View Full Version : Avantos shop

05-04-2008, 04:28 PM
Since playershops isn't updating signs, posting here...

Not totally restocked after the auction, but some nice stuff left....

In the Common language, it reads:

If an item doesn't list what it is anywhere in the shop, its probably just an alteration or I don't care enough to know what it is, could be good really, or not. If you want to haggle on price, feel free to contact me.

broadsword - 5x gem eater - various abilities based on the gem
earring - mage chargable spirit strike
hammer - 5x lightning flaring returning hurler

slender driftwood counter
a brilliantly bejeweled ora broadsword (35,000,000 silvers)
a radiant ocean hued mithril hammer (75,000,000 silvers)
a small silver hawk earring (2,000,000 silvers)
Number of Items: 3

In the Common language, it reads:
rolaren waraxe +35 cold
silvery waraxe +40 cold
talismans - these are interesting, old gypsy fest, and apparently have 4 spirit spells in them, not sure on much of em anymore
longsword +30 blessible
crystal longsword +20 steam flares
broadsword +40 ecw

slender driftwood counter
a basket-hilted elven forged broadsword (85,000,000 silvers)
a rolaren-edged crystal-hilted longsword (300,000 silvers)
a ruby-hilted black rolaren longsword (5,500,000 silvers)
a scorched dual-bladed rolaren waraxe with a carved veil iron haft (12,500,000 silvers)
a veniom-hafted silvery rolaren waraxe (18,500,000 silvers)
an oddly enruned gypsy talisman (1,000,000 silvers)
an oddly enruned gypsy talisman (1,000,000 silvers)
Number of Items: 7

In the Common language, it reads:
This space for lease.


05-04-2008, 06:35 PM
The gem "eater" - does it really use up a gem? If so, how long do you get for each gem (approximatley)?

The Ponzzz
05-04-2008, 07:25 PM
Yes, the gem will shatter when it's used up. About 100 swings. They will shatter on EBP as well.

Liberi Fatali
05-04-2008, 07:42 PM
Yes, the gem will shatter when it's used up. About 100 swings. They will shatter on EBP as well.

It didn't always shatter, however.

You used to be able to place a gem in it and instantly remove it, thus saving the gem and still get the effects for 100 swings.

Peanut Butter Jelly Time
05-04-2008, 07:44 PM
They nerfed the crap out of that, Liberi. No sense in even bringing that up anymore.

100 swings of VHCW broadsword per diamond = good, but not great, as evidenced by the many fish spine owners around. Still should be very very good for the price it's at, as you could pay a lot more for a lot less.

05-04-2008, 07:57 PM
Fish spine are 1x though right?

05-04-2008, 08:11 PM
fish spine are 0x

Sean of the Thread
05-05-2008, 01:58 AM
They still let you play after being fired for cheating/etc?

05-06-2008, 08:11 AM
They still let you play after being fired for cheating/etc?

Well, that's not a cuntish thing to post, is it?

05-06-2008, 08:34 AM
Lol ''cuntish''

But to be fair he does have a point.

05-06-2008, 09:59 AM
I was thinking the same thing. That must have been part of his seperation agreement or something.

05-06-2008, 02:37 PM
Wait, cheating? Cheating on what?

05-06-2008, 02:52 PM
He gave GM favors for cyber!

05-06-2008, 02:53 PM
He's paying to play again. As if Simu cares if they fired him. They got him to keep on playing.

05-06-2008, 02:57 PM
They got him to keep on paying.


05-06-2008, 03:13 PM
He gave GM favors for cyber!

Did he really?

05-06-2008, 03:56 PM
Well Gothique didn't aquire her magic fancy shit by sucking me off

Peanut Butter Jelly Time
05-06-2008, 05:39 PM
As long as they get money, Osama Bin Laden could play, for all they care.

