View Full Version : herb eating/healing script?

04-09-2008, 07:17 AM
I've heard now a few people mention they've been working on a script that can use herbs to heal down wounds, perhaps even scars? If it exists even in an unfinished format, I'd try my hand at final edits.. but would rather not write from scratch if there is one floating about. Thought I might ask first before rushing headlong into it.

Thanks in advance.

04-09-2008, 10:51 AM
;healme in lich doesn't work properly for me.

04-16-2008, 06:15 AM
;healme in lich doesn't work properly for me.

do you have things like your lootsack and other lich settings set?

04-17-2008, 11:25 AM
Mine doesn't work either. It gets the right herb for my first issue, eats it... then eats it again... and will keep eating it until it's gone. it doesn't ever know it's done with that wound and move on to the next herb.

04-17-2008, 01:43 PM
I've heard now a few people mention they've been working on a script that can use herbs to heal down wounds, perhaps even scars? If it exists even in an unfinished format, I'd try my hand at final edits.. but would rather not write from scratch if there is one floating about. Thought I might ask first before rushing headlong into it.

Thanks in advance.

Aside from the lich healme script which could probably use a few edits and work. You could probably dig up one of the popular empath healdown scripts and just replace all the spells with herbs.

04-17-2008, 05:40 PM
Just thought I'd say... sigil mending is probably one of the most useful things ever. Empaths would be crazy to not want to be in Sunfist.

Any herb in 3 seconds? Huge HP regen? How has Simu not "fixed" this yet? It's so great!

Some Rogue
04-17-2008, 06:05 PM
Just thought I'd say... sigil mending is probably one of the most useful things ever. Empaths would be crazy to not want to be in Sunfist.

Sign of staunching, sign of wracking

Yeah, the reduced rt is great, but I'd miss those two signs.

04-17-2008, 08:23 PM
wow, that sucks. I had one and can't find it. I do still have the excel spreadsheet that I started with tho. And it's only for the landing - interested?

04-17-2008, 10:40 PM
Ya, but you don't need sign of staunching if you have a 3 second herb time. I wouldn't cast healing spells at all, just herbs all the time. You would be out of a bleeding status... Healing HP down would be fast enough.

I think mending > COL... but I guess I need to find out myself before I know for sure.

Some Rogue
04-17-2008, 10:44 PM
Assuming you're carrying every herb or can make them.

04-17-2008, 10:51 PM
<<I wouldn't cast healing spells at all, just herbs all the time.>>

Except good empaths have no hard RT for injuries and no more than a couple seconds for scars.

04-17-2008, 10:54 PM
And even better bards with tonis can heal a severed limb in 6 seconds :D

Some Rogue
04-17-2008, 11:47 PM
<<I wouldn't cast healing spells at all, just herbs all the time.>>

Except good empaths have no hard RT for injuries and no more than a couple seconds for scars.

Well, since they rolled in the spirit lore changes, it takes a bit more than it used to. It's not level based anymore. Either way, higher level doesn't mean you're "good".

04-17-2008, 11:49 PM
Whatever changes occurred, even when it was level based, being a higher level certainly didn't mean much after 30 or so. But I was referring to spirit lore anyway, since it was the easiest way to, you know, be an efficient empath.

Edit: IIRC, the formula was like -1 RT for every 4 combined levels and transformation ranks - levelling was nowhere near as important as transformation even when it had an impact.

04-18-2008, 01:07 PM
I wrote a healing script recently after getting sigil of mending on my warrior. It is limited, but will heal all wounds/scars except for the eyes. Its limitation is that it has an order of importance, and will stop at a certain point if you don't have the herbs to heal a wound.

For example, if you have a rank 3 head wound, a rank 2 arm wound, and a rank 1 chest wound it would do the following:

Heal your head wound, heal the rank 2 head wound, heal the rank 2 arm wound, heal the rank 1 head wound, heal the rank 1 chest wound, heal the rank 1 arm wound, then go in order of scar severity.

However, if you don't have the herbs for say, the rank 2 head wound, it will stop when it fails to locate the herb... and it won't bypass that wound until you have the herb to fix it.

I haven't spent the time to build in any controls, so I imagine I could easily just create a heal script and allow the player to use a variable to specify the location that they want to heal, but I haven't done that yet. Its probably the next thing I'll fix, and then I can post it for you.

Also, it will search for herbs from landing, icemule, and pinefar in your inventory, but I didn't want to build the database of herbs any further than that (at least not yet). Maybe I'll be able to work on it tonight, and fix up the controls in like 30 mins or something. I'll try and post it.

04-18-2008, 03:16 PM
anywhere you know of with a database of every NPC purchasable herb and what it does?

Some Rogue
04-18-2008, 03:30 PM

04-21-2008, 09:36 PM
I forgot about this post for a while. Here is an updated version of the script I mentioned. You can choose to heal a location based on the herb types being used.

To execute the script simply save it as heal then execute with .heal <location> where location is head, limb, or chest.

