View Full Version : 150 million

War Drums
05-14-2008, 07:12 PM
Considering purchasing 150 million @ 8.50 per. Price is not negotiable. Please PM if you are willing, I use paypal only. Thanks.

05-14-2008, 08:01 PM
Quick math says that is $1275.

Oh the power of words.....and how I can't wait to have that much disposable income.

05-14-2008, 09:01 PM
Has to be Lysander.. Who else would be selling a 9.5x claid with +80 points crit weighting!

Would be easier to find coins if you didn't post fake items exactly like this other retard we know..


War Drums
05-14-2008, 09:15 PM
Has to be Lysander.. Who else would be selling a 9.5x claid with +80 points crit weighting!

Would be easier to find coins if you didn't post fake items exactly like this other retard we know..


Hey man, sorry to burst your silvers for $$ business but the market should take it's course. I'm paypal verified I'll even give the money first and once you have it, you can note me the silvers (as long as you're one of the folks known to sell silvers on these boards).

05-14-2008, 09:24 PM
Hey man, sorry to burst your silvers for $$ business but the market should take it's course. I'm paypal verified I'll even give the money first and once you have it, you can note me the silvers (as long as you're one of the folks known to sell silvers on these boards).

I hate to bust your $$ for silvers purchasing, but most merchants, myself included, will not deliver the silvers until the funds are received and verified. ;)

And yes, the market will take its course, which rules apply to supply as well as demand.

If you have trouble filling your order, I have 50m silvers for sale via paypal (cash or credit) for $9 per million for bundles over 10m if you're paying cash and $9.50 per million for bundles over 10m if you're paying via credit card.

Supply and demand. A two way street. :)

05-14-2008, 09:35 PM
Considering purchasing 150 million @ 8.50 per. Price is not negotiable. Please PM if you are willing, I use paypal only. Thanks.

Who is your character? If someone that I trust will vouch for your credibility, I'll be happy to fulfill this order for you.

War Drums
05-14-2008, 10:38 PM
You'll get your money first deposited into your paypal account (And you can even withdraw it first too) so the whole credibility thing is pointless... unless you don't trust money.

05-14-2008, 10:47 PM

Even if the money goes through, does Augie want to do business with someone who is shady?

Own up and give some references

05-14-2008, 11:12 PM
You'll get your money first deposited into your paypal account (And you can even withdraw it first too) so the whole credibility thing is pointless... unless you don't trust money.

Because you can protest a paypal transaction, leaving the seller stuck out of coins and money.

Reputation and credibility is everything.

05-14-2008, 11:29 PM
I thought that once it's withdrawn into your bank account, PayPal can't do anything? Which was the reason why Elrodin got Zimzum'd out of all but like 30 cents or some other ridiculous amount that was still in his account?

05-14-2008, 11:47 PM
Once you withdraw money from paypal and stick it into your bank account...yes... theres nothing the sender can do about it. Heck, if you feel that paranoid you can withdraw the money from your bank into cash money then have the benjamin's fight the jackson's in a big money battle while you hand over the silvers.

05-15-2008, 12:08 AM
Pretty sure thats wrong... once its out of the paypal account they can still screw you. Your $ is in the bank, but if they contest it and paypal agrees since you cannot prove delivery, you wind up with a negative paypal balance.

Which screws you out of any future transactions until you pay what they contested.

I am not sure how much paypal will do for anyone on either side these days. Or what they use to consider the circumstances.

I have heard of gemstone sales cases going both ways kinda halfway recently. Last year or two.

05-15-2008, 01:46 AM
Pretty sure thats wrong... once its out of the paypal account they can still screw you. Your $ is in the bank, but if they contest it and paypal agrees since you cannot prove delivery, you wind up with a negative paypal balance.

Which screws you out of any future transactions until you pay what they contested.

I am not sure how much paypal will do for anyone on either side these days. Or what they use to consider the circumstances.

I have heard of gemstone sales cases going both ways kinda halfway recently. Last year or two.

Having a negative PayPal account isn't screwing you really, just means you can't use that account again. A simple fix is to have your spouse or whatever set one up and use that one, heh.

05-15-2008, 06:05 AM
You'll get your money first deposited into your paypal account (And you can even withdraw it first too) so the whole credibility thing is pointless... unless you don't trust money.

Ok, that's good enough for me. :fu: and good luck finding someone on these boards to sell you silvers.

05-15-2008, 07:53 AM
Once you withdraw money from paypal and stick it into your bank account...yes... theres nothing the sender can do about it. Heck, if you feel that paranoid you can withdraw the money from your bank into cash money then have the benjamin's fight the jackson's in a big money battle while you hand over the silvers.

Um... you're aware that by defending yourself as a different poster you're just making yourself look even sketchier.

05-15-2008, 09:08 AM
I thought that once it's withdrawn into your bank account, PayPal can't do anything? Which was the reason why Elrodin got Zimzum'd out of all but like 30 cents or some other ridiculous amount that was still in his account?


05-15-2008, 09:22 AM
I thought that once it's withdrawn into your bank account, PayPal can't do anything? Which was the reason why Elrodin got Zimzum'd out of all but like 30 cents or some other ridiculous amount that was still in his account?

I like that "Zimzum'd" is understandable here. Funny stuff

05-15-2008, 01:04 PM
Having a negative PayPal account isn't screwing you really, just means you can't use that account again. A simple fix is to have your spouse or whatever set one up and use that one, heh.

Yah I been seeing a lot of these things lately... Still how many spouses do you have?

