View Full Version : Safari?

05-03-2008, 12:57 PM
What are the best browsers people are using now? I am currently using Safari/Explorer.

What are the best ones out there for Windows XP?

05-03-2008, 01:07 PM
What are the best browsers people are using now? I am currently using Safari/Explorer.

What are the best ones out there for Windows XP?
Recently I started messing around with all sorts of browsers (a client at work wanted their product to support as many as possible) and my conclusion is that it's best not to really stray from the mainstream.

I liked Opera the best as just a shell browser, if only webpages worked in it. FireFox has the most "powertoys" if you really like getting into customizing your browser. IE has the best support across webpages, and IE7 has a much better feel than IE6. IE8b has a very nice feel/niceties, but good god is it unsupported. Safari feels better than FF, but doesn't have as good as toys as FF, and is well supported.

To me it's not worth the hassle of being "off the beaten path" to not run IE7 for my normal browsing, second place going to FF, then Safari, and then Opera. I didn't even bother with Netscape or any other Mozilla clones.

This is just my personal opinion though, I think I'm just going to continue to have all the browsers installed and dabble in each.

05-03-2008, 02:38 PM
Firefox ftw.

05-03-2008, 03:55 PM
Firefox is my favourite.

I'll give IE 8 a try when it's out of beta, Microsoft has pledged they will try to make it fully standards compliant so I'm happy to hear that.

The Ponzzz
05-03-2008, 04:38 PM
I use IE7. If Firefox was supported like IE7, I'd use it.

05-03-2008, 06:23 PM
What sites are not well supported by Firefox?

05-03-2008, 07:14 PM
The only time I have an issue with firefox is when something uses active X which is kind of rare these days or at least for the sites I go to. I either use IE tabs in Firefox or go ahead and use IE7.

I am not really anti-IE but for me Firefox is much more intuitive in usage for me. Also I have used it for so long and had no reason to switch. If IE 5 and 6 would have had tabbed browsing that may have not made me look for another brower, that being one of the big draws for Firefox when I first started using it.

05-03-2008, 07:15 PM
I'm gonna start to use Safari only. I love the look of it and I don't do much web browsing, so I think I'm gonna stick with it.

05-03-2008, 09:36 PM
I use firefox on the sheer fact its been able to completely avoid pop-ups on all sites Ive gone too which no matter which blocker I tried with IE never did it this flawless. Ive also yet to find a page that didnt accept firefox, and it runs great off a pen drive so I can travel around with all my favorites and saved passwords without any issues.