03-26-2008, 09:00 PM
I have looked through the script and seen a few full auto disarm and picking script. I was curious if anyone had two separate scripts for this. One script goes through and disarms all the boxes and the run another to go though and pick them all. If no one does I will look at the scripts here and piece them together. Thanks.
03-26-2008, 10:31 PM
############# Very Start
Put stance off
Waitfor You are now in an offensive stance.
if_4 Goto VeryStartStart
if_3 Goto RestingOfferStarting
if_2 Goto RestingOfferStarting
if_1 Goto VeryStartStart
Echo ***************
Echo *
Echo * Pick `n Stuff
Echo * By Deathravin
Echo *
Echo ***************
Echo *
Echo * This script will pick all the boxes of one person.
Echo * It will continue to pick until all the boxes are open
Echo * Or all your picks are broken
Echo * It can keep a record of which lockpick to start with
Echo * This script can use up to 10 or so variables so
Echo * it is E-Scape & StormFront Only
Echo *
Echo * It will also pick ALL your own boxes by itself.
Echo *
Echo ***************
Echo *
Echo * To use:
Echo *
Echo * You first must set your variables.
Echo * Note: These variables are what will retrieve or
Echo * activate the item.
Echo * Example:
Echo * Tap my Vaalin Lockpick = I could not find what you were referring to.
Echo * Tap my Black Lockpick = You tap an etched black vaalin lockpick.
Echo *
Echo * In this case, you would Put in "Black Lockpick"
Echo * not "Vaalin Lockpick"
Echo *
Echo ***************
Echo *
Echo * The variables you need to set are:
Echo *
Echo * PickNStuffLockpick1 = Your lowest grade lockpick (steel, copper, etc.)
Echo * PickNStuffLockpick2 = Your next highest grade lockpick (scrimshaw, etc.)
Echo * PickNStuffLockpick3 = Your next highest grade lockpick (Alum, Glovern, etc.)
Echo * PickNStuffLockpick4 = Your highest grade lockpick (Vaalin, etc.)
Echo *
Echo * PickNStuffLContainer = Where your lockpicks are stored
Echo * PickNStuffDaggerType = What your Dagger is Called (stiletto, dagger, etc.)
Echo *
Echo * PickNStuffBoxContainer1 = Where you will empty your boxes into
Echo * PickNStuffBoxContainer2 = Where you will empty your boxes into when 1 is full
Echo *
Echo ***************
Echo *
Echo * To let the Script set the variables for you
Echo *
Echo * .picknstuff SetVariable "Lockpick1" "Lockpick2" "Lockpick3" "Lockpick4" "Lockpick Container" "Dagger Type" "Box Container 1" "Box Container 2" "Lmaster PTrick"
Echo *
Echo * Example: .picknstuff SetVariable "Copper Lockpick" "Steel Lockpick" "Alum Lockpick" "Swirled Lockpick" "Scale Case" "Mithril Dagger" "Black Cape" "Veniom Backpack" "Twist"
Echo *
Echo ***************
Echo *
Echo * To Begin Script:
Echo *
Echo * .picknstuff CharactersName StartingLockpick#
Echo * .picknstuff YourName StartingLockpick# Mine
Echo * Technically for your own boxes you can do .pick anything startinglockpick# anything... I do .pick 2 2 2
Echo *
Echo * Example: .picknstuff Tarakan 2
Echo * ## the script will pick all boxes Tarakan gives you and use your 2nd lockpick by default
Echo *
Echo * Example: .picknstuff Tarakan 2 Mine
Echo * ## Your name is Tarakan and you want to pick your boxes with your 2nd lockpick by default
Echo * ## This will pick all your own boxes
Echo * ## Note: Don't forget the "Mine"
Echo *
Echo * Other Options:
Echo * .picknstuff Current ## the script will show you your current settings ##
Echo * .picknstuff ClearAll ## the script will delete all variables for the script ##
Echo *
Echo ***************
setvariable PickNStuffLockpick1 %1
setvariable PickNStuffLockpick2 %2
setvariable PickNStuffLockpick3 %3
setvariable PickNStuffLockpick4 %4
setvariable PickNStuffLContainer %5
