View Full Version : Dean wants it ALL settled by July 1.

03-28-2008, 07:44 PM
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Democratic Party chairman said on Friday he hopes the increasingly contentious rivalry between presidential hopefuls Barack Obama (http://www.reuters.com/news/globalcoverage/barackobama) and Hillary Clinton (http://www.reuters.com/news/globalcoverage/hillaryclinton) can be decided by July 1 to avoid a fight at the party's convention.

Howard Dean, former Vermont governor and a presidential candidate in 2004, urged the two candidates to focus on the November general election battle against Sen. John McCain (http://www.reuters.com/news/globalcoverage/johnmccain) of Arizona, the likely Republican presidential nominee.

"I think it would be nice to have this all done by July 1," Dean said on ABC's "Good Morning America" program. "If we can do it sooner than that, that's all the better.

"There has been some personal criticism," he said. "We don't want this to degenerate into a big fight at the convention."

Dean told CNN he believes Democratic delegates from Michigan and Florida will eventually be seated at the party's August nominating convention in Denver.



If neither candidate is willing to concede - how does he propose to settle it?

And how does he expect to agree to to seat MI and FL delegates without a re-primary? Does he just plan to split the delegate count 50/50 and make it a wash?

Stay tuned for more, on as the donkey turns.

03-28-2008, 09:10 PM
I agree with Dean. How they settle MI and FL? My opinion is those states, by holding their elections early despite knowing they would not be counted, f-ed up their constituents votes big time.

03-29-2008, 09:12 AM
July 1st is pushing it. People are sick of it now. Making it further than May is going to be a huge problem.

03-29-2008, 09:46 AM
If neither candidate is willing to concede - how does he propose to settle it?

And how does he expect to agree to to seat MI and FL delegates without a re-primary? Does he just plan to split the delegate count 50/50 and make it a wash?

July 1st is pushing it. People are sick of it now. Making it further than May is going to be a huge problem.And how does he expect the "surviving" candidate to win the General when McCain will have had a four month head-start on the campaign trail and half the Democrats nursing sore vajingas with only 5 months to get over it?

03-29-2008, 10:18 AM
I love how all the Obama supporters believe it should be settled now and that MI and FL shouldn't count... and all the Hillary supporters say it's not over until the last vote is counted.. and that includes all the disenfranchised voters of MI and FL.

This is better than I had ever hoped it would be.

03-29-2008, 11:41 AM
I love how all the Obama supporters believe it should be settled now and that MI and FL shouldn't count... and all the Hillary supporters say it's not over until the last vote is counted.. and that includes all the disenfranchised voters of MI and FL.

This is better than I had ever hoped it would be.I don't think I qualify as either an Obama or Hillary supporter, and I don't give a flying fuck whose votes they include- I didn't vote at all I'm a registered independent and can't participate in my state. I just think for the Democrat candidate to have a fighting chance the Democrats need to decide on one by the end of April at the latest. Waiting another two months would be fatal in my opinion.

But seriously PB what are you so happy about? This just means McCain is gonna win and you think he's a Democrat too. :P

03-29-2008, 11:52 AM
I don't think I qualify as either an Obama or Hillary supporter, and I don't give a flying fuck whose votes they include- I didn't vote at all I'm a registered independent and can't participate in my state. I just think for the Democrat candidate to have a fighting chance the Democrats need to decide on one by the end of April at the latest. Waiting another two months would be fatal in my opinion.

But seriously PB what are you so happy about? This just means McCain is gonna win and you think he's a Democrat too. :P

Oh, McCain is a Democrat.. but he is the lesser of three evils. My joy comes from the liberal on liberal bashing that's taking place.

And I could have sworn you were an Obama supporter.

03-29-2008, 11:59 AM
Oh, McCain is a Democrat.. but he is the lesser of three evils. My joy comes from the liberal on liberal bashing that's taking place.

And I could have sworn you were an Obama supporter.I suppose that all depends on your definition of support. If you've been reading my posts I've said more than once that Obama has not secured my vote (which is my definition of a supporter). I think he's a promising candidate but I haven't decided between McCain or Obama yet. I have decided on Hillary; I may not know who I'm supporting, but I know who I'm not.

03-29-2008, 01:24 PM
I don't think I qualify as either an Obama or Hillary supporter, and I don't give a flying fuck whose votes they include- I didn't vote at all I'm a registered independent and can't participate in my state. I just think for the Democrat candidate to have a fighting chance the Democrats need to decide on one by the end of April at the latest. Waiting another two months would be fatal in my opinion.

But seriously PB what are you so happy about? This just means McCain is gonna win and you think he's a Democrat too. :P

As a former semi-conservative, you sound an aweful lot like an Obama supporter in your posts.

03-29-2008, 03:37 PM
As a former semi-conservative, you sound an aweful lot like an Obama supporter in your posts.I defend him when I think he deserves defending. I don't bash him like I do Hillary (who I made my mind up about months ago).

I've mentioned more than once that he hasn't convinced me to vote for him. I've never said people should vote for him.

If telling idiots like Lord Nelek to STFU when they spread bullshit about him being a Muslim or feeling that stories about his pastor are both a caricature and irrelevant qualifies me as a supporter, fine then. Poor guy's gonna be disappointed if I end up voting for McCain though.

I'm concerned with Obama's health-care proposal and how effectively he can handle Iraq and Afghanistan. On the other hand I think he is a gifted speaker with the kind of leadership ability that can bring the bipartisan cooperation we need for real progress. Unfortunately, being a good leader won't help IF he doesn't have a good direction to lead people in and I'm still waiting for him to convince me that he has a plan with enough merit in it to set aside my present concerns.

