View Full Version : some instruments with loresongs

04-05-2008, 12:04 PM
Except for the flute other people in the room also see parts of the loresong.

a fang-trimmed fruitwood lysard

You sing:

"Lysard tell me what you say
Whats yer value if you may"

The sound of a mastiff's deep, rough bark swirls around you in response to your song.

Roundtime: 7 sec.

You feel at full magical power again.
R>loresing lysard made to make me cry;whats your purpose don't you lie
You sing:

"Lysard made to make me cry
Whats your purpose don't you lie"

Briefly, you hear delicate lysard music, but then it is gone.

Roundtime: 8 sec.

R>loresing lysard looks so facinating to me;tell me what yer magic be
You sing:

"Lysard looks so facinating to me
Tell me what yer magic be"

The image of a storm-lashed sailing vessel materializes briefly before you, but it fades without vouchsafing any information.

Roundtime: 8 sec.

R>loresing lysard makes me wonder so;tell what yer ability knows
[script done]
You sing:

"Lysard makes me wonder so
Tell what yer ability knows"

You sing to the lysard, but receive only the normal harmonies of fruitwood in return. You sense that you might have coaxed more lore from the instrument if your race were the same as that of its creator. The harmonies fade as you finish your verse.

Roundtime: 7 sec.

R> inspe lys
You carefully inspect your fruitwood lysard.

After a careful inspection you determine that a fang-trimmed fruitwood lysard requires skill in horn-type instruments to play effectively.

The fruitwood lysard must be played with two hands.

a gnarled linden shawm lacquered with cobalt blue patterns

You sing:

"Shawm tell me what you say
Whats yer value if you may"

As you sing to the shawm, you receive a faint impression of the smell of modwir bark, but you can untangle no real meaning with your magic.

Roundtime: 7 sec.

R>loresing shawm made to make me cry;whats your purpose don't you lie
You sing:

"Shawm made to make me cry
Whats your purpose don't you lie"

The sound of someone sorting papers swirls around you in response to your song.

Roundtime: 8 sec.

R>loresing shawm looks so facinating to me;tell me what yer magic be
You sing:

"Shawm looks so facinating to me
Tell me what yer magic be"

Briefly, you hear resonant shawm music, but then it is gone.

Roundtime: 8 sec.

R>loresing shawm makes me wonder so;tell what yer ability knows
[script done]
You sing:

"Shawm makes me wonder so
Tell what yer ability knows"

The image of a field of corn materializes briefly before you, but it fades without vouchsafing any information.

Roundtime: 7 sec.

an ancient enruned ivory flute.

>loresing flute tell me what you say;whats yer value if you may
You sing:

"Flute tell me what you say
Whats yer value if you may"

The harmonic vibrations that your song evokes in the enruned ivory flute convey a sense of great age. At a rough estimate, the flute is worth 1 silver, but a collector of antiquities might be willing to offer a significantly greater sum.

Roundtime: 7 sec.

R>loresing flute made to make me cry;whats your purpose don't you lie
You sing:

"Flute made to make me cry
Whats your purpose don't you lie"

As the enruned ivory flute responds to your song, you sense echoes of ancient enchantment drifting softly through the resonances. It is difficult to say whether or not the flute is innately magical, but, if not, then it has certainly been exposed to a great deal of magical energy over an extended period of time.

Roundtime: 8 sec.

You feel at full magical power again.
R>loresing flute looks so facinating to me;tell me what yer magic be
You sing:

"Flute looks so facinating to me
Tell me what yer magic be"

The resonances of your music caress the ancient weave of enchantment within the enruned ivory flute. You recognize both spiritual and elemental components, twisted together and permanently altered into a new form -- the unmistakable taint of sorcery.

Roundtime: 8 sec.

R>loresing flute makes me wonder so;tell what yer ability knows
[script done]
You sing:

"Flute makes me wonder so
Tell what yer ability knows"

As you sing to the enruned ivory flute, you evoke the image of a short man with silver-streaked hair. He holds the enruned ivory flute in his hands, studying it intently. As he traces a fingertip over the runes, they flicker into life briefly with a faint green glow, and he nods his approval. He signals to a liveried servant nearby, and the servant quickly comes to take the flute away. The vision drifts away from you as your verse ends.

