View Full Version : Skinning Script Help!!
05-05-2008, 09:14 PM
I really need a skinning script, everyone one that i make doesnt go right.. sucks.. i need it too
put runestaff away
grab dagger
stance o
skin <critter>
stance d
put dagger away
get runestaff
I am using wizard if that makes a difference.. Please help me out!
would love it if it was just .skin <critter>
05-05-2008, 09:43 PM
put stow rune
put get dagg
put stance off
put kneel
skin %1
put stand
put stance d
put stow dagg
put get rune
now obviously you need your stow verb set for this to work
**edit to add the kneel*
05-05-2008, 10:47 PM
or you could do it this way and run it in about 2 seconds
.skin <critter>
put stance def
waitfor You are now
put stow rune
waitfor You put
put take my dagg
waitfor You remove
put kneel
waitfor You kneel
put skin %1
waitfor You
put stow right
waitfor You put
put stow left
put take my rune
waitfor You remove
put loot
waitfor You search
put stand
05-05-2008, 11:46 PM
Or you could keep your runestaff out and put "skin <creature> with my dagger"... only reason to put a weapon away is if you have both hands in use (sword/board) already.
05-06-2008, 03:50 AM
This macro works pretty well for me. One-touch goodness for the WFE....I didn't like having to type so much stuff for .SKIN.
Have to change the variables before I go out to hunt depending on what is being skinned, and set aside another key if I am skinning two different critters in the same hunting area, but I like it.
stow my falch\rget my dagg\r\pkneel\rskin %user0\r\psearch %user0\rstow dagg\r\pget %user1\rstow %user1\r\pget my falch\rstand\r
05-06-2008, 04:45 AM
Did the wizard you just bought come with a bunch of F/A and survival?
I can't see a wizard reliably skinning at that young of an age. Rathmond, as a rogue, maybe, but a wizard?
05-06-2008, 09:48 AM
Did the wizard you just bought come with a bunch of F/A and survival?
I can't see a wizard reliably skinning at that young of an age. Rathmond, as a rogue, maybe, but a wizard?
why would a wizard put TPs into fa or survival anyway?
Drunken Durfin
05-06-2008, 10:09 AM
Other than skinning, survival helps with lots of stuff. Standing in quakes, resisting the elements (cold blasts in Icemule) and things of that nature.
05-06-2008, 10:10 AM
Other than skinning, survival helps with lots of stuff. Standing in quakes, resisting the elements (cold blasts in Icemule) and things of that nature.
no, i understand the benefits. i was more referring to the fact that there are a number of other skills from which a wizard would benefit more, especially in their early years.
better skills to invest your TPs in, i guess.
05-06-2008, 10:14 AM
better skills to invest your TPs in, i guess.
Probably why thefarmer was asking if the skills were there to even justify the skinning in the first place. Without them, it's a waste of time.
Although I think the OP meant that he was using the wizard front end, not necessarily playing a wizard. However he IS playing a pure so the question of the skills is worth considering either way.
05-06-2008, 10:19 AM
The original poster, Rathmond, is a wizard.
05-06-2008, 10:30 AM
Yeah back before I decided to go full 1x CM gave me the points for 1x FA and 1x survival. Made skinning pretty good for me:
Anticor (at level 51), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Armor Use..........................| 70 15
Combat Maneuvers...................| 90 20
Polearm Weapons....................| 152 52
Physical Fitness...................| 105 25
Arcane Symbols.....................| 152 52
Magic Item Use.....................| 152 52
Spell Aiming.......................| 202 104
Harness Power......................| 175 75
Elemental Mana Control.............| 58 12
Elemental Lore - Air...............| 114 28
Survival...........................| 152 52
Perception.........................| 152 52
Climbing...........................| 50 10
Swimming...........................| 50 10
First Aid..........................| 152 52
Spell Lists
Major Elemental....................| 20
Spell Lists
Minor Elemental....................| 64
Spell Lists
Wizard.............................| 20
05-06-2008, 10:43 AM
Also since you're using a staff no need to stow it.
Just do a:
put get my (skinning knife)
waitfor you get
put skin %v% (or whatever the variable is to bring up a window to type what to skin I don't remember
waitfor you
put put my knife in my container
waitfor you put
put get pelt/skin/feather/wtfever
waitfor you
put put my wtfever in my container
waitfor you
Should be a quick easy one to write.
Drunken Durfin
05-06-2008, 10:48 AM
no, i understand the benefits. i was more referring to the fact that there are a number of other skills from which a wizard would benefit more, especially in their early years.
better skills to invest your TPs in, i guess.
