View Full Version : Amusing story

12-24-2003, 10:48 PM
So one day a kid is in school and they are learning about whales. The kid raises his hand and asks why whales eat people.

The teaching replies 'Whales can't eat people, their mouths aren't big enough'.

The kid thinks for a moment and says 'Well in church we were told a whale ate Jonah. When i go to heaven Ill ask Jonah.'

The teacher says 'What if Jonah went to hell?'

The kid replies 'Then you ask him.'

12-25-2003, 12:06 AM

12-25-2003, 12:09 AM
OK i got a GOOD joke, i'm not racist in anyway, but I thought it was funny as shit.
A white guy, black guy and mexican guy stumble upon a lamp and a genie comes out and says since there is 3 of them the genie is going to grant them each one wish, the mexican guy goes first and wish that all his brothern would go back to there homelands so with a snap of the fingers his wish comes true, the black guy goes up next and wishes that all his people would go back to there home country, and with the snap of the fingers the genie grants his wish...
the white guy says "wait a minute all the mexicans and blacks are out of the country?"
Genie says "yes"
White guy goes " then i'll have a coke"

12-25-2003, 01:10 AM
Come again?

12-25-2003, 01:20 AM
Solkern makes me want to drive rusty nails into my temple and suck on glass shards.

12-25-2003, 01:24 AM
This old man and old woman from Howard Ohio are driving cross country when they enter Nevada a highway patrol officer pulls them over.

As the officer starts walking towards the car the old woman ask her husband "WHY YOU STOPPING?" the old man says the police pulled us over. old woman asks, "WHAT DID YO SAY?". The old man who has been married for 50 years to the half deaf woman says "NOTHING".

The policeman knocks on the window and ask for the old mans drivers license and registration. the old woman says "WHAT DID HE SAY?" the old man replies "HE WANTS MY DRIVERS LICENSE AND REGISTRATION!". The old half-deaf woman says "WHAT?" the old man says "NEVEERMIND!"

The policeman looks at the drivers license and says "WOW, Howard Ohio? I was there once along time ago nice town, little ice cream palor in the middle of town. But man I had the worst sex in my life there though, it was horrid". the old woman says "WHAT DID HE SAY?". the old man turns to his wife and says, "HE SAYS HE KNOWS YOU!".

12-25-2003, 01:26 AM
ok that one made me laugh.

12-25-2003, 01:28 AM
OK this young lasy is walking down the road and he sees a man appearing in his 80's who looks rather good at that age sitting on some steps smoking a cig and drinking a beer, lady goes up to him and says wow you look so good at your age how do you do it? old man goes I smoke a pack of cigs a day and drink a 12 pack of beer, lady goes my my, how old are you anyways? old man goes 26