View Full Version : Raffle for high end items!
04-22-2008, 07:57 PM
Raffle was held with about 8 witnesses, and the winner Siphere chose the runeblade. Thanks everyone!
Raffle will be held 5/10/08 at 7pm central time. Ticket sales are over! 99 tickets sold.
Holding a raffle for the winners choice of a 7.5x self ammo crossbow, a 7x very heavy crit weighted falchion, or a 5x a day Raise Dead staff. Possibility of an 8x exceptionally crit weighted bastard sword. Description and stats on the items are below the auction details.
Selling up to 100 tickets, at 1m a ticket. No limit on the number of tickets you can buy.
If ALL 100 tickets sell, I will spin a second time for one of the remaining items, not including the bastard sword or hauberk.
If more than 80 tickets, but less than 100 sell there will still only be one winner, but I will add into the mix the option of choosing the 8x exceptional crit weighted bastard sword, or some +47 heavy crit padded hauberk, with lightning resistance
I will use the Beldrin gaming halls wheel to spin for the winning number.
To buy a ticket, you must pay up front, and provide your in game character name. You may choose whatever number from 1 to 100, for your ticket(s), as long as that number has not already been chosen.
some stygian-forged armor - (Please note this is only available if between 80-99 tickets sell.)
- +47 hauberk
- Heavy Crit Padded
- 20% Permanent Lightning Resistance Added With 10% Slashing Vulnerable
- Lightened to 15 lbs, cannot be lightened further.
- Constructed entirely of shadowed vultite links, this armor has been triple-woven to ensure optimum protection and mobility. A single cabochan moonstone adorns the chest. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.
a krodera-inset silver runeblade - (Please note this is only available if between 80-99 tickets sell.)
- +40 bastard sword
- exceptionally crit weighted
- 12 lbs
- 99/225, vultite base
- Looking closely at the long blade you see a a myriad of sigils arranged in a pattern both beautiful and disturbing in their chaos. The silver blade has been so finely honed that the edge glints in even the dimmest light, conveying how that the sharp blade could probably slice through the thinnest parchment with ease. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.
a gold-veined glowbark siege arbalest
- +27 heavy crossbow (total of +37 AS with the bolts)
- self ammo, never runs out
- makes +10 bolts with mechanical flares
- the bolts flare every shot, and in the same area you hit, unless that area was destroyed.
- flares range from 1 damage to at least 25
- You see a gold-veined glowbark siege arbalest which is cocked and loaded with a blade-tipped slender black bolt.
Crafted from a fine piece of glowbark, the siege arbalest has been meticulously sanded, stained a deep black, and polished to a high gloss by a skilled elven bowyer. A narrow channel, dusted with bits of golden fletchings, runs down the length of the tiller. A well-oiled pulley and tackle constructed from vaalorn is designed for the rapid cocking and discharging of missiles. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.
a translucent vultite-alloy longblade
- +35 falchion
- very heavy crit weighted
- 4 lbs
- scripted - rub, wave, touch
- Crafted from a single piece of translucent metal, this blade is a paradigm of masterful craftsmanship. Rays of light flicker within the facets of the translucent blade, creating a constantly fluid illusion. The cutting surface is honed to a deadly, razor sharp edge, allowing it to cut through flesh and bone like a hot knife through butter. The handle of the weapon is tightly wrapped with two alternating strips of worked leather, and the pommel is exquisitely carved as a roaring tiger's head. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.
a charred mahogany staff
- 5x a day self charging Raise Dead (318)
- 2 lbs
- The staff has obviously gone through a fire, but you can still make out some masterful carvings of holy symbols. Emblems of the Arkati are deeply carved into the center of the mahogany staff's base, close to the grip twined with soft spidersilk. Barely legibly inscribed into the wood are the words, "Giver of Life."
99 tickets sold.
1 Edaarin
2 Askip
3 Tsin
4 Savrin
5 Madmountain
6 Delonkin
7 Tsin
8 Savrin
9 Caellia
10 Tsin
11 Zephore
12 Medi
13 Sergey
14 Brielus
15 Madmountain
16 Delonkin
17 Elannion
18 Tsin
19 Barumples
20 Icever
21 Tsin
22 Askip
23 diethx
24 Brielus
25 Madmountain
26 Delonkin
27 Medi
28 Sergey
29 Shingles
30 Siphere
31 Brikus
32 Delonkin
33 Zephore
34 Zodier
35 Tsin
36 Delonkin
37 Berrigan
38 Icever
39 Kontii
40 Kontii
41 Kontii
42 Kontii
43 Kontii
44 Kontii
45 Tsin
46 Kontii
47 Medi
48 Khistian
49 Khistian
50 Caellia
51 Delonkin
52 Khistian
53 Brikus
54 Zodier
55 Tsin
56 Barumples
57 Delonkin
58 Barumples
59 Delonkin
60 Reggy
61 Brikus
62 Barumples
63 Kontii
64 Khistian
65 Zodier
66 Zephore
67 Tsin
68 Edaarin
69 Sergey
70 Siphere
71 Elannion
72 Siphere
73 Sergey
74 Doppel
75 Medi
76 Kontii
77 Zephore
78 Zodier
79 Shingles
80 Edaarin
81 Khistian
82 Hadya
83 diethx
84 Barumples
85 Delonkin
86 Kontii
87 Kontii
88 Tsin
89 Rathain
90 Zodier
91 Reggy
92 Delonkin
93 Xandalf
94 Xandalf
95 Xandalf
96 Sergey
97 Kontii
98 Rathain
99 Zephore
04-22-2008, 08:00 PM
Tempting...I have really bad luck though.
