View Full Version : ANother WarCLAIDHm Post

12-19-2003, 10:52 PM
Murp grunts.
Ardwen swings a short-hafted lochaber axe at Warclaidhm!
AS: +416 vs DS: +306 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +51 = +184
... and hits for 20 points of damage!
Feint to the left as Warclaidhm dodges that way!
Deep gouges left in back.
>grin nakiro
You grin at Nakiro.
A white panther purrs quietly in his sleep!
Tillmen laughs!
Delvon cringes.
Treden chuckles.
>warcry shout
You look about for your comrades and let loose an echoing shout!

Your party's fighting spirit is bolstered, which in turn bolsters your own!

Roundtime: 4 sec.
Nakiro says, "Give me about a minute and a half."
Delvon says, "I awnna see a claid hurling duel."
Berjik makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase...
The voice of Ardwen says, "Bah."
You say, "K."
The powerful look leaves Delvon.
A white panther purrs quietly in his sleep!
The ghostly voice of Othorion says, "Nakiro, I can wait if you're still dueling. I'm really just here to watch for a few anyhow."
Delvon grins wickedly.
Berjik gestures.
A sudden burst of bright light emanates from Berjik's hand!
Warclaidhm is revealed from hiding!
Ardwen is revealed from hiding!
Jaysong chuckles.
Warclaidhm leaps from hiding to attack!
Warclaidhm swings a polished mithril claidhmore at Ardwen!
Ardwen evades the attack!
Ardwen swings a short-hafted lochaber axe at Warclaidhm!
AS: +416 vs DS: +168 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +100 = +371
... and hits for 44 points of damage!
Large gash to the left arm, several muscles torn.
He is stunned!
Atreau gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Atreau gestures.
Nothing seems to happen.
Sile looks determined and focused.
In an awe inspiring display of combat mastery, Sile engages Warclaidhm in a furious dance macabre, spiralling into a blur of strikes and ripostes!
Sile swings a flame-singed rolaren morning star at Warclaidhm! A hit!
Blow raises a welt on Warclaidhm's left arm.
Sile swings a flame-singed rolaren morning star at Warclaidhm! A hit!
Torn muscle in Warclaidhm's left leg!
Delvon blinks.
You say, "Ew."
Nakiro says, "Might as well tend you so someone can fix you up."
Ardwen swings a short-hafted lochaber axe at Warclaidhm!
AS: +416 vs DS: +156 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +31 = +314
... and hits for 43 points of damage!
Left kneecap smashed into pulp.
Warclaidhm screams and falls to the ground grasping his mangled left leg!
He is stunned!
Melor works his fingers under his warlock's hat and scratches his head.
Delvon asks, "Why they tryin to kill war?"
Sile swings a flame-singed rolaren morning star at Warclaidhm!
AS: +339 vs DS: +100 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +70 = +328
... and hits for 46 points of damage!
Internal organs bruised.

** Sile's rolaren morning star flares with a burst of flame! **
... 15 points of damage!
Burst of flames to right hand fries palm. Ouch!
You say, "Ew."
Delvon grabs Warclaidhm and drags him down.
Melor says, "That's going to hurt."
Jaysong cackles!
The ghostly voice of Othorion says, "My thanks."
>'Warcl saved again!
You exclaim, "Warcl saved again!"
Ardwen just went down.
Tillmen gazes in wonder at his surroundings.
You notice Sile slip into a hiding place.
Jaysong just went down.
Tillmen just went down.
Myshel just went down.
Atreau says, "Damn crit weighting."
Melor asks, "Oh, you ready for a raise?"
Nakiro says, "Or not."
Berjik just went down.
Melor gives Othorion a little prod between the shoulder blades.
Atreau says, "Damn it to hell."
Sile comes out of hiding.
Sile just went down.
Berjik just arrived.
Apprentice Delvon just arrived.
The ghostly voice of Othorion says, "I think so."
Delvon shrugs.
The ghostly voice of Othorion says, "Ready when you are."
You hear someone wailing from the shadows!
Melor asks, "How much spirit do you hold?"
Delvon comes out of hiding.
Delvon comes out of hiding.
Nakiro begins to do his best to mend Othorion's wounded arm.
Nakiro meditates over Othorion.
Nakiro takes some of Othorion's blood loss.
Treden says, "Lets not save warc again Delvon."
Nakiro murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Nakiro concentrates.
Nakiro looks a little better.
Nakiro meditates over Othorion.
Nakiro takes some of Othorion's blood loss.
Melor nods.
Tillmen just arrived.
The voice of Delvon asks, "Why?"
Nakiro murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
The voice of Delvon says, "He ole friend."
Nakiro concentrates.
Nakiro looks a little better.
Nakiro meditates over Othorion.
Nakiro takes all of Othorion's blood loss.
Nakiro murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Nakiro concentrates.
Nakiro looks a little better.
Murp points at Delvon, ruining his hiding place.
Delvon asks, "Or he bad now?"
Nakiro asks, "Ready?"
Delvon starts chortling.
Treden says, "Cause he deserves every death he gets."
Nakiro raises an eyebrow.
Melor says, "One step ahead of me."
Delvon looks around for a moment before sighing disappointedly.
Melor smiles at Nakiro.
Murp says, "That is for nudging me."
Melor says, "Thank ya."


PS... 30 sec later: * Warclaidhm just bit the dust! [9:08 pm]

12-19-2003, 10:55 PM
Warclaidhm yells, "Favorsham!@!"

12-27-2003, 10:05 AM
Ya know after his I did wind up beating down Favorsham, its a shame when a friend gets sold and a total ass winds up with him. Ah well such is life I suppose

12-27-2003, 08:11 PM
My name is Warclaidhm. I suck at fighting. Kthxbye.