And - Pretty sure if Zimzum didn't get his money back it was because he couldn't prove delivery. But I don't know what all happened between him and paypal.

05-15-2008, 02:03 PM
Couldn't you log/screenshot etc delivery? Hell if I was talking a transaction of 150m I'd put my video camera up to the screen so there would be video of the in game happenings.

05-15-2008, 02:30 PM
The process is easier with character transactions because of the email generated by Simutronics.

With in game silvers - you cant exactly use the EXCHANGE verb with a direct link to paypal (though that would be kickass).

Bottom line - gotta do the research on the other party if you dont want to get http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i3/3strangedays/zimzum1.jpg

05-15-2008, 02:36 PM
I believe if the buying party contests it and you do not have funds in your account. They will send your account to collections. You will either have to pay that money back or have a negative credit entry on your credit report.

05-15-2008, 03:07 PM
I like the exchange idea, just exchange for a short sword off any critter or something like that, and keep the log of it.

05-15-2008, 03:31 PM
I like the exchange idea, just exchange for a short sword off any critter or something like that, and keep the log of it.
Do people actually put any stock in client logs at all? I can make up a log of anything... even if you "video taped the transaction" you could easily spoof it as there is no proof that it's coming from Simu (you could write a Lich Script to pretend to respond).

05-15-2008, 03:31 PM
I like the exchange idea, just exchange for a short sword off any critter or something like that, and keep the log of it.

Like a GM is going to do anything but laugh at you for paying 150mil for a short sword.

05-15-2008, 03:33 PM
This is the language I put into the paypal billing statement I send to any buyers for a character.

This payment is for the Simutronics Character - xxx from the account xxx to xxx. Evidence of this tranfer will be given by the notification from Simutronics of a successful transfer via Simutronics email to each account holder. If this paypal payment is contested then the transfer verification notice from Simutronics will serve as the determining evidence of proof of transfer.

Shame that cant be used for silvers.

05-15-2008, 03:51 PM
This is the language I put into the paypal billing statement I send to any buyers for a character.

This payment is for the Simutronics Character - xxx from the account xxx to xxx. Evidence of this tranfer will be given by the notification from Simutronics of a successful transfer via Simutronics email to each account holder. If this paypal payment is contested then the transfer verification notice from Simutronics will serve as the determining evidence of proof of transfer.Shame that cant be used for silvers.

If someone issued a charge back, I'm pretty sure you'd still lose. Unless policy has changed in the past year, PayPal does not cover intangible goods. There are certain circumstances when they rule in your favor and cover the charge back. If the charge back was issued because the buyer was claiming they didn't receive anything, in most cases you'd lose as there is no PayPal approved proof of delivery or tracking number. If the charge back was issued because the credit card holder didn't authorize the charge, then you may have a shot at getting your money refunded since the buyer and seller aren't at fault. This isn't always the case though. The unfortunate thing is, you don't really know what factored into the final decision on a refund or removal of funds from your account.

The only way I've ever heard of to make 100% sure that your transaction is safe is to send the account information to the buyer through a mail service that will provide you with a tracking option. Once they sign that the package has been delivered, you're safe and the person has the information they need to claim their digital goods. Obviously not an ideal way to have to buy or sell game stuff.

To Gan's earlier point, research of who you're buying from and selling to is key and the only way to really help safe guard yourself. Paying a little more to buy something or getting a little less to sell something is sometimes worth it. When you think about it, being screwed over and losing 100% is a heck of a lot more painful than paying 5% more or getting 5% less to make sure you have a safe sale.

05-15-2008, 04:17 PM
Gods above, this is so dang simple, write a simple contract via e-mail, agree to to it via e-mail, if you want, fax a signed copy to be signed and faxed back, then send a signed copy to the person you are buying the silvers from using certified overnight delivery with return reciept. Also include the payment in the form of a US Postal Money order for the amount of the payment. Thus you have a signed contract for transfer, postal guarantee of delivery, postal guarantee of funds transfer because postal money orders have to be bought with cash and are as good as cash at the post office. AND you have an e-mail confirmation of the agreed terms printed out for both parties.

This is enough to go to court over if you need. Overnight mail with return reciept is like 12-15 bucks for a letter, a small price to pay for a $1250 transaction, and you can insure it too.

Rocktar the Scumbag.

05-15-2008, 04:25 PM
Gods above, this is so dang simple, write a simple contract via e-mail, agree to to it via e-mail, if you want, fax a signed copy to be signed and faxed back, then send a signed copy to the person you are buying the silvers from using certified overnight delivery with return reciept. Also include the payment in the form of a US Postal Money order for the amount of the payment. Thus you have a signed contract for transfer, postal guarantee of delivery, postal guarantee of funds transfer because postal money orders have to be bought with cash and are as good as cash at the post office. AND you have an e-mail confirmation of the agreed terms printed out for both parties.

This is enough to go to court over if you need. Overnight mail with return reciept is like 12-15 bucks for a letter, a small price to pay for a $1250 transaction, and you can insure it too.

Rocktar the Scumbag.

small claims court over $1250...good times!!

05-15-2008, 04:26 PM
And video cap the in-game transfer. It's harder to fake (but not impossible, I know!) than a text log.

05-15-2008, 04:45 PM
For this large a sum of money, you sell them a peice of lint, and mail it to them, along with some random number written down on a peice of paper. This is the delivery for paypals purposes, once they get the paper they tell you the random number and that's your queue it's safe to give them the silver.