04-22-2008, 08:05 PM
Don't tell me a rich guy is going to run away from paying 1m for items worth at least 50m! That is a huge profit if you win, and only like a couple hours of time to make up the coin if you lose.
04-23-2008, 12:49 AM
Was thinking about it, but Tsin took my number 7
04-23-2008, 01:30 PM
Can't afford to lose it at the moment... so negative on that big chief.
04-30-2008, 02:37 PM
bump - no refunds just because you hate me
6 days till the cut off
04-30-2008, 02:43 PM
AestheticDeath / Maselon is a liar, cheat and back stabber. I want my coins back and don't want any part of this raffle.. I would recommend the other ticket holders do the same.
04-30-2008, 02:53 PM
Leff: [Merchant]: "Beware Maselon.. Liar, scammber and backstabber.."
The Ponzzz
04-30-2008, 02:57 PM
I'm curious. IM/PM me details.
04-30-2008, 03:00 PM
It takes someone really fucked up to pretend to be your friend and lie to you everyday only to stab you in the back at the same time.
04-30-2008, 03:05 PM
No reason to keep it secret since Tsin pulled it out in the open.
I complained about merchanting services on the officials along with everyone else. Apparently my complaint got one of Tsins items "undone" or nerfed. I feel bad for it if its true. But I don't think it is wrong. What was done to the item was wrong, and if they corrected their mistake, it's better for the game.
Seriously they need more well known rules for altering items, and they need to let the players know those rules. I think they need a better tool for altering items as well, since the item in question got past checks since those checks were not in place.
The item in question was a weightless beltworn sack, which held 75 lbs. And jumped to holding 130 lbs (an illegal amount on any normal beltworn) overnight.
04-30-2008, 03:07 PM
Lie to you? About what. You think me airing one complaint on the officials and not telling you was a lie? Honestly I am surprised anything was done about it. The way the game has been it seemed unlikely.
But if they are moving towards correcting mistakes instead of letting them stagnate or get worse, then they are moving forward in my opinion.
04-30-2008, 03:08 PM
Um yeah but it's not a normal belt worn. It's a weightless one and those should go by a diffrent set of rules. I don't know it's a magical world built in text land so thats how I would look at it.
That's not an example of lying or backstabbing on ADs behalf.
Bastard isn't it Tsin, kharma.
04-30-2008, 03:10 PM
Didn't seem to have a problem with it when you were bugging me to buy it.. You said you thought it was awesome and were only too eager to try and buy it.. Only when I wouldn't sell it to you that you go behind my back and try to get it nerfed on purpose? All while talking nice and pretending to be my friend and lying when I asked you about doing it?
04-30-2008, 03:19 PM
Are you talking about the sack? I never asked to buy it. I asked about one of the 250 lbs like a month ago.
This was not revenge or something Tsin. It was a comment that merchant services are unfair. Someone acted on the comment. Do you think I honestly expected them to do something?
Peanut Butter Jelly Time
04-30-2008, 03:19 PM
Eh, in all honesty, I'm with Tsin on this one. If a merchant is stupid enough to provide a service they shouldn't have, it's on their head, not the player who received it. I'm sure AD has received plenty of the same very services he shouldn't have been able to, without so much as one word against it in the past.
Whether or not AD tried to buy the sack, and since got it nerfed out of spite is beyond me, and I could really care less. All in all, it simply is the nature of the beast. The gms fuck up, and unless it's utterly game-breaking, they just pretend it never happened. The fact that they're now going out of their way to nerf single items that were worked on very very recently is pretty sad, as they should simply not be so stupid in the first place.
Changes are fine and all, but they should make them directly after they've provided them, or at least the same night. It's ridiculous to let an item go that you knew was overdone, only to nerf it a few days later because someone complained.
04-30-2008, 03:20 PM
Two men enter, one man leaves...
04-30-2008, 03:21 PM
Peanut Butter Jelly Time
04-30-2008, 03:21 PM
Lord that movie looks bad.
04-30-2008, 03:25 PM
I'm sure AD has received plenty of the same very services he shouldn't have been able to, without so much as one word against it in the past. I almost never goto merchants, and when I do more often than not, I do not get picked. I've never had anything close to an illegal alter.
Whether or not AD tried to buy the sack, and since got it nerfed out of spite is beyond me, and I could really care less. All in all, it simply is the nature of the beast. The gms fuck up, and unless it's utterly game-breaking, they just pretend it never happened. The fact that they're now going out of their way to nerf single items that were worked on very very recently is pretty sad, as they should simply not be so stupid in the first place.
Changes are fine and all, but they should make them directly after they've provided them, or at least the same night. It's ridiculous to let an item go that you knew was overdone, only to nerf it a few days later because someone complained.
I don't think time is relevant. If a GH or new GM who doesn't have enough experience does something wrong, it should be fixed. And they should have better tools and rules, so the mistakes don't occur in the first place.
04-30-2008, 03:28 PM
Lord that movie looks bad.
are you fucking kidding me? MMBTD is awesome. you, sir, are mistaken, and I would suggest you pick it up.
Peanut Butter Jelly Time
04-30-2008, 03:28 PM
...but again, the slipups used to be simply forgotten about. I had a whole slew of urglaes done a short while ago, though it isn't supposed to be touched, yet nothing was done. Inconsistancies are one thing: blatantly disregarding policy is another.
I guess I just don't understand how they go ahead and do this one item nerf, but don't immediately pull every instance of Black Eonake that they've done, as that's every bit as disillusioning IMHO. A sack that by all means could've been magically enchanted by a wizard = neat. Black Eonake that breaks their own lore = not.
Peanut Butter Jelly Time
04-30-2008, 03:28 PM
are you fucking kidding me? MMBTD is awesome. you, sir, are mistaken, and I would suggest you pick it up.
