View Full Version : Test Server

04-04-2008, 03:49 AM
Any place to go to find out the stats on any of the weapons/armor in there?

04-04-2008, 05:14 AM

04-04-2008, 05:33 AM
I know a lot of them from the regular build if you have questions about particular ones.

04-04-2008, 10:29 AM
I know a lot of them from the regular build if you have questions about particular ones.
Same. A whole heck of a lot of them are duplicated from the regular game. A bunch came from the 2006 EG auction, so you can look them up on the auction page on my site. http://www.nilandia.com/merchants/ebongate06auction.htm

Others you're better off asking around or testing.


Some Rogue
04-04-2008, 10:59 AM
Others you're better off asking around or testing.


Just not in town hehe

04-04-2008, 12:43 PM
Pfft. That's half the fun!


04-04-2008, 04:01 PM
Hmm, anyone have a link for information about the steel weaponry bonds? Thanks! (it's curiosity now)

Thank you very much for the link Nilandia!

04-04-2008, 04:11 PM
I got bored so I went in and sung to a bunch of crap in the pile. The bottle with the eternal wisp is just a neat ass item. I want one in Prime.

You tap a black rapture cloak, which is in your right hand.

The black rapture cloak is not just black, it appears to absorb all light that comes near it leaving it nondescript and indiscernible.
You detect that the black rapture cloak was created by a truely evil craftsman from pure darkness. You are nearly overwhelmed by the strength of the evil foreboding the cloak portends. You feel massive amounts of your mana being drained into the black rapture cloak!
================================================== ==================
a veil-iron amulet
You see a long, veil iron chain, each heavy link obviously hand-forged and intricately etched with a scale pattern. Carried on the chain is an orb made of crystal-clear vaalin. The sphere appears to be hollow, for inside you see a minute cosmos, with twinkling stars and tiny planets surrounded by their orbiting moons. In the center of the amazing conglomeration floats an eye with a serpentine pupil, golden in color as a yellow sun. It hangs like an anchor in the midst of the surrounding firmament.
The first thing that strikes you about the amulet is the weight, which is about 1 pounds. You also feel that it is invaluable.
You sense the aura of magic about the amulet. It obviously has more than one use, and it is an object of great power.
Your eyes cloud over as a vision begins to flood in, cascading out of the small orb like a tidal wave. You see an immense mountain encased in vicious cold and savaged by roaming storms that carry death in their howling song. At the top of the peak, huge slabs of granite rise slowly up out of the snow, lifted by the mind power of a group of four individuals. The tall, lithe beings stand back to back, facing each of the four compass directions with a globe of power encircling them like a glowing sphere. Their faces are set in concentration. They stand motionless as a huge shrine rises into the clouds, granite settling on top of granite slab. Finally, the magic pulses a last time throwing reflections into the clouds, and as light settles back into the grey overcast, a monumental shrine stands majestically, topping the mountain like a gem.
Your eyes cloud over as a vision begins to flood in, shooting out a snaking finger of images, which spread themselves across your sight like a panorama. A vast shrine sits atop a blizzard-wracked mountain, piercing the shifting clouds disdainfully. A group of four individuals stands before the temple, as silent and rigid as the building's ramparts. They send out an unwavering stream of power, which flickers over the structure like static electricity. Suddenly, immense wings descend from out of the clouds supporting a drake so large, it dwarfs the mountaintop. The energy immediately stops and the four entities nod, in perfect unison, to the leviathan crouched over them. Snow and wind then seem to pause motionless in the air, and in the next heartbeat, the dragon melts down into the shrine in a blurred funnel as the elements resume their onslaught. Four shapes silently fold into flat images and fade into nothing.
================================================== ================

You reach into the pile and take out an unholy symbol of Onar medallion.
You sense a faint aura of magic around the symbol of Onar medallion. You also feel a faint drawing sensation from it, as though when its charge is depleted, it may be refilled. From the pitch of the vibration you determine that the purpose of the medallion is to cast a spell or perform some magical purpose.

This is a magical item, which casts spells from the Major Spirit Circle. It is usable 0 times per day. It has -1 uses left today.

The symbol of Onar medallion contains the spell Heroism, from the major spirit circle.

This is a small item, under a pound. In your best estimation, it's worth about 15,550,000 silvers. You can also tell that there is some type of metal in the structure of the symbol of Onar medallion.


You reach into the pile and take out an exquisitely crafted translucent amber orb adorned with precious jewels.

Intricately intertwined runes have been scribed into the amber orb, encircling an empty gem setting. With the vacancy so prominently displayed, the amber orb seems awkwardly incomplete.

The first thing that strikes you about the orb is the weight, which is about 5 pounds. You feel it's quite valuable.