Head heals head/neck injuries, limb heals hand/arm/leg injuries and chest heals chest/back/abdomen and eyes (except scars) injuries. It will perform healing in a certain order, and if you run out of rank 2 herbs for a location specified while still having rank 2 injuries, it will not heal any rank one injuries. You can change the %container to whatever you wish be it the bench in town or a primary container where you store herbs on your person.

put put right in my band
goto %1

match Chest3 gashes and serious bleeding
match Chest3 deep lacerations across your chest
match Chest3 deep lacerations across your back
match Chest3 deep lacerations across your abdomen
match Chest1 minor cuts and bruises on your chest
match Chest1 minor cuts and bruises on your back
match Chest1 minor cuts and bruises on your abdo
match Chest1 bruised
match Chest3 swollen
match Chest3 blinded
match ChestScar3 terrible mutilation
match ChestScar3 painful-looking scar
match ChestScar1 old battle scar across your
match ChestScar1 black-and-blue
match End Remaining Stamina
put health

match Head3 trauma and bleeding
match Head3 lacerations across your neck
match Head3 lacerations across your head
match Head1 minor bruises on your neck
match Head1 minor bruises about the head
match HeadScar3 terrible mutilation
match HeadScar3 several facial scars
match HeadScar1 scar across your neck
match HeadScar1 scar across your face
match End Remaining Stamina
put health

match Limb3 severed right
match Limb3 severed left
match Limb3 fractured and bleeding right
match Limb3 fractured and bleeding left
match Limb1 minor cuts and bruises on your right
match Limb1 minor cuts and bruises on your left
match LimbScar3 completely severed lefta
match LimbScar3 completely severed right
match LimbScar2 mangled left
match LimbScar2 mangled right
match LimbScar1 old battle scars on your right
match LimbScar1 old battle scars on your left
match End Remaining Stamina
put health

match start Roundtime
match IceChest3 Get what?
put get pot grass
put eat my pot grass

match start Roundtime
match PineChest3 Get what?
put get ox tart
put eat my ox tart

match start Roundtime
match End Get what?
put get gink pot
put drink my gink pot

match start Roundtime
match IceChest1 Get what?
put get basal moss
put eat my basal moss

match start Roundtime
match PineChest1 Get what?
put get tundra grass
put eat my tundra grass

match start Roundtime
match End Get what?
put get gink tea
put drink my gink tea

match start Roundtime
match IceChestScar3 Get what?
put get wing pot
put drink my wing pot

match start Roundtime
match PineChestScar3 Get what?
put get earth pot
put drink my earth pot

match start Roundtime
match End Get what?
put get wyrm pot
put drink my wyrm pot

match start Roundtime
match IceChestScar1 Get what?
put get my taln pot
put drink my taln pot

match start Roundtime
match PineChestScar1 Get what?
put get rock pot
put drink my rock pot

match start Roundtime
match End Get what?
put get wyrm tea
put drink my wyrm tea

match start Roundtime
match IceHead3 Get what?
put get aloes stem
put eat my aloes stem

match start Roundtime
match PineHead3 Get what?
put get ram bladd
put eat my ram bladd

match start Roundtime
match End Get what?
put get fever pot
put drink my fever pot

match start Roundtime
match IceHead1 Get what?
put get rose pot
put drink my rose pot

match start Roundtime
match PineHead1 Get what?
put get elk pot
put drink my elk pot

match start Roundtime
match End Get what?
put get hap root
put eat my hap root

match start Roundtime
match IceHeadScar1 Get what?
put get hap root
put eat my hap root

match start Roundtime
match PineHeadScar1 Get what?
put get spar pie
put eat spar pie

match start Roundtime
match End Get what?
put get penny tea
put drink my penny tea

match start Roundtime
match IceHeadScar3 Get what?
put get bros pot
put drink my bros pot

match start Roundtime
match PineHeadScar3 Get what?
put get bear soup
put drink my bear soup

match start Roundtime
match End Get what?
put get penny pot
put drink my penny pot

match start Roundtime
match IceLimb3 Get what?
put get eph moss
put eat my eph moss

match start Roundtime
match PineLimb3 Get what?
put get bone porr
put eat my bone porr

match start Roundtime
match End Get what?
put get sweet pot
put drink my sweet pot

match start Roundtime
match IceLimb1 Get what?
match IceLimb1 I could not find
put get amb leaf
put eat my amb leaf

match start Roundtime
match PineLimb1 Get what?
match PineLimb1 I could not find
put get family tart
put eat my family tart

match start Roundtime
match End Get what?
match End I could not find
put get sweet tea
put drink my sweet tea

match start Roundtime
match IceLimbScar3 Get what?
match IceLimbScar3 I could not find
put get sovyn clove
put eat my sovyn clove

match start Roundtime
match PineLimbScar3 Get what?
match PineLimbScar3 I could not find
put get ptarm feather
put eat my ptarm feather

match start Roundtime
match End Get what?
match End I could not find
put get man pot
put drink my man pot

match start Roundtime
match IceLimbScar2 Get what?
match IceLimbScar2 I could not find
put get cala fruit
put eat my cala fruit

match start Roundtime
match PineLimbScar2 Get what?
match PineLimbScar2 I could not find
put get walrus blubb
put eat my walrus blubb

match start Roundtime
match End Get what?
match End I could not find
put get man pot
put drink my man pot

match start Roundtime
match IceLimbScar1 Get what?
match IceLimbScar1 I could not find
put get cact spine
put eat my cact spine

match start Roundtime
match PineLimbScar1 Get what?
match PineLimbScar1 I could not find
put get elk gel
put eat my elk gel

match start Roundtime
match End Get what?
match End I could not find
put get man tea
put drink my man tea
