rights to use their own judgement when dealing with matters like this. He chose to fuck you over.

05-18-2008, 01:31 AM
From what I've seen, he's right, and will always be right, regardless if he's wrong.

05-18-2008, 02:03 AM
I call BS on Emeradan.

Further, I would rather that they actually let us take things into our own hands like the good ol' days. After all, the Warrior Raging Thrak seems to imply that we will, concerning lords and ladies blasting people "out of their boots".

05-18-2008, 02:03 AM
So I'm curious, killing someones elses target via poaching would be considered deliberate once done in succession. Clearly this is harassment, but not a clear invitation for CvC since the other character does not 'agree'.

On this note, if I deliberately steal from folks whenever I feel like it, can I expect anyone who attacks me to be given a warning for un-invited CvC in the future?

05-18-2008, 02:26 AM
I call BS on Emeradan.

Further, I would rather that they actually let us take things into our own hands like the good ol' days. After all, the Warrior Raging Thrak seems to imply that we will, concerning lords and ladies blasting people "out of their boots".

DR has the Fallen. <shrugs>

05-18-2008, 02:27 AM
So I'm curious, killing someones elses target via poaching would be considered deliberate once done in succession. Clearly this is harassment, but not a clear invitation for CvC since the other character does not 'agree'.

On this note, if I deliberately steal from folks whenever I feel like it, can I expect anyone who attacks me to be given a warning for un-invited CvC in the future?

Warnings from players are jokes anyway. If someone used that dumbass verb on me, I'd just ignore their dumbasses anyway from then on.

05-18-2008, 02:32 AM
In the future just kill them and don't report it. It is kind of like stealing from a drug dealer, they are not gonna call the cops on you. Yeah, they might come after you and your family...

i loved the one guy who used to script-hunt nymphs constantly back when i rolled ulknor. pickpocketing ftmfw. I'd always loot scripters. Then 3 hours later they'd come back and ask me to pick their boxes. =0

Name names, who's the scripter? i might bring ulknor out of retirement. =0

05-18-2008, 02:37 AM
i loved the one guy who used to script-hunt nymphs constantly back when i rolled ulknor. pickpocketing ftmfw. I'd always loot scripters. Then 3 hours later they'd come back and ask me to pick their boxes. =0

But generally, in researching old posts in this section, i find that basically if you get pulled by emeredan, you lose the argument before it's even begun. But, i can see both sides of the argument. Unfortunately, where one GM would cut you a lot of slack, you get scolded by another. People are subject to the whims of one GM's interpretation of the rules. But if it had been me, i would have demanded an SGM referral myself. But basically you're screwed on the warning front regardless, feedback probably won't do shit.

I'm curious... how many times has the guy actually yanked anyone? Maybe I should keep my people under the radar if it's alot.

05-18-2008, 03:23 AM
:face palm:

I did a double, triple, maybe even a quadruple face palm reading the initial post...

Two things from my perspective:

1 - Emeradan should have let it slide.

2 - You were in clear violation of policy, and deserve the warning ONLY because you called yourself using the report verb, which means he pretty much has to.

05-18-2008, 03:29 AM
i loved the one guy who used to script-hunt nymphs constantly back when i rolled ulknor. pickpocketing ftmfw. I'd always loot scripters. Then 3 hours later they'd come back and ask me to pick their boxes. =0

Name names, who's the scripter? i might bring ulknor out of retirement. =0

Script hunter is named in the log, Barkam

05-18-2008, 03:36 AM
You say, "Will you refer me to a GM please."
Emeradan says, "You're speaking to a GM."


05-18-2008, 09:19 AM
cancel account, heh.

05-18-2008, 09:39 AM
Emerdan is a jackass, when he comes to these things. I would have killed him, rezzed him, and killed him again and again. Script hunting ESPECIALLY in disruption of other players is strictly forbidden. Your arguement should have been thus, when you got pulled up.

You: Yeah he took several of my kills, I warned him not to , then he just ignored me and continued hunting.

You: Yeah he did it again, I warned him a final time specifically saying that there will be use of force next time. He just ignore me and walked away.

You: Finally, after he did it again. I killed him.

Emeradan: Did you consider he might be script hunting?

You: Oh really? I didn't know that, thats illegal isn't it? Oh just thought he was being a real jackass, trying to ruin people's fun on an alt.

Emeradan: Ok, since I'm a shitty GM who thrives on pissing people off to the point of canceling accounts by playing on technicalities even though clearly this intance you are were in the right. I'm going to let you off with a verbal warning not to do that again, since I have no basis or honest confession from you that I can use to screw you over. Thanks have a nice day.

