View Full Version : Pet Peeve

07-06-2003, 11:36 PM
I don't know if anyone else feels the same way, but I have a big pet peeve with people who make the same mistake every single time. It was triggered when Victorae sold a pinata about two minutes ago. He's never said Thrak Inn, it's *always* Thrakk Inn.

The same goes for Warclaidhm, who seems to do it the most. He always manages to find a way to say again or pretty, then spells it agian and preety. He even spells it agianst instead of against.

Krolvin was another one people always screwed up. If you're going to say it, at least say it right. There's no reason to think Krolvin is spelled Krovlin. It's too common to be a typo.

Before you criticize me for this, realize that I'm not doing it because people just can't spell something right. It's a name in the game, you should automatically spell it correctly. A possible exception is Warclaidhm, but again and pretty are *not* hard words to spell. Maybe he's got that backwards disease, I'm not going to try and remember what it is.

Picture is irrelevant. It just looks good.

07-06-2003, 11:40 PM
Little things to some are big things to others. They probably don't sweat spelling or getting details right so it doesn't bother them. It bothers you so you notice it. I do however have a thing about people that can't learn from their mistakes. One or two times I understand but after that you should realize it's wrong. Everyone makes mistakes but you're only a fool if you refuse to learn from them.

07-06-2003, 11:47 PM
Misspelled words irk me, and I have a bad habit of correcting people when they do it... but then I remember that we're not supposed to see the words, as characters. We're only supposed to hear them. Granted, Krovlin is different from Krolvin, even outloud, but things like Agianst and such can be overlooked.. you understand what they're trying to say.

And I've specifically seen Bobmuhthol misspell several words on several posts. Dictionary.com is a great tool.

And the 'disease' (really, it's a learning disorder) you were looking for is dyslexia.

[Edited on 7-7-2003 by Tayre]

07-06-2003, 11:55 PM
rouge=red in french
rouge=not rogue

07-06-2003, 11:58 PM
Rouge reminds me of Moulin Rouge....

Imagine a bunch of rogues dancing and singing and Ewan McGregor leading them all.

Or don't... that's disturbing.

07-06-2003, 11:59 PM
You don't see that quite as often, Xcalibur, but I have seen a good number of that. A lot of times they don't even realize their mistake.

07-07-2003, 12:03 AM
i saw that at least 10 times per day on amunet when i was trying to rip off people with my crap, eh my good stuff

07-07-2003, 12:05 AM
I'm mostly AFK, especially when playing GemStone. I play for a while, then just take random breaks. Surprisingly, not a lot of people interact with me. I do get the occasional flood of people, though. Most of these things don't even get read by me anymore.

07-07-2003, 12:06 AM
i enjoyed teasing you, bob, when i was Silthar or Erezstuff...
I was so looking forward to harass you, and trully, i thought you were an idiot
I really was surprised when i found out the truth

07-07-2003, 12:09 AM
Right. Silthar. He was a good man. The new player might even be an improvement. I saw him in the Gemshop and knew it was a different player, so I screwed with his head for a while. Saw him a few times since, but not much. Erezekiel was really more of an annoyance than anything else. Never met Arkaine, I think.

07-07-2003, 12:14 AM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
Right. Silthar. He was a good man. The new player might even be an improvement. I saw him in the Gemshop and knew it was a different player, so I screwed with his head for a while. Saw him a few times since, but not much. Erezekiel was really more of an annoyance than anything else. Never met Arkaine, I think.

Arkaine was my first character, a thief. I had those 4X battle leather, 90|200 something. Lost the pin, and too cheap to pay to retrieve it.
Silthar was really good with ME. I even amused Jenisi, and it's really hard to make her laugh.
I made like 4 millions just in thieving... the times

07-07-2003, 03:01 AM
Nae, dinnae, verra (the worst of all), empuff, teef, aye, sorcie, boxie, sorrae (::shudders::)... words like that.

- --[ Klaive ]-- -

[Edited on 7-7-2003 by Demon Lord Kage]

07-07-2003, 08:13 AM
Originally posted by Demon Lord Kage
Nae, dinnae, verra (the worst of all), empuff, teef, aye, sorcie, boxie, sorrae (::shudders::)... words like that.

- --[ Klaive ]-- -

[Edited on 7-7-2003 by Demon Lord Kage]

Spelling out their dialect is different than continuously misspelling a word.