The aura of magic surrounds the orb as if it was an artifact of great power. You also sense that it has more than one ability.

A dim aura of magic radiates from the the orb. You sense that the empty gem setting has something to do with its power and that if it were not missing a gem it would radiate even stronger power.

A vision slowly forms before your eyes...
Smoke slowly wafts from censers set at the four corners of a silvery square, and you see four robed figures standing in the center of the hazy scene. On a marble pedestal in the midst of the figures rests an exquisitely crafted translucent amber orb adorned with precious jewels, an artifact that seems incomplete with its empty setting.

A spectacled dwarf shuffles to the edge of the scene, cupping a precious jewel in both hands as if terrified of dropping this treasure. One of the robed figures glides over to the short fellow and gently lifts the jewel from the dwarf's trembling grasp. You can barely see the robed man's mouth begin to move within his thick grey beard as he slowly moves to the center of the square, and you notice the three other figures have begun speaking or chanting as well.

The man raises the jewel over his head while the smoke from the censers seems to draw in, obscuring his form. Suddenly there is a brilliant flash of light, and when the smoke clears you see the four figures bowed and kneeling toward the pedestal, where the jewel within the amber orb pulses with mysterious magic!


You reach into the pile and take out a murky green bottle.
>l my bot
The bottle looks very old, and the glass has a greenish tint. A vaalin plug secured to the side of the bottle by a mithril chain provides a stopper for the slender neck. Inside, a speck of light slowly floats around, drifting to-and-fro like a ship's lantern shining through a thick bank of fog.

As your melody surrounds the green bottle, you begin to see the tracing of magic enmeshed within the composition of its greenish glass. You get no sense of exactly what the enchantment is, only that it is much more powerful than one might expect from its unprepossessing appearance. As the strains of your song fade, you're left with the certainty that this small bottle is quite valuable.

Your song rises in tone, and as it does, you close your eyes in concentration, centered on the bottle. Almost immediately, its aura of magic engulfs you, strong and vibrant. While the magic is strong, it is also complex and confusing, a weave of fluid pattern which defies immediate understanding. You get a sense that this object is a relic from the distant past, its age layering a subtle luster within the murky, green-tinged glass.

The melody of your song meets the magic of the bottle, working into the weave of the object's vibration. Your eyes lose focus as you study a shimmering, iridescent aura created around the bottle by the timbre and rhythm. As the underlying hum of the enchantment grows stronger, the tiny flicker of light within begins to quicken, its dance punctuating the notes as you sing them.

A wave of energy suddenly surrounds you, making you catch your breath in surprise! As your melody ceases, so does the hum, and the strange burst of energy folds in on itself and disappears.

Tentatively, you lift your song around the green bottle, trying to steady yourself so as not to involuntarily disrupt the strange energy pulse you experienced briefly before. You intensify the melody, concentrating on the pitch of each note and the cadence of the phrasing. As you feel the touch of wild magic reach out again, you experience a wave of exhilaration! You increase the tempo of the song, coaxing the brilliant potency to follow. All the while, your eyes are following the glow inside the bottle streak into a blur of movement.

Suddenly, you hear a tiny whisper of melody, following your own in perfect harmony. As you finish the song, you feel goose bumps running up your spine, summoned by the perfection of the tiny voice and the whimsical idea that the flickering glow inside the green bottle is singing with you.

You slowly pull the vaalin stopper from the neck of your green bottle. It falls to the side of the bottle with a gentle tinkle, hanging on its slender mithril chain. For a few heartbeats, nothing happens. Then, the speck of light bobbing tranquilly within the viridian glass bursts up and out of the neck, exploding into the air above in a frenzied dance!

The tiny wisp circles, wheels and streaks around you like a whirling dervish. It begins to circle gaining in velocity. Then, with a final swoop, it dives into a perfectly navigated arc and alights on your shoulder.

[Town Square, Northeast]
You also see a winged wisp, a black rapture cloak, an etched dusky grey runestone, a glowing golden pile overflowing with wondrous items and a narrow alleyway.
Obvious paths: east, south, southwest, west

The tiny wisp looks like nothing more than a glowing greenish spark. Peering closely, you can barely make out a pair of miniscule wings, beating so rapidly it's almost impossible to see much more than a blur. The creature is otherworldly, something rare and mysterious, and it possesses a mesmerizing quality of immortality.
The wisp circles your face a few times then, for some reason, gets an urge to alight on your eyebrow. It dives, misses, and lands on your nose instead, where it clings. It fluttering wings cause you to immediately sneeze, which send it tumbling away in a flickering arc!

