View Full Version : Google down?

03-28-2008, 08:17 PM
Odd night for the internet here. I can load the PC, Digg and Yahoo no problem. But Google and most every other site times out. I can’t connect to GS or the other on-line game I play. Anyone else getting this?

03-28-2008, 08:20 PM
Google is black.

03-28-2008, 08:23 PM
Works fine for me.

03-28-2008, 08:24 PM
Weather is fine here... what the hell. :(

The Ponzzz
03-28-2008, 08:29 PM
Sounds like CoolWeb or something like it.

03-28-2008, 08:30 PM
I have no probs with it. But (I know I started a sentence with 'but') I've found YouTube to lag with every video I've tried to watch today.

Exalead ftw. lol

03-28-2008, 08:39 PM
YouTube doesn't load for me. Nor does anything fully load with a Google ad. The ads time out. Woe is me. :(

The Ponzzz
03-28-2008, 08:42 PM
Have you tried the CS Sheddar?

03-28-2008, 08:48 PM
I’m on a Mac so its probably just my provider crapping out. At least Full Tilt works.

03-28-2008, 09:36 PM
Its back! Yay! (At least I tripled my money in 1 hour on Full Tilt. rofl)

Peanut Butter Jelly Time
03-28-2008, 09:59 PM
hmm... seems google is down, then up, then down, then up? Sounds like Backlash's mom on a Tuesday night! ZOMG.

03-28-2008, 10:04 PM
Weak. Make me lol and you win.