Currently in Gemstone, there is no way to speak with an accent without typing it out.

Now.. if you want to complain about everyone putting a damn 'ie' behind everything and then trying to be a mighty warrior.. then.. I'll be right behind you on it.

MightyWarrrior says, "Is any kind wizzie around to cast massies?"

07-07-2003, 11:51 AM
The misuse of some of those words always drove me nuts.

People saying:

"I nae gonna go" - when the word "nae" (or "nay," which is the more common spelling) means NO.

I no gonna go? C'mon, you're roleplaying an adult, not some little snotnosed 6 year old who hasn't developed a vocabulary yet.

I dinnae? Err..that's just a made-up word. Dinna, which is a spelling for the old "didn't" - but dinnae? No. It's just silliness.

Boxies massies sorcies wandsies, hobbies, trollies cutsy poopsie aren't I just freaking adorable while I blast your head off with this awesome power of mine. No. Sorry, that isn't roleplaying. That's trying (and succeeding) in making me believe you're nothing more than a 2-dimensional cartoon character, maybe something out of Casper the Friendly Ghost or Bugs Bunny, except you're not nearly as clever.

As for wizzies, that's what I used to say I needed to do when my bladder was full - when I was 4.

Not everyone needs to speak eloquently. Lylia and Silvean were the epitome of believable roleplay and excellent use of speech. One of the dark dwarves (I can't remember his name!) of the Dhe'nar did "dwarf" wonderfully as well, without resorting to being "cute."

Geoff, while often difficult to understand, did a brogue better than anyone else I've ever seen in text. If you -really- want to make your character sound like he's from Scotland, listen to Geoff (if he's still around) or look at some old logs from when he was around.

If you want to present your halfling like he's a smurf, go for it. Just don't expect anyone to take your halfling seriously. Cartoons aren't supposed to be taken seriously.

07-07-2003, 01:44 PM
Originally posted by Bestatte

Cartoons aren't supposed to be taken seriously.

Except Anime.

Klaive is Anime.

- --[ Klaive ]-- -

draconis nematoda
07-07-2003, 02:39 PM
People using the word OK, makes me crazy.

07-07-2003, 02:44 PM
Yeah, that's definitely one of them. OK looks.. well.. stupid. But it is correct. Okay, OK, O.K. They're all right.

(There's some subtle humor in my post, see if you can find it.)

07-07-2003, 02:49 PM
Okies, welcies, massies, I have (insert number) more pages to read before I train, sorcie, boxies, huggles, smiley faces on the amulet....well...anything else with a cutesy wootsey end. Empuff..grrrr....and saying I'se if you follow it with anything with an ie.

It makes me wanna kick the crap outa someone.

07-07-2003, 02:52 PM
<< Misspelled words irk me, and I have a bad habit of correcting people when they do it... but then I remember that we're not supposed to see the words, as characters. We're only supposed to hear them. Granted, Krovlin is different from Krolvin, even outloud, but things like Agianst and such can be overlooked.. you understand what they're trying to say. >>

I think that's rediculous to say we're supposed to hear them instead of read them. Playing GS is like reading a book, only you and a thousand other people are writing the book as you play.

In the same way as it's unacceptable for an author to write against, agianst, and son, sun, or flinch, phlinch, it's unacceptable for another player to make the same mistakes.

Too many people get caught up in the technicalities of roleplaying, and what being OOC is, and forget that certain decency standards should take precedence over technicalities.

So yes... people who commonly misspell words in a text game peeve me as well.

07-07-2003, 02:53 PM
You Crazy Canadian. I mean.. You'sie theie craziestie Canadianie I'se seenie inie myie lifeie!!

07-07-2003, 02:57 PM
<< Spelling out their dialect is different than continuously misspelling a word. >>

Yes, I definitely agree that a dialect is different than misspelling a word. One can tell when another is speaking in a dialect, and therefore must misspell words, and when another is simply too lazy, or stupid that they're constantly spelling words incorrectly.

07-07-2003, 03:00 PM
Warclaidhm said 'agian' at least 5 times on the boulder today. I was saddened. And now I will drink some Arizona Raspberry Iced Tea.

07-07-2003, 03:04 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
You Crazy Canadian. I mean.. You'sie theie craziestie Canadianie I'se seenie inie myie lifeie!!