setvariable PickNStuffDaggerType %6
setvariable PickNStuffBoxEmpty1 %7
setvariable PickNStuffBoxEmpty2 %8
setvariable PickNStuffPTrick %9
setvariable PickNStuffDefault %PickNStuffLockpick1%
Echo ***************
Echo *
Echo * Your Current Settings Are:
Echo *
Echo * Lockpick1 = %PickNStuffLockpick1%
Echo * Lockpick2 = %PickNStuffLockpick2%
Echo * Lockpick3 = %PickNStuffLockpick3%
Echo * Lockpick4 = %PickNStuffLockpick4%
Echo *
Echo * Lockpick Container = %PickNStuffLContainer%
Echo * Dagger Type = %PickNStuffDaggerType%
Echo * Emptying Container = %PickNStuffBoxEmpty1%
Echo * Emptying Container2= %PickNStuffBoxEmpty2%
Echo *
Echo * Default Lockpick = %PickNStuffDefault%
Echo * Default PTrick = %PickNStuffPTrick%
Echo *
Echo ***************
if_8 Goto SetSettings
Goto Instructions
Echo *****************
Echo *
Echo *
Echo * You are trying to remove all Pickee's from your list
Echo * As well as remove all variables alltogether
Echo * Type "I am Affirmative" if you really want to do this
Echo * Otherwise, stop the script
Echo *
Echo *
Echo *****************
Match ClearEverythingClearAll I am Affirmative
Goto %1%Starting
DeleteVariable PickNStuffLockpick1
DeleteVariable PickNStuffLockpick2
DeleteVariable PickNStuffLockpick3
DeleteVariable PickNStuffLockpick4
DeleteVariable PickNStuffLContainer
DeleteVariable PickNStuffDaggerType
DeleteVariable PickNStuffDefault
DeleteVariable PickNStuffBoxEmpty1
DeleteVariable PickNStuffBoxEmpty2
DeleteVariable PickNStuffEndPicking
DeleteVariable PickNStuffDefault
DeleteVariable PickNStuffBoxType
Echo ***************
Echo *
Echo * All Variables deleted
Echo *
Echo ***************
############# Resting
SetVariable PickNStuffPickee %1%
SetVariable PickNStuffPick %2%
SetVariable PickNStuffMine No
If_3 SetVariable PickNStuffMine Yes
If_3 Goto GettingBoxesGetT1
Goto AcceptingAccept
put Decline
Match AcceptingAccept %PickNStuffPickee% offers you
Match RestingDecline offers you
Match RestingOfferInfuse You feel at full magical power again.
Match RestingOfferStarting I don't understand what you typed.
Put infuse 1
put stow left
put stow right
goto RestingOfferInfuse
############# YourBoxes
Counter set 1
SetVariable PickNStuffGetBoxT Box
goto GettingBoxesGet
SetVariable PickNStuffGetBoxT Chest
goto GettingBoxesGet
SetVariable PickNStuffGetBoxT Coffer
goto GettingBoxesGet
SetVariable PickNStuffGetBoxT Strongbox
goto GettingBoxesGet
SetVariable PickNStuffGetBoxT Trunk
goto GettingBoxesGet
Echo ***************
Echo *
Echo * No Mo Boxes Dawg
Echo *
Echo ***************
pause 1
Match GettingBoxesGetp Sorry, you may only type ahead 1 command.
Match GettingBoxesGetp ...wait
Match DisarmingGlance you remove
Match GettingBoxesAdd Get what?
Put get my %PickNStuffGetBoxT%
counter add 1
goto GettingBoxesGetT%c%
pause 1
Match YourBoxesEmptyp Sorry, you may only type ahead 1 command.
Match YourBoxesEmptyP ...wait
Match YourBoxesEmpty2p you gather the remaining
Match YourBoxesEmpty2p Get what?
put open my %PickNStuffBoxType%
put Get coins in my %PickNStuffBoxType%
pause 1
Match YourBoxesEmpty2p Sorry, you may only type ahead 1 command.
Match YourBoxesEmpty2p ...wait
Match YourBoxesEmpty2p is closed
Match YourBoxesEmpty3 staying in the
Match YourBoxesDropBox falls in quite nicely
put Empty my %PickNStuffBoxType% into my %PickNStuffBoxContainer1%
pause 1
Match YourBoxesEmpty3p Sorry, you may only type ahead 1 command.
Match YourBoxesEmpty3p ...wait
Match YourBoxesStopFullPockets is closed
Match YourBoxesStopFullPockets staying in the
Match YourBoxesDropBox falls in quite nicely
put Empty my %PickNStuffBoxType% into my %PickNStuffBoxContainer2%
pause 1
Match YourboxesDropBoxp Sorry, you may only type ahead 1 command.