The wisp begins to make a nuisance of itself, whipping around you in tight spirals. With a subtle motion of your hand, you lightly tap the bottle in your hooded cloak, and do your best to give it a stern look. It stops short and hangs perfectly still in the air for a few heartbeats. Then, slowly and almost sullenly, it edges over to your shoulder and settles down there.

The gyrating wisp does a couple loop-the-loops and follows through with a stylish swan dive... right onto the top of your head!


You reach into the pile and take out a clenched fist medallion.

Earthy colors burst into being before you, flowing outward from your mind's eye and bearing with them the gentle sounds of forest life. The hues solidify quickly into a forest scene that absorbs your sight entirely.

Densely packed tree trunks surround a small clearing. Their limbs arch high overhead, filtering the sunlight with their lush foliage and turning the day faintly green below. A rust-colored doe stands at the clearing's edge, daintily nipping at the leafy new shoots of a low bush.

Her narrow head jerks up suddenly and her ears swivel. She bounds away, her leap high and graceful, and disappears into the trees. The images unravel, giving you one last glimpse of the doe's white tail before dispersing.

Roundtime: 8 sec.

As you sing, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the fist medallion in your hand, and you learn something about it...

You sense a faint aura of magic around the fist medallion. From the pitch of the vibration you determine that the purpose of the medallion is as a decorative or collectible item.
Also, it seems to have some sort of enhancive properties.

A murmur of voices in the cadence of Common plucks at your ears. The rich colors of the sun-dappled forest overlay your sight, and at their center lies the sprawled form of the slain doe.

A man is kneeling beside the animal, clad in leathers of scarlet and dun, and a quiver full of arrows fletched in red and black rides his shoulder. He turns his head, casting a laughing comment to a retreating man, then rises and follows him. For a moment, all is quiet.

Gentle rustling breaks the silence, and a thin, disheveled figure with shaggy hair drops from a branch to land a few steps away from the dead doe. A quick shake of the head reveals the sharp features of a young sylvan girl.

She edges close to the fallen creature, her motions hesitant and her gaze continually flicking in the direction of the departed humans. Dropping to her knees, she runs a small hand reverently along the doe's slender neck before gingerly unpinning the amber and gold brooch from the animal's ear. She rolls the strange object between her fingers, gazing at it with sorrow leavened by curiosity.

Sunlight sparkles across the gold setting, dazzling you momentarily. When the brightness clears, your vision has returned to normal.

Roundtime: 11 sec.

As you sing, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the fist medallion in your hand...

The medallion resonates with your voice, indicating that it enhances its owner in the following ways:
Imparts knowledge of a spell from the Elemental sphere.
You think that you could probably find out something more about the medallion's enhancive properties if you tried.

Mottled greens and browns once more creep across your mind's eye, slowly pushing aside the sights and sounds of the world. The sylvan girl you sighted previously crouches in the brush beside the dead doe. Her brow is furrowed in consternation as she casts about for some answer to her internal struggles.

Her head jerks up abruptly and her nostrils flare, not altogether unlike the earlier startlement of the doe at her grazing. With an expression of alarm, the sylvan girl bounds to her feet and in the space of a breath has pulled herself back into the limbs of a tree. Only a faint rustling is left in her wake, but the sound passes quickly and soon, all is silence once again.

The cause of the girl's alarm is evident as the two men return, heralded by the soft crackle of footsteps and the murmur of voices. The archer once again approaches his fallen prey, this time with rope at hand. He binds the feet of the doe, chattering merrily to his companion, and there is no evidence in his expression or tone that he has noted aught amiss.

As the two men hoist their fresh kill between them and disappear with a crunch and a crackle into the trees, a soft sigh drifts through your mind, followed by a raspy, sorrowful whisper.

"I'm sorry..."

The colors bleed slowly into each other and the voices grow distant as the vision fades, then evaporates entirely.

Roundtime: 9 sec.

As you sing, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the fist medallion in your hand...

The medallion resonates with your voice, indicating that it enhances its owner in the following ways:
Imparts knowledge of spell 509.
The medallion looks to have almost innumerable charges remaining.

The first thing that strikes you about the medallion is the weight, which is about 5 pounds. In your best estimation, it's worth about 11,250,000 silvers. You can also tell that there is some type of metal in the structure of the fist medallion.


You glance down to see some weathered black boots in your right hand and nothing in your left hand.

Earthy colors burst into being before you, flowing outward from your mind's eye and bearing with them the gentle sounds of forest life. The hues solidify quickly into a forest scene that absorbs your sight entirely.

Densely packed tree trunks surround a small clearing. Their limbs arch high overhead, filtering the sunlight with their lush foliage and turning the day faintly green below. A rust-colored doe stands at the clearing's edge, daintily nipping at the leafy new shoots of a low bush.