*Starts kicking the crap outa someone*

(that tickled me funny bone:lol: )

[Edited on 7-7-2003 by Sweets]

07-07-2003, 03:15 PM
Originally posted by Kranar
I think that's rediculous to say we're supposed to hear them instead of read them. Playing GS is like reading a book, only you and a thousand other people are writing the book as you play.

Ridiculous has got to be the most commonly misspelled word. So many people put REdiculous. Just seeing Kranar say it made me think about it. Although, I honestly don't care. The only place I would expect to see perfect writing is in school or work.

07-07-2003, 03:20 PM
I used to spell it rediculous until I realized the base word is ridicule. Heh. I'm just glad no one ever said anything about it like I would have.

07-07-2003, 04:09 PM
Chalk me up as one that doesn't like the 'ies' also. Empuff makes me want to hit someone. Most other things I can handle. I like it when people use accents. I also like aye, nae, nay, etc... I don't like baby accents unless someone is playing a child. (which in that case you should take away their sword and armor and give them a spoon and a pan and put them in a house out of danger)


07-07-2003, 04:29 PM
i hate when people ::chuckle:: in thoughts so much it's not even funny. But what is worse is when people ::chuckle:: in the game window instead of using the damn verb.


Makes me want to keep a couple of hot pokers next to my desk for the expressed purpose of burning my own eyeballs out when it happens.

07-07-2003, 05:35 PM
<< Ridiculous has got to be the most commonly misspelled word. >>

I'll remember that. It is ridiculous that I'd make such a ridiculous mistake.

[Edited on 7-7-2003 by Kranar]

07-07-2003, 06:05 PM
Originally posted by Kranar
I'll remember that. It is ridiculous that I'd make such a ridiculous mistake.

I spelled it wrong when I was a kid and I think it was my mom who gave me some stupid example so I could remember it. So I remembered it since.....

If you watch in Gemstone, it is amazing that almost everyone spells it wrong. I wish I had one of those notebooks I had in high school that had the "common misspelled words" in the back, I would love to see if ridiculous was one of them.

As long as I know what they mean, I don't care, even if it is spelled wrong. The pet peeve I have is when people use long sentences without any comma's or periods. It's hard to understand when you have an entire paragraph with no punctation.

07-07-2003, 06:47 PM
what are you talking about gemstone101 its sooo easy to know what im saying when i dont put punctuation youre really dumb if you cant understand me its not hard dumb dumb dumb is what you are because i have no trouble understanding myself i am wicked cool

07-07-2003, 08:42 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
Warclaidhm said 'agian' at least 5 times on the boulder today. I was saddened. And now I will drink some Arizona Raspberry Iced Tea.

No joke? Arizona Raspberry Iced Tea is the bomb.

- --[ Klaive ]-- -

07-07-2003, 09:11 PM
Yeah it is. I drank eight sixteen-fluid-once bottles in two days. Of course, I drank casually, wasn't trying to be such a Tea Hog.

07-07-2003, 09:46 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
Yeah it is. I drank eight sixteen-fluid-once bottles in two days. Of course, I drank casually, wasn't trying to be such a Tea Hog.

Man, one time I drank so much Arizona Raspberry Iced Tea, I went to the gym and my sweat was raspberry scented. People kept walking up and licking me. I woulda told them to stop, but they were all girls, I was hot and their tongues were strangely refreshing.

The good news though is that Arizona Raspberry Iced Tea is tax deductible.

- --[ Klaive ]-- -

Captain Amby
07-16-2003, 12:38 AM
you are all being. too anal

Weedmage Princess
07-16-2003, 12:04 PM
In their defense, maybe they just "don't know." They might think their spelling is correct. I've had that experience a lot with the word "weird." I've gotten into more than a few debates with people telling me it's spelled "wierd", and had to refer them to the dictionary.

07-16-2003, 12:06 PM
My favorite is when they think it's spelled wired.

07-16-2003, 03:15 PM
Originally posted by Weedmage Princess
In their defense, maybe they just "don't know." They might think their spelling is correct. I've had that experience a lot with the word "weird." I've gotten into more than a few debates with people telling me it's spelled "wierd", and had to refer them to the dictionary.

