View Full Version : Little fun in RR.

05-09-2008, 09:40 PM
Having a bit of fun in RR making it snow then someone really made it snow. A bit lame, but what more fun can someone have in RR?

I>rub my pin
You rub your crystal orb pin and a tiny cascade of glittering snowflakes drifts to the ground, glinting softly before they fade away.
Aarx removes some cactacae spine from on a weathered wooden bench.
Aarx takes a bite of his cactacae spine.
Aarx's right leg looks better.
A brief storm of snowflakes swirls into the area, settling to the ground to form a blanket of snow.
Ainsley gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
Aarx blinks.
Speaking knowingly to Ainsley, Perigourd says, "Belnia."
Ainsley scrapes around and gathers up a handful of snow.
Ainsley rolls a handful of snow around in her hands until it is perfectly rounded.
* The death cry of Xiandrena echoes in your mind!
You hear a quiet gurgling sound from somewhere nearby.
Aarx asks, "What season is it again?"
Perigourd nods to Missoni.
Lord Delieta just wandered up a riverstone walkway.
Perigourd just opened a brown leather haversack.
Delieta sits down.
Perigourd removes a green sapphire from in his leather haversack.
Sylviaa scrapes around and gathers up a handful of snow.
Perigourd offers Missoni a green sapphire.
Aarx takes a bite of his cactacae spine.
Aarx's left leg looks better.
Sylviaa rolls a handful of snow around in her hands until it is perfectly rounded.
Missoni accepts Perigourd's green sapphire.
Ainsley winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball towards Aydan. At the last moment Aydan tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking his face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Perigourd removes a green sapphire from in his leather haversack.
Perigourd offers Missoni a green sapphire.
Sylviaa gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
Missoni just opened a subtly folded pale jade silk robe.
Speaking to Ainsley, Delieta asks, "Plate??"
Missoni put a green sapphire in her jade silk robe.
Missoni accepts Perigourd's green sapphire.
Perigourd removes a green sapphire from in his leather haversack.
Missoni put a green sapphire in her jade silk robe.
Perigourd offers Missoni a green sapphire.
Missoni accepts Perigourd's green sapphire.
Missoni put a green sapphire in her jade silk robe.
The voice of Ainsley says, "I haven't any, no."
Perigourd removes a green sapphire from in his leather haversack.
Perigourd offers Missoni a green sapphire.
Eahlstan put an azure-hilted mithril claidhmore in his azure wool cloak.
Delieta snaps his fingers.
Aydan put an exquisite maple-hilted vaalorn warsword in his silver filigree scabbard.
Eahlstan scrapes around and gathers up a handful of snow.
Missoni accepts Perigourd's green sapphire.
Aydan scrapes around and gathers up a handful of snow.
Aarx put some cactacae spine on a weathered wooden bench.
Perigourd removes a green sapphire from in his leather haversack.
Perigourd offers Missoni a green sapphire.
Missoni put a green sapphire in her jade silk robe.
Aarx scrapes around and gathers up a handful of snow.
Eahlstan rubs a blanket of snow.
Aydan rolls a handful of snow around in his hands until it is perfectly rounded.
You hear someone humming to herself in the shadows.
Missoni accepts Perigourd's green sapphire.
Aarx rolls a handful of snow around in his hands until it is perfectly rounded.
Missoni put a green sapphire in her jade silk robe.
Aarx smooths his rounded snowball to even further perfection.
Perigourd just closed a brown leather haversack.
Silnoc just wandered up a dusty path.
Missoni loses some awareness.
Lady Karly just wandered up a riverstone walkway.
You hear someone laughing softly nearby.
Eahlstan rolls a handful of snow around in his hands until it is perfectly rounded.
Sylviaa comes out of hiding.
Sylviaa winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball towards Karly. At the last moment Karly tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking her face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Silnoc glances at a blanket of snow.
Treana's spirit appears to be lifted by the singing.
The mirror images surrounding Treana undulate and grow stronger.
Treana renews her songs.
*** TypoHelp: Converted "402" to INCANT 402.

You gesture and invoke the powers of the elements for the Presence spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
[Spell Hindrance for a bright silver vultite chain hauberk is 12% with current Armor Use skill, d100= 6]
Your armor prevents the spell from working correctly.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Sylviaa scrapes around and gathers up a handful of snow.
Eairus just wandered up a dusty path.
Sylviaa giggles.
Ainsley comes out of hiding.
Ainsley rolls a handful of snow around in her hands until it is perfectly rounded.
Delieta asks, "Good one, Ainsley. Where'd you get the snow??"
*** TypoHelp: Converted "402" to INCANT 402.

