View Full Version : Check my IP?
05-12-2008, 04:29 PM
I can't seem to get on these boards (started Friday I think) from my home computer.. but have no problem on any other ISP I try. Could it be that my IP somehow got banned or blocked?
I just tried again now.. didn't work.. hopped on my neighbors ISP from the same computer and I got right on. I've cleared all my cookies, files and etc... still won't let me connect at home.
Sean of the Thread
05-12-2008, 04:37 PM
Same to me a few times. U2U Kranar and he can usually get it cleared up fast.
Peanut Butter Jelly Time
05-12-2008, 05:28 PM
IP bans are obvious,.. they say your IP has been banned whenever you try to do any action involving the message boards. If you didn't get a message stating you've been banned, that also directs you to speak to the admin, I don't know what else to tell ya. It gave me a message for the entire 40 minutes of my IP ban.
Not sure what the weather is like there but it may be as simple as a hub being down. Weather is pretty bad right now in the VA area.
Sean of the Thread
05-12-2008, 05:39 PM
He lives about 10 miles from me and is on Brighthouse I assume... not to mention his neighbors zipped right on.
... good tip blacklash.
It happens to me frequently with my work IP.
This host is really sensitive when shit starts acting wonky - so it bans the offending IP... thus making it where you'll never connect.
Usually posting in the bug folder will get Kranar's attention and he clears it up pretty quick.
Stanley Burrell
05-12-2008, 05:43 PM
Peanut Butter Jelly Time
05-12-2008, 05:43 PM
Hmm, so the only bans that display any sort of acknowledgement would be the ones personally placed by Kranar (Or anyone else on this board with the authority to ban folks, anyway)?
05-12-2008, 05:48 PM
You'd be surprised how cheap it is to bribe the ban of e-tards these days.
05-13-2008, 01:53 AM
If you have a router, change your mac address on it, reset your modem & router, then enjoy your new IP.
Why IP banning is retarded and never works (and is very rarly used).
05-13-2008, 04:40 AM
Changing the MAC of your router will not cause you to get a new IP from your ISP.
05-13-2008, 11:09 AM
Depends on your ISP.
Works on Cox, Comcast and RoadRunner that I know of. I think it does on Embarq and TimeWarner as well.
If your ISP is DHCP it may or may not work. It depends if it just takes the Mac of your Modem and puts an IP to whatever is connected to it (sort of assigned DHCP). Or - especially if your provider offers multiple connections, or multiple IPs with the same router using a hub or switch - your ISP can assign an IP based on PC mac. In which case if you change the mac before the DHCP time runs out you should get a new IP.
But if your ISP has a static IP (God help them, they must get a LOT of calls), or login & password verification, it's conceivable that the IP is static and unchangable no matter what your MAC is.
Personally, perhaps due to the gray-hat nature of things I occasionally do, if I moved to a new area and I had a choice between an slower ISP that was DHCP based on PC Mac (thus with changable IP addressess) and a faster ISP with a static IP, I'd choose a changable IP every time.
05-13-2008, 11:12 AM
Changing your IP probably won't help if a range is blocked because you will still get an assigned address in the blocked range.
05-13-2008, 11:13 AM
If you have a router, change your mac address on it, reset your modem & router, then enjoy your new IP.
Why IP banning is retarded and never works (and is very rarly used).
IP is used all the time and it works. The best way to do it is to disallow everything and whitelist IPs that you know are good, but for a server that will accept many clients from many different IP ranges, that's not really an option.
05-13-2008, 11:14 AM
People.. we can all relax now. Kranar has fixed the problem and I am now back at full force.
Crisis Averted. There's nothing to see here now.
05-13-2008, 11:18 AM
Fuck it nevermind.
05-13-2008, 11:25 AM
Changing your Mac on your router will not change your IP. I'm not offering an argument, I'm making a statement of fact.
Your ISP does not see your router, especially not its MAC address. It sees the Modem's MAC address.
What you said makes no sense.
Wait, yes it does, very slightly. But we're talking about PB here. There's no reason to even go that far.
Exactly. I reset my router by unplugging it for 10 seconds.. and then plugging it back in. This step illustrates my entire diagnostic ability on said piece of equipment.
05-13-2008, 11:49 AM
Another, less gray-hat reason to change your IP is some subnets are somewhat faster than others. I've been getting 75% of the speed I should be getting, reset modem & router, same speed. Changed Mac, reset modem & router, and got 95% of the speed I should get (Even as working for Cox for a couple years I don't completely get that one, but it consistantly works).
Why would you ban a whole range of IPs? That just means a whole chunk of people that live around me can't get to your site either. Is that fair? (possibly the reason the OP had issues to begin with). Either way... a great thing about Cox where I live is that you can get a few different subnets. 68.?, 24.?, I've seen 64.? a couple times. So unless you want to ban all of Cox in the country, you can't ban me at home. You can ban me at work, we have a static IP for obvious reasons. But not from home.
I don't like to change it because I VNC into my home computers fairly often to do certain things like check websites or ftp sites on an outside-work network and that makes me have to remember to e-mail myself my new IP.
As for being complete fact you can't do it. That's news to me. Been doing it for years. Used to successfully walk people through doing it when I worked as Tech Support for Cox and Eli Lilly (telling our customers how to get a new IP because they were slow or whatever and why I know it works on RR, Comcast and Cox).
Just because you don't know HOW to do something, drew, doesn't mean it can't be done. Go read forums for a bit and educate yourself.
Does all this mean you can go change your IP and the RIAA/FBI can't find you? no. Your ISP still records the times you got each IP and what IP you've had. So you still can't do black-hat stuff (hacking websites, running a botnet etc) on your comcast cable modem. But gray-hat (such as tormenting forums), sure.
05-13-2008, 12:08 PM
Fuck it nevermind.
You were about 4 minutes late.. since I quoted it below your edit.
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