I before E except after C. Unless the word is 'weird'. The english language can sure be a bitch. I really do feel sorry for people that are tryin to learn it as a second language. So many rules and then exceptions to those rules.

Captain Amby
07-16-2003, 07:03 PM
Being that english was not my first language, it was very hard for me at first. Maybe for some folks in GS, it is the same as me. Should keep that in mind.

07-16-2003, 07:43 PM
I personally know someone plays GS and lives in Southeastern Asia (I think). He knows like 4 languages, and has a very difficult time with English... so I usually cut people some slack. Unless they're very obviously juvenile, in which case I get impatient and want to make them sit through a few English classes before they touch a keyboard again.

07-16-2003, 07:45 PM
I before E except after C and Budweiser...

Captain Amby
07-16-2003, 08:07 PM
Obviously, Zanagodly. You were not very big on role-play. I only picked halfling for the *size*. Pattie and kobolds as a whole, are not very large in stature. Keeping this in mind, I picked halfling for the size. Pattie has never acknowledged knowing how to speak halfling, or knowing what's being said to her when its spoken to her. I think people need to get it through their thick skulls that this is a role playing game. And since when must we be bound by the classes/races that are presented to us? If someone does a good job, role playing something different. What's the problem?

07-16-2003, 08:28 PM
Originally posted by Captain Amby
And since when must we be bound by the classes/races that are presented to us? If someone does a good job, role playing something different. What's the problem?

Well, I think the problem is you aren't a kobold. You are a halfing. How about rp'ing that you were adopted by kobolds after they killed your halfling parents or something? I'm sure many will disagree, but I don't know how much leeway there is when rp'ing a race like that. Your race is what it is. Simple as that.

Weedmage Princess
07-16-2003, 08:35 PM
Gokkem's post sums it up for me. I mean, it's one thing to RP a character who THINKS they are a kobold, etc. But to actually try to pass them off AS a kobold, is something entirely different. I can't speak for others, but..I think it's pretty lame...just my opinion though.

07-16-2003, 08:35 PM
While roleplay wasn't high on my agenda 3-4 years ago, it certainly is now and probably why I prefer platinum to the point that I'll never play prime again. You aren't bound by the classes/races offered as far as Simutronics' policy, but you should play within the boundaries of the game for the sake of other player's and maintaining the current layout of the game. People see you, and they see a halfling. You are a halfling, not a kobold...thats just how the game is set up at this point.

Captain Amby
07-16-2003, 08:35 PM
I've never once claimed I was a halfling, or RP'd myself as one. My kobold calls them half wings actually. She cant quite get them. They are too clean to be kobolds, too hairy to be human, and too short to be dwarven. I havent really had any problem, making the majority of Mule agree and actually RP with me, as Pattie, being a kobold. I talk like one, dress like one and act like one. What more do I need? I think seriously.. some of you put too much emphasis on what GS makes you *have* to be. Those with more creative minds, can go outside of that. And I think its wonderful to see so many people interact with Pattie as the Kobold Archmage's kobold cleric. I've had her for years and have established her as such. Maybe some day, you can come to Mule and meet her.

07-16-2003, 08:40 PM
Originally posted by Captain Amby
I've never once claimed I was a halfling, or RP'd myself as one.

You don't have to claim it. You are one! When people look at you they see your race. I really have a hard time understanding this. Maybe I'm not a good rp'er.

BTW I have this great 10x shield I'll sell ya for 10 mil. It's not really 10x, but I'll roleplay it like it is!

07-16-2003, 08:43 PM
Also, does you rp'ing a kobold open yourself up to PvP? I mean, according to you, you ARE a kobold. Well when I see a kobold I kill em.

[Edited on 07-17-03 by Gokkem]

07-16-2003, 08:43 PM
Originally posted by Captain Amby
I've never once claimed I was a halfling, or RP'd myself as one. My kobold calls them half wings actually. She cant quite get them. They are too clean to be kobolds, too hairy to be human, and too short to be dwarven. I havent really had any problem, making the majority of Mule agree and actually RP with me, as Pattie, being a kobold. I talk like one, dress like one and act like one. What more do I need? I think seriously.. some of you put too much emphasis on what GS makes you *have* to be. Those with more creative minds, can go outside of that. And I think its wonderful to see so many people interact with Pattie as the Kobold Archmage's kobold cleric. I've had her for years and have established her as such. Maybe some day, you can come to Mule and meet her.

