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View Full Version : Possibly Selling: 7x HCP Brig along with my new beloved crossbow

04-27-2008, 09:47 PM
Since friends always have to be huge douchebags at the most inconvenient times, I'm taking offers currently on two items of mine I came into when making my return to Gemstone.

Unfortunately, my friend has informed me that the old Paintball team is gonna get reformed and invited me to help, that of which I gladly obliged to. Normally Paintball isn't time consuming, but being a Semi-Pro/Professional Team like we were and travelling to major X-Ball Events etc along with me being a certified Referee...Well, that means I need to dedicate all my free time to this instead of Gemstone. I guess things weren't meant to be..Ah well, onto the business.

I'm taking offers on the following below. Feel free to PM me or IM me with offers/questions you may have etc.

7x (+35) Heavy Crit Padded Brigandine
- Normal, boring look to it. some brigandine armor

5x (+25) Heavy Mechanical Crank Crossbow
- crank allows for a SOLID cocking RT of 3seconds and NO stance change. This means that you can sit in defensive, and cock this bad boy in 3 seconds regardless of your Strength. A very great asset for you small races, much like my burghal gnome rogue with mobility.

- When turning it to cock, it never reveals you from hiding.

- Grants the normal bonus of +30 as all crossbows do when kneeling.

I originally purchased these items to make a quick return to gemstone and love them both, however it seems paintball is coming back into my life.

The crossbow is amazing with my little guy, and I have 2 scripts I use to load and fire it for the new owner if one wants. In my opinion, the crossbow is much better for small races in comparison to an E-Bow in which the RT would suck, With this crossbow, you can drop STR some and not worry about the Cocking RT. Normal Heavy Crossbows cock in 9-10 seconds for my Gnome if he had 100 Strength, so think about that.

If I don't get any decent offers, then I'll just keep the items on my deactivated account until I possibly return at god knows when, but I'd much rather sell them so they aren't sitting around collecting dust. Especially a crossbow like that for the Ranged Midgets out there such as myself.

04-28-2008, 12:42 AM
Hell, or if someone wants to pay a lump sum for the takeover of the entire account, 2 items above along with 6million in coins as well as a Level 13 Burghal Gnome rogue let me know.

04-28-2008, 06:37 PM
Heavy Crossbow Sold.

Brig Sold.

Everything is gone. Thanks!