Match YourboxesDropBoxp ...wait
Match GettingBoxesGet You drop
put Drop my %PickNStuffBoxType%
Echo ***************
Echo *
Echo * Your %PickNStuffBoxContainer1% and %PickNStuffBoxContainer2% are full
Echo * Please go and empty out your containers, and restart the script
Echo *
Echo ***************
############# Accepting/Offering
Match AcceptingCancelStow To whom?
Match AcceptingCheckHands What are you trying to give?
Match AcceptingWaitforNotA You may only have one outstanding offer at a time.
Match AcceptingWaitforNotA to %PickNStuffPickee%, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer
Put Give %PickNStuffPickee%
Match RestingStow You glance down at your empty hands.
Match RestingStow You glance down to see
Put glance
Match AcceptingWaitforNoA %PickNStuffPickee% whispers, "done
Match AcceptingWaitforNoA %PickNStuffPickee% whispers, "Done
Match AcceptingDecline %PickNStuffPickee% tried to give you
Match AcceptingCheckHandsNotA %PickNStuffPickee% offers you
Match AcceptingCheckHandsNotA %PickNStuffPickee% has accepted your offer and is now
Match AcceptingGive Your offer to %PickNStuffPickee% has expired.
Match AcceptingAccept You glance down at your empty hands.
Match AcceptingWaitforNotAOffered You glance down to see
Put glance
Match AcceptingAccept %PickNStuffPickee% has accepted your offer and is now
Match AcceptingWaitforNotAOfferedGive Your offer to %PickNStuffPickee% has expired.
Match AcceptingCancelStow To whom?
Match AcceptingCheckHandsNotA What are you trying to give?
Match AcceptingWaitforNotAOffered You may only have one outstanding offer at a time.
Match AcceptingWaitforNotAOffered to %PickNStuffPickee%, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer
Put Give %PickNStuffPickee%
Match AcceptingCancelStow What are you trying to give?
Match AcceptingWaitforNoA You may only have one outstanding offer at a time.
Match AcceptingWaitforNoA %PickNStuffBoxType% to %PickNStuffPickee%, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer
Put Give %PickNStuffPickee%
Match AcceptingCheckHands %PickNStuffPickee% offers you
Match RestingStow %PickNStuffPickee% has accepted your offer and is now
Match AcceptingGiveAgainNoA Your offer to %PickNStuffPickee% has expired.
Match AcceptingAccept You glance down at your empty hands.
Match AcceptingGiveAgainNoA You glance down to see
Put Glance
Match RestingStow %PickNStuffPickee% whispers, "done
Match RestingStow %PickNStuffPickee% whispers, "Done
Match AcceptingDecline %PickNStuffPickee% tried to give you
Match AcceptingAccept %PickNStuffPickee% offers you
Match RestingStow You feel at full magical power again.
Put infuse 1
Put Cancel
Put stow left
Waitfor you
Put stow right
Waitfor you
Goto AcceptingCheckHands
Put Decline
Put nod %PickNStuffPickee%
Waitfor You nod to %PickNStuffPickee%
Goto AcceptingWaitforNotA
Match DisarmingGlance You accept %PickNStuffPickee%'s offer and are now holding
Match AcceptingWaitforNotA You have no offers to accept.
Match DisarmingGlance You accept %PickNStuffPickee%'s offer and are now holding
Match DisarmingGlance offer and are now holding
Put Accept
############# Disarming
counter set %PickNStuffPick%
SetVariable PickNStuffEndPicking PickingGiveItBack
Goto DisarmingGlanceSetDef%c%
setvariable PickNStuffDefault %PickNStuffLockpick1%
Goto DisarmingGlance2
setvariable PickNStuffDefault %PickNStuffLockpick2%
Goto DisarmingGlance2
setvariable PickNStuffDefault %PickNStuffLockpick3%
Goto DisarmingGlance2
setvariable PickNStuffDefault %PickNStuffLockpick4%
Goto DisarmingGlance2
Match Disarmingswap strongbox in your left hand
Match Disarmingswap box in your left hand
Match Disarmingswap chest in your left hand
Match Disarmingswap trunk in your left hand
Match Disarmingswap coffer in your left hand
Match Disarmingsavestrongbox strongbox in your right hand and
Match Disarmingsavebox box in your right hand and
Match Disarmingsavechest chest in your right hand and
Match Disarmingsavetrunk trunk in your right hand and
Match Disarmingsavecoffer coffer in your right hand and
Match RestingStow in your right hand
Match RestingStow in your left hand
Match RestingOfferInfuse You glance down at your empty hands.