05-06-2008, 10:49 AM
Also since you're using a staff no need to stow it.
Just do a:
put get my (skinning knife)
waitfor you get
put skin %v% (or whatever the variable is to bring up a window to type what to skin I don't remember
waitfor you
put put my knife in my container
waitfor you put
put get pelt/skin/feather/wtfever
waitfor you
put put my wtfever in my container
waitfor you
Should be a quick easy one to write.
i can probably count on one hand the number of times i've tried to skin something in the last year, so maybe i'm wrong on this, but doesn't having an empty hand and kneeling help your success rate and the quality of the skin?
05-06-2008, 10:50 AM
i can probably count on one hand the number of times i've tried to skin something in the last year, so maybe i'm wrong on this, but doesn't having an empty hand and kneeling help your success rate and the quality of the skin?
It could, it's only been 4 years since I tried.
05-06-2008, 10:57 AM
It could, it's only been 4 years since I tried.
given the rate of game improvement, i'd venture a guess and say nothing's changed...
05-06-2008, 11:16 AM
I was thinking more along the lines of I have forgotten some stuff, not that stuff has changed :)
Drunken Durfin
05-06-2008, 12:45 PM
doesn't having an empty hand and kneeling help your success rate and the quality of the skin?
Yes, it does holding some type of knife.
05-06-2008, 02:33 PM
Yes, it does holding some type of knife.
damnit, i knew i forgot something!
Drunken Durfin
05-07-2008, 02:30 AM
damnit, i knew i forgot something!
Unless you are skinning krynches, then you need a hammer. Oddly, I can skin stone mastiffs with a knife.
05-07-2008, 02:47 AM
The original poster, Rathmond, is a wizard.
Rathmond is a rogue. The character he apparently needs the script for (for the runstaff stow) is a wizard.
You might as well add at the end of the script, when you get it figured out, to pick up the skin and stow it.
I have a script that I wrote, but it isn't efficient, as I am not real sure how to use variables. I have to make minor changes to the script when I move to a new area to hunt. If you think it would help, I could post it for you.
05-07-2008, 02:15 PM
i actually got a badass .get (whatever x100) scipt that i use to clean the room before i head back.. And yes it was for my wizard. he's got plenty of spare TP's atleast till fixskill to help me grab some skins.. Plus i'm missing out on all that extra loot! heh. here's the get script if anyone wants it...
#Script by Bladenight
IF_1 goto start
ECHO ***********************************************
ECHO * .pickup <item1> <item2> <item3> <etc..> *
ECHO * You can put as many items as you want *
ECHO * It will cycle through them all *
ECHO * If you have any problems, please contact me *
ECHO ***********************************************
put put my %weapon in my %sheath
match PickUp You put
match Room There isn't enough room
match Open it's closed!
match PickUp1 could not find
put open my %sheath
goto Start
ECHO ********************************
ECHO * No more room in (%sheath) *
ECHO * Manually stow your (%weapon) *
ECHO * Type FLIRT when ready *
ECHO ********************************
waitfor You bat your eyelashes
goto PickUp
put get %1
match OopsGetWeapon could not find what
match Stow You pick up
match Stow You already have that
match Stow You remove
match OopsWeapon You need a free hand to pick that up
ECHO ************************************************** ***************
ECHO * You have a different weapon in your hand other than (%weapon) *
ECHO * Stow it and type FLIRT when ready *
ECHO ************************************************** ***************
waitfor You bat your eyelashes
goto PickUp
put get %1
match OopsGetWeapon could not find what
match Stow You pick up
match Stow You remove
match Stow You already have that
put put my %1 in my %container
match GetWeapon You put
match OpenX it's closed!
match RoomX There isn't enough room
match ContainerOops could not find
put open my %container
goto Stow
ECHO ********************************
ECHO * No more room in (%container) *
ECHO * Manually put the item away *
ECHO * Type FLIRT when ready *
ECHO ********************************
waitfor You bat your eyelashes
goto GetWeapon
ECHO ***************************
ECHO * No (%1) item to pick up *
ECHO ***************************
goto GetWeapon
IF_1 goto PickUp
put get my %weapon
match Done You remove
match OopsDone could not find
ECHO **************************************************
ECHO * What did you do? *
ECHO * Did you close your (%sheath)? *
ECHO * Anyways, get your (%weapon) and back into action *
ECHO **************************************************
goto Done
pretty badass, dont know who made it but its sweet. Just set up your options thing and it works great.
05-07-2008, 02:16 PM
oh Bladenight made it.. props!
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