That crossbow is smaller than my penis. The movie sucks on that basis alone.
04-30-2008, 03:45 PM
Bottom line.. A friend doesn't try to get your items nerfed on purpose. I've had thousands of friends and hundreds of enemies over the years. Nobody has ever stooped that low. You suck at merchanting so do us a favor and quit already and go smoke some more cock.
04-30-2008, 03:48 PM
The item in question was a weightless beltworn sack, which held 75 lbs. And jumped to holding 130 lbs (an illegal amount on any normal beltworn) overnight.
Was this in one deepening service? I personally have never went with deepening, always lightening. What is the usually norm for this service?
04-30-2008, 03:56 PM
That crossbow is smaller than my penis. The movie sucks on that basis alone.
you know something? you suck!!
i'm sorry you don't like tina turner's crossbow. but seriously, that movie is awesome.
I've had thousands of friends and hundreds of enemies over the years.
hahaha...don't know one way or the other. don't really care. just thought it was an amusing comparison.
04-30-2008, 04:12 PM
OMG OMG he got your item nerfed! What villainous backstabbery be this!? You would NEVER do anything like... I dunno... purposely sabotage someone else when you didn't get your way.
Though I do seem to remember selling something awhile ago... and some prick trying to cockblock my sale... oh yeah! It sounded like:
Wow that was fast..
If the person who bid the 30m wants to contact me, i'd be more than glad to explain the details of the pendant and what properties are likely to be nerfed in the near future.
Aint it grand to live in our own little world of right and wrong?
04-30-2008, 04:45 PM
Big difference between warning a buyer privately of potential nerfs and emailing a GM or posting on the boards about specific nerfs that should be fixed because you are jealous or pissed off.. I know at least 20 different items that other players own that could probably be nerfed? Why would I want to ruin items or make them less valuable for friends of mine? Even if I was super jealous or pissed they wouldn't sell it to me I still wouldn't want to degrade a high end item. GMs nerf enough stuff as it is do we really need players HELPING them find reasons and items to nerf?
04-30-2008, 04:50 PM
Big difference between warning a buyer privately of potential nerfs and emailing a GM or posting on the boards about specific nerfs that should be fixed because you are jealous or pissed off.. I know at least 20 different items that other players own that could probably be nerfed? Why would I want to ruin items or make them less valuable for friends of mine? Even if I was super jealous or pissed they wouldn't sell it to me I still wouldn't want to degrade a high end item. GMs nerf enough stuff as it is do we really need players HELPING them find reasons and items to nerf?
Wrong... you got butthurt because I wouldn't sell it to you for half my asking price and tried to sabotage my sale by accusing me of faking bids and offering to "inform" buyers of the items "supposed" flaws. That's why you deleted the post when no one took you seriously.
It was an intentional effort to sabotage someone else for your own personal gain, which, IMO, is even worse than sabotaging someone for spite.
AD already said he didn't do it intentionally to screw you over, but you're pissed off and believing he actually did... and now have the nerve to claim sabotaging someone else is so low even your hundreds of enemies wouldn't do it.
Thank you for proving my point that you live in your own little world of right and wrong.
Sean of the Thread
04-30-2008, 04:53 PM
GMs nerf enough stuff as it is do we really need players HELPING them find reasons and items to nerf?
Yes. Especially because of twats like you.
also... LOL @ TSIN bitching about getting screwed in a merchanting discussion. I guess he does have a sack after all.
04-30-2008, 05:23 PM
You're just getting what you've been deserving for a long time. I hope there will be more to come.
04-30-2008, 05:39 PM
Big difference between warning a buyer privately of potential nerfs and emailing a GM or posting on the boards about specific nerfs that should be fixed because you are jealous or pissed off.. I know at least 20 different items that other players own that could probably be nerfed? Why would I want to ruin items or make them less valuable for friends of mine? Even if I was super jealous or pissed they wouldn't sell it to me I still wouldn't want to degrade a high end item. GMs nerf enough stuff as it is do we really need players HELPING them find reasons and items to nerf?
By the way, what exactly did they do to the item in question? Did they simply take it back to what it was before it was worked on recently? (Not nerfed) Or did they take away the weightless capabilities or something ridiculous? If it was nerfed, how come you are not changing your advertising?
Raffle tickets still on sale! One million coins for a chance at an item worth 50m or more.
04-30-2008, 05:40 PM
This thread continues to deliver. In all honesty, I'll cry crocodile tears for anyone who can't get their weightless holding containers deepened. You have my deepest sympathies.
04-30-2008, 05:48 PM
Yeah seriously your excuse is that you were trying to make it "fair" for everyone? There aren't any other weightless containers under 100 lbs besides the sack that I know..
People who try to get other peoples stuff nerfed on purpose are so cool! I mean they are just trying to make it fair for everyone.. What's next? A group of players out to judge other peoples items based on their own opinions and then turn em in to be nerfed if they don't like them! Ruin an item because you can't afford it! Justice!
Peanut Butter Jelly Time
04-30-2008, 05:49 PM
Naw Tsin, "next" is a group of players so distraught over one player (recently Tayre) that they go and personally get said player nerfed, not his items.
04-30-2008, 05:50 PM
Tsin's a GM! This is all a big joke, even thought April Fool's Day was a month ago!
04-30-2008, 05:50 PM
Hah, good one. Let us nerf Tsin. He has too much exp.
04-30-2008, 05:59 PM
Ruin an item because you can't afford it! Justice!
Damn the peons, always keepin a brotha down!
04-30-2008, 06:00 PM
What's next? A group of players out to judge other peoples items based on their own opinions and then turn em in to be nerfed if they don't like them!
