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View Full Version : a massive bloodwood-hafted rolaren bastard axe with twin serrated blades

Lynette Syrlan
04-28-2008, 12:48 PM
selling a massive bloodwood-hafted rolaren bastard axe with twin serrated blades.
7x, both ohe/2hw weighs about 5 pounds
blessable, very few bastard axes are around.

after the appraisable here in another thread.
selling this for 20m or the cash equivalent
need to sell
IM me at LdyKysari on AIM. or leave a post here if intherested

Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-28-2008, 12:56 PM
Did you get it weighted or something?

04-28-2008, 02:09 PM
Yeah, didn't SHM fail to move it at 15m for like two months?

04-28-2008, 02:11 PM
I'd pay something like 10-12 for it. I wouldn't know since I don't use weeeponz.

20m, though?


04-28-2008, 03:40 PM
Tayvin had been selling this EXACT axe for 15m for several months, and did not find a buyer. It's really doubtful that you're going to find a buyer at 20m anytime within the next month or so.

Also... the glaes version of this (the other 7x bastard axe sold by Tayvin) is on the officials with a 10m bid, and no one has outbid it at 10. (http://www.play.net/forums/messages.asp?forum=102&category=16&topic=43&message=9057) item #3

"Current" market value seems to be 10m on these things... you're either gonna have to wait 6-12 months and HOPE there's a better market, or sit on it for a week or six until fixskills and see what you can do with it then....

If you're absolutely in a spot where you need to "sell now" You're probably going to have to drop it for the 10m you paid.

Personally... for 20m, I'd rather just buy a 7x handaxe and a 7x greataxe and use them seperately.

Lynette Syrlan
04-28-2008, 07:08 PM
it isnt a number i just pulled from mid air... it is a number i was given by several. even on the appraisal post.

was told by those same people, it was worth more than that.
i'll pull it for now, till i can get those confirmations.

04-28-2008, 07:19 PM
it isnt a number i just pulled from mid air... it is a number i was given by several. even on the appraisal post.

was told by those same people, it was worth more than that.
i'll pull it for now, till i can get those confirmations.

Several people have said "this is worth 20m" ... but several more have said "This is NOT worth 20m" I'm curious why you are listening to only half of the aforementioned people.

The problem with "worth" is that it's entirely situational... if you had two people who wanted this and there were no others for sale, you could suddenly find yourself selling it for 30m...

Heres your current situation: theres an identical axe for sale right now struggling to get sold at half your asking price; whether people are saying it's 20m or not, you will NOT be selling this for 20m in the present market situation. If you COULD sell it for 20m... the other one wouldn't be going for only 10m.

10m isn't a number I pulled from thin air either.

Can you get 20m for it? Eventually... under good selling conditions.

Can you get 20m for it... today? No.

04-28-2008, 07:29 PM
The problem is you JUST bought it for 10m, and it was NOT selling for the 15m Tayvin was asking for it before. These two factors scream "this isn't worth 20m" to any potential buyers. You'd be lucky to get 15.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-28-2008, 07:39 PM
Hey, I think it's worth that, personally. Bastard axes are awesome. Just cause I sold 5 of em just recently for a lot less is why I asked. I don't mean to harsh anyone's mellow, everyone wants to make a dime!

Lynette Syrlan
04-29-2008, 05:46 PM
one, i bought it an an auction.... there for, things tend to go for less than what it should. i know i have sold many things that went for far less than what is even in the shops as average. I have not ever denied paying 10m for it. which is another reason it got pulled. is haggling a thing of the past these days? maybe a post or IM saying, would you concider... blah blah blah.

sorry if i offended anyone buy trying to sell this for what i was.

as i said in one of my last posts, i'm pulling the weapon from sale because of this. i will sell it through other means. and dont think just because i have it offered up at 20m doesnt mean i might not go lower, hell or alot lower.. but no one even asked.

Peanut Butter Jelly Time
04-29-2008, 05:51 PM
Meh, things like the bastard axes just have a smaller market of collectors, than normal weapons would. Don't just stop selling due to a couple of unappreciative dicks who can't see the value in rarity. If people have truly stopped paying for rarity and fluff like everything thinks, Naleas wouldn't be 4-5m, kittens wouldn't have soared to 5m, and black ora would be the 10m or whatever the lance sold for some odd number of months ago.