Roundtime: 7 sec.

a pair of crystal finger cymbals

>loresing cymbals tell me what you say;whats yer value if you may
You sing:

"Cymbals tell me what you say
Whats yer value if you may"

As you sing to the cymbals, you receive a faint impression of the smell of mint, but you can untangle no real meaning with your magic.

Roundtime: 7 sec.

R>loresing cymbals made to make me cry;whats your purpose don't you lie
You sing:

"Cymbals made to make me cry
Whats your purpose don't you lie"

The sound of a hooting owl swirls around you in response to your song.

Roundtime: 8 sec.

You feel at full magical power again.
>loresing cymbals looks so facinating to me;tell me what yer magic be
You sing:

"Cymbals looks so facinating to me
Tell me what yer magic be"

Briefly, you hear staccato cymbals music, but then it is gone.

Roundtime: 8 sec.

R>loresing cymbals makes me wonder so;tell what yer ability knows
[script done]
You sing:

"Cymbals makes me wonder so
Tell what yer ability knows"

The image of a ruined temple materializes briefly before you, but it fades without vouchsafing any information.

Roundtime: 7 sec.

a pair of pristine brass finger cymbals lacquered with forest green patterns.

>loresing cymbals tell me what you say;whats yer value if you may
You sing:

"Cymbals tell me what you say
Whats yer value if you may"

As you sing to the cymbals, your melody evokes various impressions from the brass. The smell of calendula drifts past, and the image of a belching volcano forms briefly before your eyes. On the volcano's blackened slope, you observe a lean sylvan man finishing the last touches on the creation of his brass finger cymbals. The fragile vision dissolves almost as quickly as it came.

Roundtime: 7 sec.

You feel at full magical power again.
R>loresing cymbals made to make me cry;whats your purpose don't you lie
You sing:

"Cymbals made to make me cry
Whats your purpose don't you lie"

Your magical song delves into the nature of the cymbals, evoking the image of an amber-eyed elven woman. The woman is severely scarred and wears an ancient chain hauberk. A troop of jungle trolls stomps past as the elven woman demands the brass finger cymbals from the same sylvan man that you observed before. The sound of the scrape of a chair across the floor surrounds you as the image fades away.

Roundtime: 8 sec.

R>loresing cymbals looks so facinating to me;tell me what yer magic be
You sing:

"Cymbals looks so facinating to me
Tell me what yer magic be"

Harmonies echo from the heart of your cymbals, and those harmonies swell around you, guiding you into a vision. You see a dusty hallway, and the elven woman squats in the hallway playing the brass finger cymbals. The elven woman's meandering music provides a backdrop to the sounds of battle as a diminutive forest gnome woman fights a hideous cyclops. Cruelty shines in the forest gnome woman's eyes. The vision ends as you finish your verse.

Roundtime: 8 sec.

R>loresing cymbals makes me wonder so;tell what yer ability knows
[script done]
You sing:

"Cymbals makes me wonder so
Tell what yer ability knows"

The resonances of the brass finger cymbals flow over you as sensory impressions. You hear someone chanting a mystical phrase and smell coconut before the magic of your loresong draws you into a vision. A brewery manifests before you, and, in the brewery, you see the elven woman. Doubt fills her face as, in a final, resolute fashion, she sets the brass finger cymbals aside. Other people are present, but the only other face you see clearly is that of a pasty human woman. The image dissolves away.

Roundtime: 7 sec.

a pair of alum finger cymbals.

>loresing cymbals tell me what you say;whats yer value if you may
You sing:

"Cymbals tell me what you say
Whats yer value if you may"

As you sing to the cymbals, you receive a faint impression of the smell of baking bread, but you can untangle no real meaning with your magic.

Roundtime: 7 sec.

R>loresing cymbals made to make me cry;whats your purpose don't you lie
You sing:

"Cymbals made to make me cry
Whats your purpose don't you lie"

The sound of a jackal barking swirls around you in response to your song.

Roundtime: 8 sec.