05-06-2008, 05:44 PM

[Town Square, Small Park]
A small, shaded park fills an old vacant lot behind a row of buildings, the bright lamplight from the square filtering through the passage to the north to illuminate the area with a soft glow. A weatherworn grey marble statue of a stocky human in pioneer's clothing overlooks the park, his stone hat encrusted by the gifts of decades of passing birds and his right hand half-upraised as if it once held some now-missing object. You also see a rolton, a smoky-eyed fire wyrdling that is sitting, a lanky lightning wyrdling that is sitting, a steamy cup of coffee and brandy, a golden-eyed cinereous grey fox and some ornate wrought-iron benches.
Also here: High Lord Osama
Obvious paths: north, south, west

05-06-2008, 05:44 PM
In-depth Details please.

Peanut Butter Jelly Time
05-06-2008, 05:45 PM
Shouldn't he be in a cave area, though?

05-06-2008, 05:49 PM
Mine Road - where the Cave Trolls are.

Peanut Butter Jelly Time
05-06-2008, 05:52 PM
ZOMG I bet Osama is a Tehir, am I rite?


05-06-2008, 09:04 PM
This has been bugging me.

Why the fuck do you have Detlef Schrempf in your signature?

05-06-2008, 10:10 PM
Why the fuck do you have Detlef Schrempf in your signature?

I'd guess because he looks so "special" in that pic.

05-06-2008, 11:05 PM
Well, that's not a cuntish thing to post, is it?

''Don't cross me here, you will lose'' (no more cuntish than this quote)


05-07-2008, 07:15 AM
''Don't cross me here, you will lose'' (no more cuntish than this quote)


Everytime I hear that I feel immense satisfaction from knowing someone who really believed they were untouchable, was completely and utterly PWNED (by themselves!) during the height of their complacency.

05-07-2008, 12:38 PM
You guys reckon this all belongs here in this thread?

05-07-2008, 12:44 PM
Was Khaladon a coder?

05-07-2008, 04:42 PM
You guys reckon this all belongs here in this thread?

Has it ever stopped them before?

05-07-2008, 07:42 PM
You guys reckon this all belongs here in this thread?

I reckon that living in England has made you start talking like a wussy.

05-08-2008, 12:32 AM
Some of the people on these boards are so hilarious. Paul / Khal was a very dedicated GM and very intent on making all of our experiences in GS more fun. Heck, he just about did the entire FWI festival last summer himself and IMHO it was a huge success. Now that he's left GS under questionable circumstances, some folks wanna flame him. Same folks flaming Tsin in AD's thread and you know what? They're all the same folks that were clamoring for info on the merchants in the chat rooms during the festival, bitching about who won how many raffles and will be the same ones running to Tsin when they need to get rid of something fast for money or looking to liquidate to leave. What a fickle lot.


Drunken Durfin
05-08-2008, 01:17 AM
What a fickle lot.



Tea & Strumpets
05-08-2008, 09:37 AM
Some of the people on these boards are so hilarious. Paul / Khal was a very dedicated GM and very intent on making all of our experiences in GS more fun. Heck, he just about did the entire FWI festival last summer himself and IMHO it was a huge success. Now that he's left GS under questionable circumstances, some folks wanna flame him. Same folks flaming Tsin in AD's thread and you know what? They're all the same folks that were clamoring for info on the merchants in the chat rooms during the festival, bitching about who won how many raffles and will be the same ones running to Tsin when they need to get rid of something fast for money or looking to liquidate to leave. What a fickle lot.


You silly ignorant dope. Not only do you insult Khaladon by lumping him in with a liar and cheat like Tsin, but you try to infer that everyone is a whore like yourself that throws any sense of morality out the window if there is a shiny trinket as a prize.

05-08-2008, 10:40 AM
You silly ignorant dope. Not only do you insult Khaladon by lumping him in with a liar and cheat like Tsin, but you try to infer that everyone is a whore like yourself that throws any sense of morality out the window if there is a shiny trinket as a prize.

He's not a GM anymore, obviously he did something wrong. Get your head out of your ass.