Bastard Axes are a rarity, and as such, it takes a rarity of a buyer to truly appreciate them, aswell as pay the price associated with them. 10m may very well look like an outrageous bargain six months from now, so don't get too bummed over it.

04-29-2008, 05:59 PM
one, i bought it an an auction.... there for, things tend to go for less than what it should. i know i have sold many things that went for far less than what is even in the shops as average. I have not ever denied paying 10m for it. which is another reason it got pulled. is haggling a thing of the past these days? maybe a post or IM saying, would you concider... blah blah blah.

sorry if i offended anyone buy trying to sell this for what i was.

as i said in one of my last posts, i'm pulling the weapon from sale because of this. i will sell it through other means. and dont think just because i have it offered up at 20m doesnt mean i might not go lower, hell or alot lower.. but no one even asked.

Putting a "MB" is usually a good indicator for the Minimum Bid a seller is willing to take. Putting something like 'offers around 20M will be listened to' would have encouraged the scenario you envisioned.

04-29-2008, 05:59 PM
Meh... I fail to see how any of us became "unappreciative dicks" just because we pointed out TODAY'S market value isn't 20m on this thing and that she's going to have to sit on it for awhile if she wants that much.

I know I could have gotten a LOT more insulting and rude about it...

Peanut Butter Jelly Time
04-29-2008, 06:36 PM
You didn't just now become unappreciative dicks, Lomo... you have been. The same group who paid a total of 7.5m or somesuch for a black ora lance, simply because it was "just a 4x flaring lance"... the same group who paid 10m for Spendel's white ora katana, because it was "just 2x and weighted"... the same group who hasn't openly passed a weapon without less than stellar mechanical benefits for the prices they would've reached two years ago.

It has become a growing trend to care less and less about anything but mechanical benefits of an item, and there isn't really any blame to be placed, and it isn't as if that trend in itself is bad. I simply stated the bastard axes are finding a smaller and smaller market each time they're put up for sale, because of this.

People are caring less about rarity, and more about basic effects. It has been leaning that way for a while now, and while I don't personally agree with it, it's the trend. Obviously there are exceptions, such as the suit of ridiculously nice veil iron armor that went a few months back, but those are far and few between.

In all reality, calling folks "unappreciative" isn't all that much to be insulted over, as you must look at the source. I really love my pixels, in whatever form they take. I like my ethereal halberd enough to consider writing a story for it, if only because the GMs never gave it the background a few folks have stated it deserves. I like returning chakrams enough to use them, despite the obvious crap that entails when compared to hurling spears, or axes. I place more value on using a vultite-alloy quarterstaff than I do a shalk claidh, and it isn't so much that I'm crazy, but rather because it's an unorthodox method of doing things.

Anywho, it's fine that a majority of folks lean towards the practical, as that will always be the case, but that's also why things like these axes wont sell easily ever again. The majority is looking to mechanical benefits, and mechanical benefits alone. Rarity has become less of a contributing factor to price, and more of a heavily effective way to limit the market your items can be sold to. Ahwell.

/wall of text off

04-29-2008, 07:43 PM
So the stick up your ass is gamers caring less and less about extrinsic value in their lines of text?

The beauty of being a human being is that everyone thinks differently. Don't sit on your high horse and sling insults like "unappreciative dick" because we don't have the same "values" as you...

You want to find extra value in an item just because some programmer added historical significance to a fake item in a fake world... more power to you! Just don't expect ALL of us to feel the same way...

For the record, I don't think anything said in this thread really had to do with negating the rarity or worth of the axe... just pointing out it's not going to sell for 20m in present market conditions.

Peanut Butter Jelly Time
04-29-2008, 07:58 PM
...and I did absolutely nothing but elaborate on said conditions, as nobody else seemed to. Excuse me if you take "unappreciative dick" as such an offensive term, but maybe that would speak more about you, than any of the others included in that statement.

04-29-2008, 08:01 PM
hug it out.

Peanut Butter Jelly Time
04-29-2008, 08:05 PM
YAY! Hugz ftw.

Lynette Syrlan
04-30-2008, 01:19 PM
the axe is sold.

thank you

05-15-2008, 05:48 PM
Man this thread went downhill fast... but yeah 20m and 15m are pretty damn expensive, and i am a collector.

Now, I just need to convience someone to sell me my sister bastard axe.