Eahlstan winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball towards Aydan. At the last moment Aydan tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking his face right in its path. That had to hurt!
You gesture and invoke the powers of the elements for the Presence spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You become aware of everyone near you...
Belnia (Invisible), Sylviaa (Hidden), Senglent (Hidden), Calean (Invisible), Ainsley (Hidden).
You continue to feel much more aware of your surroundings.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Karly blinks.
Aarx winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball towards Sorlu. At the last moment Sorlu tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking his face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Delieta scrapes around and gathers up a handful of snow.
Aydan winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball towards Eahlstan. At the last moment Eahlstan tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking his face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Aarx hoots.
Silnoc nods warily to Karly.
Delieta asks, "What the hell??"
Aydan scrapes around and gathers up a handful of snow.
(Missoni swings her lantern in the directon of the path.)
I>rub my pin
Ainsley comes out of hiding.
Ainsley winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball towards Delieta. At the last moment Delieta tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking his face right in its path. That had to hurt!
You rub your crystal orb pin and a tiny cascade of glittering snowflakes drifts to the ground, glinting softly before they fade away.
Sylviaa comes out of hiding.
Sylviaa rolls a handful of snow around in her hands until it is perfectly rounded.
Aydan rolls a handful of snow around in his hands until it is perfectly rounded.
Silnoc put a heavy black rolaren war maul in his eahnor-edged harness.
Eahlstan scrapes around and gathers up a handful of snow.
Delieta asks, "When'd it snow here??"
Aydan winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball towards Ainsley. At the last moment Ainsley tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking her face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Karly nods to Silnoc in greeting.
Missoni just wandered down a dusty path.
Ainsley scrapes around and gathers up a handful of snow.
Ainsley rolls a handful of snow around in her hands until it is perfectly rounded.
Silnoc scrapes around and gathers up a handful of snow.
Eahlstan rolls a handful of snow around in his hands until it is perfectly rounded.
Sylviaa winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball towards Silnoc. At the last moment Silnoc tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking his face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Delieta rolls a handful of snow around in his hands until it is perfectly rounded.
Aydan scrapes around and gathers up a handful of snow.
Delieta smooths his rounded snowball to even further perfection.
Delieta smooths his rounded snowball to even further perfection.
Delieta smooths his rounded snowball to even further perfection.
Sylviaa scrapes around and gathers up a handful of snow.
Aydan rolls a handful of snow around in his hands until it is perfectly rounded.
Silnoc rolls a handful of snow around in his hands until it is perfectly rounded.
You notice Sylviaa slip into a hiding place.
Ainsley comes out of hiding.
Ainsley lets out a yelp!
Karly scrapes around and gathers up a handful of snow.
Aydan winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball towards Eahlstan. At the last moment Eahlstan tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking his face right in its path. That had to hurt!

Eahlstan winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball towards Aydan. At the last moment Aydan tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking his face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Delieta tosses a perfectly rounded snowball around carelessly.
Eahlstan scrapes around and gathers up a handful of snow.
Karly rolls a handful of snow around in her hands until it is perfectly rounded.
Eahlstan rolls a handful of snow around in his hands until it is perfectly rounded.
Sylviaa comes out of hiding.
Sylviaa rolls a handful of snow around in her hands until it is perfectly rounded.
You notice Sylviaa slip into a hiding place.
Aydan scrapes around and gathers up a handful of snow.
Eahlstan winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball towards Aydan. At the last moment Aydan tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking his face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Delieta scrapes around and gathers up a handful of snow.
Aydan rolls a handful of snow around in his hands until it is perfectly rounded.
Karly ponders.
Delieta rolls a handful of snow around in his hands until it is perfectly rounded.
Aydan winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball towards Eahlstan. At the last moment Eahlstan tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking his face right in its path.