Honestly, I judge people's items all the time. There are some pretty bad alters out there. Shame I can't submit them to be forcibly re-altered :(
Peanut Butter Jelly Time
04-30-2008, 06:02 PM
EXACTLY. That right there is why I think it's ridiculous that they'd pull an item that they worked on, if only because they don't do it with any degree of consistancy. So a noob merchant makes your cloak shimmer, they're going to pull you because of it now? No, they obviously wont.
04-30-2008, 07:43 PM
Bottom line.. I've had thousands of friends and hundreds of enemies over the years.
Best line of this whole thread...
05-01-2008, 12:09 AM
Tickets 40-44 have been sold, 24 more till we can hold the auction.
Tickets 40-44 have been sold, 24 more till we can hold the auction.
Is the round time on the crossbow fixed? As in like some of the mech bows are 3 seconds all the time. Im not asking if it was nerfed which I am pretty sure it was.
Tea & Strumpets
05-01-2008, 10:43 AM
I wouldn''t say you're the most unbelievably stupid fucker on the planet, Tsin, but you are definitely in the running and could make a good case for yourself. Only an imbecile of your caliber would call another merchant a liar and a cheat.
Just for kicks:
(21:21:02) Tsin: I am a GM
(21:21:05) ME: oh.
(21:21:09) ME: lol.
(21:21:12) ME: had no idea.
(21:21:18) Tsin: nobody does
(21:21:19) Tsin: not that it matters
(21:21:22) Tsin: I can deny it
(22:50:14) Tsin: hey
(22:50:18) ME: sup.
(22:50:19) Tsin: you are already telling people i'm a GM?
(22:50:20) Tsin: lol
(22:50:28) ME: i told my one friend.
(22:50:32) ME: he just shrugged.
(22:50:37) Tsin: [Private (Dragonfaze - subdued)]: "had heard from friend your sort of a gm is that where you got all your items?"
(22:50:43) Tsin: one person tells the next.. then the next..
(22:50:45) Tsin: shrug
(22:50:46) ME: lol.
(22:50:50) Tsin: not what I wanted
(22:50:52) ME: like playing telephone.
(22:50:54) Tsin: didn't I say that?
(22:50:56) ME: not what I wnated either.
(22:51:02) Tsin: well then keep your mouth shut
(22:51:02) Tsin: poke
(22:51:05) ME: actually you said this . . .
(22:51:06) Tsin: heh
(22:51:06) ME: lemme get th elog.
(22:52:01) ME:
(21:21:02) Tsin: I am a GM
(21:21:05) ME: oh.
(21:21:09) ME: lol.
(21:21:12) ME: had no idea.
(21:21:18) Tsin: nobody does
(21:21:19) Tsin: not that it matters
(21:21:22) Tsin: I can deny it
(22:52:12) ME: I honestly thought it was a joke.
(22:52:15) Tsin: so that means ya should just start tellin people?
(22:52:20) ME: no of course.
(22:52:24) ME: I JUST told my one friend.
(22:52:24) ME: honest.
(22:52:26) Tsin: hehe
(22:52:34) ME: really sorry.
(22:52:36) Tsin: ok well I'll be sure not to tell ya anything else
(22:52:36) Tsin: ;-)
(22:52:40) ME: of course.
While I admit I have pretended to be a GM once or twice in the past to help ease the concerns of a hesitant buyer..
Actually GM stands for Garbage Manager.. which is my day job. So technically I was telling the truth, you just assumed it meant something else. By the way, the claim was that I always lie about my items.. I dont deny having to lie to people once in a while to break down barriers they have built in order to get them to spend money they don't have.
And this comment gave me another good chuckle.
Big difference between warning a buyer privately of potential nerfs and emailing a GM or posting on the boards about specific nerfs that should be fixed because you are jealous or pissed off.. I know at least 20 different items that other players own that could probably be nerfed? Why would I want to ruin items or make them less valuable for friends of mine? Even if I was super jealous or pissed they wouldn't sell it to me I still wouldn't want to degrade a high end item. GMs nerf enough stuff as it is do we really need players HELPING them find reasons and items to nerf?
How strange that you didn't feel the same way a few months ago! You are so transparent.
05-01-2008, 11:02 AM
Sell more tickets please.
05-01-2008, 01:26 PM
Nobody has a perfect history.. That GM stuff was a long long time ago and back when I was still building up confidence in my selling abilities.. Sometimes when you are insecure or nervous you sometimes don't even realize the lengths you will go to make a sale. I admit i've made plenty of mistakes but who hasn't. I'm a different person now and I don't resort to the methods I might have stooped to 7+ years ago. I'm sure most people would agree in an overall approval in the change of my methods and tactics over the past 5 years.
The thing with Regyy is also different because he's a Dbag and hated him at the time so it was no surprise that I tried to shit on his stuff. Big difference if I had pretended to be his friend the entire time and then try to nerf his stuff behind his back.. That's the main thing that i'm pissed about.. I could care less about the 30-40m lost cause of it.. I'm really pissed because of the fact that AD was such a two face fuck that one minute he's my friend and the next he's secretly trying to nerf stuff behind my back because I wouldn't let him buy it for cheap.. Being backstabbed by someone you considered a friend is the lowest of the low and a lot different from the everyday normal sabotage attempts by the bash freaks on the PC.
05-01-2008, 01:35 PM
Nobody has a perfect history.. That GM stuff was a long long time ago and back when I was still building up confidence in my selling abilities.. Sometimes when you are insecure or nervous you sometimes don't even realize the lengths you will go to make a sale. I admit i've made plenty of mistakes but who hasn't. I'm a different person now and I don't resort to the methods I might have stooped to 7+ years ago. I'm sure most people would agree in an overall approval in the change of my methods and tactics over the past 5 years.