Hillary isn't even a possibility. If she takes the candidacy it's an automatic vote for McCain.

03-29-2008, 03:40 PM
I'm sorry, is McCain running a campaign?

He's just sitting back watching the Democrats fight, and hoping for the best.


03-29-2008, 05:06 PM
If this goes to July 1, that'll mean Hillary won Indiana. Since Pennsylvania is expected to go to Hillary, and North Carolina is expected to go to Obama, those two states are going to be non-factors in terms of momentum. However, Indiana is polling as a complete tossup and there's factors in play that make it seem definitely winnable for both sides.

If Obama takes Indiana and North Carolina on May 6, he'll likely pick up more net delegates than Hillary will on April 22 in Pennsylvania. And I think that'll end it. Otherwise, it will be decided by the superdelegates.

As for MI and FL (assuming this stretches out), expect that the credentials committee will seat the Florida delegation as is (possibly giving them only a half vote), and that Michigan will be split 50-50.

Of course, if Obama pulls off the upset in Pennsylvania, the race will be over April 23.

03-29-2008, 05:21 PM

Stanley Burrell
03-29-2008, 07:04 PM


Lord Nelek
03-29-2008, 07:24 PM
The senator of MI stated he doesn't want his votes to count. Why you ask? Because he supports Obama and knows that Hillary would get more delegates from it. He supports a 50/50 split of them, but he doesn't want a revote, and he won't allow the previous vote to count because he's an Obama support.

PS. He's also black. (Big surprise)

03-29-2008, 07:28 PM
The senator of MI stated he doesn't want his votes to count. Why you ask? Because he supports Obama and knows that Hillary would get more delegates from it. He supports a 50/50 split of them, but he doesn't want a revote, and he won't allow the previous vote to count because he's an Obama support.

PS. He's also black. (Big surprise)

I bet he's a Muslim too, like Obama!

03-29-2008, 07:28 PM
The senator of MI stated he doesn't want his votes to count. Why you ask? Because he supports Obama and knows that Hillary would get more delegates from it. He supports a 50/50 split of them, but he doesn't want a revote, and he won't allow the previous vote to count because he's an Obama support.

PS. He's also black. (Big surprise)

The negroes are ruining our democracy!

03-29-2008, 07:49 PM
The negroes are ruining our democracy!Obama supporter :D

03-29-2008, 07:59 PM
The senator of MI stated he doesn't want his votes to count. Why you ask? Because he supports Obama and knows that Hillary would get more delegates from it. He supports a 50/50 split of them, but he doesn't want a revote, and he won't allow the previous vote to count because he's an Obama support.

PS. He's also black. (Big surprise)

I thought you packed up your toys and went home. Please STFU.

03-29-2008, 08:18 PM
As for MI and FL (assuming this stretches out), expect that the credentials committee will seat the Florida delegation as is (possibly giving them only a half vote), and that Michigan will be split 50-50.

Obama wasn't even on the Michigan ticket, so figuring that out should be all types of entertainment. If the DNC let's the votes count they defeat the purpose in scratching their delegates in the first place, they thrust them right to the pinnacle of importance.

My joy comes from the liberal on liberal bashing that's taking place.

I'm having a daisy of a time myself :)

03-29-2008, 08:22 PM
I'm having a daisy of a time myself :)Yeah but you probably consider McCain a Republican.

03-29-2008, 08:23 PM
Yeah but you probably consider McCain a Republican.

Yeah, I'm a wierdo like that :shrug:

03-29-2008, 08:31 PM
Wait... McCain is NOT a republican? Last I heard he was the Republican Party’s nomination for president.

03-30-2008, 08:41 AM
Ironically McCain fits with the RINO mantra that the right wing conservative base loves to throw out at their more moderate brethren.

03-30-2008, 09:28 AM
Wait... McCain is NOT a republican? Last I heard he was the Republican Party’s nomination for president.Have you even been reading this thread?

But seriously PB what are you so happy about? This just means McCain is gonna win and you think he's a Democrat too. :P

Oh, McCain is a Democrat.. but he is the lesser of three evils.
And the winner of the Detecting Sarcasm Award goes to...

Ironically McCain fits with the RINO mantra that the right wing conservative base loves to throw out at their more moderate brethren.

Lord Nelek
03-30-2008, 11:59 AM
I thought you packed up your toys and went home. Please STFU.

Sorry Mommy.

I still like to talk to the other children.

03-30-2008, 01:46 PM
Sorry Mommy.

I still like to talk to the other children.Just as long as they're as impressed with my toys as I am.

04-02-2008, 11:47 AM
Does anyone but me find it hysterical that all the Democrats are repeating like a mantra now "We'll be behind whichever candidate is chosen, no matter how long it takes..."

04-02-2008, 12:02 PM
Does anyone but me find it hysterical that all the Democrats are repeating like a mantra now "We'll be behind whichever candidate is chosen, no matter how long it takes..."
Except for Ilvane who is either a) not voting, or b) voting for McCain.

04-02-2008, 12:03 PM
I like the mantra that the losing candidate will be 100% behind the winning candidate.

Especially when its doubtful that there will ever be a clear winner.

And of course the latest news on the hill is that Dean's ability to get this to a resolution is being questioned by other D leaders.

Its like a pond full of piranhas.

04-02-2008, 12:29 PM
And of course the latest news on the hill is that Dean's ability to get this to a resolution is being questioned by other D leaders.

Its like a pond full of piranhas.I'm not worried. Dean will scream at some people and make things happen if he has to.

04-02-2008, 01:21 PM
I'm not worried. Dean will scream at some people and make things happen if he has to.