05-18-2008, 10:33 AM
Emeredan is just trying to fill the void left by Khaladon.

05-18-2008, 10:53 AM
And filling that cock shaped void perfectly.

05-18-2008, 11:03 AM
What an ass. Pay homage to his huge e-peen. Sounds like he is on a power trip over something so small.

05-18-2008, 01:19 PM
Emerdan is a jackass, when he comes to these things. I would have killed him, rezzed him, and killed him again and again. Script hunting ESPECIALLY in disruption of other players is strictly forbidden. Your arguement should have been thus, when you got pulled up.

You: Yeah he took several of my kills, I warned him not to , then he just ignored me and continued hunting.

You: Yeah he did it again, I warned him a final time specifically saying that there will be use of force next time. He just ignore me and walked away.

You: Finally, after he did it again. I killed him.

Emeradan: Did you consider he might be script hunting?

You: Oh really? I didn't know that, thats illegal isn't it? Oh just thought he was being a real jackass, trying to ruin people's fun on an alt.

Emeradan: Ok, since I'm a shitty GM who thrives on pissing people off to the point of canceling accounts by playing on technicalities even though clearly this intance you are were in the right. I'm going to let you off with a verbal warning not to do that again, since I have no basis or honest confession from you that I can use to screw you over. Thanks have a nice day.

1 - You can't argue with Emeradan
2 - Script hunting isn't illegal
3 - Silence isn't consent

05-18-2008, 01:20 PM
That doesn't make Emeradan any less of a rotten cunthole.

05-18-2008, 03:33 PM
wow..just wow...some dumbass named Sevris killed a baby character (12 trains) for tossing fruit at Foxs. No GM stepped in and warned him about random killing..lol..Seems they pick on who they wanna pick on.

05-18-2008, 04:13 PM
wow..just wow...some dumbass named Sevris killed a baby character (12 trains) for tossing fruit at Foxs. No GM stepped in and warned him about random killing..lol..Seems they pick on who they wanna pick on.

someone actually stood up for that fucking douche Foxs? logs or it didn't happen

edit: in a separate thread though....to keep this on topic **ducks**

05-18-2008, 04:31 PM
wow..just wow...some dumbass named Sevris killed a baby character (12 trains) for tossing fruit at Foxs. No GM stepped in and warned him about random killing..lol..Seems they pick on who they wanna pick on.
Did Sevris report that he killed someone, or anyone else for that matter? If not, a GM wouldn't step in (unless it was Andraste).

You either report the scripter and leave him alone, or kill him and don't tell anyone. Reporting that you killed a scripter is just stupid, regardless of how the GM handled it.

05-18-2008, 04:44 PM
Should have called this thread "See how stupid I am!"

05-18-2008, 05:26 PM
What I used to do when I caught people script hunting was Report them immediately, and then stalk them and anytime they run into a critter, I would say from hiding "excuse me, I'm hunting that _____." If you can't hide, just sit in a room with a creature and wait until they come into it and say the same thing.

With my sorcerer, I would just e-wave him and then give the spirit strike to the critter and let it do the dirty work...

Do that a couple times and the GM's don't even have to do an AFK scripting check, they'll just pop in and yank them to the lounge. You'll get much more revenge that way too, trust me. I'd rather be killed 10 times by someone than sit in that damn consultation lounge.

05-18-2008, 06:51 PM
Anybody that creates a script that doesn't check for disks or others in the room to begin with deserves their character to be deleted.

05-18-2008, 07:02 PM
With my sorcerer, I would just e-wave him and then give the spirit strike to the critter and let it do the dirty work...

Spelling up a critter will get you in trouble too. I used to do it a lot when I found peopel I thought were scripting until I got warned about it. This was like 4 years ago though so things may have changed.

Drunken Durfin
05-18-2008, 07:33 PM
Spelling up a critter will get you in trouble too. I used to do it a lot when I found peopel I thought were scripting until I got warned about it. This was like 4 years ago though so things may have changed.

That is totally fucking classic!

Coming soon to Landing Rats - Full Wizard Spellups.

05-18-2008, 07:38 PM
Back in the day some people get a real kick out of spelling up hobgoblins or kobolds or whatever critter is sorta by the boulder as they were going to duel...or when they got bored. Funny as hell having the tables turned and running from the critters

05-18-2008, 08:03 PM
I'm shocked by that log.

Honestly, logs like that and GM's like Emeraden make me question why I'm still even playing this game. They're basically trying to eliminate any CvC in the game. Why even bother? Why not just turn it into a purely CvC-less atmosphere? If someone poaches from your character, multiple times, without saying anything and ignoring you're warnings, you should kill them. Damn right.

And they wonder why the game is slowly dying? That log right there, is why.