The thing with Regyy is also different because he's a Dbag and hated him at the time so it was no surprise that I tried to shit on his stuff. Big difference if I had pretended to be his friend the entire time and then try to nerf his stuff behind his back.. That's the main thing that i'm pissed about.. I could care less about the 30-40m lost cause of it.. I'm really pissed because of the fact that AD was such a two face fuck that one minute he's my friend and the next he's secretly trying to nerf stuff behind my back because I wouldn't let him buy it for cheap.. Being backstabbed by someone you considered a friend is the lowest of the low and a lot different from the everyday normal sabotage attempts by the bash freaks on the PC.
What comes around, goes around...if you treat people badly the way you do, don't expect any less.
05-01-2008, 01:41 PM
post 666 deserves a screen shot
05-01-2008, 01:43 PM
With my attack of dyslexia and all. :(
05-01-2008, 01:58 PM
Is the round time on the crossbow fixed? As in like some of the mech bows are 3 seconds all the time. Im not asking if it was nerfed which I am pretty sure it was.
The xbows used to be 3 seconds base, they are no longer a static 3 RT, but the same as any other crossbow.
From the crossbow sale in another thread. (
It's 2 seconds to fire, 3 if you aim. Around 5 seconds to cock it. Takes longer to cock if you are kneeling at the time you cock it. Works very well with haste.
05-01-2008, 02:20 PM
The xbows used to be 3 seconds base, they are no longer a static 3 RT, but the same as any other crossbow.
From the crossbow sale in another thread. (
yeah, just cock it
05-01-2008, 02:41 PM
Nobody has a perfect history.. That GM stuff was a long long time ago and back when I was still building up confidence in my selling abilities.. Sometimes when you are insecure or nervous you sometimes don't even realize the lengths you will go to make a sale. I admit i've made plenty of mistakes but who hasn't. I'm a different person now and I don't resort to the methods I might have stooped to 7+ years ago. I'm sure most people would agree in an overall approval in the change of my methods and tactics over the past 5 years.
The thing with Regyy is also different because he's a Dbag and hated him at the time so it was no surprise that I tried to shit on his stuff. Big difference if I had pretended to be his friend the entire time and then try to nerf his stuff behind his back.. That's the main thing that i'm pissed about.. I could care less about the 30-40m lost cause of it.. I'm really pissed because of the fact that AD was such a two face fuck that one minute he's my friend and the next he's secretly trying to nerf stuff behind my back because I wouldn't let him buy it for cheap.. Being backstabbed by someone you considered a friend is the lowest of the low and a lot different from the everyday normal sabotage attempts by the bash freaks on the PC.
Sorry if you considered me a friend when we weren't. I tried to deal with you at times because you had what I wanted. I tried not to bring up the stuff I disliked about you because I knew it would just raise the prices I paid. At times I defended you on these boards because you had not yet screwed me over. Those times are most definitely over. You've gotten me several times recently as far as I am concerned. When someone asks me about your credibility, I will say it is not good, and will be able to do so without lying about you. If you want to keep up this badmouthing and lying about me, just because you don't like me, that's fine, but it only makes you look worse.
As far as the sack in question, if I ever asked about it for sale it was when I first saw it at 75 lbs. You were asking too much, and like so many other items I decided to forget about it.
But when I tried to get some items deepened, and was refused, then you get service above and beyond what I asked for, I HAD TO ASK WHY!
No one person, or group of people should be above the others in Gemstone. If anyone else were in my position I am sure they would have been just as baffled or pissed off to see someone else get a service they couldn't have even though they had the same ability to pay for the service.
Tea & Strumpets
05-01-2008, 02:42 PM
Nobody has a perfect history.. That GM stuff was a long long time ago and back when I was still building up confidence in my selling abilities.. Sometimes when you are insecure or nervous you sometimes don't even realize the lengths you will go to make a sale. I admit i've made plenty of mistakes but who hasn't. I'm a different person now and I don't resort to the methods I might have stooped to 7+ years ago. I'm sure most people would agree in an overall approval in the change of my methods and tactics over the past 5 years.
The thing with Regyy is also different because he's a Dbag and hated him at the time so it was no surprise that I tried to shit on his stuff. Big difference if I had pretended to be his friend the entire time and then try to nerf his stuff behind his back.. That's the main thing that i'm pissed about.. I could care less about the 30-40m lost cause of it.. I'm really pissed because of the fact that AD was such a two face fuck that one minute he's my friend and the next he's secretly trying to nerf stuff behind my back because I wouldn't let him buy it for cheap.. Being backstabbed by someone you considered a friend is the lowest of the low and a lot different from the everyday normal sabotage attempts by the bash freaks on the PC.
Your excuses are the type that a 3rd grader with no real world experience would make. I guess that's one of the pitfalls of living off your parents. Don't bother trying to justify your actions with your ridiculous explanations -- they only further highlight your IQ of 70.
05-01-2008, 02:46 PM
they only further highlight your IQ of 70.
To clarify, from Wikipedia:
Mental handicaps
Individuals with an unusually low IQ score, varying from about 70 ("Educable Mentally Retarded") to as low as 20 (usually caused by a neurological condition), are considered to have developmental difficulties.
05-01-2008, 02:49 PM
The thing with Regyy is also different because he's a Dbag and hated him at the time so it was no surprise that I tried to shit on his stuff.
I have no real stake in this, so I'm just asking for the sake of clarification: are you actually saying it was ok that you "tried to shit on his stuff" because you don't like him?
05-01-2008, 02:57 PM
The best part will be if Tsin wins the raffle his posts will "vanish" and that xbow will be selling for 78m.
Yeah the problem is not that he got ''backstabbed'' (rofl) it's that he got wronged by a friend. lol.
