View Full Version : No I did not sell out!

05-07-2008, 08:23 PM
Just to clarify: (since people have been IMing me in a panic) I didn't sell my account. I could never do that. I'm back and I'm playing.

I WAS playing another game similar to GS and their set up is AMAZING. The only downside is hardly anyone roleplays. :( I could even make my own alterations with minimal wait time (1-2 days) And what fun is it to play a fashionista if no one even pays attention to your character cause they're too busy hunting 24-7? *sneef*.

Anyway, now you know.

05-07-2008, 08:25 PM
What's the game?

05-07-2008, 08:29 PM
I was wondering what brought you back suddenly.

Yayz for Shari!


05-07-2008, 08:29 PM
I want to know what game, maybe we could all invade it.

And it's good to see you back. :)

05-07-2008, 08:30 PM
A game where you can make your own alterations and Nilandia isn't interrogating you about it?! I'm shocked Gretchen! ;)

05-07-2008, 08:48 PM
Meh, it would be like playing in plat. Tons of cool shit, but no one around to show it off, so who cares?

05-07-2008, 08:51 PM
if its cheap....

05-07-2008, 08:57 PM
A game where you can make your own alterations and Nilandia isn't interrogating you about it?! I'm shocked Gretchen! ;)
LOL! Honestly, I don't think I could ever move to another game. I've been playing this one for over 10 years and I really don't see myself playing another. If I leave this one, that'd be it for me.


05-07-2008, 09:11 PM
I wanna hear about this new game. If it's free.

05-07-2008, 09:11 PM
I bought Shari's account, and subsequently her PC account. Sorry for the confusion.

05-07-2008, 09:54 PM
ROFL @ Bob.

The game is called Imperian and its by Ironrealms.com. And it is FREE. They have similar classes to GS as well as professions. Slight differences I can point out right away is that there are magick and anti-magick sides. They hate each other. Sooo...if you have a buddy that rolls up a mage and you roll up a warrior, don't expect to interacting with them at all unless you are planning on killing them.

Combat is weird too. I played Dragonrealms for like...3 days and I remember th combat being similar. There are no numbers, kinda reminds me of WoW.

There is a ton of potential for RP. Events, emotes, and many avenues to take in regards to fleshing our your character, but no one seems to take advantage of it. :(

HOWEVER, you can create your own jewelry, clothing, artwork, houses (yeah, you can DESIGN your home) furniture, weapons, etc. I was able to completely outfit my char in abour 4 days with my own designs.

Oh also, you can write up a description of your character. WHICH, is nice for those creative and realistic, but of course you're going to get those who have hypnotizing eyes or make you FEEL something when you look at them.

I encourage anyone to take a look at the website. They features all kinds of other games you might want to look at too. Some with vampires and other weird shit. Imperian most likely resembles GS.


Oh, did I mention its FREE? Furthermore, you CAN use real money to buy special items and credits which are used for various things, but it is entirely possible to play the game without spending a dime.

05-07-2008, 10:09 PM
I'm there, baby.

05-08-2008, 12:39 AM
Well, if you can spark up some RP and end up being on the anti-magick side lemme know and I'll look for you in game.

The Ponzzz
05-08-2008, 12:47 AM
Meh, it would be like playing in plat. Tons of cool shit, but no one around to show it off, so who cares?

I'll cut you!

I show off my shit all the time!

Drunken Durfin
05-08-2008, 01:06 AM
In a decayed winecellar.
Emanating a putrid odor, a lamiran hermit lurks here, his skin covered in
oozing lesions.
You see exits leading southeast and up.
A lamiran hermit glances up at you, a fevered look in his eyes.
- kick hermit
You lift your leg, thrusting it at a lamiran hermit.
You connect!
A lamiran hermit delivers a stunning blow to your head with the butt of a
Quicksilver pole, knocking you to the ground.
You have been slain by a lamiran hermit.
You have recovered balance.
A lamiran hermit settles down in a corner to sleep.

Hrmm...perhaps I should have taken the tour.

05-08-2008, 06:07 AM
Imperian is kind of a spin-off to their first game Achaea which has over 1000 people playing at any one time, can do your own alterations also and can find some decent roleplay sometimes, especially if you want to get involved in politics and religeon.

It's more of a pay-for-skills type of game rather than pay per month, you can gain some skills by levelling, but more so by purchasing credits which in turn convert into lessons.

05-08-2008, 06:59 AM
What kind of game lets you make a weapon out of fucking liquid mercury?

05-08-2008, 07:06 AM
It offers perpetual youth!?!