Good job, Emeraden. You should be proud. We all know you're reading this thread.

05-18-2008, 10:37 PM
Next time I cancel my account I'll just put 'Emeredan's a giant cunt muscle' in the reason box.

Stanley Burrell
05-18-2008, 10:41 PM
The one time I actually killed someone who was script/poaching my kills, I think it was because they returned like three times to the hunt after I became increasingly pissed.

I'm pretty sure I even waited for their script to fuck up so I could tell them not to do it again. And THINKing to them as well.

05-18-2008, 11:11 PM
I'm shocked by that log.

Honestly, logs like that and GM's like Emeraden make me question why I'm still even playing this game. They're basically trying to eliminate any CvC in the game. Why even bother? Why not just turn it into a purely CvC-less atmosphere? If someone poaches from your character, multiple times, without saying anything and ignoring you're warnings, you should kill them. Damn right.

And they wonder why the game is slowly dying? That log right there, is why.

Good job, Emeraden. You should be proud. We all know you're reading this thread.

I don't play the game anymore. And logs like that are exactly why I don't play the game anymore.

There is a difference between discretion and puckered vag. That was puckered vag.

The only saving grace is if the OP is this generations Michaelous. Notoriously OOC and PvP oriented players can be handled differently -- but if the OP is just a normal player and doesn't often get into confrontations, even if it is a violation of policy, let it slide.

05-18-2008, 11:57 PM
Wasn't going to mention this in my other post, but what the hell.

I have to say, Rathmond is far from an angel, though. How many times have you been pulled for other pvp situations? What was that beef you had the other night on river's rest that you were whining about that you were consulting with a GM about?

He's not quite as angelic as he would lead you to believe.

Neither am i. but i've mellowed. Sort of. =0

05-19-2008, 12:23 AM
Either report, or kill. Don't do both. :D

05-19-2008, 03:28 AM
Emeraden did everything as he should to enforce the rules. I would have done worse to you since you refused to accept it and kept pushing the issue and wasting Emeraden's time. You were foolish enough to report, so that a GM would be watching the area, then kill. Don't blame your stupidity on others. Man up and accept it.

05-19-2008, 04:43 AM
He didn't report then kill.
I agree with Xandalf. I don't remember GS ever so focused on carebear mentality. What Emeradan did there and how he handled your behaviour was too heavy handed.
I'd be tempted to think this is not your first offence and you've edited out the references to other run-ins mentioned, but it's Emeradan and it's not out of his character to be a complete powergimp.

Killing someone then reporting it though?
If anything it just shows you had no idea what you did was wrong and more over, I didn't either.
I would have murdered him but not brought it to GMs attention though.

05-19-2008, 04:56 AM
Emeraden did everything as he should to enforce the rules. I would have done worse to you since you refused to accept it and kept pushing the issue and wasting Emeraden's time. You were foolish enough to report, so that a GM would be watching the area, then kill. Don't blame your stupidity on others. Man up and accept it.

Get real. Emeraden did everything he could to look like a complete douche.

05-19-2008, 08:16 AM
Throughout the entire situation, his sense of arrogance permeated the interaction. He acts like he is ROLEPLAYING these damned interactions he is having while inforcing staff policy. I just don't get how he thinks that is appropriate on the boards as a moderator acting to defuse tension, or in game when trying to appear unbias and benevolent when enforcing TOS.

05-19-2008, 08:23 AM
Wasn't going to mention this in my other post, but what the hell.

I have to say, Rathmond is far from an angel, though. How many times have you been pulled for other pvp situations? What was that beef you had the other night on river's rest that you were whining about that you were consulting with a GM about?

He's not quite as angelic as he would lead you to believe.

Neither am i. but i've mellowed. Sort of. =0

Somebody on OOC chat asked Rathmond if he knew what silent strike was and if he could demonstrate (on Rathmond). Rathmond said he did and could or tells him to try it or some shit.

Guy goes does it to his leg and kills him (apparently infront of a GM char) and for the next hour Rathmond is complaining on OOC about it not being proper RP. The other guy felt bad and said he could take a deed from him to make up for it and seemed to genuinely feel bad. Rathmond came off as a whining douchebag.

There's some more mess about Rathmond complaining to a GM (the guy who killed him assisted too) and some other bullshit, but that's the basic gist.

Not the first time I've heard of him being pulled up.

Not that I'm sticking up for Emeradan, but with problem characters, I can see where someone would take a similar (though more polite) stance.

05-19-2008, 10:14 AM
Emeradan is a total jerk. They have given GM's WAY too much room to interpret the policy as they see fit and apply it whenever they want. I wouldn't worry about the warning though. I know people that have had several "official warnings" and as long as you spread them out it doesn't seem to be an issue. Simu wants your money and as long as you "play nice" most of the time they won't fuck your account.