Perigourd points at Aydan, ruining his hiding place.
Perigourd hums a seemingly random tune.
You hear someone giggling.
Delieta points at Aydan.
Eahlstan tosses a perfectly rounded snowball around carelessly.
Treana twiddles her thumbs.
Aydan just kicked Perigourd!
Delieta scrapes around and gathers up a handful of snow.
Aydan scrapes around and gathers up a handful of snow.
Ainsley comes out of hiding.
Ainsley smooths her rounded snowball to even further perfection.
Aydan rolls a handful of snow around in his hands until it is perfectly rounded.
Karly nods to Perigourd in greeting.
Perigourd dusts off some rigid leather leg guards.
Sylviaa comes out of hiding.
Sylviaa winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball towards Aydan. At the last moment Aydan tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking his face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Perigourd stares off into space.
Delieta rolls a handful of snow around in his hands until it is perfectly rounded.
Silnoc scrapes around and gathers up a handful of snow.
Delieta smooths his rounded snowball to even further perfection.
Delieta smooths his rounded snowball to even further perfection.
Delieta smooths his rounded snowball to even further perfection.
Delieta smooths his rounded snowball to even further perfection.
Sylviaa scrapes around and gathers up a handful of snow.
You notice Sylviaa slip into a hiding place.
Silnoc rolls a handful of snow around in his hands until it is perfectly rounded.
Ainsley comes out of hiding.
Ainsley winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball towards Aydan. At the last moment Aydan tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking his face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Ainsley scrapes around and gathers up a handful of snow.
Ainsley rolls a handful of snow around in her hands until it is perfectly rounded.
Treana says, "Never thought it'd snow here."
Sylviaa comes out of hiding.
Sylviaa rolls a handful of snow around in her hands until it is perfectly rounded.
You notice Sylviaa slip into a hiding place.
Eairus mutters something about snow.
Aydan throws the edge of his woolen cloak over his shoulder nonchalantly.
Aydan removes an onyx-bound bloodjewel amulet from in his woolen cloak.
You snicker.
Eairus traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase...
Eairus gestures.
Eairus suddenly disappears.
Aydan hangs an onyx-bound bloodjewel amulet around his neck.
Aydan rubs his bloodjewel amulet.
Aydan suddenly disappears.
Perigourd chuckles.
You hear someone humming to herself in the shadows.
You feel at full magical power again.
Karly asks, "How is it we have snow in the Rest?"
I>rub my pin
You rub your crystal orb pin and a tiny cascade of glittering snowflakes drifts to the ground, glinting softly before they fade away.
Aarx removes some pothinir grass from in his leather greatcloak.
The voice of Ainsley gleefully says, "Oh, now that's cheating, Aydan."
Delieta tosses a perfectly rounded snowball around carelessly.
Speaking to Karly, Perigourd says, "Belnia put it there."
Aarx takes a bite of his pothinir grass.
Aarx's back looks better.
Delieta searches around for a moment.
Kataric just arrived.
You notice Sylviaa slip out of hiding.
Delieta points at Sylviaa.
Silnoc tosses a perfectly rounded snowball around carelessly.
Delieta chuckles.
You hear someone giggling.
Ainsley comes out of hiding.
Ainsley winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball towards Delieta. At the last moment Delieta tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking his face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Delieta searches around for a moment.
Ainsley scrapes around and gathers up a handful of snow.
Ainsley rolls a handful of snow around in her hands until it is perfectly rounded.
Silnoc searches around for a moment.
Karly mutters something about magics.
Aarx removes some basal moss from on a weathered wooden bench.
Silnoc searches around for a moment.
Sylviaa makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase...
Sylviaa gestures.
Sylviaa blends into invisibility among the surroundings.
Aarx manages to takes a bite of some ephlox moss, which is on a weathered wooden bench.
Aarx makes a horrible face!
Delieta scrapes around and gathers up a handful of snow.
Karly says, "Tis nae natural."
You hear someone humming to herself in the shadows.
Delieta rolls a handful of snow around in his hands until it is perfectly rounded.
Kataric stands up.
Delieta smooths his rounded snowball to even further perfection.
Kataric glances around, looking a bit less confident.
Delieta smooths his rounded snowball to even further perfection.
Delieta smooths his rounded snowball to even further perfection.
Delieta smooths his rounded snowball to even further perfection.
Your mind extends outward and links with the PsiNet.

Speaking to Karly, Perigourd says, "No, it will melt in time."

Sylviaa tosses a perfectly rounded snowball around carelessly.

Sylviaa rolls a handful of snow around in her hands until it is perfectly rounded.
The voice of Eairus says, "Agreed, not natural. Wretched cold snow."
You notice Sylviaa slip into a hiding place.
I>rub my pin
You rub your crystal orb pin and a tiny cascade of glittering snowflakes drifts to the ground, glinting softly before they fade away.

Aarx scrapes around and gathers up a handful of snow.
Aarx rolls a handful of snow around in his hands until it is perfectly rounded.