I can dress and talk like a mexican, it still doesn't make me one. (no offense to any race) Just because you dress like a kobold, doesn't mean you are one. This brings me back to sean/ganryu, just because he has little spurs on his feet, doesn't make him a knight in anyone's eyes but his own. Just because you CLAIM you are a kobold, doesn't mean other people are going to believe it.

Captain Amby
07-16-2003, 08:49 PM
I've been killed many times, for being a kobold. I dont use it against them. Then again.. I do find myself in kobold spelling up my kin. I have the majority of my town of choice believing that I *am* a kobold.. I dont need to hear your lack of open-ness to role playing.

07-16-2003, 08:56 PM
Its not a lack of openess. I'm quite creative I think, but I'm not going to enter an area of RP where I have to expect people to not view me as I appear. Any character Ihad that interacted with you, would assume you have gone off the deep end.

07-16-2003, 09:36 PM
Captain Amby, you really don't understand do you? GSIII does not have a race class for kobold. Why? Because they dont want people to RP that they are a kobold. Until you can choose kobold then (insert neon lights here) you are not a kobold. It has NOTHING to do with Roleplaying. Nothing at all. When people look at you they see "Halfling" period. Sorry but get this straight. If you want to RP a kobold then I suggest you find another RPG that allows you to do so. This one does not no matter how much you want to argue it. People are going to address you as a Halfling who has lost her marbles bottom line. Pattie is a Halfling theres no getting away from it. That is what people see. ..... That IS what people SEE when they look at you. A HALFLING. So when a halfling starts saying they're a kobold they will be addressed accordingly. You lose either way though basically.. A. You are a halfling that will be treated as dimwitted or B. People will kill you if you insist on the nonsense that you are a kobold.

Personally I think its very BAD rp and definately OOC for you to try to MAKE people say you are a Kobold because according to GS rules you are a Halfling and should RP as such. Get it through your thick head. Until they make it so people can choose Kob as a race Id say youre SOL.

Captain Amby
07-16-2003, 09:42 PM
ehh I can pretty much guess who you are. You have a personal problem with me. And shouldnt take it out like this. Take some anger management classes :D

07-16-2003, 09:48 PM
No I'm not at all angry and I highly doubt you know who I am because I have never spoken with you. I have just seen you in action. So I can't have a personal problem with you because it isnt personal, and certainly shouldn't be taken as such. I like many others are just stating fact and wondering why you just don't get it.

Sidenote; I find it humorous that a few people claim to know who I am. You will never guess because my character doesn't interact much with people yet because she is too young and trying to get her up in levels first. So give up. LOL. If you do guess right though I will certainly let you know. Right now it isnt important "who" my character is. So to make a short post long... your char doesn't know mine and mine doesn't know yours... but as I said has watched you in action a few times.

[Edited on 7-17-2003 by GS4Gurl]

07-16-2003, 10:15 PM
Go RP a kobold and put on some light leather, grab a ratty sack and a short sword or javelin then KILL YOURSELF YOU NUTBAG I HOPE YOU GET SARS AND DIE

07-16-2003, 10:18 PM
I think you let her play the way she wants to play, and you can react to her character as you see fit. You can think she's crazy, it doesn't matter...but there really isn't a need to say things about her player.


07-16-2003, 10:35 PM
Originally posted by Ilvane
I think you let her play the way she wants to play, and you can react to her character as you see fit. You can think she's crazy, it doesn't matter...but there really isn't a need to say things about her player.


Exactly. She can RP her HALFLING however she wants, but she shouldn't expect other people to agree with her. Hell, if someone wants to roleplay there character as a cat, I don't care, however I will not adress them as a cat.

07-16-2003, 10:57 PM
Originally posted by Gemstone101

Originally posted by Ilvane
I think you let her play the way she wants to play, and you can react to her character as you see fit. You can think she's crazy, it doesn't matter...but there really isn't a need to say things about her player.


Exactly. She can RP her HALFLING however she wants, but she shouldn't expect other people to agree with her. Hell, if someone wants to roleplay there character as a cat, I don't care, however I will not adress them as a cat.

Exactly the way I see it too.

Ben, lol, take deep breaths...