It's funny, with almost every sentence he admits in some way or another what a complete twat he is.
But it's ok he can nerf - up his own stuff back to how it originally was because he can do that.
05-01-2008, 02:59 PM
I only bought one ticket, but if I win it (lol), it's so going to my ranger...that bow is awesome.
05-01-2008, 03:02 PM
The best part will be if Tsin wins the raffle his posts will "vanish" and that xbow will be selling for 78m.
unless he doesn't like you. then he charges his obligatory "you suck" 14.59% surcharge
05-03-2008, 06:35 AM
None of the items fit my mage, so which has the highest market value?
05-03-2008, 09:21 AM
8x ecp bast sword
05-04-2008, 08:29 AM
05-04-2008, 01:31 PM
05-04-2008, 04:08 PM
05-05-2008, 05:36 PM
bump - raffle is a go! This Saturday, 7pm central.
Tickets are still on sale.
Dwarven Empath
05-05-2008, 07:21 PM
So 50 tickets have been sold?
05-05-2008, 07:33 PM
Still at 45, atm but have another day and a half before the self imposed deadline.
I don't think anyone will be upset if 50+ don't sell. Just better odds for the players.
Figured I could take a small hit.
05-05-2008, 08:35 PM
Taking a small hit? You paid 30 for the falchion, 25 for the staff and 40 for the crossbow. Looks like a profit on anything.
You said that if 50 tickets haven't sold there won't be a raffle.. You can't change the rules last minute. Oh wait you are a lying backstabbing bitch guess rules and your word doesn't mean much to someone like you.
Oh wait he's not saying he'll pull the auction.
You are a fucking dick.
What he paid for the items is ace. Unlike you AD's a friend of the community and we're fucking glad to help a mate out.
Good auction.
Oh btw AD's word v yours ROFL
05-05-2008, 09:04 PM
47 tickets sold now
I paid 60m for the xbow. And you should stop whining Tsin. I seriously doubt I will fail to meet 50 tickets by tomorrow night.
05-05-2008, 09:11 PM
Taking a small hit? You paid 30 for the falchion, 25 for the staff and 40 for the crossbow. Looks like a profit on anything.
You said that if 50 tickets haven't sold there won't be a raffle.. You can't change the rules last minute. Oh wait you are a lying backstabbing bitch guess rules and your word doesn't mean much to someone like you.
That may be the stupidest thing I've ever seen someone post...
That may be the stupidest thing I've ever seen someone post...
05-05-2008, 09:21 PM
Taking a small hit? You paid 30 for the falchion, 25 for the staff and 40 for the crossbow. Looks like a profit on anything.
You said that if 50 tickets haven't sold there won't be a raffle.. You can't change the rules last minute. Oh wait you are a lying backstabbing bitch guess rules and your word doesn't mean much to someone like you.
ps... It is not porn, just has that type of site name
05-05-2008, 09:22 PM
That may be the stupidest thing I've ever seen someone post...
Shut your fat ass up Tsin, really. No one gives two fucks about your whining. Your complaining is not changing ANYONE'S opinion of AD. On the scale of reliability (1-10, 1 being least reliable and 10 being most reliable), you're a -20. And i'm being generous. That means that no one thinks your thoughts hold any fucking water.
05-05-2008, 10:31 PM
This is so amusing to me.. tsin crying because he got fucked over instead of him fucking someone over. so lovely it makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.
05-06-2008, 01:19 AM
50 tickets have been sold
2 Askip
3 Tsin
5 Madmountain
7 Tsin
9 Caellia
10 Tsin
11 Zephore
12 Medi
13 Sergey
14 Brielus
15 Madmountain
17 Elannion
18 Tsin
21 Tsin
22 Askip
23 diethx
24 Brielus
25 Madmountain
27 Medi
28 Sergey
29 Shingles
30 Siphere
33 Zephore
35 Tsin
37 Berrigan
40 Kontii
41 Kontii
42 Kontii
43 Kontii
44 Kontii
45 Tsin
46 Kontii
47 Medi
50 Caellia
55 Tsin
66 Zephore
67 Tsin
69 Sergey
70 Siphere
71 Elannion
72 Siphere
73 Sergey
75 Medi
77 Zephore
79 Shingles
82 Hadya
83 diethx
88 Tsin
96 Sergey
99 Zephore
05-08-2008, 12:57 AM
That was long overdue for this thread.
05-08-2008, 01:13 AM
77/100 tickets sold now
2 Askip
3 Tsin
4 Savrin
5 Madmountain
6 Delonkin
7 Tsin
8 Savrin
9 Caellia
10 Tsin
11 Zephore
12 Medi
13 Sergey
14 Brielus
15 Madmountain
16 Delonkin
17 Elannion
18 Tsin
19 Barumples
20 Icever
21 Tsin
22 Askip
23 diethx
24 Brielus
25 Madmountain
26 Delonkin
27 Medi
28 Sergey
29 Shingles
30 Siphere
31 Brikus
32 Delonkin
33 Zephore
35 Tsin
36 Delonkin
37 Berrigan
38 Icever
40 Kontii
41 Kontii
42 Kontii
43 Kontii
44 Kontii
45 Tsin
46 Kontii
47 Medi
48 Khistian
49 Khistian
50 Caellia
51 Delonkin
52 Khistian
53 Brikus
55 Tsin
56 Barumples
57 Delonkin
58 Barumples
59 Delonkin
61 Brikus
62 Barumples
64 Khistian
66 Zephore
67 Tsin
69 Sergey
70 Siphere
71 Elannion
72 Siphere
73 Sergey
75 Medi
77 Zephore
79 Shingles
81 Khistian
82 Hadya
83 diethx
84 Barumples
85 Delonkin
88 Tsin
92 Delonkin
96 Sergey
99 Zephore
05-10-2008, 05:49 PM
Raffle is tonight at 7pm central, or 20:00 elven time. Ticket sales are over at 6pm.