The voice of Ainsley says, "Cool. It's cool. Brisk, even."
Aarx smooths his rounded snowball to even further perfection.
You notice Sylviaa slip out of hiding.
Aarx winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball towards Sorlu. At the last moment Sorlu tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking his face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Karly nods to Silnoc.

Sylviaa gestures while summoning the spirits of nature to her aid...
Sylviaa gestures.
A sudden burst of bright light emanates from Sylviaa's hand!
Delieta is revealed from hiding!
Senglent is revealed from hiding!
Ainsley is revealed from hiding!
You hear someone laugh.
Delieta says, "I'm used to it. I'm from Mule."
Delieta winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball towards Ainsley. At the last moment Ainsley tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking her face right in its path. That had to hurt!
You chuckle.
Sylviaa winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball towards Delieta. At the last moment Delieta tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking his face right in its path. That had to hurt!

Silnoc offers Karly an enruned thanot coffer.
The voice of Aydan exclaims, "Snow way to do things!"

A perfectly rounded snowball comes flying out of nowhere but lands harmlessly.

I>tap my pin

You tap your crystal orb pin and hear the soft tinkling of tiny chimes, bringing a hint of a smile to your face.
Karly drops her rounded snowball to the ground where it breaks into quickly melting pieces.

Sylviaa comes out of hiding.
Sylviaa rolls a handful of snow around in her hands until it is perfectly rounded.

I>rub my pin
You rub your crystal orb pin and a tiny cascade of glittering snowflakes drifts to the ground, glinting softly before they fade away.
Your senses are no longer as sharp.
Sylviaa comes out of hiding.
Sylviaa winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball towards Delieta. At the last moment Delieta tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking his face right in its path. That had to hurt!

[River's Rest, Town Commons]
Fresh green grass, green as the greenest emerald, is soft underfoot and a pleasing foreground for a weathered wooden bench resting in the shade of a graceful willow tree. Chirping crickets fill the air and mingle with the voices of folk who stroll through the commons, and on occasion stop to exchange a tale or two with friends they meet along their way. A dusty path to the south and a riverstone walkway to the north are joined by a tall evergreen hedge which borders the edges of the lawn. You also see a jagged-eared lightning wyrdling, the Silnoc disk, the Delieta disk, a blanket of snow, a blue spinel, the Sylviaa disk, the Aarx disk, the Senglent disk, the Avenna disk, the Sorlu disk, a weathered tanik chest, a weathered tanik box and a large wooden barrel.
Also here: Mordibeli, Lord Kataric who is sitting, Lady Karly, Silnoc, Lord Delieta who is sitting, Treana, Lord Aarx, Emoth, Perigourd, Avenna who is sitting, Lord Sorlu, Sir Eahlstan
Obvious paths: none

I>get snow

You scrape around and gather up a handful of snow.

I>look at snow

You see nothing unusual.

I>roll snow

Aarx's chest looks better.
I>roll snow

You smooth your rounded snowball to even further perfection.
The snow slowly melts away.

I>throw snow at sorlu

Your invisibilty fails.
You line up your shot and let the rounded snowball fly!
The rounded snowball hits Sorlu in the face! Nice shot!

>rub amu
You rub your granite amulet.
1d100: 69 + Modifiers: 101 == 170

You become invisible.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
I>go path
[River's Rest, Town Commons]
Fresh green grass, green as the greenest emerald, is soft underfoot and a pleasing foreground for a weathered wooden bench resting in the shade of a graceful willow tree. Chirping crickets fill the air and mingle with the voices of folk who stroll through the commons, and on occasion stop to exchange a tale or two with friends they meet along their way. A dusty path to the south and a riverstone walkway to the north are joined by a tall evergreen hedge which borders the edges of the lawn. You also see a jagged-eared lightning wyrdling, the Silnoc disk, the Delieta disk, a blue spinel, the Sylviaa disk, the Senglent disk, the Avenna disk, the Sorlu disk, a weathered tanik chest, a weathered tanik box and a large wooden barrel.
Also here: Mordibeli, Lord Kataric who is sitting, Lady Karly, Silnoc, Lord Delieta who is sitting, Treana, Lady Sylviaa who is sitting, Emoth, Perigourd, Ainsley, Avenna who is sitting, Lord Sorlu, Sir Eahlstan, Aydan
Obvious paths: none

(Aydan breaks off a piece from his snowball and reaches over to rub it against the back of Ainsley's neck.)

I>rub my pin
You rub your crystal orb pin and a tiny cascade of glittering snowflakes drifts to the ground, glinting softly before they fade away.

05-10-2008, 12:54 AM
Go back to Illistim.