View Full Version : Anyone done cobbling yet? Oh right.
04-04-2008, 11:21 PM
I know this one has been done to death, but I've done fletching and all the forging, etc. Cobbling has completely passed me by. I don't understand it, but I was hoping someone might have a quick bypass that I could use to get immersed into the process (Nilandia seems to be the go-to here).
What do I buy? Where do I start? I'll admit that I went to the cobbling area in the Landing, and I spent about 30 minutes dicking around before realizing that I needed a book of patterns. Yes, it was a monumental waste of time.
So based on that, I definitely need some help. Anyone?
Also, I am currently listening to Vanilla Ice- Ninja Rap. was that TMNT II or TMNT III? whatever. that scene was awesome.
04-05-2008, 12:39 AM
(Nilandia seems to be the go-to here)
Something like that, it seems. I was one of the first to master in the new system, if not the first, and I took another character up from 0 to 496 ranks. If you have any questions, feel free to IM me or send a PM.
Since you're just getting started, ask the foreman about join, and then go to the registrar (the room will have a book of patterns in it). Ask the registrar about book, and with a bank note in hand, type 'give (NPC)' to pay for it. They won't take coins.
With your book of patterns, open the book of patterns in the room, and type 'flip patterns 0.' Read it to get the page number for the shoes pattern, then type 'flip pattern #' where the number is the shoes pattern page number. Ask the registrar NPC about patterns, and then 'give (NPC)' to pay for it.
Now you've got a pattern to work with, you need supplies. Buy yourself a measuring cord (around 5k), a cutting knife (also around 5k), a wedge of chalk (around 100), some heavy tanned leather (around 500) and the cheapest upper material for sale in the shop (also around 500, Landing's is thrak hide).
Head back to the foreman and ask about rent, then answer yes. Head to your workshop.
Get your upper material and put it on the worktable. Get your book of patterns and like you did with the patterns book at the registrar's, flip your patterns to the page with the shoe patterns. In your case, you'd be typing 'flip pattern 1.' Grab your chalk, then gaze at your patterns.
Put your chalk and patterns away, grab your cord, measure yourself, then measure the uppers material on the worktable. Put the cord away, get your knife, then cut the material with your knife.
Put your tanned leather (your soles material) on the worktable, get the patterns and chalk and again transfer the pattern to the soles. Then measure and cut them.
Get the uppers material and put it on the shoe form. Type 'join (material) on form.' Get the sole material (leather) and type 'join my leather with (upper material) on form.' Then type in 'join shoes' as many times as it requires to finish the pair of shoes.
That's the bare minimum, but it will get you through your first 50 ranks until you need to see the foreman. If you don't want to spend 1k for each attempt, you can slaughter a horde of rats and get them cured, but it will take at least a week before you can use them.
Again, if you have any questions, lemme know.
04-05-2008, 10:26 AM
In the skill of cobbling, you are a novice with 2 ranks.
another question--is this like fletching where you can only get one rank per arrow, regardless of whether or not you learn on the cutting or the notching? or can you get multiple ranks per pair?
if no, then why bother finishing the shoe at such an early stage?
edit: nevermind. answered my own question. these terribly made thrak hide shoes belong in a museum. they're beautiful.
04-05-2008, 05:44 PM
You can gain a rank for each step where you add something to the shoe, and when you finish it. If you add a sole and trim, you have 3 chances to earn a rank.
04-05-2008, 06:20 PM
Is cobbling something I could script pretty easily for some exp? I'm kinda stuck right now and I don't have anywhere for my character to hunt for 2 levels.
Stanley Burrell
04-05-2008, 09:29 PM
Also, I am currently listening to Vanilla Ice- Ninja Rap. was that TMNT II or TMNT III? whatever. that scene was awesome.
Go ninja, go ninja, go!
04-05-2008, 09:35 PM
had it bookmarked, I MEAN GOOGLE IS GOOD.
04-07-2008, 12:17 AM
In the skill of cobbling, you are a novice with 49 ranks.
okay, so i get this message now-- "You feel that you are ready to demonstrate your cobbling skill to the foreman, who can induct you into the next level of the guild."
but when i try to talk to this saucy foreman bastard, he ignores me.
04-07-2008, 12:36 PM
04-07-2008, 01:12 PM
Hey, I'm allowed to sleep sometime! I replied to your PM, by the way.
04-09-2008, 08:53 AM
Hey, I'm allowed to sleep sometime! I replied to your PM, by the way.
In the skill of cobbling, you are an apprentice with 169 ranks. Rock it.
All hail the mighty Nilandia for her advice and help in this matter.
04-09-2008, 10:41 AM
In the skill of cobbling, you are an apprentice with 169 ranks. Rock it.
All hail the mighty Nilandia for her advice and help in this matter.
Heh! Glad to help. I've been following development and saving posts for a long time on it, along with doing my own research. Figures I have to choose a system dealing with clothing to study. :D
(By the by, I posted a cobbling script on the PC a while back. Pretty generic, so you should be able to modify it to what you need.
04-10-2008, 04:51 PM
i hate this!! auuuuuugh!!! Damn you, Nilandia! hahaha
Hopdevil, stuck at 199 ranks for 27 pairs of sandals made with highest-caliber materials
04-10-2008, 04:52 PM
Poor baby! Just think, though, this is your last skill check. The rest of the time, you can just churn out stuff with crap pelts to get ranks.
04-13-2008, 06:11 AM
I think I mastered before you Nilandia!
It took me all of like 45 minutes to master cobbling. Since when it FIRST came out (in plat at least) it didn't have roundtimes, and I just spam macroed the heck out of it until I mastered.
04-13-2008, 08:27 AM
I think I mastered before you Nilandia!
It took me all of like 45 minutes to master cobbling. Since when it FIRST came out (in plat at least) it didn't have roundtimes, and I just spam macroed the heck out of it until I mastered.
well, it sure as hell has roundtimes now...
04-13-2008, 09:35 AM
I think I mastered before you Nilandia!
It took me all of like 45 minutes to master cobbling. Since when it FIRST came out (in plat at least) it didn't have roundtimes, and I just spam macroed the heck out of it until I mastered.
In its first incarnation, cobbling had significantly fewer occasions for roundtimes. I remember going from newb to master in maybe a couple hours in the old system. After Bernt updated it, all rank counts were significantly lowered, with masters going from 500 to 200, and roundtimes were put in place at many more places during the process.
I meant that I think I might be the first to master in Bernt's new system. I know I'm not the first in the old one. Unless you managed to find a bug when the new system was introduced, I don't see how it's possible to master in 45 minutes.
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