View Full Version : Bush scolds Congress over Economy

04-29-2008, 11:58 AM

Bush says Congress blocking progress.

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Americans are "understandably anxious" about issues affecting their pocketbook, President Bush said Tuesday.

Bush said people are looking to leaders in Congress to take action, but "all they are getting is delay."

Speaking from the Rose Garden, Bush blasted Congress for not doing enough to address Americans' financial fears.

"I repeatedly submitted proposal to help address the problems. Time after time, Congress chose to block them," he said.

Bush called on Congress to send him sensible and effective bills to keep the country moving forward before taking questions from reporters.

Asked if he was premature in saying the economy is not in a recession, Bush said "the average person doesn't really care what we call it."

"The average person wants to know whether or not we know that they're paying higher gasoline prices and they're worried about staying in their homes," he said.

Bush asked Congress to focus on four areas: energy, food prices, mortgage payments and student loans. The president urged Congress to pass legislation that would lead to more affordable and reliable energy at home.

He also called for a fiscally responsible bill that would reform farm programs without putting new burdens on consumers.

He blasted Congress for "considering a massive, bloated farm bill that would do little to solve the problem."

"America's farm economy is thriving. The value of farmland is skyrocketing. And this is the right time to reform our nation's farm policies by reducing unnecessary subsidies," he said.

In his eight-minute opening remarks, Bush urged Congress to pass specific legislation that will help more families stay in their homes and give the federal government more authority to purchase federal student loans.

04-29-2008, 12:01 PM
The time for eliminating farm subsidies was a long time ago imo.

04-29-2008, 12:25 PM
The time for eliminating farm subsidies was a long time ago imo.

while I still believe there is some value in subsidizing farmers concentrating in certain agricultural products (soybeans, corn, etc), I tend to agree.

At the very least, the subsidies should be diminished drastically, and those excess funds should be funneled elsewhere.

04-29-2008, 12:26 PM
The time for eliminating farm subsidies was a long time ago imo.

The time for eliminating subsidies to large corporate farms sure.

Subsidies for most independent farmers means nothing more than paying the premium on crop/cattle insurance.

But hey ... it's perfectly ok to bitch about farm subsidies and ignore oil subsidies. It's pretty telling where Bush's interests lie. Gas having a national average of 3.60, diesel almost a buck more ... record oil profits continuing to happen with no end in sight .... and bitch about farmers actually seeing some financial light at the end of the tunnel.

Only when they cut into oil revenues.

04-29-2008, 12:28 PM
Hilarious... given as the Republican Congress tripled spending... and the collosal waste that was/is the Iraq War.

04-29-2008, 12:58 PM
I thought Pelosi and company was supposed to fix all of that when they were elected?

04-29-2008, 01:05 PM
I thought Pelosi and company was supposed to fix all of that when they were elected?

I don't think there's a "fail" picture in existence that can describe what a total failure this congress has been.

Let's be honest ... the Dems went into the election under the guise of taking it back when they should have just said from the start that they wanted nothing more than to have a big "let's fuck up the GOP" party .... at our expense.

04-29-2008, 01:08 PM
I don't think there's a "fail" picture in existence that can describe what a total failure this congress has been.




