View Full Version : 'Seer' mask

03-26-2008, 06:49 PM
I dont know if it has a proper name, but I aquired it last Ebon Gate in the digging game. Having no RP use for it, I decided to sell it so someone else might enjoy it, as it's a rather neat piece of RP fluff.

I will be taking decent offers and perhaps trades, IM me at Lotheledh or PM :)

CB: 5 million - Belnia SOLD

an ora-framed leather wolf mask - Images of stars and willow leaves have been incised along the strips of pale grey ora that cover and shape the exterior of the wolf mask. The leather beneath is tanned to a fine, supple softness and dyed chocolate brown. Two disks, each half mistwood and half ebony, hang on a leather thong to rest just above the right eye. A black and silver sigil has been painted on the brow. A few bloodstains mar the bottom edge of the mask.


**First person: (they change, im not sure how many there are. But here are a couple of them.)

You set the leather wolf mask carefully onto your face. It molds to your features like a second skin.

1.)A coldness begins to creep over you. It begins in your fingertips, but then it expands up your arms to flow up your spine and down your legs. The cold turns abruptly to ice, sending a massive shiver racking through your body right before the world dissolves in a stream of blue, green, and silver light. You float away on that light, leaving the world behind.

You awaken flat on your back. When you open your eyes, faint stars flicker around everything before fading away.

Roundtime: 15 sec.

2.)A strange, slightly dizzy feeling overcomes you. You feel as light as silk, or a feather, or a wind sprite. The world spins and twirls away beneath you as you spread your arms to the wind's embrace. You feel nothing, hear nothing, see nothing but the rush of air all around you....

You awaken flat on your back. When you open your eyes, faint stars flicker around everything before fading away.

Roundtime: 15 sec.

**Third person EXAMPLES: (again, im not sure how many are in its cycle but I have not seen the same one twice so far. )

Daelinde fits her leather wolf mask carefully onto her face.

1.)Daelinde raises a hand gracefully to attract attention. In a smooth, lyrical voice, she says, "Breathe in winter. Breathe out your peace. Water is never destroyed, and neither are you, if you see the answer." Then, Daelinde's eyes roll back in her head, and she collapses to the floor as she passes out.

2.)In a clear, cold voice, Daelinde says, "The summoner of Tilaok, and the peacock garbed in amber-hued. What do they have in common? For one with spread wings, Tilaok is not unconquerable. Then, Daelinde's eyes roll back in her head, and she collapses to the floor as she passes out.

Futher notes: It appears to have once per day limit use, though you can wear the mask as long as you wish. the loresong is rather long, so I will post it seperately.

03-26-2008, 06:54 PM
Here is the loresong, its a little long so I apologize ahead of time!

Chaotic impressions swirl through your senses -- vibrations of war and of healing, of natural forces and triumph, of loss and pent emotion, of elemental powers and bloodshed, of magic and of commonplace things. Unravelling the truth of the mask is like trying to thread a maze that changes with every step you travel. Even the most basic of properties, such as the mask's weight and value, are perfect ciphers.

In the tangled vibrations resulting from your song, one thread emerges that seems less false than the others. Focusing upon it, you are drawn into a vision.

A human man garbed in somber grey sorts through a stack of half-finished masks by the near-total darkness of a sky lit only by stars. Raising each mask in turn to his face, he peers through its eyeholes briefly and then sketches a symbol upon its brow with a paintbrush, chanting, "Power of prophecy, come to this visage."

The stars wheel overhead, and the night splits open, allowing a sheep as pale as moonlight to crawl forth. Voices fill your head, crying wildly, "An overweight lady of the future, an overweight lady of the future!" Chaos layers over chaos, and the sheep goes running off as the sky cracks like an egg. Out of that egg comes the real world, and you are returned to yourself again. The vision is over.

A night breeze pushes through a field of larkspur. At the center of the field, a half-elven woman amuses herself by playing with the blossoms as if they were dolls. Sometimes softly, sometimes sharply, she voices the interactions between the various flowers, and her pearl grey eyes reflect the moonlight with luminous brilliance whenever she looks skyward.

Boring with the game, she informs one of the flowers, "I know! Let's see Daddy! Plucking the flower, she skips down the hill, not realizing that a group of peacock green mystics watches from the branches of a nearby tree.