Can I be a Ranger that specializes as a skinner??

- Arkans


Subtlety is vital. The role of a master of Predation has become one of
stealth and endurance. To hide within the surroundings and use agility
as a weapon. Speed and accuracy become one as an Idras masters the
ability to use darts against a foe, or the many other subduing
techniques available. An Idras' survival is based on maintaining all
these qualities and withstanding the environment as well.

Hide - Conceal yourself from view.
Subsistence - The ability to feed in the wild.
Evade - Mislead your pursuers.
Secret - Give someone an item without their knowledge.
Goad - Sucker your enemy into a reckless frenzy.
Palm - 'Spirit away' an object.
Listen - Detect action and conversations nearby.
Shadow - Shadow a target in order to track them.
Regeneration - Manipulation of the body's chemistry.
Eavesdrop - Listen even through closed doors.
Await - Await a target to be shadowed.
Pacing - The ability to anticipate and keep pace with others.
Swinging - Swing up into the treetops.
Scan - Scan the forest floor from the treetops.
Secondwind - Keep those eyes open.
Fashion - The ability to create the deadly darts of the Idras.
FlingDarts - Use of the swift projectile darts.
Envenom - Coat your darts in deadly toxins.
Pheromones - Attraction is a powerful deterrent of violence.
Mask - Conceal your identity.
Accuracy - Increase the aim of your darts.
Windwalk - Walk with all the sound of a breeze.
Constitution - Maintain your intestinal equilibrium.
Smokebomb - Cover your tracks and leave them guessing.
Poison - Neither taste nor scent betray such death.
Hollowing - Make your ring a deadly little device.
WolfRiding - Earn the trust of the wild ones.
Quickmount - Quickly leap onto the back of your loyal wolf.
Nightsight - Use infravision to see in the dark.
Clinging - Keep a bead on those with wings.
WolfVault - Order your wolf to jump over the obstructions in your path.
Preservation - Steel yourself against the forces of nature.
Refresh - Boost your endurance to keep moving.
Heirloom - A trinket to guide your wolf home.
Mindnumb - Knock some sense -out- of your foe.
Whitesight - See in even the most severe blizzards.
Kipup - Instantly regain your feet.
-Pindown - Put your foe in his place.
WolfHunt - Order your wolf to track the owner of an item.
Dodging - Let someone else take the heat.
Dash - Sprint in a particular direction.
Cycle - Different darts, different maladies.
Lariat - Use of the rope lasso.
Threadtrap - A trap to keep your foe coming back for more.
SwiftTrack - Order your wolf to track to any who you are an ally of.
Feigning - A very convincing play of death.
Twinshot - A double dose of darts.
Raptors - Handle deadly aerial assassins.
Hostage - One may need leverage to make a bargain.

Apparently, so. This and perpetual youth totally should get you on some kind of watch list.

05-08-2008, 11:54 AM
What kind of game lets you make a weapon out of fucking liquid mercury?

You think it's a game? On August 29th, 1997, it's gonna feel pretty fucking real to you too. Anybody not wearing 2 million sunblock is gonna have a real bad day. Get it?


05-08-2008, 01:29 PM
You think it's a game? On August 29th, 1997, it's gonna feel pretty fucking real to you too. Anybody not wearing 2 million sunblock is gonna have a real bad day. Get it?


And... :rofl:

05-08-2008, 01:49 PM
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that won the thread.

05-08-2008, 08:20 PM
In a decayed winecellar.
Emanating a putrid odor, a lamiran hermit lurks here, his skin covered in
oozing lesions.
You see exits leading southeast and up.
A lamiran hermit glances up at you, a fevered look in his eyes.
- kick hermit
You lift your leg, thrusting it at a lamiran hermit.
You connect!
A lamiran hermit delivers a stunning blow to your head with the butt of a
Quicksilver pole, knocking you to the ground.
You have been slain by a lamiran hermit.
You have recovered balance.
A lamiran hermit settles down in a corner to sleep.

Hrmm...perhaps I should have taken the tour.

ROFL Yeah....I highly recommend the tour. It starts you off with some money, clothes, and a better understanding of the game. :p

05-11-2008, 12:29 AM
Just for what its worth:

I used to play Imperian...and it was a great concept, interesting ideas, and while I leveled I saw all sorts of neat possibilities.

It had two HUGE problems though, both of which kept me from continuing to play it.

The first is that the PvP combat requires you to make your own (or download someone elses and modify) a script system to be in any way shape or form competitive. Without these systems you just couldnt compete.

