View Full Version : LICH: - walk & gemsort

100% Wool
05-03-2008, 03:13 AM
Hi all
Just got back from my yearly hiatus.

Started up my lich/psinet combo. Just had a quick question.

I don't remember having problems with the walk or gemsort script from the Lich's respository. Any idea what happened to these scripts? Anyone having problems with them?

You can't go there.
[walk: Error, can't go in the direction specified!]

I get this error A LOT with the walk script

--- SyntaxError: compile error
gemsort:10: parse error, unexpected ':', expecting $
--- Lich: cannot execute gemsort, aborting.

And this is what I'm getting from gemsort.

Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks!

05-03-2008, 03:26 AM
Hi Jae :heart:

05-03-2008, 03:26 AM
Shaelun has pretty much abandonded Lich from what I hear, so good luck.

100% Wool
05-03-2008, 03:41 AM
Hi Jae :heart:

whoa! hi! didn't know you still played! how's the south treatin ya?

Shaelun has pretty much abandonded Lich from what I hear, so good luck.


05-03-2008, 03:44 AM
whoa! hi! didn't know you still played! how's the south treatin ya?

I'm in an on-again phase, hehe. Blech, the south stinks, I miss home. IM ME OKAY! :D

100% Wool
05-03-2008, 09:58 AM
alright...i found the solution to the walk script....
i was using Wizard FE and it hasn't been working right properly with wizard...

went to go use SF...now it started working properly but gave me an error here and there

someone advised on lichnet to use...groupwalk2...which incidentally works great...


Anyone know what the command line is to

start a script within a script and wait til that script finishes to move along
into the next section of the script?

05-10-2008, 08:15 PM
Anyone know what the command line is to

start a script within a script and wait til that script finishes to move along
into the next section of the script?

wait_while { running?("scriptName") }

By the by, I haven't abandoned anything -- I just don't have much time these days and don't play much either.

Also, walk.lic is working perfectly in the Wizard using the latest version on my computer.

100% Wool
05-10-2008, 08:57 PM
Thanks Shaelun!

Odd. walk.lic goes bonkers on me.

Get a lot of "You can't go there" errors