R>loresing cymbals looks so facinating to me;tell me what yer magic be
You sing:

"Cymbals looks so facinating to me
Tell me what yer magic be"

Briefly, you hear clear cymbals music, but then it is gone.

Roundtime: 8 sec.

R>loresing cymbals makes me wonder so;tell what yer ability knows
[script done]
You sing:

"Cymbals makes me wonder so
Tell what yer ability knows"

The image of a torchlit feasting hall materializes briefly before you, but it fades without vouchsafing any information.

Roundtime: 7 sec.

a shell-trimmed spinewood dulcimer

>loresing dulcimer tell me what you say;whats yer value if you may
You sing:

"Dulcimer tell me what you say
Whats yer value if you may"

As you sing to the dulcimer, you receive a faint impression of the smell of freshly turned earth, but you can untangle no real meaning with your magic.

Roundtime: 7 sec.

R>loresing dulcimer made to make me cry;whats your purpose don't you lie
You sing:

"Dulcimer made to make me cry
Whats your purpose don't you lie"

The sound of passionate whispers swirls around you in response to your song.

Roundtime: 8 sec.

R>loresing dulcimer looks so facinating to me;tell me what yer magic be
You sing:

"Dulcimer looks so facinating to me
Tell me what yer magic be"

Briefly, you hear resonant dulcimer music, but then it is gone.

Roundtime: 8 sec.

R>loresing dulcimer makes me wonder so;tell what yer ability knows
[script done]
You sing:

"Dulcimer makes me wonder so
Tell what yer ability knows"

The image of a dingy dock materializes briefly before you, but it fades without vouchsafing any information.

Roundtime: 7 sec.

a black willow flute

You sing:

"Flute tell me what you say
Whats yer value if you may"

As you sing to the flute, you receive a faint impression of the smell of tanning salts, but you can untangle no real meaning with your magic.

Roundtime: 7 sec.

* The death cry of Jewlin echoes in your mind!
>loresing flute made to make me cry;whats your purpose don't you lie
You sing:

"Flute made to make me cry
Whats your purpose don't you lie"

The sound of an enraged lion's roar swirls around you in response to your song.

Roundtime: 8 sec.

R>loresing flute looks so facinating to me;tell me what yer magic be
You sing:

"Flute looks so facinating to me
Tell me what yer magic be"

Briefly, you hear deft flute music, but then it is gone.

Roundtime: 8 sec.

* Hyefutohrl is off to a rough start! He just bit the dust!
R>loresing flute makes me wonder so;tell what yer ability knows
[script done]
You sing:

"Flute makes me wonder so
Tell what yer ability knows"

The image of a candlemaker's shop materializes briefly before you, but it fades without vouchsafing any information.

Roundtime: 7 sec.

a varnished wyrmwood psaltery.

You sing:

"Psaltery tell me what you say
Whats yer value if you may"

As you sing to the psaltery, you receive a faint impression of the smell of tansy, but you can untangle no real meaning with your magic.

Roundtime: 7 sec.

R>loresing psaltery made to make me cry;whats your purpose don't you lie
You sing:

"Psaltery made to make me cry
Whats your purpose don't you lie"

The sound of a snarling lynx swirls around you in response to your song.

Roundtime: 8 sec.

R>loresing psaltery looks so facinating to me;tell me what yer magic be
You sing:

"Psaltery looks so facinating to me
Tell me what yer magic be"

Briefly, you hear showy psaltery music, but then it is gone.

Roundtime: 8 sec.

You feel at full magical power again.
R>loresing psaltery makes me wonder so;tell what yer ability knows
[script done]
You sing:

"Psaltery makes me wonder so
Tell what yer ability knows"

The image of a cornfield materializes briefly before you, but it fades without vouchsafing any information.

Some Rogue
04-05-2008, 12:35 PM
Probably not much. Those look to be the random instruments from the last EG. Tons of those had little loresongs that were very similar to those. Got three or four myself.

04-05-2008, 12:49 PM
Thanks thought as much.

04-05-2008, 06:54 PM
The ancient enruned ivory flute is different, though. Its loresong comes from the Grey Shark Isle quest on the 2004 Dhu. Still, that loresong is very common, so you probably wouldn't be able to get much for it.
