View Full Version : Goddamn ferrets!

11-02-2004, 10:15 PM
So, I'm looking for my check card tonight, and freaking out, because I can't find it.

I check everywhere. All my pants, my car, between the car and my house...

Well I check under the bed, right? Guess what I find?

My lovely little children have been going into my purse and taking everything, and hiding it under the bed.

All my chap stick, all my tampons, most of my business cards and MY GODDAMN CREDIT CARD are under there.

Oh my god. It was so maddening and hilarious I couldn't not share.

And no, neither of them are female. They must be gay...

11-02-2004, 10:17 PM
Hee! One of my cats does that. He'll steal things from anywhere he can get into and hide them. Trouble is, he has several "stashes". If you don't find something in one place, you just keep looking in the known hiding places until you find it. :D

11-02-2004, 10:21 PM
LOL. At least it wasn't chewed-up and unusable. That's cute!


11-02-2004, 10:25 PM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
LOL. At least it wasn't chewed-up and unusable. That's cute!


Cute?! I had a fucking heart attack!

The only reason I thought of it is because I busted his ass trying to steal my keys earlier!

For two weeks I've been thinking I'm insane. The funniest part is, I watch them when I let them out. They wait for me to not look then do it. My god, they're smarter than I am. :cry:

11-02-2004, 10:26 PM
Are they still trying to crawl up your ass too?

11-02-2004, 10:33 PM
I've got the solution.

Incinerate them and make the ashes into a diamond!

11-02-2004, 10:34 PM
Originally posted by Stanley Burrell
Are they still trying to crawl up your ass too?

up my pants and down my shirt, yeah

11-02-2004, 10:36 PM
Damn, I've wanted ferrets forver. Maimara can you call my wife and convince her ferrets don't stink?

11-02-2004, 10:38 PM
Originally posted by Skeeter
Damn, I've wanted ferrets forver. Maimara can you call my wife and convince her ferrets don't stink?

No, but I could kill her for money...

11-02-2004, 10:40 PM
I'll keep that in mind

11-02-2004, 10:44 PM
You can get their stink glands removed.

11-02-2004, 10:45 PM
They still have a natural odor to them.

I don't think they stink. If you find their odor offensive, you shouldn't have ferrets.

11-03-2004, 05:24 AM
Ferrets are awesome.. but illegal in California where they are considered vermine :(