When she is gone, the mystics swarm down and gather up the larkspur, but each stalk remains linked to its root system, producing a great, shimmering network of rootlets on the hill. From that web, a honey-haired consoler arises, saying, "Follow me. I know the way." Then the hill and everyone on it are swallowed by the sea, leaving you in long darkness before the vision ends.

The vibrations twist and turn, but you concentrate on the thread of harmony that seems most devoid of illusion. A vision comes through the thread, sweeping you away with its power.

"Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!" the half-elven woman cries, running through the door of the cottage.

Immediately, the human man is on his feet, blocking the woman's approach toward the counter where he has been working. "I told you never to disturb me at night!" he roars. "Stay outside. Outside!"

"But the flowers said --" she falters, holding up a larkspur by way of explanation.

"Charl's spasmed whale, why do you think I care?" her father curses. "I can feel the masks awakening! I can feel them aligning to prophecy! I don't have time for this -- I don't have time for you!"

"But -- but --" the woman falters, pushing closer.

He lashes out backhand. The flower goes tumbling to the floor as his signet ring tears a furrow through the skin on the back of her hand. Two scarlet drops fly through the air. One stains only the floor, but the other strikes one of the masks.

If her father was angry before, he is livid now. Before her horrified eyes, he cuts the mask into little shreds. "You tainted it. You ruined it," he grinds out between his teeth. "Get out. Get OUT!"

This time, you recognize the harmonic shift as the story turns from truth to madness. You extricate yourself from the vision before the wave of chaos sweeps over you.

You locate the faint, pure strain of harmony that resonates to your voice. Another vision comes.

The human sleeps on a cot. His daughter rises from her nest of blankets on the floor and peeks briefly through the heavy curtains at the sunlight outside before tiptoeing out of the room.

With a purloined key, she opens the cabinet, and then she stands looking at the rows and rows of masks. Leaving the cabinet door open, she kneels and reaches under the cabinet. Rising, she has a bedraggled stalk of larkspur in one hand.

"Daddy likes them more than me," she whispers to the larkspur.

"Daddy likes them more than me," she says again.

"Daddy likes them more than me," she says a third time.

Then she presses the key into her hand until the skin breaks and the blood flows. Using her larkspur as a paintbrush, she dabs blood on every mask. Then she decorates the outside of the cabinet, ripping the wound wider each time the flow stems. After that comes the bedroom door, and the wall, and the counter, by which time blood flows freely from half a dozen cuts on her left arm.

She staggers, stumbles, and collapses heavily to the ground. As she falls unconscious, the vision releases you without any attempt to tangle you in chaos.

03-26-2008, 07:04 PM
Umm...that is awesome. Completely and utterly awesome.

Peanut Butter Jelly Time
03-26-2008, 07:21 PM
Suprising that they'd make such an amazing item so shallow as to make you say only two different verses. Awesome nonetheless

Stanley Burrell
03-26-2008, 07:32 PM
Someone post the full loresong for one of Bone's music stands.

03-26-2008, 07:45 PM
Suprising that they'd make such an amazing item so shallow as to make you say only two different verses. Awesome nonetheless

silly I only posted two examples, it says a LOT. havent heard the same twice so far..which if you read..ahem, ahem. ;)

03-26-2008, 07:46 PM

03-26-2008, 07:47 PM

03-26-2008, 07:48 PM

03-26-2008, 07:49 PM

03-26-2008, 07:49 PM

03-26-2008, 07:57 PM

03-26-2008, 07:58 PM
I already sent her a PM with a 1m offer. Just FYI.

03-26-2008, 08:02 PM

Peanut Butter Jelly Time
03-26-2008, 08:03 PM
oh howly jebus. I offer a feature concealing mask.

03-26-2008, 08:12 PM

03-26-2008, 08:30 PM

Peanut Butter Jelly Time
03-26-2008, 08:42 PM
Holy hell.

03-26-2008, 08:47 PM

Oh no you didn't...

03-26-2008, 08:53 PM


The Ponzzz
03-26-2008, 10:14 PM
That's how she rolls.

03-27-2008, 10:28 AM

03-27-2008, 10:44 AM

03-27-2008, 01:20 PM
I bid 5 million.

03-27-2008, 10:46 PM

03-28-2008, 06:19 PM

03-30-2008, 03:50 AM

03-30-2008, 04:41 PM
One of the awesomest items in GS. They use tables to randomize predictions... much like the items with randomized loresongs except they can actually shift within the item.

03-31-2008, 06:48 AM
updated, Contact me either by PM or IM for pickup Belnia :)