05-19-2008, 10:37 AM
It basically means you probably wont make staff, and that in future dealings with GMs they will pull more of the shit illustrated in the beginning of this thread.

05-19-2008, 10:52 AM
Rathmond came off as a whining douchebag.

if the shoe fits...

05-19-2008, 02:37 PM
How about *oops* disable 'im, let the critters take care of him...then report?

Long ago we used to get away with that in rats anyway and even be congratulated.

05-19-2008, 04:15 PM
We have the whiners and complainers to thank for the current carebear mentality, not the GM's who have to enforce it. It is reactionary policy, which I say because it didn't always exist.

I'm not taking Emeradan's side, nor am I taking the OP's side.

Just pointing out that since the game began, there seems to be a fairly large segment of people who are not capable of wrapping their minds around violent, negative, mean, antisocial, etc etc RP. Anytime they see/are involved in RP that isn't "nice", they whine and complain and report and generally carry on like a three year old that dropped their ice cream.

Even when the agressor is an asshat, if these people would have grown a spine maybe the GM's wouldn't have to enforce the babyish policies they have in place to protect the whiners from having their happy little bunny day ruined.

The other side of the issue is the Michaelous' of the world, who do not know when to stop. Ask yourself, guys and OP, are you like this? When you're cramming it down someones throat and they're clearly not enjoying themselves do you a) keep on cramming, or b) back the hell off. Because if your answer is a, you're part of the problem too.

But those particular cows have left the barn. Whatever.

05-19-2008, 04:17 PM
We have the whiners and complainers to thank for the current carebear mentality, not the GM's who have to enforce it. It is reactionary policy, which I say because it didn't always exist.

05-20-2008, 03:06 AM
BTW you cant aim silent strike..

05-20-2008, 03:18 AM
Man... How much cooler this game would be if Emeradan and like GMs just...died

05-20-2008, 04:54 AM
Man... How much cooler this game would be if Emeradan and like GMs just...died

Died? Really? Gotta love karma.

05-21-2008, 12:54 AM
The way i see it is a-like so.

ingame, customer service, GMs are cops with no real power. Just like most cops, most IGCS GMs are assholes. The best thing to do is not draw attention to yourself, because the moment that a GM talks to you, they're talking down to you; looking for fault.

Simutronics has some of the worst customer service i've ever experienced.

They have a wicked product. In fact, the only real negative thing about their product is their customer service.

05-21-2008, 01:21 AM
the moment that a GM talks to you, they're talking down to you; looking for fault.

Not every GM is like this, but the douche outlined in this thread most definitely is.

Simutronics has some of the worst customer service i've ever experienced.

This is 100% correct, because those few customer service GMs who are so insanely bad can really spoil the whole bunch (and do). And it doesn't matter, because we've proven for the last 10 years that we'll continue to take it up the ass while paying the exorbitant fees to do so.

05-21-2008, 02:47 PM
>Not every GM is like this, but the douche outlined in this thread most >definitely is.

of course not all of them, but plenty!

>And it doesn't matter, because we've proven for the last 10 years that we'll >continue to take it up the ass while paying the exorbitant fees to do so.

Well, there are plenty of people who have left due to customer service issues. I have a feeling, though, that they look at that with an attitude of "some people are going to leave, look at all of the people that we do have playing!". I don't run my business like that. i try to treat every customer with respect, i try to give them what they want, if it's within the scope of what i do, I communicate well with them, and if they don't understand something, i inform them.

I wouldn't call the fees too much. I live on the cheap, most of the time. I'm not a barfly, when we built a brick patio, i looked for used brick. If we couldn't afford the game, we wouldn't pay. The bottom line is that the game is good, and for whatever i pay a month, i could drop that in a night at the bar (were i in my drinking days) or someone could drop that in a week on cigarettes. There are plenty of vices that are more expensive than gemstone.

05-21-2008, 03:05 PM
because we've proven for the last 10 years that we'll continue to take it up the ass while paying the exorbitant fees to do so.

That's a good point. Anyone wanna buy my character (again)?

05-21-2008, 03:36 PM
There are plenty of vices that are more expensive than gemstone.

No shit there are. You can't compare apples and oranges though. The fees are exorbitant considering you're paying to get fucked in the ass half the time.

05-21-2008, 03:48 PM
The fees are exorbitant considering you're paying to get fucked in the ass half the time.

I'd charge you only half price for those sort of services, if that's what you're into.

05-21-2008, 04:43 PM
someone should tell emeradan and his cronies to quit ruining the fucking game