Added a new item to the 80-99 ticket sales portion. 9.5x HCP hauberk with 20% shock resist, and 10% slash vuln.
80 tickets now
2 Askip
3 Tsin
4 Savrin
5 Madmountain
6 Delonkin
7 Tsin
8 Savrin
9 Caellia
10 Tsin
11 Zephore
12 Medi
13 Sergey
14 Brielus
15 Madmountain
16 Delonkin
17 Elannion
18 Tsin
19 Barumples
20 Icever
21 Tsin
22 Askip
23 diethx
24 Brielus
25 Madmountain
26 Delonkin
27 Medi
28 Sergey
29 Shingles
30 Siphere
31 Brikus
32 Delonkin
33 Zephore
35 Tsin
36 Delonkin
37 Berrigan
38 Icever
40 Kontii
41 Kontii
42 Kontii
43 Kontii
44 Kontii
45 Tsin
46 Kontii
47 Medi
48 Khistian
49 Khistian
50 Caellia
51 Delonkin
52 Khistian
53 Brikus
55 Tsin
56 Barumples
57 Delonkin
58 Barumples
59 Delonkin
61 Brikus
62 Barumples
64 Khistian
66 Zephore
67 Tsin
69 Sergey
70 Siphere
71 Elannion
72 Siphere
73 Sergey
75 Medi
77 Zephore
79 Shingles
81 Khistian
82 Hadya
83 diethx
84 Barumples
85 Delonkin
88 Tsin
92 Delonkin
93 Xandalf
94 Xandalf
95 Xandalf
96 Sergey
99 Zephore
05-10-2008, 06:24 PM
90 sold, these are still available! 40 minutes to buy
05-10-2008, 06:28 PM
I'll take 39, 63, 76, 86, 87, 97...
that leaves 4 left folks
05-10-2008, 07:06 PM
Sales are closed, 99 tickets sold. Number 100 is the only one not sold.
Good luck everyone! 55 minutes till the raffle in Beldrins gaming hall.
Be there or you can't win*
1 Edaarin
2 Askip
3 Tsin
4 Savrin
5 Madmountain
6 Delonkin
7 Tsin
8 Savrin
9 Caellia
10 Tsin
11 Zephore
12 Medi
13 Sergey
14 Brielus
15 Madmountain
16 Delonkin
17 Elannion
18 Tsin
19 Barumples
20 Icever
21 Tsin
22 Askip
23 diethx
24 Brielus
25 Madmountain
26 Delonkin
27 Medi
28 Sergey
29 Shingles
30 Siphere
31 Brikus
32 Delonkin
33 Zephore
34 Zodier
35 Tsin
36 Delonkin
37 Berrigan
38 Icever
39 Kontii
40 Kontii
41 Kontii
42 Kontii
43 Kontii
44 Kontii
45 Tsin
46 Kontii
47 Medi
48 Khistian
49 Khistian
50 Caellia
51 Delonkin
52 Khistian
53 Brikus
54 Zodier
55 Tsin
56 Barumples
57 Delonkin
58 Barumples
59 Delonkin
60 Reggy
61 Brikus
62 Barumples
63 Kontii
64 Khistian
65 Zodier
66 Zephore
67 Tsin
68 Edaarin
69 Sergey
70 Siphere
71 Elannion
72 Siphere
73 Sergey
74 Doppel
75 Medi
76 Kontii
77 Zephore
78 Zodier
79 Shingles
80 Edaarin
81 Khistian
82 Hadya
83 diethx
84 Barumples
85 Delonkin
86 Kontii
87 Kontii
88 Tsin
89 Rathain
90 Zodier
91 Reggy
92 Delonkin
93 Xandalf
94 Xandalf
95 Xandalf
96 Sergey
97 Kontii
98 Rathain
99 Zephore
*Just kidding!
05-10-2008, 08:11 PM
You ask, "Alright, everyone knows the rules?"
Siphere grins.
>'99 tickets were sold
You say, "99 tickets were sold."
The slow rhythm of Kizun's dreamlike melody envelopes you, loosening tense and tired muscles as the song pours over you.
>'So only one winner will be picked
You say, "So only one winner will be picked."
Siphere seems a bit less imposing.
Desdemain nods to Siphere.
>'The winner can choose from any of the 5 items
You say, "The winner can choose from any of the 5 items."
This small room seems even smaller because of the tremendously high ceiling here. Nearly cutting the room in half is a large counter. Behind the counter and hanging on the back wall is the Wheel of Chance. Keeping a watchful eye on the entire proceedings is a large man, the hawker. The only exit is through the narrow arch that leads back to the main gaming hall. You also see a bright red frog and the Siphere disk.
Also here: Lord Kizun, Desdemain, Brumarok, Leff, Siphere who is sitting, Journeyman Shingles, Kruegur
Obvious exits: none
The voice of Sergey says, "Ill buy 100."
The slowly cascading rhythm of Kizun's song seems to lengthen and swell in tides of intense emotion.
>'Spinning now for the raffle.
You say, "Spinning now for the raffle."
Shingles chuckles.
The voice of Sergey asks, "Do i get ticket 100?"
The voice of Sergey asks, "So they all sell?"
>'Nah, sales were over an hour ago
You say, "Nah, sales were over an hour ago."
Shingles deeply says, "I tried already."
You hear someone snicker.
Shingles chuckles.
The slow rhythm of Kizun's dreamlike melody envelopes you, loosening tense and tired muscles as the song pours over you.
>bet 50000 on even
The hawker walks over and accepts your cautious bet of 50000 silvers on even.