Put glance
Put swap
Waitfor You swap
Goto DisarmingGlance2
setvariable PickNStuffBoxType Strongbox
Goto Disarmingcheck
setvariable PickNStuffBoxType Box
Goto Disarmingcheck
setvariable PickNStuffBoxType Chest
Goto Disarmingcheck
setvariable PickNStuffBoxType Trunk
Goto Disarmingcheck
setvariable PickNStuffBoxType Coffer
Goto Disarmingcheck
Match PickingGetThePick You discover no traps.
Match PickingGetThePick but the pins that hold the jaws together have been pushed out.
Match PickingGetThePick A small ball of cotton has been
Match DisarmingScarab Peering closely into the lock, you spy a miniature sky-blue glaes scarab wedged into the lock mechanism. The scarab's surface is etched with tiny runes that seem to writhe as the light strikes them.
Match DisarmingScarab Peering closely into the lock, you spy a miniature sea-green glaes scarab wedged into the lock mechanism. The scarab's surface is etched with tiny runes that seem to writhe as the light strikes them.
Match DisarmingScarab Peering closely into the lock, you spy a glimmering opalescent scarab wedged into the lock mechanism. The scarab's surface is etched with tiny runes that seem to writhe as the light strikes them.
Match DisarmingScarab Peering closely into the lock, you spy a tiny onyx scarab wedged into the lock mechanism. The scarab's shell is covered with spiky inward-curving protrusions which resemble fangs.
Match DisarmingScarab Peering closely into the lock, you spy a miniature blood red scarab wedged into the lock mechanism. The scarab's shell is etched on the back with a dark teardrop-shaped pattern surrounded by tiny runes.
Match DisarmingScarab Peering closely into the lock, you spy a tiny translucent scarab wedged into the lock mechanism. The scarab's shell is etched on the back with a large eye that seems to shift lazily about.
Match DisarmingScarabDisarm You carefully nudge the scarab free of its prison without disturbing the lock too much. The scarab falls from the lock and onto the ground in front of you.
Match DisarmingScales appears to be covered with hundreds of tiny metal scales. Closer examination reveals the "scales" to be razor sharp at the edges and possessing of a downward-facing needlelike tip. However, you should be able to avoid cutting yourself if you are careful.
Match DisarmingScales you can see no way to pry off any of the scales
Match DisarmingSphere It appears that were the tumblers to be activated, the gem would be caught amongst them.
Match DisarmingSphereBack until it begins to work loose and its inner glow begins to fade. Another moment of prodding, and you are able to poke the gem free of its metal housing, whereupon it falls down into the lock mechanism and out of sight.
Match DisarmingDisarm Hmmm, you can see what appears to be a tiny hole next to the lock plate which doesn't seem to belong there. Looking closer you see a gleaming sliver of metal recessed in the hole.
Match DisarmingDisarm Peering closely into the lock, you spy a tiny vial placed just past the tumblers of the lock mechanism. It would appear that any tampering with the lock mechanism would cause the tumblers to crush the vial and release whatever substance is inside.
Match DisarmingDisarm Carefully, you feel around the lock and notice the inside chamber is coated with a strange white substance. From your experience you recognize this as a common magical/chemical detonation system for an explosive mixture that was used to treat the
Match DisarmingDisarm which makes you suspicious. Your suspicions are confirmed when you look inside the keyhole and notice the spring-loaded jaws pressed flush against the
Match DisarmingDisarm Looking closely into the keyhole of the lock, you spy a small vial of liquid and a tiny hammer device which seems poised to shatter it if the lock is tampered with.
Match DisarmingDisarm Looking closely into the keyhole of the lock, you spy a small, dark crystal which seems imbedded in the locking mechanism. It looks as if opening the lock without the exact key could shatter it.
Match DisarmingDisarm Feeling around the inside of the lock, you notice that the casing is coated with a rough, grainy substance. You lean forward and peer between the walls of the casing. Examining the lock closely, you notice a small bladder filled with a strange liquid wedged between the tumblers. With your face this close to the lock, you pick up the faintest scent of sulphur.