07-17-2003, 09:08 AM
I used to have the same issue with Barumples. He roleplays being a rolton. At first I found him annoying as hell trying to be a rolton... but the more you are around him.. the more you actually BELIEVE he is one. Hell, now when my main character sees a rolton... he says, "Barumples?" before killing it.

If it is done properly and always in character.. it is quite fun to interact with. My character simple sees Barumples as a confused individual.

Captain Amby
07-17-2003, 10:58 AM
hehe I love Barumples.. we get into fights considering we RP a kobold and a rolton. He makes a fuss around me, saying stuff while the rolton sheperdess tries to keep order among us. Pattie got upset and started to build a rolton catapult in TC to send Barumples back to landing. I think if you RP all the time, as your character. Why *cant* I be what I want to RP? who's to say I have to stay within these boundaries? I have so much fun as a kobold, and its great to interact with others this way.

07-17-2003, 12:13 PM
I'm roleplaying a Halfling Wizard from now on. And a n'ecare. That's it. I am now officially a Halfling Wizard N'ecare. If you don't recognize this, I will be very upset. I'll come to your tables and WARN YOU!!

07-17-2003, 12:16 PM
<<And since when must we be bound by the classes/races that are presented to us?>>

Since forever. You'll also notice a lot of work is going into creating three new professions and five new races. You know what's going to happen then? We'll still be bound by the races and professions of GemStone! Amazing.

07-17-2003, 01:11 PM
If your character wants to believe that they are a kobold, kudos to you. If you're able to convince people of that, good for you. However you, as a player, need to realize that people will not believe it and think you've fallen off your rocker and will roleplay as such. Your character is physically a halfling and you can't change that.

If your character's history is growing up as a kobold, that's fine and dandy. Think of Tarzan if you must to understand that he is a man, always will be, but in his heart and mind he feels he's an ape. Eventually he realizes, as dumb as a brick he is, that he is not an ape and actually a man. Act, speak, live like another race all you want but you can't change what you are.

When you start insisting that you are a kobold and that I'm not the roleplayer in this scenario because you're going against the grain of how races should be played, then that's when it's a problem. You roleplay your way, I'll roleplay mine, and my girls will always think your character is a small fry short of a Happy Meal and will roleplay with you to explain to you that you're not a kobold but a halflling. Forcing people to believe and accept what you have concocted in your mind as acceptable roleplay is unacceptable. Roleplay and deal with the consequences, both good and bad. That makes for good roleplay on both sides.

I like you Amby, but you're getting into this rut of not accepting that your opinion and views may differ from others and that only yours is the correct one. If anyone is lacking open-mindedness around here it's you.

[Edited on 7/17/2003 by CrystalTears]

07-17-2003, 01:20 PM
Originally posted by Captain Amby
Why *cant* I be what I want to RP? who's to say I have to stay within these boundaries? I have so much fun as a kobold, and its great to interact with others this way.

Every game is based upon rules. These rules are meant to be bent here and there, but never actually broken.

While you may wish you are roleplaying a kobold.. you are in fact not. You are roleplaying a halfling that is confused. That character believes she is a kobold.

That's fine... but as a player, you need to realize there is a HUGE difference from roleplaying a kobold and roleplaying a halfling that believes they are a kobold.

07-17-2003, 02:10 PM
Amby, if you actually succeed in convincing other *characters* that your *character* is a kobold, then you will also have to accept the fact that they will hunt down and destroy the nasty smelly creature every moment of every day.

Kobolds, in the world of Elanthia, are prey to be killed. They are not "people" who hang out in town and get healed or have ale at Helga's or do any other sort of socialization with other "people."

Are you prepared to buy several dozen deeds every single day, just so your character can return every time he's killed?

If not, then don't try convincing characters that yours is a kobold.

Action/Reaction, Behavior/Consequences.

Act like a hunted animal, expect to be treated as such.

The same goes for people RPing their characters as children, or claiming they were "just born" a few days ago.

Children go to school or get tutors, stay in the house or go out to play in a park with supervision of adults, kick cans around the street, and don't venture out alone in the big bad world.

They certainly don't wear brig armor or wield broadswords.

People who show up from the character generator insisting they were "just born" should be reminded that their characters are ADULTS. And their RP should reflect this. Sure there are immature adults, but none of them are so delusional as to believe they are infants.

