View Full Version : Does ClydeR live in Florida?

04-30-2008, 02:57 AM

MIAMI (AP) - Florida drivers can order more than 100 specialty license plates celebrating everything from manatees to the Miami Heat, but one now under consideration would be the first in the nation to explicitly promote a specific religion.

The Florida Legislature is considering a specialty plate with a design that includes a Christian cross, a stained-glass window and the words "I Believe."

Rep. Edward Bullard, the plate's sponsor, said people who "believe in their college or university" or "believe in their football team" already have license plates they can buy. The new design is a chance for others to put a tag on their cars with "something they believe in," he said.

If the plate is approved, Florida would become the first state to have a license plate featuring a religious symbol that's not part of a college logo. Approval would almost certainly face a court challenge.

I wonder if they will allow atheists to have a specialty plate. Something like a a cross in a red circle with a slash through it. Agnostics could have a giant question mark.

04-30-2008, 07:40 AM

I wonder if they will allow atheists to have a specialty plate. Something like a a cross in a red circle with a slash through it. Agnostics could have a giant question mark.
I cannot wait to get my Cthulhu plate.

04-30-2008, 07:58 AM
I dont see the option of being able to put your religious preference on your license plate as a matter of religion imposing upon state/government matters as long as its voluntary by the owner of said vehicle and paid for by the owner of said vehicle and not by tax payers in general.

Now if the only option is to limit the availability to just one religion - then yes I do see that as a conflict.

I can see folks running around with plates bearing logos of:
1. a happy buddah
2. the multi-armed Krishna
3. Jesus or a Cross or one of the many other symbols used by the different sub-groups of Christianity
4. the Crescent moon of Islam (or other Islamic symbols)
5. Star of David (or other Jewish symbols)
6. a Pentagram (for those testy Satan worshipers)
7. and my personal favorite - the All Seeing Eye atop a pyramid

Then we can start discussing opening up license plates for corporate sponsorships with themes from your favorite retail or business entities... or movies! Transformers anyone?

And for those Gemstone diehard fans:
Can I order my custom plates in elvish? What about troll-speak? Can we get race or profession based fantasy plates? What about arkati themed plates?

WoW plates anyone? Lets add guilds to the list!


04-30-2008, 08:11 AM
God, please no more custom plates. I'll cut someone.

04-30-2008, 08:17 AM
I want my Jedi license plate!

Stanley Burrell
04-30-2008, 09:46 AM
I just want wood paneling.

Peanut Butter Jelly Time
04-30-2008, 12:02 PM
>tap plate
You tap a custom liscense plate which is in your right hand.
>read plate
You cannot read Elvish.