Match DisarmingDisarm You notice some spiderweb-like scratches on the lock plate which seem, after some bit of scrutiny, too organized to be just wear and tear -- it might be some type of glyph spell.
Match DisarmingDisarm Looking closely into the keyhole, you notice a pair of small metal rods a hair's width from touching each other. Peering around the inside of the keyhole, you can see that the lock would push the two rods together should the lock be tampered with.
Match DisarmingDisarm Looking closely into the keyhole of the lock, you spy a small vial of fire-red liquid and a tiny hammer device which seems poised to shatter it if the lock is tampered with.
Match DisarmingDisarm off as safe, you notice what appears to be the ends of springs incorporated with the hinges. Seems rather odd to have
Match DisarmingDisarm you see a small tube towards the bottom of the tumbler mechanism. The tube is capped with a thin membrane, but it seems likely that the tumblers would tear it off while turning.
Match PickingGetThePick Peering closely into the lock, you spy a tiny vial placed just past the tumblers of the lock mechanism. A small ball of cotton has been pushed up against the vial, protecting it from anything that may shatter it.
Match PickingGetThePick A thin layer of mud or putty has been dabbed on the connecting point of the striking arm and the white substance to prevent it from igniting the
Match PickingGetThePick Looking closely into the keyhole of the lock, you spy a small vial of liquid and a tiny hammer device which has been bent from striking range of the vial.
Match PickingGetThePick Looking closely into the keyhole of the lock you spy a small, dark crystal which seems imbedded in the locking mechanism. It looks as if opening the lock without the exact key could shatter it, but parts of the mechanism have been ground away to avoid unwanted contact with the crystal.
Match PickingGetThePick Feeling around the inside of the lock, you notice that the casing is coated with a rough, grainy substance. A small section of the casing has been scraped clean of the strange substance. You lean forward and peer between the walls of the casing. Examining the lock closely, you notice a deflated bladder wedged between the tumblers. There is a small hole in the bladder, most likely from whatever ruptured it. The lock emanates a strong scent of sulphur.
Match PickingGetThePick You notice some spiderweb-like scratches on the lock plate which seem, after some bit of scrutiny, too organized to be just wear and tear -- it might be some type of glyph spell, but some of the markings have been altered. This may prevent any magical nature they have from manifesting itself.
Match PickingGetThePick Looking closely into the keyhole, you notice a pair of small metal rods that have been bent in opposite directions of each other.
Match PickingGetThePick Looking closely into the keyhole of the lock, you spy a small vial of fire-red liquid and a tiny hammer device which has been bent from striking range of the vial.
Match PickingGetThePick Looking closely into the keyhole of the lock, you spy a small vial of liquid and a tiny hammer device which has been bent from striking range of the vial.
Match PickingGetThePick you see a small tube towards the bottom of the tumbler mechanism. It appears as though the tube has been plugged with something.
Match PickingGetThePick A thorough search of the area inside the tumblers reveals what appears to be a metal bracket of some sort, although it seems to be empty now.
Match PickingGetThePick The lock appears to be free of all obstructions.
Match PickingGetThePick You see a tiny hole next to the lock plate which has been completely plugged.
Match PickingWedgeStart There is no lock there to disarm!
Match PickingWedgeStart There appears to be a plate over the lock, sealing it and preventing any access to the tumblers.
Match PickingWedgeStart You don't seem to have any way to get through that metal plate covering the lock. Gonna chew through it?
Match PickingWedgeStart You peer inside the lock and see that the tumblers have been fused into a lump of useless metal.
Match PickingWedgeStart You see a pair of bloody jaws clamped tightly before the lockplate on the
Match GiveBackBoxOpen It does not appear to be locked.
Match GiveBackBoxOpen it's open
Put Detect my %PickNStuffBoxType%
pause 1
Match PickingGetThePick You carefully push a small ball of cotton into the lock mechanism, surrounding and protecting the small vial from anything that may shatter it.
Match PickingGetThePick Peering closely into the lock, you spy a tiny vial placed just past the tumblers of the lock mechanism. A small ball of cotton has been pushed up against the vial, protecting it from anything that may shatter it.
Match PickingGetThePick you cake a thin layer on the lock casing, hopefully sufficient to prevent sparks when the metal arm strikes it.
Match PickingGetThePick A thin layer of mud or putty has been dabbed on the connecting point of the striking arm and the white substance to prevent it from igniting the
Match PickingGetThePick you manage to pull out the two pins that hold the upper and lower jaw pieces together. As the pins are removed, the jaws suddenly close and warp under the tremendous strain applied by their arming mechanism.