05-08-2008, 10:46 AM
Some of the people on these boards are so hilarious. Paul / Khal was a very dedicated GM and very intent on making all of our experiences in GS more fun. Heck, he just about did the entire FWI festival last summer himself and IMHO it was a huge success. Now that he's left GS under questionable circumstances, some folks wanna flame him. Same folks flaming Tsin in AD's thread and you know what? They're all the same folks that were clamoring for info on the merchants in the chat rooms during the festival, bitching about who won how many raffles and will be the same ones running to Tsin when they need to get rid of something fast for money or looking to liquidate to leave. What a fickle lot.


I'd love to see proof of the people in the chatrooms.

Don't cross me here, you will lose you bitch.

05-08-2008, 10:52 AM
You silly ignorant dope. Not only do you insult Khaladon by lumping him in with a liar and cheat like Tsin, but you try to infer that everyone is a whore like yourself that throws any sense of morality out the window if there is a shiny trinket as a prize.

Wow, what pent up hostility. I'm not defending anyone...either Tsin or Khaladon for their actions nor am I comparing them in any way. You must be a liberal and I applaud you for making a connection where none was intended. What I am pointing out is the hypocritical nature of most of these flaming comments and how fast some folks are to toss someone under the bus, but then use them when they think they have something to gain.

I've dealt with Tsin and I had interaction with both Khal and Gothique in game. I never had any problems with any of them and found Khal to be helpful and courteous when I did interact with him. Tsin is Tsin and obviously Khal/Paul didn't have problems dealing with him either when he wanted to buy something nice or sell something nice that Tsin wanted so he's lumped himself in with Tsin long before I metioned them in the same thread.

What I do find tiring is all of the flaming posts that get wrapped up in the 'Auction' boards. Aren't there other boards for this kind of stuff or is the drama so pervasive that it has to be spewed all over the boards?

As to your demeaning comments about my sexual proclivities, I don't know you...have never interacted with you in game nor dealt with you as a merchant so I won't get offended by your comments. I will give you some advice though...get out of your mother's house, get a girl friend and Get over it and get on with the game.


05-08-2008, 10:58 AM
What I do find tiring is all of the flaming posts that get wrapped up in the 'Auction' boards. Aren't there other boards for this kind of stuff or is the drama so pervasive that it has to be spewed all over the boards?

actually this is the High-End Valuables board, and tangents like this are what make the PC great

05-08-2008, 10:59 AM


- Arkans

05-08-2008, 11:05 AM
As to your demeaning comments about my sexual proclivities, I don't know you...have never interacted with you in game nor dealt with you as a merchant so I won't get offended by your comments. I will give you some advice though...get out of your mother's house, get a girl friend and Get over it and get on with the game.


Pot this is kettle do you copy?!

05-08-2008, 11:32 AM
I'd love to see proof of the people in the chatrooms.

Don't cross me here, you will lose you bitch.

I was in one of the chat rooms, no one did any begging. I waited for Serpantis all that fest, while ill with a throat infection and the flu. I was waiting and Khaladon knew it, he would bring Serpantis in, get everyone's hopes up then leave, then laugh about it, in the chat room.

He's a dick as far as I'm concerned, he knew a lot of us were waiting and patiently, and he was a total jackass, so sorry if I don't give him props for his I"M A GM whackoff sessions.

Tea & Strumpets
05-08-2008, 11:43 AM
Wow, what pent up hostility. I'm not defending anyone...either Tsin or Khaladon for their actions nor am I comparing them in any way. You must be a liberal and I applaud you for making a connection where none was intended. What I am pointing out is the hypocritical nature of most of these flaming comments and how fast some folks are to toss someone under the bus, but then use them when they think they have something to gain.

I've dealt with Tsin and I had interaction with both Khal and Gothique in game. I never had any problems with any of them and found Khal to be helpful and courteous when I did interact with him. Tsin is Tsin and obviously Khal/Paul didn't have problems dealing with him either when he wanted to buy something nice or sell something nice that Tsin wanted so he's lumped himself in with Tsin long before I metioned them in the same thread.

What I do find tiring is all of the flaming posts that get wrapped up in the 'Auction' boards. Aren't there other boards for this kind of stuff or is the drama so pervasive that it has to be spewed all over the boards?

