View Full Version : 4th of July in Central Texas!

05-03-2008, 12:34 AM
Hey everyone,

Par-tay at my house 4th of July!

Have had some inquiries as to location so here is the lowdown. We live in Hearne, Texas. We are about midway between Dallas and Houston, so flying in to either airport will be good. I am planning to take off the 1st or 2nd through the 7th, so can do some shuttling. An option might be to rent a van or something if several peole are coming in around the same time on the same day.

We have 2 extra bedrooms and living room space, lots of blankets and quilts, pillows, some sleeping bags, etc.

I am not really a cook, Steve is, and anyone else is welcome to make use of the kitchen as they desire.

There will be beverage...hmm, wonder what a keg would cost...

Many of you have my cell phone number, give me a holler, or contact me on AIM, SN is SistMikare, or shoot me an email at my play.net addy.

<3s & {{{}}}S!


05-03-2008, 01:50 AM
you are 2 hours and 48 minutes from me, jake and i just might make an apperance if you dont mind me bringing the little man. :) Probably help to sign my name, Sadiyah, Mickayelah, Tealcie, gingivier lol. aka RIA

05-07-2008, 10:49 PM
Would love to have all of you! My daughters are contemplating partying with us and have 3 children between them!