Match PickingGetThePick but the pins that hold the jaws together have been pushed out.
Match PickingGetThePick you manage to reach in and grasp the post of the metal hammer, and bend the weak metal out of striking range of the vial.
Match PickingGetThePick Looking closely into the keyhole of the lock, you spy a small vial of liquid and a tiny hammer device which has been bent from striking range of the vial.
Match PickingGetThePick With a little ingenuity you manage to grind down parts of the lock mechanism with your metal file, so it won't come in contact with the crystal when you try to open it.
Match PickingGetThePick Looking closely into the keyhole of the lock you spy a small, dark crystal which seems imbedded in the locking mechanism. It looks as if opening the lock without the exact key could shatter it, but parts of the mechanism have been ground away to avoid unwanted contact with the crystal.
Match PickingGetThePick You carefully use the tip of a small metal file to scrape away the rough, grainy substance which lines the walls of the casing. After a few moments, you feel comfortable with the small section you have cleaned. You take out a thin needle and carefully slide it between the walls of the casing, taking great care not to touch them. As the tip of the needle punctures the small bladder, a strange clear gel oozes forth from the hole. The gel gives off a strong odor of sulphur. As the air hits the gel, it begins to harden and turn to dust, blowing away in the wind as if it never existed.
Match PickingGetThePick Feeling around the inside of the lock, you notice that the casing is coated with a rough, grainy substance. A small section of the casing has been scraped clean of the strange substance. You lean forward and peer between the walls of the casing. Examining the lock closely, you notice a deflated bladder wedged between the tumblers. There is a small hole in the bladder, most likely from whatever ruptured it. The lock emanates a strong scent of sulphur.
Match PickingGetThePick Knowing how delicate magical glyphs can be, you scrape some extra lines into the markings hoping to alter their meaning and defeat the spell they may hold.
Match PickingGetThePick You notice some spiderweb-like scratches on the lock plate which seem, after some bit of scrutiny, too organized to be just wear and tear -- it might be some type of glyph spell, but some of the markings have been altered. This may prevent any magical nature they have from manifesting itself.
Match PickingGetThePick With great care you take a pair of metal grips and bend the sensitive metal rods out of alignment. It looks as though they cannot be pressed together by the lock mechanism any more.
Match PickingGetThePick Looking closely into the keyhole, you notice a pair of small metal rods that have been bent in opposite directions of each other.
Match PickingGetThePick you manage to reach in and grasp the post of the metal hammer, and bend the weak metal out of striking range of the vial.
Match PickingGetThePick Looking closely into the keyhole of the lock, you spy a small vial of fire-red liquid and a tiny hammer device which has been bent from striking range of the vial.
Match PickingGetThePick Looking closely into the keyhole of the lock, you spy a small vial of liquid and a tiny hammer device which has been bent from striking range of the vial.
Match PickingGetThePick With a little force applied to the springs, you manage to pop them inside the
Match PickingGetThePick you carefully apply it to the end of the small tube. That should block whatever it's meant to deploy.
Match PickingGetThePick you see a small tube towards the bottom of the tumbler mechanism. It appears as though the tube has been plugged with something.
Match PickingGetThePick into the lock and gently nudge the tiny gem until it begins to work loose and its inner glow begins to fade. Another moment of prodding, and you are able to poke the gem free of its metal housing, whereupon it falls down into the lock mechanism and out of sight.
Match PickingGetThePick A thorough search of the area inside the tumblers reveals what appears to be a metal bracket of some sort, although it seems to be empty now.
Match PickingGetThePick The lock appears to be free of all obstructions.
Match PickingGetThePick you manage to block the tiny hole in the lock plate.
Match PickingGetThePick You see a tiny hole next to the lock plate which has been completely plugged.
Match PickingWedgeStart There is no lock there to disarm!
Match PickingWedgeStart There appears to be a plate over the lock, sealing it and preventing any access to the tumblers.
Match PickingWedgeStart You don't seem to have any way to get through that metal plate covering the lock. Gonna chew through it?
Match PickingWedgeStart You peer inside the lock and see that the tumblers have been fused into a lump of useless metal.
Match DisarmingDisarm You are not able to disarm the trap but you get a sense that you could have had it with a little more luck.
