View Full Version : 6x HCP lightened hauberk, 7x HCW self mana e-wave falchion

04-27-2008, 09:54 PM
Taking coin/trade offers on the following, feel free to contact me via PM.

a silver elven crafted rolaren hauberk
-6x, heavily crit padded, lightened to 16 pounds. Has had pauldrons added, with the image on the right pauldron being able to be changed by slapping it. Also has at least one other action I've found.

show: The chain armor is adorned with an elegant set of burnished leather pauldrons. Emblazoned into the left pauldron is the crest of an unknown house. The right pauldron is expertly tooled with a stylized image of a fierce panther ready to strike. This elven-crafted armor has been well-maintained, both with frequent cleaning and polishing. A layer of sturdy rolaren links runs the surface, and hides beneath it a layer of soft leather to protect the wearer's body. A small metal decorative plate covers the left breast of the armor, and is etched with a jagged silver design.

an ora-hilted glaes falchion
-7x, heavily crit weighted, 5 pounds.
-Self mana e-wave, double mana (20)

show: Fashioned from pure ora, the pommel has been carved in the form of a jackal's head with two deep-set ruby eyes. The side-guards have been etched, forming streaks of flames curling inward. The long blade has been hammered from fine glaes and etched with mysterious runes. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

04-28-2008, 12:11 AM
Half the stuff we sold at the auction is back up for sale!