Her narrow head jerks up suddenly and her ears swivel. She bounds away, her leap high and graceful, and disappears into the trees. The images unravel, giving you one last glimpse of the doe's white tail before dispersing.

Roundtime: 7 sec.

As you sing, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the black boots in your hand, and you learn something about it...

You sense a faint aura of magic around the black boots. From the pitch of the vibration you determine that the purpose of the boots is as a decorative one, perhaps. You are not sure exactly. Also, it seems to have some sort of enhancive properties.

[Script]>loresing boots thou'st power, this much is clear;Sing now they power into mine ear!
...wait 1 seconds.

[Script execution suspended]
loresing boots thou'st power, this much is clear;Sing now they power into mine ear!
[Script]>You sing:

"Boots thou'st power, this much is clear
Sing now they power into mine ear!"

A murmur of voices in the cadence of Common plucks at your ears. The rich colors of the sun-dappled forest overlay your sight, and at their center lies the sprawled form of the slain doe.

A man is kneeling beside the animal, clad in leathers of scarlet and dun, and a quiver full of arrows fletched in red and black rides his shoulder. He turns his head, casting a laughing comment to a retreating man, then rises and follows him. For a moment, all is quiet.

Gentle rustling breaks the silence, and a thin, disheveled figure with shaggy hair drops from a branch to land a few steps away from the dead doe. A quick shake of the head reveals the sharp features of a young sylvan girl.

She edges close to the fallen creature, her motions hesitant and her gaze continually flicking in the direction of the departed humans. Dropping to her knees, she runs a small hand reverently along the doe's slender neck before gingerly unpinning the amber and gold brooch from the animal's ear. She rolls the strange object between her fingers, gazing at it with sorrow leavened by curiosity.

Sunlight sparkles across the gold setting, dazzling you momentarily. When the brightness clears, your vision has returned to normal.

Roundtime: 10 sec.

As you sing, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the black boots in your hand...

The boots resonates with your voice, indicating that it enhances its owner in the following ways:
Imparts knowledge of a spell from the Spirit sphere.
You think that you could probably find out something more about the boots's enhancive properties if you tried.

The wisp flies in tight circles, loops down and hovers, as if waiting for applause.

[Script execution resuming]
loresing boots I sense thou hast some power;Sing it now, thy magic dower!
You sing:

"Boots I sense thou hast some power
Sing it now, thy magic dower!"

Mottled greens and browns once more creep across your mind's eye, slowly pushing aside the sights and sounds of the world. The sylvan girl you sighted previously crouches in the brush beside the dead doe. Her brow is furrowed in consternation as she casts about for some answer to her internal struggles.

Her head jerks up abruptly and her nostrils flare, not altogether unlike the earlier startlement of the doe at her grazing. With an expression of alarm, the sylvan girl bounds to her feet and in the space of a breath has pulled herself back into the limbs of a tree. Only a faint rustling is left in her wake, but the sound passes quickly and soon, all is silence once again.

The cause of the girl's alarm is evident as the two men return, heralded by the soft crackle of footsteps and the murmur of voices. The archer once again approaches his fallen prey, this time with rope at hand. He binds the feet of the doe, chattering merrily to his companion, and there is no evidence in his expression or tone that he has noted aught amiss.

As the two men hoist their fresh kill between them and disappear with a crunch and a crackle into the trees, a soft sigh drifts through your mind, followed by a raspy, sorrowful whisper.

"I'm sorry..."

The colors bleed slowly into each other and the voices grow distant as the vision fades, then evaporates entirely.

Roundtime: 9 sec.

As you sing, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the black boots in your hand...

The boots resonates with your voice, indicating that it enhances its owner in the following ways:
Imparts knowledge of spell 608.
The boots looks to have almost innumerable charges remaining.

[Script]>loresing Oh, boots that I see,;reveal thy value unto me!

[Script finished!]
...wait 1 seconds.
>loresing Oh, boots that I see,;reveal thy value unto me!
You sing:

"Oh, boots that I see,
Reveal thy value unto me!"

The soft whisper of rustling leaves caresses your ears.

Roundtime: 6 sec.

As you sing, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the black boots in your hand, and you learn something about it...

The first thing that strikes you about the boots is the weight, which is about 5 pounds. In your best estimation, it's worth about 30,000,000 silvers. You can also tell that there is some type of metal in the structure of the black boots.


Stanley Burrell
04-04-2008, 04:30 PM
This thing fucking ROCKS.

Use it if it's still up. Lotsa, lotsa insight into viable training plans.

04-09-2008, 11:47 AM
Are there things that you can use to increase your level?

All I have on the prime server is a level 1 warrior that I made by accident.

04-09-2008, 11:56 AM

But if you're lucky a wandering GM might give you some extra exp