Put Disarm my %PickNStuffBoxType%
#@@@@@@ Scarabs
Put say ~common :calm scarab falling, watch yer toes
Waitfor You calmly say
pause 1
Match DisarmingScarabBox You still have a good enough
Match DisarmingScarab scarab wedged into the lock mechanism.
Match DisarmingScarabDisarm falls from the lock and onto the ground in front of you.
Match DisarmingScarabBox ...wait
Put disarm my %PickNStuffBoxType%
Match DisarmingScarabDisarm ...wait
Match DisarmingScarabGetScarab Knowing how delicate magical runes can be, you carefully scrape a few extra
Put disarm scarab
Match DisarmingScarabGetScarab ...wait
Match DisarmingScarabTryGive you pick up
Put get scarab
if_3 Pause 1
if_3 Match DisarmingScarabTryGive ...wait
if_3 Match DisarmingDisarm you put
if_3 put Stow left
if_3 Matchwait
Match Error What are you trying to give?
Match Error You may only have one outstanding offer at a time.
Match DisarmingScarabTryGiveWait to %PickNStuffPickee%, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer
Put Give %PickNStuffPickee% left
Match DisarmingDisarm %PickNStuffPickee% has accepted your offer and is now
Match DisarmingScarabStow %PickNStuffPickee% has declined
Match DisarmingScarabTryGive Your offer to %PickNStuffPickee% has expired.
Match DisarmingDisarm you put
put nod %PickNStuffPickee%
put stow left
#@@@@@@ Sphere
setvariable PickNStuffDefault %PickNStuffLockpick1%
Goto sphere
setvariable PickNStuffDefault %PickNStuffLockpick2%
Goto sphere
setvariable PickNStuffDefault %PickNStuffLockpick3%
Goto sphere
setvariable PickNStuffDefault %PickNStuffLockpick4%
Goto sphere
counter add 1
Goto DisarmingSphere%PickNStuffDefaultNumber%
Match DisarmingSpherePut You need a free hand to pick that up.
Match DisarmingSphereOpen I could not find what you were referring to.
Match DisarmingDisarm you remove
Match DisarmingSphere ...wait
Put get my %PickNStuffDefault% from my %PickNStuffLContainer%
Put open my %PickNStuffLContainer%
Match DisarmingSpherePut You need a free hand to pick that up.
Match DisarmingSphereChange I could not find what you were referring to.
Match DisarmingDisarm you remove
Match DisarmingSphereOpen ...wait
Put get my %PickNStuffDefault% from my %PickNStuffLContainer%
Put Put my lockpick in my %PickNStuffLContainer%
Waitfor you
Put Stow Left
Waitfor you
Match DisarmingSphereEnd You need a free hand to pick that up.
Match DisarmingSphereOpen I could not find what you were referring to.
Match DisarmingDisarm you remove
Match DisarmingSphere ...wait
Put Stow Left
Put Put my lockpick in my %PickNStuffLContainer%
Waitfor you Put
Goto PickingGetThePick
#@@@@@@ Scales
setvariable PickNStuffEndPicking DisarmingDisarmScales
Goto PickingGetThePick
Put Put my %PickNStuffDefault% in my %PickNStuffLContainer%
Match DisarmingDisarmScales2 You still have a good enough
Match DisarmingDisarmScalesPut you need both hands
Match DisarmingDisarmScalesGet You figure that if you had a dagger
Match DisarmingDisarmScalesDone You gently slide your dagger into the space under the lid and slice
Put Disarm my %PickNStuffBoxType%
Put Put my lockpick in my %PickNStuffLContainer%
Waitfor you
Put Stow left
Waitfor you
Goto DisarmingDisarmScales2
Put get my %PickNStuffDaggerType%
Goto DisarmingDisarmScales2
Put Stow Left
Goto PickingGiveItBack2
#@@@@@@ Wedge
############# Picking
Put open my %PickNStuffLContainer%
setvariable PickNStuffDefault %PickNStuffLockpick1%
Goto PickingGetThePick
Put open my %PickNStuffLContainer%
setvariable PickNStuffDefault %PickNStuffLockpick2%
Goto PickingGetThePick
Put open my %PickNStuffLContainer%
setvariable PickNStuffDefault %PickNStuffLockpick3%
Goto PickingGetThePick
Put open my %PickNStuffLContainer%
setvariable PickNStuffDefault %PickNStuffLockpick4%
Goto PickingGetThePick
Put open my %PickNStuffLContainer%
counter set 4
setvariable PickNStuffDefault %PickNStuffLockpick4%
Goto PickingGetThePick
pause 1
Match PickingPickIt you remove
Match PickingVarSet I do not understand, please rephrase that.