Oh and yeah another pet peeve: a lot are two words. Not one.

07-17-2003, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by Captain Amby
I've been killed many times, for being a kobold. I dont use it against them. Then again.. I do find myself in kobold spelling up my kin.

This is what I have a problem with. Spelling up critters. For some, those kobolds are hard enough to hit just like they are.

As for thinking you are a kobold (even though I enjoy watching you at times) my character thinks you are a halfling that was dropped on her head at birth.


[Edited on 7-17-2003 by Vesi]

07-17-2003, 02:40 PM
Originally posted by Captain Amby
I've been killed many times, for being a kobold. I dont use it against them. Then again.. I do find myself in kobold spelling up my kin.

This part really bothers me. Stand among the kobolds all you want and defend them, but please don't spell them up. Other people hunt them too and spelling them up is impeding on their game experience just to gratify your own. Talk about being selfish.

Dighn Darkbeam
07-17-2003, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by Captain Amby
I've been killed many times, for being a kobold. I dont use it against them. Then again.. I do find myself in kobold spelling up my kin.>>

The only problem is im guessing they swing at you when you do so.

Barumples Rp's a rolton? I thought he was just raving.

Captain Amby
07-17-2003, 03:59 PM
ya know, as my lil kobold. I really dont care about making friends. And yes, I do get killed a lot. I take it all with a grain of salt. It's a part of what I expected, role playing myself as a kobold.
I'm not saying everyone in the world of elanthia will accept me as a kobold. That's just not feasible. But in Mule? I'd say 80% of them do. And anyone who's been around long enough, knows my character, knows I never play myself off as a halfling and that I love to RP in general.

As for spelling up kobolds, I dont do it all the time. but it is a part of my role play. I make a 'pilgrimage' to landing, to the kobold village and sit in the kobold shaman's hut. From there I help out my hmm last count.. 287 brothers and sisters? so that they dont get scalped. Pattie was scalped once since someone thought she was a mangy kobold, not just a regular good ol' kobold. She took her brain back from them and still has it... which could explain why she's a bit.. below average intelligence.

All in all, I think that role playing should be something enjoyable for you. Through the years, I've really enjoyed RPing Pattie and Amby among my many others. I thank those that allow me to be as insane and as wild as I am in the lands. And for those of you who question my role play? You know what.. I really dont care. I'm having fun. And I'm enjoying developing my characters. Crystaltears, I like you too even though we argue about things. I dont think I'm close-minded as much as my family and friends would say I'm pig headed and stubborn. Try being a female in a japanese household in america. You need to rebel at every opportunity just to become your own individual. hehehe.. well anyways. I hope this clears a few things up. Oh and Ben.. you need some anger management. What ever did I say to you to warrant that kind of response? you really need to calm down.

07-17-2003, 05:04 PM
80% huh? That's quite a lot of people, and quite a large assumation that people are actually believing that she's a kobold, and not a halfling who thinks she's a kobold. Either they are following you blindly, actually believe you're a kobold, or know you are a halfling and don't say anything to you because, afterall, it's hard to reason with a lunatic.

And again, you may be roleplaying that you're taking care of your kobold kin, but you're interferring with people who go there to learn. Being young is hard enough as it is, so you go there and make it harder on them all for your roleplaying? That's a bit unfair to force your roleplaying on someone else that didn't want anything to do with it. I'm very against people who do that.

I'd like to see someone claim they are actually a bug and do that spelling up crap with kiramon. Let's see how long they last then. People always do this stuff with young critters. Have the balls to make that half-krolvin and spell up all the krolvin races, go on I dare ya. See how long you live in these lands then. :P

[Edited on 7/17/2003 by CrystalTears]

Captain Amby
07-17-2003, 07:38 PM
ehh those dont spark my interest to role play. Kobolds have always been of great interest to me, and well.. okay 75% of Mule believes Pattie is a kobold ;)

07-17-2003, 09:17 PM
I doubt its even 75% or even 5%.. just because they dont say anything to you dont mean they accept your oocness. Quite simply what you are doing is not roleplaying at all and it is ooc. Out of Context. I suggest you look that up because that is what it is. Period. And I bet the kobolds themselves even swing at you or try to injure you too... so NOT even the kobolds accept you as trying to be one of them. Guess what.... when they look at you all they see is another Halfling. lol