View Full Version : Few items: 8x shield, 6x runestaff, 7x scripted runestaff, 5x acid flaring longsword

03-27-2008, 12:55 AM
Just a few items I've had kicking around for too long now, that I could just use quick appraisal on. It has come time that I need to sell some of my stuff unfortunately, and strip down to the basics. So up first...

1. A rune-edged faenor buckler emblazoned with icy blue dragons intertwined in flight.

+38 bonus, 3 pounds, medium shield, 80/225 breakage. I forget who originally altered this, but it is probably older than I have played. I think the name started with an 'M.' Still, it's a kickass shield.

EDIT: Gibreficul reminded me that this is an unconverted small shield. Convert it, and leprechauns may spring out your ass.

2. A spiraling tapered faewood runestaff.

+35 runestaff, has user-attuned actions (different depending on element, wizard/sorcerer):

>wave rune
Whispering an arcane phrase, you gesture effortlessly with your tapered faewood runestaff which glows briefly with a soft red light.
>tap rune
You lower the tip of your tapered faewood runestaff to the ground and trace a pattern which glows with a soft red light. You firmly tap the pattern with your runestaff and a circle of flickering flames rises from the ground beneath you and then disappears.
>raise rune
You raise your tapered faewood runestaff and trace an arcane symbol as the power of the elements gently swirls around you for a moment.
>lean rune
You close your eyes and lean softly against your tapered faewood runestaff gathering your power.

3. A wolf-headed grey and white runestaff with matte grey sharkskin braided about its shaft.

It's +30, other than that nothing special. One of those Dark Wolves people may want it, that's about it... I remember one of them demanding it for free (yeah fucking right).

4. A viciously spiked vultite mace.

+20, damage weighted.. probably only somewhat, but I don't have an assessment on it yet. From what I remember, these things blow chunks.

5. A ghostly-grey sorcerer's greatcloak.

If you remember these things... it doesn't close, but you CANNOT get gear that contains professions in it anymore, which again blows. It can probably be made closable. Dunno if these are worth anything significant anymore.

6. An ivory-hilted rolaren longsword with an ornate gold pommel.

+25 acid flaring longsword, critter found. Show your bling.

7. A skull-inset vultite warlance.

+30 stunning warlance. Fucks up shit.

So that's about it for now. I'm holding onto some of my midline 6x/7x stuff just for kicks, but stuff that I'm not using... well, I could use the money.

03-28-2008, 03:57 AM
Add this one on:

a drakar-spike eonake morning star.

4x, sanctified (cleric/paladin), fire flaring. Fucks up shit, but only uses one hand. I love this weapon, but not having a real swinging character who can use it, I should part with it.

03-28-2008, 04:41 AM
You can make the sorcerer's greatcloak closeable with lock mastery, I did it to one of the ones I've got.

03-28-2008, 11:38 AM
4. A viciously spiked vultite mace.

This item is actually somewhat crit weighted.

03-28-2008, 04:24 PM
Vultite version is damage, the rolaren is crit

03-28-2008, 05:29 PM
4. A viciously spiked vultite mace.

This item is actually somewhat crit weighted.

I'm pretty sure it is damage, when I sung to it.

Good call on the greatcloak. I'll have to blackamil someone with lock mastery able to do it sometime.

So far, top offers have been 12mil on my shield, 1.5mil on my 5x longsword. One rather insulting offer which was just a lowball ripoff attempt IMO.

03-29-2008, 08:01 PM
I have owned several of them and they were all crit weighted.

Lord Nelek
03-29-2008, 08:19 PM
Considering it's +3 over 7x and not a full 8x enchant, I would take that 12m offer.

03-29-2008, 08:41 PM
Look up Edaarin in game, I'll clasp it for you.

03-29-2008, 10:50 PM
Look up Edaarin in game, I'll clasp it for you.

Appreciate it Edaarin, but Gib actually did it last night for me.

03-30-2008, 02:22 AM
buckler and longsword have disappeared!

(no not really. but they are claimed)

Next big items I'm curious on are 6x and 7x runestaves. I know the 7x was from a merchant... Dhu I think? Any estimation on those would be awesome to the max.

04-17-2008, 10:25 PM
b-u-m-p :)