View Full Version : On Your Own

12-19-2003, 12:26 PM
I'm sure some of you have read about my current situation in another thread... I'm thinking heavily of kicking myself out and on my own.

I'm just curious.. How long have you been out on your own? What hardships did you have to work through? Bad experiences with roommates? I'm really just curious to see what other people have to say about being out on your own. I'm supposed to be a big boy now being 21 but apparently I missed that part of growing up. I want to be ready for that jump though.

12-19-2003, 12:29 PM
Originally posted by IcyPoison
I'm just curious.. How long have you been out on your own? What hardships did you have to work through? Bad experiences with roommates?

Been on my own 17 years.

No real hardships as long as you make a budget and stick to it.

Unless you are having sex with them do not have a room mate.

12-19-2003, 12:34 PM
I moved out after high school and went into the Marine Corps had anywhere from 0 to 85 roomates at any given time. Got out of the Marines and got married. Can't say as I've ever "been on my own" but I have always been self sufficent.

As long as you learn to rely on you you'll be fine.

12-19-2003, 12:36 PM
Budgeting is VITAL. Being on your own is both exhilerating and frightening. I lived alone for 1 year, and I've had roommates. I loved living alone, but I'm glad I didn't do it first.

12-19-2003, 02:50 PM
I've lived on my own for a good 2 years. No roommates it's been fun.

12-19-2003, 03:23 PM
Its the not knowing part that scares me, I make ok money, I'm pretty sure I could get by fine... but its the not knowing part that scares me the most.

12-19-2003, 05:19 PM
Icy, you will never "know". What tomorrow holds for us is always a mystery until tomorrow becomes today. It is also inevitable that today will become yesterday. If you think of it that way, you will realize that it is not so horribly scary after all. It is a part of life that you are already living. :)

HarmNone believes in you. Believe in yourself.

12-19-2003, 06:09 PM
I second what Czeska said. BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET! And I do NOT recommend a roommate. Things most likely go sour. I say go for it though, it's great to live on your own and know that you *can* do it. I've been on my own for 4 just about years, since I was 19.

Weedmage Princess
12-19-2003, 09:09 PM
I was on my own for about a year. Like you, I had a lot of fears in the beginning...but like everyone else said..if you sit down and prioritize, plan out your expenses and make out a budget, you'll do just fine. It's all a matter of making and saving your pennies. You said you make decent money, so as long as you budget and plan wisely, you'll be just fine. Me, I had a shit job at a flowershop and lived in a basement apartment. What I did was figure out all my expenses for the month (rent, utilities, groceries, etc) and divided the grand total by 4. I'd take that amount out of my pay each week and leave it in the bank. That worked nicely for me.

At first, it's a little lonely but when you make it through that first month and pay your rent and utilities..you feel a real sense of accomplishment and pride. I know I did. It felt good to be doing it for myself. I loved coming home to "my place." I was proud of that.

12-19-2003, 10:40 PM
I went to college after high school, in another state away from home. I considered myself "on my own" at that point, even though I still had a place to "go home to" during breaks and vacation time and called home every week and got financial help from the family.

I remained on my own til I was 29 years old. I never regretted a moment of it, though a lot of it was very sad, some traumatic, and some very stupid. I wouldn't change a thing though. I've always been very independent-minded.

Remember, being alone doesn't mean being lonely. Loneliness comes from within, not from without. If you're not happy with YOU, then you will live in loneliness, even if you're surrounded by people you care about.

12-20-2003, 01:41 AM
I moved out of my moms house when I was 16 (ok well not moved out but thrown out same result) As long as you keep your priorities straight and manage your money well (yea throwing that kegger next week with the live DJ its good to pass on that) As far as roommate I would recomend no. Even the close friends I had as roommates it always put a strain on the relationship or worse ended it.

12-20-2003, 01:49 AM
Originally posted by IcyPoison
I'm sure some of you have read about my current situation in another thread... I'm thinking heavily of kicking myself out and on my own.

I'm just curious.. How long have you been out on your own? What hardships did you have to work through? Bad experiences with roommates? I'm really just curious to see what other people have to say about being out on your own. I'm supposed to be a big boy now being 21 but apparently I missed that part of growing up. I want to be ready for that jump though.

Well, I will not go into the drama that is called my life.. I will just say this:

Save some money (if you can) before you move out. Move out because you want to and have confidence, you'll make it.
Having a room mate is alright, but try to refrain from it. Start out in a studio if you have to, and work your way up. When you ask how long you have been living on your own.. I do not know what kind of sense you mean. What do I mean by that? Well.. I have known people to stay in their parents house and pay bills and do shit all by themselves. Anyways, I'm over-thinking it. So in that situation, since I was fourteen. I rented my first place when I was eighteen. Lived with room mates when I was fifteen.

Hardships? Life can be a hardship in itself. Again, a lot for me to go through. Let's just say this.. shit hit my life and I had to clean it up.

That said, I think you will do just fine. Just BUDGET! and keep to it. Use Quicken or a bank book if you have too. Just do it. Good luck! ;)

i remember halloween
12-20-2003, 01:14 PM
there are retarded people who successfully live by themselves.

12-20-2003, 01:15 PM
Originally posted by i remember halloween
there are retarded people who successfully live by themselves.

Yeah, this guy is the proof.

12-20-2003, 05:58 PM
That made me laugh, probably shouldn't have but it helps to lighten the mood.

I am going to move out on my own. For whatever reason today I feel very strong. I know I can do this. I'm going to do it and be successful.

On a side note, someone said you didn't know what I meant by being on your own.. I figured this is a younger crowd here, so a lot of people won't have been out and married and have lived most of their life.

I'm not sure what I was really looking for, but I'm thankful for the posts that have been posted. It does help to realize that the entire world is doing it, Its not such a hard thing, I just have to be man enough to stand up and do it.

12-20-2003, 06:53 PM
Good for you! If you ever need just to vent, or to share, or just shoulders to cry on, you know you can come here. Keep us apprised on how things are going! :)


*Edited for a interloper "e"*

[Edited on 12-20-2003 by HarmNone]

12-21-2003, 11:31 AM
I went to look at a room in a house last night.. 350$ for all utilities and a 14x14 room.. use of the house, etc. The guy is someone I work with here at work, we get along well, but his lifestyle I think would interfere with who I am.. It kind of bothers me to be honest.

It doesn't help that you have to drive through a bad part of town that smells terribly.

Oh and by the way, to complete this pleasant experience of home shopping... I crashed my car on the way back home.

12-21-2003, 11:55 AM
Originally posted by theotherjohn

Originally posted by IcyPoison
I'm just curious.. How long have you been out on your own? What hardships did you have to work through? Bad experiences with roommates?

Been on my own 17 years.

No real hardships as long as you make a budget and stick to it.

Unless you are having sex with them do not have a room mate.

I've been on my own for better part of 10 years. Live by the quote above and your life will go well.

Great post by the way theotherjohn.