View Full Version : Two-handed Rogue

12-20-2003, 11:18 AM
I was messing around this morning, bored and not able to sleep because I'm sick. And here's what I came up with. The character is an elf.

1x armor
2x CM
2x Two-handed
2x ambush
1x MOC
3x dodge
3x perception
1x climb
1x swim

12-20-2003, 11:22 AM
Originally posted by ThisOtherKingdom
I was messing around this morning, bored and not able to sleep because I'm sick. And here's what I came up with. The character is an elf.

1x armor
2x CM
2x Two-handed
2x ambush
1x MOC
3x dodge
3x perception
1x climb
1x swim

to much climb, swim and MOC not enough pick pocket

12-20-2003, 12:14 PM
3x perc and 2x ambush is pointless. CM is also an over indulgence. You need to be able to survive. Currently Stay has progressed five levels as a two hander rogue. He does so through one reason: survivability. 2x Physical training gives him a nice redux. 2x ambush and 3x perception are only used for aiming from hiding. As you have no hiding, its a pointless waste of tps. I'd 2x hide at the minimum. Otherwise I'd say reroll as a warrior, as the above training is a warrior's training.

12-20-2003, 01:11 PM
Basically that's what I wanted, a warrior with 3x dodge. And I thought it would be too expensive to pull it off as a warrior, so I went with rogue. Since I don't want to hide, that'll make ambush/perc a waste. Where should I use the extra points?

12-20-2003, 01:14 PM
Go warrior. It'll be cheaper for you to 2x weapon, CM, armor and Pt. With no hide, lockpicking, or pp, it makes it a pointless choice.

12-20-2003, 01:17 PM
Well, I wasn't going for hide because I wanted to get up to e-wave and hunt with that. Still suggest warrior?

12-20-2003, 01:18 PM
Ewave would be a waste I'd say, as you could have used sweep. However, with 1x pt and armor, you'd get hit and get hit hard alot. If you aren't going to hide, or take advantage of any of the cheaper rogue skills, yeah, I'd go warrior.

12-20-2003, 02:35 PM
If you planned on casting ewave to hunt then you would most like want to throw in some harness training so you had the mana to cast the spell.

12-20-2003, 02:38 PM
Yep, nothing short of 1 or .5x either.

Carl Spackler
12-20-2003, 02:47 PM
Not to mention if you're standing out there taking shots, you're gonna be in heavy enough armor that casting will be almost impossible

12-20-2003, 02:49 PM
Originally posted by Carl Spackler
Not to mention if you're standing out there taking shots, you're gonna be in heavy enough armor that casting will be almost impossible

That depends. Stay is only 1x armor, and is magic heavy. The only thing that keeps him alive is redux and the padding on his brig.

12-20-2003, 03:36 PM
My thinking was e-waving then mstrike with a claid would keep me from getting hit too often. I'm just gonna ditch this plan. I'm getting bored with my main guy -- I've only played a rogue so far -- and I was kinda looking for something new.

12-20-2003, 03:38 PM
When mstriking with a claidh would require alot of MOC training for a focused strike. The rt and stamina costs are also terrible for two-handers.

Carl Spackler
12-20-2003, 05:46 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue

Originally posted by Carl Spackler
Not to mention if you're standing out there taking shots, you're gonna be in heavy enough armor that casting will be almost impossible

That depends. Stay is only 1x armor, and is magic heavy. The only thing that keeps him alive is redux and the padding on his brig.

you just struck it on the nose right there... padded brig, not everyone has some... and If I were swinging from the open I'd rather be in hauberk or better yet half or full plate

12-20-2003, 06:14 PM
Oh hell yeah. I'd agree with that totally.