View Full Version : 10 million dollar lotto winner broke - on welfare.

04-12-2008, 05:17 AM
A LOTTO winner who scooped £5.1million just three years ago is now SKINT and on BENEFITS.

Divorced Pete Kyle splashed out on luxury homes, flash cars and holidays following his jackpot — one of Britain’s biggest ever Lottery wins.

But now he is on the dole after squandering ALL of his massive fortune at the rate of £4,600 A DAY.

The Sun can reveal potless Pete even OWES money and has angry creditors chasing him for cash.

He is working as a caretaker at a grubby budget hotel and also claims around £100 a week in disability living allowance and mobility allowance.

Pals say tattooed Pete, 55, from Plymouth, Devon, lost the cash in a series of dodgy investments.

One source told The Sun: “He had a golden opportunity to turn his life around — and then blew it.

“He took some bad advice from bad people and handed his money over too readily to them. Now he’s got nothing and even owes cash.

“It’s hard to believe he was a millionaire, now he’s just a mess.”

The former Royal Artillery gunner won his fortune in February 2005. He celebrated by playing bingo with his mates and promptly won another £500.

He then blew cash on a £550,000 house, a £40,000 Mercedes, a £40,000 Range Rover and another £20,000 4x4. He also gave money to kids Gemma, 23, and Roy, 14.

But within months he was dubbed the country’s meanest man after refusing to help care for four of his brothers and sisters.

Jean, 55, Carol, 49, David, 52, and Steven, 47, all suffer from incurable Huntington’s disease. But relatives claimed Pete had refused to give them a penny.

At the time Pete hit back, saying he HAD provided them with financial support.

Meanwhile, he was pouring cash into the pockets of so-called pals who claimed they would invest the money for him.

He was still a millionaire last year. But now Pete has sold his luxury home and his fleet of cars.

He drives a battered Vauxhall Astra and works at the £15-a-night Rooms guesthouse in his home town.

It sits on one of Plymouth’s grubbiest streets opposite a derelict theatre, a tattoo parlour and next to a sex shop called Slinkies.

The cash-up-front venue boasts just a few squalid rooms, each with a basic bed and TV.

A source said: “Pete has been working at the hotel for a few months just to get by. He has his own room, marked private, and he spends a lot of time in there.

“He shuffles around and cooks breakfast for the punters who aren’t too p****d to get up in the morning and is a general dogsbody for the owner.”

Pete told one punter: “It’s cheap, but it’s clean. I don’t want to be here much longer — I get too much hassle from p****d-up punters wanting a bed at all hours of the night. But it’s a job at the end of the day.”


Sorry, the Sun doesn't quote very well.

Stanley Burrell
04-12-2008, 10:44 AM
I'd upgrade to GS Platinum.

04-12-2008, 11:01 AM
God I forgot there was The Sun.
Next to The Sport it's the most avoid paper ever.

On topic, that guy must be completely retarded.