As to your demeaning comments about my sexual proclivities, I don't know you...have never interacted with you in game nor dealt with you as a merchant so I won't get offended by your comments. I will give you some advice though...get out of your mother's house, get a girl friend and Get over it and get on with the game.


How the hell did you know I was a liberal living in my mother's basement that is also in need of a woman!?

And just to clarify since you seem confused, my "whore" comment wasn't meant to say that you walk the streets at night selling your body. I was referring to your assertation that the majority of posters that having anything negative to say about x person, are up for sale for the right price or trinket.

05-08-2008, 01:57 PM
I was in one of the chat rooms, no one did any begging. I waited for Serpantis all that fest, while ill with a throat infection and the flu. I was waiting and Khaladon knew it, he would bring Serpantis in, get everyone's hopes up then leave, then laugh about it, in the chat room.

He's a dick as far as I'm concerned, he knew a lot of us were waiting and patiently, and he was a total jackass, so sorry if I don't give him props for his I"M A GM whackoff sessions.

:yeahthat: - except, I wasn't waiting for Serpantis all during that festival. Doesn't mean I wasn't pissed off at Khaladon's stupid fucking attitudes that week.

Don't be a dumb cunt Khit, really.

Oh also, LOL at you bringing Tsin into this. Plz show proof of anyone flaming him then running to him to sell out/liquidate. Plz. Or are you just talking out your ass? Gee, I wonder.

05-08-2008, 02:29 PM
Don't be a dumb cunt Khit, really.

Oh also, LOL at you bringing Tsin into this. Plz show proof of anyone flaming him then running to him to sell out/liquidate. Plz. Or are you just talking out your ass? Gee, I wonder.

You're really trying to tell me that someone with $5,000.00 or more worth of high end items is really going to come to these boards, put up with the flaming and sniping, endure hundreds of silly half price offers and the insults that come along with them rather than going to someone like Tsin, Avantos or Hak (and no I'm not equating them or painting them in the same light only citing them as merchants with the resources to buy alot of high end gear at one time). The fact is that they're going to go wherever they can get the most money, fastest turn around and the least amount of risk of getting ripped off or the best combination of all 3.

The responses to my original post are reason enough for the people with the best equipment to not post it here unless they're either desperate for a sale or they don't mind taking a chance that something that is now considered 'Illegal' will get taken or nerfed or that they'll get ripped off.

And I'm a 'dumb cunt'?...Seriously.

:puke: Isn't it funny how people stoop to name calling and vulgar insults when they have no argument or stand on the opposite side of an argument? I'm female so of course I have to be either a) a whore or..b) a 'cunt'.


05-08-2008, 02:32 PM
:puke: Isn't it funny how people stoop to name calling and vulgar insults when they have no argument or stand on the opposite side of an argument?


It's hilarious

I will give you some advice though...get out of your mother's house, get a girl friend and Get over it and get on with the game.


05-08-2008, 02:38 PM
I'm female so of course I have to be either a) a whore or..b) a 'cunt'.

It's a) BITCH or b) cunt

Get your facts straight.

05-08-2008, 02:40 PM
And I'm a 'dumb cunt'......Seriously.

You heard it here first, folks.

- Arkans

Drunken Durfin
05-08-2008, 02:44 PM
You're really trying to tell me that someone with $5,000.00 or more worth of high end items is really going to come to these boards, put up with the flaming and sniping, endure hundreds of silly half price offers and the insults that come along with them rather than going to someone like Tsin, Avantos or Hak

Actually, that is what I intend on doing when I get ready to leave.

05-08-2008, 03:00 PM
Can't we all just get along? :grouphug:

05-08-2008, 03:38 PM
Some of the people on these boards are so hilarious. Paul / Khal was a very dedicated GM and very intent on making all of our experiences in GS more fun. Heck, he just about did the entire FWI festival last summer himself and IMHO it was a huge success.

I'd like to see proof that Paul did 'just about the entire FWI festival last year himself'.

Unless you just mean that Paul ran a few popular merchants during the festival.. .