The second problem was the fact that the PvE combat was...silly. All those nifty cool super awesome abilities (that were only really viable with a script system) are 90% unusable against creatures. So you had maybe three attacks to use against a creature.

But again, the storyline and such had quite a bit of potential. And hey, I found plenty of RP in there....but thats me.

Gemstone is 10x better.

05-11-2008, 02:05 AM
The second problem was the fact that the PvE combat was...silly. All those nifty cool super awesome abilities (that were only really viable with a script system) are 90% unusable against creatures. So you had maybe three attacks to use against a creature.

This is definitely a serious problem, and is one of the main reasons that I can never get into any MUDs other than GemStone (or DragonRealms), including Imperian. I try over and over again to play free MUDs (I'd rather not pay for this if I could avoid doing so and still have fun!), but two things always push me away. First, the combat systems are ridiculously boring and simple. Second, the experience systems usually eliminate a lot of potential for lasting interaction with other players, because they are typically designed so that you gain experience immediately upon killing (or doing whatever else), and can just keep on doing that as long as you like, over and over again, without pause. The fact that you have to rest to clear your mind in GS and DR, and gain benefits from doing so on "nodes," is much more conducive to interaction with other players, in my experience.

I don't know if the second reason I just mentioned applies to Imperian (I'm only minimally familiar with their experience system, though what I saw suggested that it does have this problem), but the first one, as you indicated, definitely does.

05-11-2008, 02:29 AM
I totally disagree on the exp thing. I hate gemstone for exactly the way exp is gained/absorbed. And the need to rest.

05-11-2008, 03:25 AM
I totally disagree on the exp thing. I hate gemstone for exactly the way exp is gained/absorbed. And the need to rest.
Yeah, I figured people would disagree about whether it's a good thing. Do you disagree that it's conducive to player interaction, though?

Maybe it's a matter of what kind of interaction you're looking for. I guess it's true that certain MUDs that have immediate experience absorption do still encourage interaction, but the kind of interaction tends (in my experience) to involve mostly just grouping to level as quickly as possible. That's not really what I'm into, and so it's something that pushes me away. I hate signing into MUDs -- even those with large playerbases -- and being unable to find people, except for those who are saying things to one another like, "Dude, lol, I just increased my dex to +15 and now i'm destroying these mobs, lets go tear some up." (Still, HJFudge said he found plenty of RP in Imperian, so maybe it's not as big of an issue as I think.)

05-11-2008, 09:53 AM
That's something I miss about GS.
I loved how you could go wash dishes while your exp absorbed,

After that though, there's zero I would want to have back.
I can't believe i was so sexy mad about a text game.

05-11-2008, 12:00 PM
Yeah one of the things I hated most about WoW was the fact that you never were encouraged to stop. Especially back when I was raiding all of the time, I shifted to doing all of my personal business at work (banking, shopping, taxes, etc).

At least with GS I take breaks every few mins and still get shit done.

Of course, it's more of a self-discipline problem than anything else.

05-11-2008, 12:43 PM
I don't think it is conducive to player interaction. All it does is make you stop.

Once stopped, you have people who will interact, and more than likely would have anyways at some point, and then you have the people who go AFK at a table, or even in public spots.

Everyone is basically going to fall into one of those groups. You either like people enough to interact with them. Or you don't. Making you take extra time to absorb exp, isn't going to force you to go RP or play nice.

The only way you can force some people to interact and RP like that, is to give them exp for each thing they say while not swinging a weapon. But seriously who wants to play a game that is nothing but a chat room?

05-11-2008, 10:24 PM
I have a love/hate relationship with having to rest for xp.

There are times I would like to simply RP, and the fact I can go, load up on XP and have some nice RP time without worrying about 'falling behind' in exp gain is great. But there are other times...I just wanna get to that next level, so I wanna get exp asap.

Of course, this is assuming there are people who are willing to RP with you. I like to think Im pretty decent at RPing on most days, but people have their own little groups and while people will usually talk to you...it ends up that one of their friends walks up and takes em away or takes over the conversation before you can catch their interest. Usually anyway.

Imperian rewarded a certain type of social roleplay by having a coded system where people could become 'leaders' of in-game factions and towns and such. This led to some politicing...but unfortunately heightened the clique-ish nature of RPers to an actual competitive level. Luckily I got in good with a couple folk who seemed to be well liked and was adopted...but unforunately I've never been that lucky in Gemstone.

The difference though, is in gemstone, all it takes to have some great RP is to find one other person who will meaningfully interact with you, and then people will want to join in.

My 2 cents.