View Full Version : The "I hate Bear Stearns" sale part 1 of 2
03-21-2008, 02:40 AM
The short and simple version...
First I will try to sell a few items in bulk at a slight discount.. if I see a good enough offer Ill sell them and put up another batch.. if not Ill start selling items one at a time.
Payment will be by money order, check, WU etc.. (no paypal sorry I had a falling out with them after poor service the last time I moved.)
What are the goodies you ask? wait no longer.
1- Coin hand
2- 12 setting teleport ring
3- 999lb capacity beltworn container
4- 5x masterfully damage padded hauberk
5- 5x ungodly damage padded full plate
6- 10x db cloak
7- gem chisel
8- magical jewelry box
9- "Thalior's staff"
If you have questions or need a reference on the seller (me) ask around or leave a post here.
03-21-2008, 02:49 AM
Someone explain the staff. I am too lazy to search and do everything else....and it is too late.
03-21-2008, 02:50 AM
Good luck trying to find a buyer with those terms.
03-21-2008, 04:42 AM
I heard Brielus wants DB items (lol)
03-21-2008, 04:44 AM
Someone explain the staff. I am too lazy to search and do everything else....and it is too late.
Much confusion about Estrion's staff is that it is mistaken for the one that Thalior holds. First of all, Thalior's staff is an altered shield, it started out as an old auction item dated back to 1994. It is know to be 6 enchants. Thalior's shield/staff has a very specific property. It can hold a number of spells. A person from any profession casts at it and the staff absorbs the spell. This shield/staff is one of Thalior's most prized possessions. He can imbed any spell that would work with magic item creation into the staff.
I believe the imbedding thing was nerfed wasn't it?
03-21-2008, 08:27 AM
I've wanted to get my grubby mitts on Thalior's staff for years but there's no way in hell I'm sending a freaking MO, WU or check off to Never-never Land.
Cool items.
Terms, not so cool.
03-21-2008, 01:57 PM
Ah, Bear Stearns...
God bless my Apple stock.
03-21-2008, 02:00 PM
Someone explain the staff. I am too lazy to search and do everything else....and it is too late.
This item is a shield altered to look like a staff. you can "Cast" any spell in the following circles, of 19th rank or below, "at" it to imbue the spell into the staff. there are four slots on the staff after any slot is "filled" with a spell you can then invoke the spell off of the staff as you would a scroll and cast it. the spell circles that it works with are: 100's, 400's, 500's, 700's, 900's. For example I used this frequently while playing four characters and they used the following spells which were not "commonly" available to them.
Rogue: 507, 508, 905, 913, 712
Bard: 102, 712, 507, 508, 905, 913
Wizard: 712, 102
Sorcerer: 507, 508, 905, 913
There are other "useful" spells that you can use it with but for ease of spelling up I tried to stick with just those.
Here is an example of the benefits that it offers.. in this instance for the rogue.
507 +20 ranged, phys, bolt
508 +20 eTD
905 +5 ds +20 bolt
913 +10 ds +20 eTD
712 +25 ds +20sorcTD
DS: +20 +5 +10 +25= 50
bolt: +20 +20 = 40
ETD: +20 +20 = 40
SorcTD: +20 = 20
so effectively for me it is just a bit better than a 10x db item that I could use at the same time I was wearing a 10x db item.
No roundtime is experienced when "loading" the staff but normal cast time is applied for casting the spell when unloading. mana costs for spells that have variable costs for casting are the minimum, for example loading the staff w/ 1 cast of 712 costs 12 mana vice what it could cost a sorcerer to cast the spell on themselves.
03-21-2008, 02:04 PM
No one will buy from you unless you have Paypal or accept silvers, despite the win of your items.
Accept silvers at a rate of 1m = $9 for your items.
03-21-2008, 02:05 PM
You can't blame Bear for what happened. They didn't know a bunch of incredibly evil and I do mean evil greedy mortgage people will dupe so many people into getting shitty terms on their mortgages. Most of them being first time hard working immigrant home buyers who couldn't speak a lick of english.
Drunken Durfin
03-21-2008, 02:17 PM
Dibs on the gem chisel when this sale turns into a single item/paypal event.
03-21-2008, 02:32 PM
How much just to use your jewelery box, like, twice?
I got a few mage rechargables that needs perm-a-fying.
What is the exact padding of the ungodly plate. And what are you looking for (PM me). And I'll buy from you through western union as long as you give me a home address.
Lord Nelek
03-23-2008, 11:31 AM
The only question I have is ... Who are you?
So far you're an unknown poster with an unknown character. This screams scam to me.
Lord Nelek
03-23-2008, 11:32 AM
As far as calling dibs, I want that 12 setting ring.
03-23-2008, 11:34 AM
And I'll buy from you through western union as long as you give me a home address.
Lord Nelek
03-23-2008, 11:48 AM
I personally don't have a problem with the Western Union or USPS Money Order, as long as I know who I'm buying from.
I've requested payment in that form before because it's safer than Paypal.
03-23-2008, 12:10 PM
Red armor.. 5x full plate with +40 points damage padding
03-23-2008, 02:08 PM
All it takes is asking. The character name is Blueland.
The only question I have is ... Who are you?
So far you're an unknown poster with an unknown character. This screams scam to me.
If you have questions or need a reference on the seller (me) ask around or leave a post here.
03-23-2008, 02:11 PM
the plate has 40 points of damage padding.
And to all the posts wanting this or that.. no I am not selling as anything other than a whole of the list yet.
What is the exact padding of the ungodly plate. And what are you looking for (PM me). And I'll buy from you through western union as long as you give me a home address.
03-23-2008, 02:35 PM
sold pending transaction
03-23-2008, 02:40 PM
Congrats Tsin!
But really, who the fuck else buys that caliber of stuff in bulk?
Some Rogue
03-23-2008, 07:30 PM
Congrats Tsin!
But really, who the fuck else buys that caliber of stuff in bulk?
Guess you were right eh?
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