A bright red frog exclaims, "2!"
>'Good luck
You say, "Good luck."
[Beldrin's Gaming Hall, Wheel]
This small room seems even smaller because of the tremendously high ceiling here. Nearly cutting the room in half is a large counter. Behind the counter and hanging on the back wall is the Wheel of Chance. Keeping a watchful eye on the entire proceedings is a large man, the hawker. The only exit is through the narrow arch that leads back to the main gaming hall. You also see a bright red frog and the Siphere disk.
Also here: Lord Kizun, Desdemain, Brumarok, Leff, Siphere who is sitting, Journeyman Shingles, Kruegur
Obvious exits: none
A bright red frog exclaims, "22!"
Shingles seems to be waiting for something.
Kruegur says, "Good luck all."
Kizun's fingers move hypnotically along the length of his piccolo, drawing forth the hauntingly slow melody of his song note by protracted note.
The hawker shouts, "Come place your bets at the Wheel of Chance! Betting will close in one minute!"
Shingles deeply says, "And the lucky winner is........"
Shingles deeply exclaims, "Not me!"
Shingles chuckles.
Siphere stares at the Wheel of Chance.
The voice of Sergey exclaims, "You won on a test spin!"
A beautiful deep melody floats in the air as Kizun plays his piccolo, a sort of magic slowly tumbling into place as the notes blend together.
The voice of Sergey says, "Dont be greedy."
Siphere chuckles.
[Beldrin's Gaming Hall, Wheel]
This small room seems even smaller because of the tremendously high ceiling here. Nearly cutting the room in half is a large counter. Behind the counter and hanging on the back wall is the Wheel of Chance. Keeping a watchful eye on the entire proceedings is a large man, the hawker. The only exit is through the narrow arch that leads back to the main gaming hall. You also see a bright red frog and the Siphere disk.
Also here: Lord Kizun, Desdemain, Brumarok, Leff, Siphere who is sitting, Journeyman Shingles, Kruegur
Obvious exits: none
You shift your weight.
A bright red frog asks, "Eat now?"
The slow rhythm of Kizun's dreamlike melody envelopes you, loosening tense and tired muscles as the song pours over you.
Siphere adopts an agreeable expression.
The voice of Askip says, "Hush toad."
The hawker exclaims, "All bets are in!"
He then walks over to the wheel and gives it a spin.
Kruegur gibbers incoherently.
Kruegur twiddles his thumbs.
[Beldrin's Gaming Hall, Wheel]
This small room seems even smaller because of the tremendously high ceiling here. Nearly cutting the room in half is a large counter. Behind the counter and hanging on the back wall is the Wheel of Chance. Keeping a watchful eye on the entire proceedings is a large man, the hawker. The only exit is through the narrow arch that leads back to the main gaming hall. You also see a bright red frog and the Siphere disk.
Also here: Lord Kizun, Desdemain, Brumarok, Leff, Siphere who is sitting, Journeyman Shingles, Kruegur
Obvious exits: none
Brumarok seems to be waiting for something.
Askip suddenly fades into view.
Askip waggles his fingers at the Wheel of Chance.
Askip grins.
The wheel slowly comes to a stop, and lands on 70!
The hawker exclaims, "A winner!"
He counts out 75000 silvers which you quickly pocket.
The slowly cascading rhythm of Kizun's song seems to lengthen and swell in tides of intense emotion.
Leff applauds Siphere.
Kruegur says, "Siphere."
Siphere beams!
>'And Siphere
You say, "And Siphere."
You say, "Nice."
The voice of Sergey says, "Congrats."
Siphere says, "Runeblade please."
05-10-2008, 08:28 PM
PS, Anyone who bought tickets can have a discount equal to the number of tickets they bought, if they buy one of the remaining items in the raffle. Discount is only applied to one item per buyer.
hauberk is priced at 90m
xbow is priced at 60m
longblade is priced at 55m
staff is priced at 50m
05-11-2008, 02:19 AM
Nice discount promo, I might take you up on that...
05-11-2008, 02:25 AM
Yeah you get 12m offa something. Good deal!
05-11-2008, 02:49 AM
AD is a good merchant, but he would be better if he would have damn picked one of my numbers...
05-11-2008, 06:04 AM
Someone shoulda bought that last ticket
05-11-2008, 11:11 AM
Someone shoulda bought that last ticket
I purchased an extra 6 in the last hour to try to get it over the edge, but I guess no one else was going to put down the $$.
05-11-2008, 02:50 PM
I purchased an extra 6 in the last hour to try to get it over the edge, but I guess no one else was going to put down the $$.
I know more than a few people, myself included, would have spent 1mil to get that 100th ticket if anyone would have know that was the case...
That being said, I know Siphere is glad that wasn't the case, and I sure can't blame him, the lucky bastard :)
05-11-2008, 03:01 PM
The real question is, if it were stuck at 80 tickets, would any of you spent 20m to get to 100 for that extra chance?
Otherwise it is a moot point. I find it amazing it even got to 99 tickets. Over half of them were in the last few days. A ton of people were waiting to get it to that 80 just so they had a chance at the higher end items.
Half the people would have been happy only one way. Obviously won't be doing multi-tier stuff again.
05-11-2008, 03:03 PM
I liked it. I think you'd just have to set the prizes and everything in stone at the beginning so people couldn't complain about anything whatsoever.
05-11-2008, 03:04 PM
So adding things to the mix is bad? None of the rules changes, nor how you get any one item.
05-11-2008, 03:18 PM
So adding things to the mix is bad? None of the rules changes, nor how you get any one item.
Oh no, I'm not complaining. The people that are might be a little bit slower than most...
I'm just saying that's what "said person" was upset about.
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