05-08-2008, 03:44 PM
You're really trying to tell me that someone with $5,000.00 or more worth of high end items is really going to come to these boards, put up with the flaming and sniping, endure hundreds of silly half price offers and the insults that come along with them rather than going to someone like Tsin, Avantos or Hak (and no I'm not equating them or painting them in the same light only citing them as merchants with the resources to buy alot of high end gear at one time). The fact is that they're going to go wherever they can get the most money, fastest turn around and the least amount of risk of getting ripped off or the best combination of all 3.

The responses to my original post are reason enough for the people with the best equipment to not post it here unless they're either desperate for a sale or they don't mind taking a chance that something that is now considered 'Illegal' will get taken or nerfed or that they'll get ripped off.

And I'm a 'dumb cunt'?...Seriously.

:puke: Isn't it funny how people stoop to name calling and vulgar insults when they have no argument or stand on the opposite side of an argument? I'm female so of course I have to be either a) a whore or..b) a 'cunt'.


You're seriously fucking retarded if you think that going to Tsin is going to get you anywhere even CLOSE to the most money or the least risk of getting ripped off. Honestly have you even read any of the threads on this douche? He's fucking king of weaseling people and ripping them off. Like I said, don't be a dumb cunt.

Personally, if I were in that situation and I couldn't take the time to get the most money, i'd just go to Sergey. He may not offer the best prices, but he's honest and I know he wouldn't try to weasel me. That means he's TRUSTWORTHY, which is the polar opposite of Tsin.

And yes, like Arkans has pointed out, it's HILARIOUS that you're crying over being called names when you took some pretty personal jabs at T&S. Maybe you should've left yourself some room to cry before starting up the waterworks.

Also, being female does not automatically make you a "whore" or a "cunt". Your stupidity however does. I'd also like to take this time to call you a dumb douchebag. tyvm :D

05-08-2008, 03:46 PM
I'd like to see proof that Paul did 'just about the entire FWI festival last year himself'.

Unless you just mean that Paul ran a few popular merchants during the festival.. .

Good luck with that, i'm still waiting on the proof I asked for. Unfortunately, this person has no proof of anything - she merely likes to yap out of her ass.

05-08-2008, 03:51 PM

05-08-2008, 03:53 PM
Paul / Khal was a very dedicated GM and very intent on making all of our experiences in GS more fun.I'm torn. Your beatification suggests you never crossed him, but how epically you're losing this thread suggests you did at some point.

05-08-2008, 03:54 PM
I'm torn. Your beatification suggests you never crossed him, but how epically you're losing this thread suggests you did at some point.

Oh man, ROFL

05-08-2008, 04:04 PM
Hey guys, this is a merchants market thread..can we take this over the the complaints if you want to bitch?



P.S. Sorry for not "moderating" this earlier. I've been inundated in term papers and exams coming this week..ugh.

05-08-2008, 04:18 PM
Lol ohhh Ilvane.

Drunken Durfin
05-08-2008, 05:17 PM
P.S. Sorry for not "moderating" this earlier.

We have moderators here?

05-08-2008, 11:51 PM
Can't we all just get along? :grouphug:

What the fuck kind of fun would that be? Jesus, talk about raining on parades.

05-08-2008, 11:53 PM
Hey guys, this is a merchants market thread..can we take this over the the complaints if you want to bitch?



P.S. Sorry for not "moderating" this earlier. I've been inundated in term papers and exams coming this week..ugh.

If I ever put something up for sale here please, please NEVER step in and stop the bickering. Free bumps ftw.

Stanley Burrell
05-09-2008, 12:33 AM
Let's keep it on-topic, folks.

Speaking of which:


05-09-2008, 12:34 AM
Let's keep it on-topic, folks.

Speaking of which:



05-09-2008, 01:42 PM
I reckon that living in England has made you start talking like a wussy.

Hey, I resemble that remark! :tumble:

05-09-2008, 05:34 PM
Hey guys, this is a merchants market thread..can we take this over the the complaints if you want to bitch?



P.S. Sorry for not "moderating" this earlier. I've been inundated in term papers and exams coming this week..ugh.

...your sig is disturbing...

No one's ever referred to you as a nice piece of ass.

Just saying.