View Full Version : Scripted Engagement Ring

05-09-2008, 01:04 AM
a twisted dark silver engagement ring inset with tiny bloodstones

>push/press ring You push your engagement ring nervously around the palm of your hand.
>turn ring You turn your engagement ring over between your fingers.
>raise ring You carefully grasp your engagement ring between two fingers and raise it to eye level, giving it a thorough examination.

>wear ring With a huge grin, you slide your engagement ring onto the appropriate finger.

>exhale ring (wearing) You take a deep breath as you nervously toy with your engagement ring.
>push/press ring (wearing) You nervously push your engagement ring back and forth on your finger.
>pull ring (wearing) You pull at your engagement ring, a worried expression on your face.
>turn ring (wearing) You smile thoughtfully as your turn your engagement ring around your finger, fondly remembering the first time it was worn.
>kiss ring (wearing) You lift your hand to your mouth and brush your lips lovingly over your engagement ring.
>raise ring (wearing) You make flamboyant gestures with your left hand, hoping everyone will notice the engagement ring on your finger.

>remove ring Reluctantly, you slide your engagement ring off of your finger.

It's in Plat, so I'll probably give it to somebody as a gift, but I'm curious what it would be worth in Prime.

Also, what would a 225 scroll be worth?
a stained dog-eared parchment inscribed with stylized crimson runes

The Ponzzz
05-09-2008, 01:07 AM
Is the scroll in Plat? I'd be interested in it...

05-09-2008, 01:12 AM
ya it is. Knack and me are keeping it for a bit. We both found it and he's moving or something tonight so it might be a few days until we can discuss if/when we wanna sell it.

05-09-2008, 01:16 AM
Warning: nobody could read it. I can't remember all who tried, but I think like Oengus tried and he couldn't. Knack couldn't see it. It took somebody WITH the spell to read it. So it might be that you have to have it to read it.

The Ponzzz
05-09-2008, 01:30 AM
With Arcane Symbols, after spell 18, it's no longer each rank being able to tread the next spell in line. It takes either 24 or 25 to read 20th level spells. want to say 32 for 25th. And then of course, there is activation that will be redic.

Who you playing in Plat, I forget... Knack's the man, I like him.

As to your ring in prime, I'd say you could fetch a mil for it, maybe more. Depends on people who really love those scripts.