Match PickingVarSet I could not find what you were referring to.
Match PickingPickHandFull You need a free hand to pick that up.
Match PickingPickIt You already have that.
Put get my %PickNStuffDefault% from my %PickNStuffLContainer%
Put Put my lockpick in my %PickNStuffLContainer%
Waitfor you
Put Stow Left
Waitfor you
Goto PickingGetThePick
counter add 1
Goto PickingGetPickOpen%c%
Put Stow Left
counter add 1
Waitfor you
Goto PickingGetPickGet%c%
Put Put my %PickNStuffDefault% in my %PickNStuffLContainer%
counter add 1
Waitfor you
Goto PickingGetPickGet%c%
pause 1
Match %PickNStuffEndPicking% ranking). Then...CLICK! It opens!
Match GiveBackBoxOpen2 It does not appear to be locked.
Match PickingVarSetCase%c% You are not able to pick
Match PickingVarSetCase%c% Your lockpick gets stuck in the lock!
Match PickingPickIt You make a fumbling attempt (d100=1).
Match PickingVarSetCont * SNAP * Crud!
#Put pick my %PickNStuffBoxType% with my %PickNStuffDefault%
Put lmast ptrick %PickNStuffPTrick% my %PickNStuffBoxType%
pause 1
Match PickingGiveItBackP ...wait
Match PickingGiveItBack2 You Put
Put Put my %PickNStuffDefault% in my %PickNStuffLContainer%
if_3 goto YourBoxesEmpty
Goto AcceptingGive
pause 1
Match GiveBackBoxOpen2P ...wait
Match GiveBackBoxOpen you Put
Put Put my %PickNStuffDefault% in my %PickNStuffLContainer%
if_3 Echo
if_3 Echo ***************
if_3 Echo *
if_3 Echo * This %PickNStuffBoxType% is already open
if_3 Echo *
if_3 Echo ***************
if_3 Echo
if_3 goto YourBoxesEmpty
Put whisper %PickNStuffPickee% This %PickNStuffBoxType% is already open.
Goto PickingGiveItBack2
if_3 Echo
if_3 Echo ***************
if_3 Echo *
if_3 Echo * This %PickNStuffBoxType% has no lock
if_3 Echo * Either get it poped, or bashed.
if_3 Echo * Drop it, or place it on your body,
if_3 Echo * out of sight in a closed container
if_3 echo * and then restart the script.
if_3 Echo *
if_3 Echo ***************
if_3 Echo
if_3 Exit
#Put whisper %PickNStuffPickee% This %PickNStuffBoxType% has no lock.
#Goto PickingGiveItBack2
Echo The script has encountered an error and needs to close
wouldn't be too tough to strip it apart.
*note* just realized why the picking my own boxes thing doesn't work properly, don't wanna fix it right now... so I ain't gunna...
04-01-2008, 06:01 AM
I have looked through the script and seen a few full auto disarm and picking script. I was curious if anyone had two separate scripts for this. One script goes through and disarms all the boxes and the run another to go though and pick them all. If no one does I will look at the scripts here and piece them together. Thanks.
So, you're looking for a table/pile pick script.
My script (if you looked at it) with a little modification (which I've done for my own version and don't share) will pick up boxes, disarm/pick/empty, then either drop and clean the table, or toss in the trash container in the room, assuming I have the proper variable set. ;-)
Generally speaking, if you want a script that does what you're saying, disarm a bunch, then pick a bunch, you'll need to put in some checks especially for scales traps. Sphere traps might mess with you as you need a lockpick in your hand to disarm them. When I first wrote my script, I decided that the safest method was to complete each box before moving onto the next.
04-01-2008, 11:51 AM
When I first wrote my script, I decided that the safest method was to complete each box before moving onto the next.
Agreed. Otherwise you're going to be blowing up lots of scales.
04-01-2008, 11:57 AM
When I first wrote my script, I decided that the safest method was to complete each box before moving onto the next.
Agreed. Otherwise you're going to be blowing up lots of scales.
04-01-2008, 12:52 PM
Eh - usually I just pick up scales, put in a container, and keep going.
At any rate, if you're looking for a table picking script, there's a crap load around.
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