View Full Version : Selling a big chunk of my belongings.

03-25-2008, 08:45 PM
They're being sold as a package deal. I'm going to start the bidding at one million.

a deeply-hooded black silk robe with gold threading - full armor concealer

a tailored obsidian silk robe elaborately embroidered with crimson triangular designs - shoulder worn, VLA

an incarnadine and burgundy swirled silk robe with flared black satin-lined sleeves - shoulder worn, VLA.

some high-collared dark crimson silk robes with deep ebon-lined sleeves - pin worn, stores a medium amount

some simple silver-threaded ebon silk robes - shoulder worn, VLA

a black damask robe ornately embroidered along the seams with gold thread - shoulder worn, large amount

a deep crimson kidskin bag - back worn, large amount

some black vaalin pebbled ebon silk sandals with flat soles

some soft fur-lined dark suede moccasins

an elegant blood red robe - shoulder worn

some silk-lined black leather pants

some narrow-cut ebon elk hide breeches

some wrist-length fitted black silk gloves

a burgundy fine wool tunic trimmed with black satin

a black snakeskin backpack - back worn VLA

a chain-linked crimson crystal pendant - amulet holder

shadow grey Dhe'nar training whip - has a few actions

an ornate obsidian-buckled incarnadine glaes reliquary
You carefully inspect your glaes reliquary.

You estimate that an ornate obsidian-buckled incarnadine glaes reliquary can store a large amount with enough space for any number of items.

You determine that you could wear the reliquary, slinging it across your shoulders and back.
Roundtime: 5 sec.

a firestone intaglio medallion - Suspended from a long chain of small mithril links is a fist-sized, simple flattened mithril disk, its face set with a polished, round crimson firestone. Engraved into the back of the firestone as an intaglio of a regal and highly stylized phoenix, its wings spread wide and head tilted back. Swirls of amber and fiery red give depth to the carving, and the face of the firestone is highly polished to give off a lustrous gleam.

an embroidered ebon silk sash - pin worn
Fashioned from a long length of immaculate ebon silk, this sash is fashioned to wrap from the waist all the way over the wearer's shoulder. A long and slender mithril pin twisted to resemble a stylized single flame secures the sash at the shoulder, and embroidered in shimmering, dark crimson thread along the front length of the sash are a series of straight, diagonal and curved marks. Each mark blends into another to a form a single line from shoulder to hip.

a white pearl-inlaid bracer clasped with a sliver of nacre - one of those stat enhancers sold in icemule

a jet black skullcap - another stat enhancer, adds to spell aiming

a gold-clasped red silk gem pouch - contains 240 high quality gems, unsung to.
240 Gems: an azure blazestar (x2), a crimson blazestar (x2), an emerald blazestar, a scarlet despanal, a dragon's-tear diamond (x4), an uncut diamond, an uncut emerald (x12), a bright violet feystone, a periwinkle feystone (x4), a green garnet, a brilliant lilac glimaerstone (x2), a cerulean glimaerstone (x2), a golden glimaerstone (x2), a green glimaerstone (x14), a peach glimaerstone (x6), a smoky glimaerstone (x12), an ultramarine glimaerstone (x7), a pale blue moonstone (x15), a pale green moonstone (x8), a silvery moonstone (x6), a black opal (x8), a fire opal, a moonglae opal (x2), a white opal (x17), a large grey pearl (x4), a medium grey pearl (x3), a medium pink pearl, a medium white pearl, a small grey pearl, a small pink pearl (x2), a small white pearl (x3), a tiny pink pearl (x6), a tiny white pearl, a dragon's-tear ruby (x4), a star ruby (x21), an uncut ruby (x3), a blue sapphire, a blue shimmarglin sapphire (x7), a dragonseye sapphire (x2), a green sapphire (x9), a lavender shimmarglin sapphire (x3), a pale water sapphire (x11), a pink sapphire, a star sapphire, a violet sapphire (x7), a yellow sapphire (x17)

Sold on a buyout of 6 million.

Bidding will end 11 PM PST on wednesday.

03-25-2008, 08:48 PM
1 million

03-25-2008, 09:16 PM
2 million

03-25-2008, 09:19 PM
When you say shoulder worn on those robes, are they actually shoulder worn, or cloak worn?

03-25-2008, 09:25 PM
When you say shoulder worn on those robes, are they actually shoulder worn, or cloak worn?

I mean they're cloak worn

03-25-2008, 09:56 PM
Could you provide a log showing the inspection of the robes? And wearing them and another cloak at the same time? I know it sucks to ask for it, but there have been more than a few people who got the item stats wrong when trying to sell things.

03-25-2008, 10:04 PM
So apparently the robes are shoulder/cloak worn, as I've just tested out. The exception to the rule would be the pin worn robe, obviously. Unknowingly the first one I tested out was the pin worn. I made the assumption it was shoulder worn.

03-26-2008, 01:54 AM
I'll bid 2.5 mil

03-26-2008, 03:58 AM

03-26-2008, 05:18 AM
bump updated